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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
would be cool if Elites let us weigh in on next POTUS selection process somehow    07/01/24  (23)
Rakesh "Ricky" Patel owns a Red Roof Inn on Hwy 180    07/01/24  (49)
Wait KARMA SUSHI went under already?    07/01/24  (150)
Lawyer pay is so high, NBA stars are jealous (NYT)    07/01/24  (2)
Any new karma sushi reviews?    07/01/24  (52)
dnc airdropping 'i voted' stickers over downtown milwaukee    07/01/24  (1)
Full video of fighting banker released - link    07/01/24  (1)
Elie Mystic currently GOING OFF on Ralph Nader (link)    07/01/24  (2)
Biden’s Family Tells Him to Keep Fighting as They Huddle at Camp David (NYT)    07/01/24  (57)
*Martin Mull voice* at Red Roof Inn, only managers can open the shampoo dispense    07/01/24  (2)
***OFFICIAL US VS URUGUAY THREAD***    07/01/24  (1)
Have any of you guys stayed at a Red Roof Inn? Do you recommend?    07/01/24  (13)
disco fries is jewish?    07/01/24  (7)
Why hasn't a POTUS (of any nation-state) got drone-pwned to death yet?    07/01/24  (6)
wouldnt it be cool if Elites one day let us have a voice somehow picking leaders    07/01/24  (7)
Louisiana judge earns a [sic] from WaPo - link    07/01/24  (16)
Biden killed it tonight. Proved it was all just a cold during the debate.    07/01/24  (12)
Is MASE pronounced mayze or mahzé?    07/01/24  (14)
Board sucks. It’s just dumbass consuela ranting    07/01/24  (11)
No babe, Ricky is pretending to be Jewish. Consuela is sneakily hiding his jewis    07/01/24  (9)
why is jew (((consuela))) spreading anti-vax propaganda on this site?    07/01/24  (2)
I wish I'd never split from my rich university boyfriend 25 years ago    07/01/24  (38)
Consuela level schizo theory: they're letting cons win now to fuck them later    07/01/24  (12)
still amazes me how biased "our" supposedly objective, nonpartisan media is    07/01/24  (2)
faggot opinion tp    07/01/24  (1)
The Goy With the Dunkin Tattoo    07/01/24  (17)
🎵🎸 "T.N.D.! Oy. Oy. Oy"    07/01/24  (1)
Consuela's deep-seated dream career is to play queer matchmaker    07/01/24  (2)
Does gunnerattt always have a faggy opinion about everything    07/01/24  (60)
Someone describe the various xo "crews"    07/01/24  (63)
Why the fuck can’t wives understand Parmesan isn’t gonna go bad like that    07/01/24  (5)
gay sex is basically a form of mutilation    07/01/24  (1)
Why are Trumpmos confident because of the debate?    07/01/24  (22)
Marijuana is an insane drug    07/01/24  (32)
Should I cancel on contractors day befor They are to start 3 hour job?    07/01/24  (20)
Film critic Gene Shalit is still alive and is nearly 100    07/01/24  (4)
Drank a large Dunkin coffee. Tripping balls now.    07/01/24  (11)
NATO to establish new post in Kyiv    07/01/24  (3)
GC runs on Dunkin'    07/01/24  (3)
best part about being rich is dunking on the poor & stupid    07/01/24  (6)
The earth is flat, the vax causes cancer, and Dunkin Donuts are good investments    07/01/24  (8)
DUNKIN | AMERICAN SPIRIT | DELTA 8    07/01/24  (3)
Do they put crack in Dunkin coffee?    07/01/24  (14)
Why is Dunkin’ Donuts coffee so good?    07/01/24  (51)
The Coast Guard used to be called the 'United States Life-Saving Service'    07/01/24  (1)
Dunkin Donuts is the #1 best GC franchise ime    07/01/24  (35)
Libs entire world came crashing down last week    07/01/24  (6)
Wife told me she got gangbanged in college    07/01/24  (52)
oyt taking cowgod to work, letting him feel like an Engineer for a day    07/01/24  (12)
Hush little baby don't say a word..    07/01/24  (1)
Fentanyl OD is looking more and more delicious 😋    07/01/24  (3)
xo poster flips out at Dunkin Donuts worker during side hustle (video)    07/01/24  (1)
Ljl at most XO lawyers thinking they've actually or "worked" or "work"    07/01/24  (9)
Spaceporn just noticed my deposition. August 22    07/01/24  (4)
just bought a golf bag for the range    07/01/24  (87)
Supacel on Netflix is 180. Kinda like Heroes meets Top Boy    07/01/24  (3)
White Nebraska man shoots 7 Guatemalan immigrant "neighbors"    07/01/24  (1)
latest poll has Trump up in NH    07/01/24  (3)
How will the Chevron decision affect the country    07/01/24  (30)
people with German DNA are psychotic    07/01/24  (3)
name 10 Jewish poasters    07/01/24  (9)
They're giving Biden free national prime air time to assail his election opponen    07/01/24  (12)
ITT Karen ranks her top 10 abortions    07/01/24  (1)
Don’t let them memoryhole that the 2020 election was blatantly stolen    07/01/24  (20)
Biden really went down in flames    07/01/24  (1)
Can someone recommend a good ACOG for AR15?    07/01/24  (1)
He had a Nazi tattoo on his leg. The Russian army fixed it.    07/01/24  (3)
Remember when PIECE OF SCUM Republicans cried about activist judges?    07/01/24  (10)
wait so ,.,,,,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,....,.
,.,.,.,. aka correction tp is jewish irl
   07/01/24  (8)
ASMR but it's karen tp screaming rachel maddow monologues at u    07/01/24  (1)
paralegals gurmit and christian are helping Cslg draft a response re karma sushi    07/01/24  (1)
Reminder: nyuug isn't a Korean citizen, only has US Passport    07/01/24  (94)
DANANG is the best Foodie City on planet Earth    07/01/24  (56)
Mavs get Klay, if they can get a solid big Luka is back in Finals    07/01/24  (1)
RATE Model/Influencer GF Of #12 Seed Tommy Paul (PIC)S #tennis    07/01/24  (1)
Is there anything more embarrassing and shameful than being a sexpat?    07/01/24  (75)
wife's unmarried rich uncle made her executor of his estate    07/01/24  (30)
Now South Korea is cracking - 245 new cases today    07/01/24  (85)
correction tp is a closet lib    07/01/24  (8)
Biden is now the ORANGE MAN    07/01/24  (7)
Who wore it better, Orange Makeup.    07/01/24  (1)
Trump is YSSFM that Biden stole his look    07/01/24  (4)
Russia is Running Out of EVERYTHING (Planes, Ships, Soldiers, Tanks...    07/01/24  (8)
knock knock, who's there? orange, orange who?    07/01/24  (1)
Guy in first world country, president hasn't been impeached, sup    07/01/24  (66)
i really enjoy being friends with you guys    07/01/24  (6)
HOLY SHIT BIDEN IS ORANGE    07/01/24  (4)
So paranoia is just Schizophrenia-light?    07/01/24  (2)
What will the Trumpian concentration camps look like?    07/01/24  (1)
***WTF*** Why is Biden more orange than Trump today?    07/01/24  (5)
Update:French socialists to drop out of 2nd round to help Macron regain majority    07/01/24  (41)
Biden is completely done here    07/01/24  (1)
I think I'm going to become a Disney adult, cr?    07/01/24  (2)
do you think CSLG is a genuinely bad person?    07/01/24  (24)
Heterosexuality is homosexuality by other means    07/01/24  (1)
Just signed up to have my mail in ballot from swing state sent to NYC    07/01/24  (2)
Biden address moved from normal hall so he wont be seen walking too much    07/01/24  (1)
Did any religion have "good for its own sake" before Christianity?    07/01/24  (6)
Rare FizzKidd political opinion: Biden will win in 2024 (FizzKidd)    07/01/24  (25)
cowgod in Engineer cap & onesie, riding choo choo train, holding oyt's hand    07/01/24  (6)
Ukrainian MAGA congresswoman arrested with gun at Dulles Airport    07/01/24  (12)
So Biden, who doesn't know when to quit, is going to pull a Ginsburg?    07/01/24  (1)
OYT, how do I become a Philosopher-Engineer?    07/01/24  (8)
LOL at the front page of /r/politics this morning    07/01/24  (12)
Gaza aid orgs loot abandoned LA-area sushi restaurant    07/01/24  (6)
XO turkey commits actual pogrom against syrian rapefugees:    07/01/24  (3)
Pooping rn...pretending I'm paralegal mohamad's wife's uncle    07/01/24  (1)
People forget that G. Gordon Liddy was a real practicing lawyer at DOJ    07/01/24  (2)
i wish i wasnt so dumb. im real dumb    07/01/24  (2)
Why is Biden speaking about the Trump decision tonight?    07/01/24  (9)
/r/politics is astonishing    07/01/24  (12)
Private call with top national DNC members promoted Biden, allowed no questions    07/01/24  (17)
America sucks hard, and we should never forgive her for what she did to Europe,    07/01/24  (7)
Pic of Clint Eastwood mogging on Paul Newman    07/01/24  (2)
Important excerpt from Bob Woodward’s Deep Throat article    07/01/24  (3)
sexualizing psycho karen tp tp    07/01/24  (6)
Board is unreadable today    07/01/24  (3)
Disco Fries should be CSLG's chauffeur/mechanic.    07/01/24  (1)
Brake fluid comingling with dipping sauce for Disco Fries" tempura bon-bons    07/01/24  (1)
CSLG isn't a bad guy imo.    07/01/24  (37)
Karlstack crew report in this thread    07/01/24  (10)
2024 Disco Fries poasting pics of open sushi takeout containers on oily pavement    07/01/24  (1)
*6'4 man starts posting here* *bitch bois go Jan 6 shit-smearing insane*    07/01/24  (1)
Chinese phone book full of Wang    07/01/24  (1)
TSINAH dancing on Karma Sushi's grave like the Yungeen Ace vid about Foolio    07/01/24  (4)
lex tp, i broke up with my zoomer art ho gf.    07/01/24  (2)
Boom, chewing a PrEP and a Cialis, wheeling into the tranny bar    07/01/24  (1)
How mad are libs this week? Been a tough stretch.    07/01/24  (4)
"Hey guys look! I'm boner police, I mean correction tp! xo is my life"    07/01/24  (5)
Juan Eighty crew get ITT    07/01/24  (6)
correction tp = a jewish pedophile. don't engage.    07/01/24  (60)
"Hey guys look! I'm correction tp!" *facial features become downs syndrome*    07/01/24  (17)
I’m running the XO Teewinot Crew    07/01/24  (2)
Met CSLG in Kyoto today    07/01/24  (8)
Gunnerat’s “crew” is a mentally ill tranny and Guy who got cucked by the b    07/01/24  (13)
Which XO Crew am I in    07/01/24  (8)
Gastropubs with an item called “The Burger” on their menu    07/01/24  (98)
ZZZ is retarded and probably deserved whatever CSLG did or didn’t do    07/01/24  (9)
but at what cost    07/01/24  (3)
is a wordpress site sufficient for a lawyer or should I spring for custom bs?    07/01/24  (6)
Someone describe the various XO “jews”    07/01/24  (1)
"Don't go to law school, guys!" *poasts 2.7 million in Net Worth thread*    07/01/24  (18)
"mmm, yeah, the bro clique..." groaned luis as spack's cock entered him    07/01/24  (18)
Me, a lawyer, to lib female: "technically the President can now rape with impugn    07/01/24  (2)
It’s funny how lawyers think law is rigorous    07/01/24  (2)
So lawyers think medicine is easy, doctors think lawyers are dumb    07/01/24  (11)
what do lawyers think of sales bros?    07/01/24  (3)
the dagestani donnie darko    07/01/24  (9)

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