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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
who so many divorce lawyers but so few marriage lawyers?    07/02/24  (4)
he shall take care that the lawyers be faithfully executed    07/02/24  (3)
The wave of lawyers born in the 1990s starts next year.    07/02/24  (9)
Trump negotiates with the Taliban    07/02/24  (7)
lol whok is going OFF rn. TTTT lawyers blown the fuck out 180    07/02/24  (4)
Ivanka Trump on Lex Fridman podcast    07/02/24  (7)
Lawyers basically pretend to be helpful like doctors but they're just scumbags    07/02/24  (7)
Lifelong CIA ass-et Pete Buttigieg is resurfacing as a viable candidate?    07/02/24  (5)
CNN: Harris Fails Hillary’s Gom Jabbar Test    07/02/24  (1)
There's no way Joe Biden isn't shitting his pants daily    07/02/24  (2)
Will KamalaSexyFine tp start posting again when zhe's president?    07/02/24  (3)
When nyuug dies what will the government do with his body?    07/02/24  (1)
Does South Korea have any tourist attractions?    07/02/24  (6)
You stupid nigger lawyers better go to bed so you can save the world tomorrow    07/02/24  (3)
Are Lawyers better problem solvers than engineers?    07/02/24  (6)
Lawyers are absolute fucking scum.    07/02/24  (12)
Will lawyers be able to cross-invest in firms to get dat pass through rate?    07/02/24  (4)
If you slice a Ukrainian in half    07/02/24  (1)
I don’t make enough money and I am epically poor and my family is suffering    07/02/24  (14)
Whoa, the Gospels are a commentary on lawyers being scum.    07/02/24  (6)
Holy Shit, Biden drops below 50% on PredictIt now....    07/02/24  (7)
Hilarious that there isn't one likable, normal Democratic candidate replacement    07/02/24  (1)
Can we ban whok? There’s more important shit going on than lawyers being scum    07/02/24  (20)
it's pretty grotesque that 40+ year olds poast here tbh    07/02/24  (40)
Once the autistic lawyers began destroying the cell towers, armed to the hilt    07/02/24  (2)
Crim def bros are lawyers but they care about their clients and the law generall    07/02/24  (2)
Leaked WH Neurologist Report: 'Load-Bearing Slash' in Biden's Brain Has Collapse    07/02/24  (4)
do "good people" tend to run scammy PI operations?    07/02/24  (5)
Biden down to 14% on polymarket    07/02/24  (1)
*Rat-faced lib in Trumpschwitz sneering "Gruel AGAIN? On Ashley Babbit Day"?    07/02/24  (3)
Most of you biglawyers bitching about law have never had a real job before    07/02/24  (3)
Who do defense lawyers blame in Nigeria where all parties are black?    07/02/24  (5)
New Sam Harris episode: Anti-Zionism is Anti-semitism    07/02/24  (7)
Tom Hanks's Son Spawned "White Boy Summer", a Hateful Meme Online    07/02/24  (1)
Any of you biglawyers been a rainmaker partners' consistent right hand? Describe    07/02/24  (3)
Steve Bannon is a genius    07/02/24  (19)
"Even my wife's pussy?" CSLG asked the repo man. "No, that has no value"    07/02/24  (5)
AutoAdmit: Load-Bearing Slash Shrew GF: Bear Load in Gash    07/02/24  (1)
So XO is 0 for 3 on opening restaurants    07/02/24  (45)
Everyone is surprised at how tight it is, Dana Bash said    07/02/24  (28)
JD Vance driving the Arkansas Chugabug in presidential motorcade    07/02/24  (2)
Being Pro-Israel = being Anti-America    07/02/24  (4)
Biden sounded just as bad in his last sit down interview    07/02/24  (2)
Harris will run for President with Whitmer as VP    07/02/24  (2)
Rare FizzKidd political opinion: Biden will win in 2024 (FizzKidd)    07/02/24  (26)
Can someone help resolve this genetic mystery?    07/02/24  (1)
Rate my REVISED 180 Gorgeous CHINA Itinerary    07/02/24  (41)
If CSLG was a good person he would have gotten benzo a job a long time ago    07/02/24  (56)
XO's Actual Hatred Of Other Poasters Is Seriously Mentally Ill & Feminine    07/02/24  (13)
SCOTUS just ruled that Biden can order Seal Team 6 to kill conservative justices    07/02/24  (7)
Ackshually, the McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit was fair if you learn the details.    07/02/24  (9)
Owen Benjamin responds to the groypers    07/02/24  (11)
if these DEM INTERNAL POLL LEAK numbers are accurate they will replace Biden    07/02/24  (22)
Wow Kamala nominee odds skyrocketing on PredictIt    07/02/24  (39)
do you think CSLG is a genuinely bad person?    07/02/24  (112)
Old man update: just bought two bucket hats for running    07/02/24  (22)
I can't believe some do weed in adulthood    07/02/24  (3)
BIDEN: "Look Man, I'm old but I'm not Karma Sushi. This campaign is kicking"    07/02/24  (5)
Turkiye Turkey, Austria raus. Austria raus. Austria raus.    07/02/24  (1)
Jill "Lady Macbeth" Biden    07/02/24  (1)
Every single animal documentary is ruined by obviously fake sound effects    07/02/24  (1)
SUMMON: Election law scholars    07/02/24  (2)
Pay for Lawyers is So High People Are Comparing It to the N.B.A. (NYT)    07/02/24  (66)
🚨 🚨 New Jewish war crime just dropped 🚨 🚨    07/02/24  (97)
bloodacre defending clsg is lmao pathetic    07/02/24  (22)
The concept of “fun” is total flame. Only exists for women and children    07/02/24  (2)
going to paris this summer, taking Qs    07/02/24  (12)
Summon TSINAH and computer nerds    07/02/24  (1)
Should I cancel on contractors day befor They are to start 3 hour job?    07/02/24  (47)
Guy in first world country, president hasn't been impeached, sup    07/02/24  (69)
Biden plummetting in battleground polls - link    07/02/24  (21)
🚨🚨🚨SHUT THE FUCK UP TDNW🚨🚨🚨    07/02/24  (1)
so when Jews try to run a non-scam business they fail miserably?    07/02/24  (1)
nyuug in 2019: "guy who lives in a first world fallout shelter here, sup"    07/02/24  (41)
Coronavirus TARGETS NOWAGS <><><><>
   07/02/24  (11)
currently pounding beers at a mexican bar waiting for    07/02/24  (3)
If it's KAMALA - who is the white male VP to balance the ticket?    07/02/24  (7)
Eat steak, drink beer, watch football, get a blowjob, take a dump    07/02/24  (1)
"Guy from a *cough* first world *cough cough* country...he--*gurgles* *dies*    07/02/24  (26)
πŸ–• bitch bois πŸ–•    07/02/24  (9)
"ISRAEL IS NOT COMMITTING WAR CRIMES" CNN's jewish commentator declared    07/02/24  (2)
CNN's ratings are absolute trash, turns out ppl don't like jewish propaganda    07/02/24  (1)
Primus seems like a 180 band    07/02/24  (2)
Wait KARMA SUSHI went under already?    07/02/24  (188)
Marijuana is an insane drug    07/02/24  (37)
Jew Billionaires scam society -> accumulate wealth -> manipulate US politics ->    07/02/24  (3)
healthcucks absolutely blown out by UG Krishnamurti    07/02/24  (13)
Tommy t are u familiar with Jiddu Krishnamurti at all. he seems chill    07/02/24  (13)
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Happy 4th of July Everyone! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ    07/02/24  (1)
Are there any poasters left who still haven’t escaped BIGLAW?    07/02/24  (3)
Rate this fat prole who just flys around on his paraglider walmart scooter    07/02/24  (1)
Lib pumos should all be raped and murdered in front of their parents    07/02/24  (4)
🚨 Bernie Sanders suspends his presidential campaign 🚨    07/02/24  (54)
wife made a fucking mess snapping spaghetti noodles in half before boiling    07/02/24  (28)
almost like billions of dollars of jewish money in politics has caused strife    07/02/24  (1)
Catholics why not rise up against your papal dictator    07/02/24  (1)
India is an open-air latrine, not a country    07/02/24  (2)
can’t use co-op’s keyboard entry on the Sabbath. entitled to a side door key    07/02/24  (1)
Update:French socialists to drop out of 2nd round to help Macron regain majority    07/02/24  (48)
Lab Friend Did Undergrad At DePauw    07/02/24  (3)
Trump on Epstein logs    07/02/24  (5)
Lab President using pawdon power    07/02/24  (3)
Lab President Abusing His Treaty Power    07/02/24  (4)
Lab President begging for your vote    07/02/24  (2)
Lab President enjoys shaking hands with foreign leaders    07/02/24  (3)
Do you REALLY want a right wing facist dictatorial regime in America?    07/02/24  (5)
Poll: Michelle HUSSEIN Obama leads Trump by 11 - link    07/02/24  (4)
The small-souled man falls short    07/02/24  (1)
Need to hire a PI to get eyes on somebody. Who should I contact?    07/02/24  (3)
Trumpmo here but please god let Biden win somehow    07/02/24  (1)
Harris has moved significantly ahead of Newsom in betting markets. Why?    07/02/24  (5)
People on twitter are saying Biden's name can't be changed on WI ballot now    07/02/24  (4)
SCOTUS decides APA SOL accrues from date of injury, not action; libs irate    07/02/24  (12)
Lab President Relieving Himself On Stage During D-Day Event    07/02/24  (1)
"And now over to John King for an update on sites your future wife blew Chad."    07/02/24  (102)
being a jewish pedophile is NEVER OK    07/02/24  (1)
How dumb are the jurors in the Karen Read trial? She's clearly being framed    07/02/24  (11)
Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome    07/02/24  (10)
Pibb President investigates reports of Coke in the White House    07/02/24  (2)
Obama slipping quarters into Pizza Hut TMNT game. Michelle texts "where pizza at    07/02/24  (154)
i could've sworn Biden came in 4th in Iowa, 5th in NH why is he potus    07/02/24  (28)
Biden's path to victory: 1. 4th in IA 2. 5th in NH 3. Live in a bunker for 8 mos    07/02/24  (12)
Lab President Reportedly Sniffed Nancy Pelosi's Panties (NYT)    07/02/24  (1)
Bib President covered in drool during debate    07/02/24  (1)
Hilarious that antisemites have to pretend i'm actually a bad poster.    07/02/24  (1)
If you've never called a black guy a NIGGER to his face you haven't really lived    07/02/24  (11)
Lab President Got 3 Year Rabies Booster, Now Has Presidential Immunity    07/02/24  (1)
Unless you have a long commute listening to podcasts seems lame as fuck    07/02/24  (4)
Lab President Loves Peeing All Over White House Rose Garden    07/02/24  (1)
Steve Bannon for president    07/02/24  (2)
Apparently the board jewish pedophile/TUFTS grad has a bond with NYUUG    07/02/24  (2)
Has NYUUG posted since I absolutely wrecked him yesterday???    07/02/24  (3)
is FL Home Insurance as disastrous as it sounds right now?    07/02/24  (1)
xo: the internet's volume leader in 102IQ wordplay    07/02/24  (10)
Lab President Has Great Relationship With The Blue Dog Democrats    07/02/24  (1)
We now know why the WH fought so hard to keep the special counsel interview vide    07/02/24  (1)
A Certain Dog Of Biden's Biting Secret Service Officers    07/02/24  (4)
Lab President facing pressure to resign after turning 10, acting senile    07/02/24  (4)
The Decline and Fall of the CLSG Empire    07/02/24  (2)
Libs: Trans must be seen, heard, and respected! Also libs: STOP THINKING ABOUT T    07/02/24  (6)
Libs have redefined "sensible immigration policies" as "fascist"    07/02/24  (4)
Judge Merchan sets Trump’s sentencing for September 18th    07/02/24  (15)
Mike Fart (born Michael Flatulence) is an Italian-American right wing pundit    07/02/24  (8)
Crazy thing is INDIA is actually gonna become SUPERPOWER    07/02/24  (22)
Trump hates pro-lifers, why?    07/02/24  (1)
Can’t we all just get along?    07/02/24  (1)
Lab friend chasing the Democratic car-cus    07/02/24  (2)
Lob Friend Doing Everything To Avoid Poles    07/02/24  (1)

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