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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Hey it’s me    06/30/24  (37)
Biden couldn't be himself during debate; he had too many memorized lines (link)    06/30/24  (14)
Patrick Bet-David: I have almost $200 million in cash    06/30/24  (4)
Ricky has a “surrogate activities” section on his resume    06/30/24  (10)
lex how is ur libido    06/30/24  (17)
What are the French voting on? What is a snap election and why is turnout high?    06/30/24  (29)
"A Certain Dog Is Not Very Popular In This Neighborhood," The Realtor Winked    06/30/24  (2)
A Certain Dog Of Biden's Biting Secret Service Officers    06/30/24  (2)
best Japanese "castle city"?    06/30/24  (2)
Equal Rights. Equal Lefts.    06/30/24  (1)
This Video depicts the Average Birdshit XO Poaster    06/30/24  (1)
It just seems Wrong that the U.S. never annexed Canada    06/30/24  (11)
Disco Fries Here: OldHLSDude has an 8” inch girthy cock    06/30/24  (1)
Time to release the Trump N-word tape    06/30/24  (1)
Today's Doonesbury provides bleak look inside the Trump Campaign    06/30/24  (10)
message to SIMPS    06/30/24  (2)
has Biden cancelled his campaign yet?    06/30/24  (1)
Disco Fries here: OldHLSDude has pancreatic cancer    06/30/24  (1)
"protect the democracy" libs protesting democracy in France    06/30/24  (1)
NYT: In 2024, Chicken Tikka Masala Is On The Ballot    06/30/24  (1)
disco fries, realistically, you die on Teewinot unless you weigh under 225 lbs    06/30/24  (2)
OldHLSDude just texted me. He has a serious infection. Pls pray for him    06/30/24  (10)
Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David (NYT)    06/30/24  (29)
Operation Disco Drop    06/30/24  (4)
Japan’s First Same-Sex Dating Reality Show Aims to Change Hearts, Minds    06/30/24  (2)
Here's a snapshot of my life:    06/30/24  (10)
1054 was the worst year in the history of the universe    06/30/24  (1)
trump's golf swing is mesmerizing (link)    06/30/24  (17)
1 in 93 of you will die in a car accident    06/30/24  (1)
WaPo: Biden aides plotted debate strategy for months. Then it all collapsed.    06/30/24  (1)
Catholicism is just German Idealism now    06/30/24  (1)
D. J. MICHAEL. WATTS.    06/30/24  (1)
Ricky’s surprisingly earnest Harley Quinn/Mr Krabs fanfiction    06/30/24  (2)
Disco how did you prep for Teewinot today?    06/30/24  (6)
Ackman says Biden has Alzheimers - link    06/30/24  (1)
Just got power back. TBF - I am coming for you bro. Prepare.    06/30/24  (166)
Bill O’Reilly claiming Biden team has decided to drop out and will announce so    06/30/24  (22)
faggy Mexican accordion music blaring as you open a pepito tp white power thread    06/30/24  (33)
mr jinx mailing you 9x12 glossy nudes "because of coronavirus"    06/30/24  (17)
Elon Musk reacts to Biden news    06/30/24  (3)
What percent % do you trust your wife in social situations    06/30/24  (4)
Pilsner Urquell is my new beer    06/30/24  (3)
Jews and blacks are doing you a favor, you're just too dumb to see it    06/30/24  (8)
HYPO: Biden resigns. POTUS Kamala. Would GOP House rubber stamp VP Gavin?    06/30/24  (4)
Job update: still have my wfh sinecure    06/30/24  (10)
living among niggers and spics is no life at all    06/30/24  (25)
At what age will nyuug stop saying the same few boring things    06/30/24  (1)
Clitdick nyuug: no korean passport, refuses korean military service    06/30/24  (92)
Are there any findom suckers on this bort?    06/30/24  (3)
German idealism is over    06/30/24  (1)
Need $200.000,00k WFH sinecure to procure daily $18,00, 1300,00k calorie salads    06/30/24  (3)
libtarded CGWBT: "um, yeah, but like, what about social iq?"    06/30/24  (2)
Why is salt in milk gross but salted butter is 180?    06/30/24  (2)
Reminder: nyuug isn't a Korean citizen, only has US Passport    06/30/24  (90)
meals at american restaurants don’t have nearly enough protein    06/30/24  (4)
Lets say your rich: would you move back to your home country?    06/30/24  (24)
Israelis fear Iran and its proxies might try to exploit Biden’s weakness    06/30/24  (1)
Now South Korea is cracking - 245 new cases today    06/30/24  (83)
Claire Cumfart    06/30/24  (6)
Guy in first world country, president hasn't been impeached, sup    06/30/24  (60)
List of the oldest buildings in the United States    06/30/24  (3)
Funny that boner police turned into insane deranged correction tp    06/30/24  (12)
LUIS is apparently in LONDON right now...    06/30/24  (8)
Rate this extremely hot 21 year old Texas girl who is all in for BIDEN    06/30/24  (17)
NYT quietly removing all "Biden must drop out" stories    06/30/24  (79)
BIDEN CAN’T DEBATE how good our deals are at MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA!    06/30/24  (10)
BIDEN IS TOO OLD to not step into our #1 safety rated car at Marco Rubio Toyota    06/30/24  (3)
Video of Zelensky from 1989 just resurfaced    06/30/24  (1)
Here at Marco Rubio Toyota, 0% APR Financing will NOT be dropping out of the rac    06/30/24  (2)
Tranny in yoga pants next to me at gym is passable except for    06/30/24  (5)
Straight guys who are super into sucking girldick    06/30/24  (2)
unlike biden, every vehicle is FIT TO RUN at MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA    06/30/24  (5)
Seems like cons stopped talking border control    06/30/24  (2)
1300 calorie salad    06/30/24  (3)
lex was forced into a life he didn't wanted and rebelled with spectacular libido    06/30/24  (1)
might get laid off soon, cutting expenses, need a $200k+ WFH job asap    06/30/24  (4)
Do you know what you’re doing?    06/30/24  (10)
West Oak Forest Earthlodge Site (circa 1250 and 1400 Iowa)    06/30/24  (1)
Came in luis’s butt, he squealed like a pig then I slit his throat    06/30/24  (15)
I met a woman who appears to have staged a marriage, LMAO    06/30/24  (21)
I can't tell tbh, are oyt and cowgod best friends, enemies, or lovers?    06/30/24  (4)
Biden's not the only one who is SPEECHLESS at the prices at MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA    06/30/24  (1)
October Surprise: Donald J. Trump dies unexpectedly from massive heart attack    06/30/24  (8)
NYT Calls on the competition to DROP OUT and head over to Marco Rubio Toyota    06/30/24  (1)
Why is the U.S. Mint still maeking pennies @ a loss: 2.72 cents to produce each    06/30/24  (10)
In my red prefecture the dads say party secretary Biden has mandate of heaven    06/30/24  (2)
Ultra Orthodox - "we shouldn't serve in violent military" *violently riots*    06/30/24  (1)
Had 2 dicks in my asshole for the first time ever last night    06/30/24  (4)
Biden will announce he's not running for re-election at Dem Convention    06/30/24  (2)
How is Cape Breton Highlands National Park?    06/30/24  (1)
how life limiting is internet poasting    06/30/24  (11)
BREAKING: Rach to head to Tel Aviv to discuss the possibility of selling xo    06/30/24  (1)
Why Gulf of Mexico = Dead Zone compared to estuary of St. Lawrence    06/30/24  (1)
Need EPAH’s take on Halle Berry’s rating circa the Flintstones movie, TYIA.    06/30/24  (3)
Why is the U.S. mint still maeking penises @ a loss: 2.72 cents to produce each    06/30/24  (2)
Gonna be 180^180 when TRUMP wins electoral AND popular vote    06/30/24  (4)
Rep. Massie defies Israel; his wife dies suddenly    06/30/24  (11)
Are the "adobes" in North Central New Mexico all fake fraud reconstruction?    06/30/24  (1)
OYT how is your Hair doing    06/30/24  (15)
BREAKING: Biden to head to Camp David to discuss the possibility of dropping out    06/30/24  (66)
I am DROPPING OUT…from high prices at Marco Rubio Toyota!    06/30/24  (2)
What's going on with eithan haim fellow?    06/30/24  (1)
Every day I stray further from God.    06/30/24  (1)
My dogs bite government employees and I have a 6 handicap in golf    06/30/24  (3)
Phenotype is how many times you can mess up before getting squished like a bug    06/30/24  (2)
The female vagina looking exactly like the mouth of a snake tp    06/30/24  (4)
Single digit golf handicap should be a requirement to be POTUS    06/30/24  (1)
Sorry Trumpmos, Biden is an excellent golfer (link)    06/30/24  (2)
POLL of voters top 3 issues: (1) economy, (2) immigration (3) golf ability    06/30/24  (4)
Me & alzabo injecting IV Ketamine in an open cow pasture at 1:22am    06/30/24  (21)
Coke is 180    06/30/24  (24)
Outside the Campus Cafeteria, It Was Love at First Sight (NYT Wedding)    06/30/24  (1)
I bought 24 beers two days ago, only have 6 left    06/30/24  (22)
Iranians Say Elections Bring Little Change, So Why Vote? (NYT)    06/30/24  (1)
Zemmour: I am happy about the results even if this was a personal loss    06/30/24  (1)
Latin America is more cucked & shitlib than most Dem states in USA:    06/30/24  (13)
Nothing to See Here? White House Portrays Biden’s Debate Performance as a Blip    06/30/24  (2)
Reminder: Dems made a huge deal out of Reagan’s age and mental fitness in 1984    06/30/24  (4)
5’7 JD Vance: POTUS gets immunity, except Biden if future AG says so    06/30/24  (2)
Cons please react to the Keith Olberman tweet    06/30/24  (8)
Campbells to launch product line aimed at African Americans: Soup-er Predator    06/30/24  (1)
What options are there for small diesel trucks available in the US? @drunkard    06/30/24  (4)
Wife might be miscarrying. This sucks. Spotting the last two days    06/30/24  (31)
did they finally let Mig out of the psych ward? again?    06/30/24  (2)
As a poaster, I have a lot in common with Joe Biden.    06/30/24  (1)
brother, tell me the state of ur libido    06/30/24  (1)
Drunkard how do you adjust the idle on a 2015 Mazda 3?    06/30/24  (7)
Corsair RGB gaming seed oils    06/30/24  (4)
Trump now refusing next debate until Biden produces certificate of live death    06/30/24  (1)
Shitlib MPA is now masquerading as a trad cath conservative. I don't think so    06/30/24  (10)
I'll escape once Stitches has to take time to reload (Rudolph)    06/30/24  (182)
Anyone gonna be in Japan in October?    06/30/24  (5)
who tries hardest to convince ppl they're white: korean chicks, rsf, or thomas?    06/30/24  (1)
will trump's unspent campaign $$ roll over into his prison commissary account?    06/30/24  (2)
reptiles release snakes from don’t tread on me flags into public libraries (li    06/30/24  (3)
Board libs if you guys are nice we will get you good jerbs in the Trump Camps    06/30/24  (9)
I can't, my libido    06/30/24  (1)
alzabo works remotely    06/30/24  (27)
Visited an Episcopal service. Asked the priest about one of the icons mounted up    06/30/24  (14)
Regardless of whether Biden is replaced, libs will ballot harvest to a win    06/30/24  (5)
A 'sophist' was once a highly-respected teacher. Now the word is an insult.    06/30/24  (1)
Scumbags have so many extraneous Consoles    06/30/24  (4)
JJC in Auschwitz: "possible to get on top capo squad straight out of selection?"    06/30/24  (4)
Cash balance plans discuss    06/30/24  (3)
Why isn’t Trump running away with it on PredictIt?    06/30/24  (27)
Hillary Clinton cackles, arches her back, and spiderwalks into Dem convention    06/30/24  (75)
The West has fallen and you will fall with it, Goy    06/30/24  (8)
Do Dems think people don’t know Biden was reading teleprompter at NC rally?    06/30/24  (10)
Quinn Woodward Poo    06/30/24  (4)

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