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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
The Turd Reich    07/28/24  (3)
xo's golden age: deranged gook 'sonic youth' screeding abt raping white children    07/28/24  (2)
Bbooom is a bald layabout, never worked, welfare cheat, basically a nig    07/28/24  (2)
Would *you* have sex with this non-profit lawyer woman?    07/28/24  (2)
Every traditionalist xoxoer is a caricature of JD Vance    07/28/24  (3)
Legitimately smart people used to poast here.    07/28/24  (27)
"This is really shitty." -- the Devil shouting over 'Dead & Bloated' in Hell    07/28/24  (127)
Found a Mongolian Sushi place near me, crowdfunding donations    07/28/24  (17)
There's not really anywhere to run. As goes America, so goes the world    07/28/24  (5)
Vote for the candidate who can most believably read the Independence Day speech    07/28/24  (5)
Bbooom has never worked a day in his life    07/28/24  (2)
Legitimately gay people continue to poast here.    07/28/24  (1)
All a bunch of low level small minded stuff    07/28/24  (1)
Everything is easy/simple..also stop buying scams lol@wanting "jobs"    07/28/24  (1)
Southern blacks' practice of eating dirt shows signs of waning (NYT, 1984)    07/28/24  (5)
When the Hillbilly Began to Hate    07/28/24  (3)
Vance's MN speech was fire: 'pack your fucking bags, brown people. you're done.'    07/28/24  (3)
'Dark' JD Vance shooting his own brown kids like Keyser Soze in Usual Suspects    07/28/24  (1)
Western Euro Birdshits colonized world, now it's happening to them they BIG mad    07/28/24  (19)
I hate my wife with the fire of 1,000 suns    07/28/24  (5)
she hates her life, she hates her skin, she even hates her friends    07/28/24  (2)
So everyone who thought Trump would win in 2020 thinks he will lose now?    07/28/24  (25)
Scientists are still studying the long-term health effects of smoke exposure.    07/28/24  (2)
My wife: you can fuck me but I'm really tired and need to sleep    07/28/24  (8)
So black people eat corn starch now? Libs?    07/28/24  (62)
*bzzz* xo text notification: new low-IQ jewish obfuscation just dropped    07/28/24  (1)
Harvard-grad Joy Reid's home smoke detector happily chirping away (video)    07/28/24  (5)
Do all biglawyers end up rich and happy?    07/28/24  (4)
JD Vance enters DNC to Diet Mountain Dew by Lana Del Rey    07/28/24  (1)
JD Vance pissing Mountain Dew down your hideous Gook Heeb faces    07/28/24  (3)
Olympics triathlon training CANCELLED b/c river is TOO POLLUTED    07/28/24  (1)
Will lawyers even exist in 50 years?    07/28/24  (15)
you guys are balls-out retarded    07/28/24  (3)
Imagine how different society would be if cum had a strong odor    07/28/24  (12)
when is scary smart EPAH gonna show up to drop another Rachel Maddow level take?    07/28/24  (3)
How do you Travel? Buy plane Tickets?    07/28/24  (1)
hold on babe, a 50y/o retarded gook made another 'no smart posters left' thread    07/28/24  (2)
Any ideas on how to lower real estate prices?    07/28/24  (70)
Joanna, why are they mentally all-in on this?    07/28/24  (1)
From racism to Christian nationalism, how the right pivoted    07/28/24  (3)
Kamala hired 71 staffers in first year. All but 4 quit or fired.    07/28/24  (6)
Israelis do not get to start a war and then blame us for it    07/28/24  (5)
Neighbor and baseballs (wiffle balls actually)    07/28/24  (15)
"Walkable cities" was actually a good idea though    07/28/24  (55)
Latinos largest minority in US, nobody cares, no call for Latino POTUS/VP at all    07/28/24  (4)
reminder: white women in your life are just tentacles of jewish deep state clown    07/28/24  (16)
Any ideas on how to lower sex with men prices?    07/28/24  (6)
what was the EXACT moment that Rome peaked?    07/28/24  (7)
trump saying ima christian is the best thing ever    07/28/24  (2)
haha only extremely online weirdos are revolted by Jews shitting all over Christ    07/28/24  (4)
You wake up late for biglaw man you dont wanna go    07/28/24  (103)
Did too much cocaine. Can't sleep. Fml    07/28/24  (15)
Does the Eiffel Tower still have that mural under it of blacks killing whites?    07/28/24  (5)
Paris blackout: What if Christian AI had enough?    07/28/24  (2)
🚨 Costco is increasing membership fees 🚨    07/28/24  (23)
Name something most people barely even realize.    07/28/24  (129)
Mom sees son committing bestiality, sex acts with horse on camera; son charged:    07/28/24  (9)
Do fish drink water?    07/28/24  (2)
Contards desperately spamming “Olympics” alarmist drivel, no one actually ca    07/28/24  (5)
NYT: Vance is an anti-Semite    07/28/24  (8)
rate this trad wife influencer, ballerina farm    07/28/24  (44)
Tonight, on America live: a woman overcomes her conscience & mores    07/28/24  (4)
having a wife is basically having a DNC handler at this point    07/28/24  (11)
XO The Waltons. “G’night Peeface...g’night AssFaggot...g’night Nigger Cu    07/28/24  (21)
incomprehensible scousers w/ huge DVD collections doing youtube movie reviews    07/28/24  (7)
Lawyer narrowly escaped death on Titanic sub due to "urgent client matter"    07/28/24  (76)
Rate my $41 a night Mongolian Apartment    07/28/24  (98)
thoo dethperate    07/28/24  (1)
OceanGate CEO offered guy & son discount to join last minute, they said NO WAY    07/28/24  (16)
Seymour Hersh: Obama threatened Biden with 25th amendment to get him to drop out    07/28/24  (12)
lugenpresse distorts 10 yrs of Vance statements in 48 hrs: 'VANCE IS STUMBLING!'    07/28/24  (1)
OFFICIAL UFC 304 THREAD    07/28/24  (18)
Gibberish has overtaken Drunkard as XO biggest lying alcoholic blowhard    07/28/24  (3)
Widespread power outages in Paris    07/28/24  (4)
So 2024 america u get to be powerr cop.with criminal record&DD? Wow    07/28/24  (2)
Clear it was all ours..u get powerful police positions after being criminal now?    07/28/24  (1)
William Shatner yelling "SPACEPORNNNNNNNNNNNN"
   07/28/24  (6)
Remember that submarine boomer? Lol    07/28/24  (1)
Russians getting slaughtered in Africa too (link)    07/28/24  (5)
'put it in my hole(s)' (women)    07/28/24  (6)
Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony featured trannies mocking Jesus's Last Supper    07/28/24  (71)
It's all flame and fraud..agreed?    07/28/24  (10)
Dubai real estate is super expensive    07/28/24  (24)
At least USA will finally have a beautiful woman to represent her    07/28/24  (2)
what was the EXACT moment that America peaked?    07/28/24  (135)
Ruminating over the Olympics    07/28/24  (11)
BREAKING: Trump campaign planning to rebrand Vance as cat owner    07/27/24  (2)
TSINAH there's a girl on reddit I'm helping out with a Michigan work comp claim    07/27/24  (3)
I've got TSINAHS back.."Landlords" are mostly retarded scum trying to exploit    07/27/24  (3)
Lawyers are 180&the best people! Reminder your highly valued and needed    07/27/24  (1)
XO Loves MAGA Opportunist Tucker; Lukewarm On MAGA Opportunist Vance. Explain.    07/27/24  (30)
Naadam Daddy: TT's Adventures In Mongolia    07/27/24  (1)
RSF did you go to the Naadam festival in Mongolia?    07/27/24  (2)
Am I crazy or is becoming multi-planetary species a fake impossible goal?    07/27/24  (48)
"my mom was a drug addict bitch lol" - jd vance    07/27/24  (1)
Does God not have internet    07/27/24  (2)
RATE John F Kerry In Mongolia (PIC)    07/27/24  (2)
Robert Downey Jr coming back to MCU as Doctor Doom    07/27/24  (8)
Any ideas on how to lower asian pussy prices?    07/27/24  (3)
In theory, couldn’t alchemy work?    07/27/24  (5)
Yoda has always been a sanctimonious prick    07/27/24  (4)
"Star Wars" is simplistic drivel    07/27/24  (1)
Vance: "We follow USHA regulations in our house, hehe"    07/27/24  (2)
JD Vance: my wife's alright - for a turdskin - link    07/27/24  (2)
JD Vance: "I HATE THE POLICE"    07/27/24  (23)
TWO Turdskins Being Inducted Into Tennis Hall Of Fame Saturday #tennis    07/27/24  (6)
no    07/27/24  (1)
IOC Deletes Olympics Opening Ceremony Video, Trying To Memory Hole It    07/27/24  (5)
Can we all agree that drunk scousers were 100% to blame for Hilsbreh    07/27/24  (4)
j shad google translating cockney, scouser, geordie, and manc    07/27/24  (3)
The Weird World of Saturn RPGs    07/27/24  (1)
RFK endorsing Trump would end the election    07/27/24  (16)
Any ideas on how to lower restaurant prices?    07/27/24  (8)
TT why India suck at $port?    07/27/24  (4)
A Baptist with a Jewish husband and a faith that traces back to MLK and Gandhi    07/27/24  (8)
Sometimes xo talks so much sense it makes me nervous    07/27/24  (2)
it's amusing how libs threaten white men these days    07/27/24  (2)
I am going to kill you all    07/27/24  (7)
Modern Conservatism summed up    07/27/24  (12)
Guitar Bros - desperately need some perspective and opinion in a new axe    07/27/24  (35)
Dood had his BALLS hanging out in Paris Olympic Ceremony    07/27/24  (2)
🚨KAMALA HARRIS DEAD NOT FLAME 🚨    07/27/24  (25)
EPAH why are you such a left wing fag    07/27/24  (84)
Raw Egg Nationalist proposes an alternative Olympic opening ceremony    07/27/24  (2)
my favorite Kamala Harris quote: "Today is today, yesterday was today yesterday,    07/27/24  (6)
Rate this golden retriever tiger mother    07/27/24  (5)
to what extent do people sit in cars all day for the ac    07/27/24  (1)
how did whoever built the pyramids soften the stone to transport/mold it?    07/27/24  (3)
Genetic IQ of babies born in 2024 reaches a historic low of 81:    07/27/24  (3)
chinks own hollywood, hence wolverine & deadpool    07/27/24  (2)
Can’t fucking believe how much of my life I’ve wasted on this site    07/27/24  (1)
Trump: "Why doesn't America have an Iron Dome? It's our technology. We ought to"    07/27/24  (8)
never saw a deqdpool movie, should i get high and see deadpool wolverine alone?    07/27/24  (6)
"Live" BBQ restaurant in Shenzhen (mainly pigs, squid) earns first Michelin star    07/27/24  (5)
has quitin' simone biles quit yet    07/27/24  (4)
bout to turn this trash af UFC card off    07/27/24  (11)
gonna go buy weed, take adderall screen work and watch this awful UFC event    07/27/24  (1)
I'd like to "preserve our democracy" but it's not clear that there's much    07/27/24  (3)
PEDs thread    07/27/24  (18)
mentally ill shitlib thinking about Tucker's penis on a summer Saturday night    07/27/24  (1)
Tucker Carlson has a 4" penis    07/27/24  (4)
JD Vance's autism. Exhibit # 12,492(a).    07/27/24  (4)
"Ello I'm a Bri-ish man! You seem awfully brown--can ye spunk in me Mum?"    07/27/24  (168)
INDIA - you can get your ear cleaned out for $10 at the train station (vid)    07/27/24  (6)
It's gonna be a blow out    07/27/24  (24)
Tucker Carlson believes in ancient aliens    07/27/24  (32)
Thug from truck throws firework at family chilling on porch, guess state    07/27/24  (5)
Salt, pepper, and garlic is all you need.    07/27/24  (19)
Insufferable Kamala Harris    07/27/24  (2)
I love how proles add a bewildering possessive to the names of their prolestores    07/27/24  (11)

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