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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
it seems like “!=“ would more intuitively mean “emphatically equals”    07/10/24  (2)
does anyone pay a local "teen" to mow their lawn    07/10/24  (1)
Justice Kagan sexually grooming Justice Barrett - link    07/10/24  (8)
Adventures In Facesitting    07/10/24  (3)
"Nursing" seems like an easy cash cow for children to get..what else?    07/10/24  (1)
90% romance novels/women's fantasies about rape, but i should feel guilty about    07/10/24  (5)
JMIA still has a chance to be a moonshot    07/10/24  (29)
Shit is all done backwards in america    07/10/24  (1)
JMIA....LJL    07/10/24  (7)
At university DEI exercise, had to pick 5 ppl for spacecraft after apocalypse    07/10/24  (26)
Out here in Europe right now. Ballin. Might drop a check at the Pepe Jeans store    07/10/24  (2)
Could've had it all all along...ahhhh    07/10/24  (1)
sun belt football media days (july 23-24) *official thread*    07/10/24  (5)
Everything is fucked and it is too late    07/10/24  (2)
Every retard gets to make it now while we get further behind    07/10/24  (1)
Boomers planning to freeze themselves and their $$ for future revival    07/10/24  (7)
If CHINA isn't the most SUCCESSFUL country today then who is?    07/10/24  (7)
OYT: $JMIA loves you, my friend    07/10/24  (55)
Germans Selling Chinese Junk to Africans (JMIA)    07/10/24  (1)
the fuck is everyone working out and training for in a service economy lolll    07/10/24  (15)
proles cannot grasp the concept that middle class != middle income    07/10/24  (10)
Rate this video of the IDF blowing up a school as kids play soccer (link)    07/10/24  (10)
have you and your current wife/gf ever had a lengthy break and get back together    07/10/24  (3)
George Clooney: Biden is a retard in private too - link    07/10/24  (11)
Kinda weird that the Hercule Poirot character had mass appeal    07/10/24  (7)
What are the Clique differences of Yanks/Mets, Jets/Giants, Lakers/Clippers fans    07/10/24  (24)
enough is enough    07/10/24  (1)
Asian Wife Simulator 2K24    07/10/24  (1)
Getting really good @ this game about being an androgynous demon conquering Hell    07/10/24  (2)
either a) be poor, b) work stressful job, c) hit the lotto with some solo scam    07/10/24  (5)
🚨Biden will drop out after the RNC🚨    07/10/24  (6)
they should make a complex strategy video game about ZOG    07/10/24  (5)
Rating poasters as fictitious linkedin updates    07/10/24  (221)
Have any of you bros who were single, 40+ actually found a wife?    07/10/24  (86)
Is asking a friend to pick you up from the airport a dick move?    07/10/24  (10)
Please enjoy your lives! Please friends! A sick jew or boomer will do u like thi    07/10/24  (3)
None of this is adding up..things are way out of place    07/10/24  (1)
Where’s the original “IT’S RYAN EVERYBODY” poast?    07/10/24  (5)
most of your arguments are with bots    07/10/24  (1)
my patience is growing very thin irl    07/10/24  (3)
Business school in Vietnam implements 5'4 MINIMUM HEIGHT requirement    07/10/24  (2)
Rate these pics from gorgeous 180 XO Xinjiang    07/10/24  (9)
Djoker MAF, Shits On Rune Fans For Booing Him (VID) #tennis    07/10/24  (2)
Freddie Prinze Jr. on working with Kiefer Sutherland    07/10/24  (1)
the spiritual baldness of this place is like a great wound in the collective unc    07/10/24  (10)
everything makes sense when u realize it's all a mass masonic humiliation ritual    07/10/24  (8)
asian poaster squirts every time he poasts    07/10/24  (2)
elections are satanic humiliation rituals    07/10/24  (11)
Modern 'democracy' is actually a very cynical (but hilarious) humiliation ritual    07/10/24  (3)
grrr, gamerz!    07/10/24  (5)
whats the worst humiliation ritual you went through?    07/10/24  (1)
asian wife squirts every time I fuck her now    07/10/24  (22)
i dont think i can handle any more humiliation rituals guys    07/10/24  (1)
Spaceporn playing "Ryan's World" with his son (link)    07/10/24  (1)
asian wife "squirting" (piss) all over you is just a humiliation ritual    07/10/24  (1)
new humiliation ritual just dropped    07/10/24  (1)
I'm surfing online    07/10/24  (1)
Home Gym Bros: Recs For Power Cage / What To Look For    07/10/24  (55)
*David Attenborough voice* "The betas must be cautious. Someone else has his eye    07/10/24  (47)
Future archeologist discovers RHCP lyrics "This society celebrated retardation"    07/10/24  (4)
at what age do you pretty much become incapable of "love"?    07/10/24  (12)
So many humiliation rituals. It's all humiliation rituals.    07/10/24  (3)
Biden has a MUCH better narrative now than he did 3 weeks ago    07/10/24  (21)
Found a pic of 4 XO Poasters with TBF    07/10/24  (1)
remember when mitt romney 'saved the olympics' and never stopped mentioning it?    07/10/24  (4)
NBC interviews Parkinson's expert who BURIES Biden. lol.    07/10/24  (28)
do blind people get tattoos?    07/10/24  (5)
Do the Lord of the Rings movies hold up?    07/10/24  (20)
Jerome Powell has said the same shit every time for past 2 years. Wtf is the poi    07/10/24  (1)
"Ritter" from "Clear and Present Danger" is 180 - video    07/10/24  (1)
Tobey Maguire, 49, is dating this perfect little Asian slut (20 yo) unghhh    07/10/24  (86)
without London, UK's average living standard would be poorer than every state    07/10/24  (6)
A day in the life of Joe Biden's America.    07/10/24  (198)
Coast Guard vs. Air Force?    07/10/24  (6)
Hegemon training log    07/10/24  (12)
you jinxed the server    07/10/24  (1)
i love 'games' and 'gaming', bro. btw i'm 35.    07/10/24  (17)
I haven't spoken to FizzKidd in months and my life is better for it    07/10/24  (12)
The persecution of Gamers has to stop. This is a Genocide.    07/10/24  (2)
If Biden ain't out by the end of the week he's in it to the end.    07/10/24  (15)
where tf is crazy pills tp?    07/10/24  (1)
would love to drown someone today    07/10/24  (1)
shut up and take my money    07/10/24  (1)
do blind people get boners?    07/10/24  (1)
Hey lads, is Dune Messiah worth a gander?    07/10/24  (4)
Mitt Romney, knife clenched between teeth, saving the Olympics    07/10/24  (3)
I found this old life insurance policy from wifes deceased grandfather    07/10/24  (10)
SoFi Stadium | Crypto.com Arena | Intuit Dome    07/10/24  (3)
Nov 7: Nate Silver sucking cock at Port Authority for bus fare    07/10/24  (190)
NATO: Russia has limitless ammo for all intents and purposes    07/10/24  (1)
Bibi describing Hamas as "dialectical partner"    07/10/24  (1)
rate these totally non mongrel russian soldiers saving Ukraine (pic)    07/10/24  (1)
One of the things that makes me the most sad about October 7    07/10/24  (1)
what are the best arguments IN FAVOR of globalism?    07/10/24  (53)
something happened to film around the release of '300' things got super shit    07/10/24  (1)
why did movies and music etc just fall off a cliff the past 10-12 years or so    07/10/24  (8)
ITT - describe the shit you doodled in your school notebooks in 5th-6th grade    07/10/24  (6)
donating the max to the DNC and my local antifa cell to defeat Project 2025    07/10/24  (2)
Tubi is amazing. Has GC been defeated?    07/10/24  (11)
Ben Affleck’s non-trans daughter may be even more mentally ill    07/10/24  (2)
skibidi goylet    07/10/24  (2)
Seperation of Church and state protocols should be applied to DEI too    07/10/24  (1)
consolefags should stop calling themselves gaymers. that's OUR term.    07/10/24  (1)
Spent about $10k on backyard revamp so far. Will probably need another $10kish    07/10/24  (36)
OYT vs Cowshit Net Worth Race (JMIA vs GME)    07/10/24  (20)
Just a chill improbable bordering on impossible $1600000k 401k balance    07/10/24  (31)
Gladiator II trailer just dropped. The movie looks terrible    07/10/24  (39)
skibidi boilet    07/10/24  (7)
Will hit 40 million NW by year end (CSLG)    07/10/24  (38)
it's horrific what's been done to this country    07/10/24  (2)
MASE, thoughts on the Not Like Us video?    07/10/24  (4)
the whole 'golden age of television' thing is overblown    07/10/24  (34)
Home Gym Bros... Buying An Elliptical Trainer: Are Cheap Ones Shit?    07/10/24  (65)
If the Mississippi River were a lake, it would be right behind the great lakes    07/10/24  (4)
therapist rated my outlook as my "worst cope yet"    07/10/24  (4)
"we sell B2B, B2C, C2C, A2M, you name it"    07/10/24  (1)
MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA wants YOU to be first in succession to a NEW HIGHLANDER    07/10/24  (15)
Trump teases Rubio as VP - link    07/10/24  (12)
I’m a gamer boy, in a gaming world    07/10/24  (1)
ditched all of my "gamer" friends and my life has improved drastically    07/10/24  (2)
his and hers gaming chairs for christmas?    07/10/24  (2)
wired screen mother    07/10/24  (1)
Sotomayor’s US Marshal shoots good keed attempting to carjack outside her home    07/10/24  (58)
I wish the Mountains of Madness were a real place.    07/10/24  (3)
AutoAdmit, California. “The city of homosexuals.”    07/10/24  (11)
bro, i'm 'streaming' a 'game' right now! check it out!    07/10/24  (3)
man, what ever happened to Rampart tp    07/10/24  (7)
Daily Mail: “Barron is already laying the groundwork to become God Emperor”    07/10/24  (22)
12yo you, seeing you now & fighting back tears- "why doesnt he fight back"    07/10/24  (272)
"Hi. I'm Whok. I'm a fat asshole." (whok)    07/10/24  (2)
this working shit makes me want to fucking die    07/10/24  (1)
Still can't believe whokebe and b00r became doctors    07/10/24  (3)
"and she dated a bald homosexual!" (tsinah zinging ex at annual 7/4 "hog roast")    07/10/24  (16)
gay porn faget animeboi tp ruins threads with his dumb . bump    07/10/24  (3)
*cue Day of the Dead (1985) Main Theme as MPA tp’s fat penis flops around wild    07/10/24  (5)
Despite all his rage SP can't fit his cock in a cage    07/10/24  (3)
Thanks for poasting! How likely are you to recommend xo to a friend?    07/10/24  (20)
Taylor swift has like 18 months to go of relevance.    07/10/24  (17)
So Trumpkins only hope left is a conspiracy theory that Biden will be 'removed'?    07/10/24  (2)
good morning    07/10/24  (2)
Whok GTFIH and drop a hot take on the Klay Thompson to Mavs deal    07/10/24  (2)
BALD LAWYER assaults protestors in NYC!    07/10/24  (3)
Gamepass price raised to $19.99 a month    07/10/24  (4)
Scholarship began befriending your cats and dogs at 1:12 am    07/10/24  (9)
Trump is going to drop a video with Bryson tomorrow. I know the result    07/10/24  (13)
Trump politicizing the Fed reserve will do 100x more damage than open borders    07/10/24  (36)
No, I can't come to bed. Bring me a Reign. Scholarship tp just logged on.    07/10/24  (4)
Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's, had an 11 inch penis    07/10/24  (19)
Here's a pic of TommyT, jag, ggtp, tbf, and luis    07/10/24  (11)

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