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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Redditors think the S&P500 provides a Guaranteed 8% Return    09/20/24  (91)
There’s some dark things going on underground    09/20/24  (3)
The Secret Diary of whokebe    09/20/24  (2)
Job offer in Kauai - take it?    09/20/24  (20)
BAM! You must trade lives with Karlstack, CSLG, or TSINAH, which one?    09/20/24  (5)
gjr holding a dremel tool to bp's brother's throat as she rides him    09/20/24  (5)
steve bannon saying "flood the zone" as your break into DMT entity world    09/20/24  (2)
Dylan "Heisman" Raiola is putting Nebraska in the playoff and u don't know it    09/20/24  (10)
photoshopping urself into photoshopped gjr christmas card tp    09/20/24  (4)
"That's not what 'giving sufficient weight' means," you explain to Fizz    09/20/24  (4)
1994 Halloween themed Zoobooks series 'Boobooks' (Imgur gallery    09/20/24  (2)
Broke up with my gf because she wouldn't stfu about her ex    09/20/24  (17)
Epah here taking questions    09/20/24  (36)
autoadmit ruined my career    09/20/24  (2)
Burger King Yids Club donates $35,000 to IDF    09/20/24  (1)
ITT: MPA guesses your height and weight based upon your poasting    09/20/24  (5)
LinkedIn $lut$ are basically onlyfans pages at this point    09/20/24  (5)
Hitman Online: earn $$ working as a cook, but watch out for players w/ wrenches    09/20/24  (2)
psychedelic research friends    09/20/24  (2)
Im 6’4    09/20/24  (3)
I am a profoundly mentally ill former attorney with a horrific deformity    09/20/24  (2)
"I'm here to drink alone," xo poaster explained to bartender. *poasts on phone*    09/20/24  (15)
Video game 'clitman' where ur MtF assassin who has to dilate every 15 mins    09/20/24  (1)
Hitman Online: your character requires periodic hydration, but watch out!    09/20/24  (2)
Check out this 4chan thread about Springfield OH    09/20/24  (2)
joe rogan has aged 10+ years in under 5    09/20/24  (5)
Dave "Laundromat Millionaire" Menz here. Sup    09/20/24  (1)
Lynn Conway tp here, taking Qs    09/20/24  (18)
They're trying to kill Trump because he's winning    09/20/24  (1)
"It's nawt yowah fault.'' What? 'That yowah an ugly howah, it's nawt yowah fault    09/20/24  (1)
Why isn't there a MMO Hitman game where you assassinate other players?    09/20/24  (1)
"I'm here for the pizza party," said the depressed lawyer    09/20/24  (304)
Honestly, this Jewish middle school's cheerleader pool party is really something    09/20/24  (1)
Is anyone giving sufficient weight to full on disputed election chaos in a month    09/20/24  (5)
I would cautiously recommend against Mainlining moving to Kauai    09/20/24  (1)
๐ŸšจRobinson withdraws moments before deadline! ๐Ÿšจ    09/20/24  (42)
269-269 back in play as Nebraska GOP pushes switch to winner take all EVs    09/20/24  (32)
LMAO @ libs hyping up Kamala    09/20/24  (1)
GJR taking christmas card pic alone, photoshopping in BP + his family    09/20/24  (3)
Real Talk: Mark Robinson collecting Nazi figurines makes him most relatable cand    09/20/24  (3)
Gorgeous CHINA build 1,813km Bridge in 5 years for $27b    09/20/24  (35)
Dear immigration naturalization services    09/20/24  (1)
Libs were screening "Kamala can't win" until Biden dropped out    09/20/24  (3)
lowercase weed moniker tp    09/20/24  (1)
just split up from gf. singlemos what do we do on friday nights.    09/20/24  (22)
<Fizzkidd reluctantly lowers her standard to be “realistic”> <still stood up    09/20/24  (13)
hey karlstack why dont u do a story about what happens when u jump off bridge    09/20/24  (2)
how do i find my new home?    09/20/24  (2)
ive been playing video games with 40yos who literally rage every time they lose    09/20/24  (31)
"What county in Asia are you from?" How one man's confusion sparked romance    09/20/24  (1)
Working class Harvard UG graduate with 3.94 GPA can't find a job (link)    09/20/24  (7)
Tufts lax makes ESPN front page    09/20/24  (1)
This is all pathetic evan39... (Mainlining)    09/20/24  (1)
ACC classic: Stanford vs Syracuse    09/20/24  (1)
This whole simulation may exist only for you    09/20/24  (9)
๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ I LOST MY RACE ON NUDE AFRICAAAA ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽถ    09/20/24  (11)
Michelin chef reveals new $500/plate roasted plankton entree.    09/20/24  (3)
the old jewish businesses were 180 u said as they replaced pizza hut w/ panera    09/20/24  (2)
TT are expats shocked when they hear you speak perfect American English?    09/20/24  (29)
Trump maxes out Madison, Wisconsin rally    09/20/24  (8)
There needs to be a city with no blacks    09/20/24  (27)
Uh oh boom. 7-0 Illinois    09/20/24  (1)
Why are these deranged Jews allowed to own people    09/20/24  (1)
Bboooooooooom in the fight of his life    09/20/24  (1)
HOLY FUCK, Elon Musk is now fatter than TSINAH (not flame)    09/20/24  (5)
PortalTube: app turns on every users camera, you can watch anyone    09/20/24  (1)
France stands united with Lebanon against the terrorist state of Israel (link)    09/20/24  (1)
kikes lying about what it was to steal the hard raised fish    09/20/24  (1)
Whatever happened to Harry Connick Jr?    09/20/24  (11)
ethnobotany    09/20/24  (2)
Being reborn as a Ricky alt    09/20/24  (15)
wow the only thing more 180 than jewish sports are jewish sports betting sites    09/20/24  (5)
HBO’s The Penguin is fine if you liked The Batman    09/20/24  (21)
dennis mckenna shrieking when i demonstrate my penis interconnects to his ass    09/20/24  (2)
USCCB: Euthanasia not only 'acceptable but encouraged' for Karlstack    09/20/24  (1)
lol, so amazing libs cannot comprehend the minority low iq    09/20/24  (163)
sunscreen lotion is flame and toxic    09/20/24  (6)
Dennis McKenna: Jeff bezos doesn’t understand connectedness of all things    09/20/24  (2)
first day. lowercase l moniker. new poster. not lsd, luis, or lex. first day.    09/20/24  (8)
I wish Disco Fries was my dad.    09/20/24  (10)
Looking into assisted death for myself here in Canada (Karlstack)    09/20/24  (1)
Nightmare scenario: Cowgod impersonating yr moniker and saying retarded things    09/20/24  (9)
Karlstack podcast episode #1 was pretty good    09/20/24  (1)
Libs if Kamala wins the people won’t accept it    09/20/24  (14)
RFK Jr fucking Olivia Nuzzi ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚    09/20/24  (49)
Shit lawyer I know sews a huge under armor logo into every suit jacket.    09/20/24  (2)
Lab friend supports Bark Robinson    09/20/24  (2)
Jews began stripmining your memories of their previous iterations at 9:12 pm    09/20/24  (2)
smug black women in jewish commercials    09/20/24  (1)
it's outside on Earth    09/20/24  (1)
no not like this where are the good jew movies and tv not the woke shit u whine    09/20/24  (1)
BASED CHINA tells Israel to fuck off    09/20/24  (1)
An emotional and digital-based relationship    09/20/24  (4)
Lube up Illini.    09/20/24  (1)
where would 150k/year stretch the furthest in a livable part of the US?    09/20/24  (46)
Why doesn’t God ever say anything audible or appear anywhere?    09/20/24  (40)
De Santis sending 5000 Haitians to Martha’s Vineyard (link)    09/20/24  (1)
16th century Europeans understood economics better than Karlstack    09/20/24  (4)
xo mit students steal pizzas from tls zionists (link)    09/20/24  (1)
Humpback whale releases 400 gallons of piss each time it urinates. Not flame.    09/20/24  (8)
Joe Rogan has an encyclopedic knowledge of nature and animals    09/20/24  (1)
Well, there's a lawyer they call the "Texas Giant". Mopey sumbitch, but damn big    09/20/24  (1)
Every biz is now a roboanswer/menu - USPS, Target, Banks, everything    09/20/24  (20)
MPA's spooky season ongoing film thread 2024    09/20/24  (3)
Link to credited firearms to off yourself itt?    09/20/24  (3)
Libs: how do you feel that Trump is a heavy favorite to reclaim POTUS?    09/20/24  (48)
My God. The Forecasts.    09/20/24  (1)
The Penguin megathread ๐Ÿง    09/20/24  (3)
Literally every forecast model has Kamala winning    09/20/24  (30)
XO Dads: Would You Ever Let Kids Alone At "Kids Clubs" At Resorts Etc On Vaca?    09/20/24  (24)
Why are libs still betting money on Kamala?    09/20/24  (1)
binging graham handcock and dennis mckenna JRE's    09/20/24  (1)
Link to credited firearms to off yourself itt?    09/20/24  (1)
Rate and is this a cr Manhattan apartment?    09/20/24  (5)
Even the best niceest looking people/girls have a tat..disturbing! What gives?    09/20/24  (3)
In the future being ugly will be a crime    09/20/24  (6)
Wow im going to binge Dennis McKenna on JRE    09/20/24  (1)
MASSIVE LINES on first day of early voting in lib precincts    09/20/24  (19)
why cant jews just shut the fuck up for like 6 minutes    09/20/24  (2)
What do people even do in the suburbs?    09/20/24  (76)
Russia made tactical nukes obsolete    09/20/24  (1)
I wish spaceporn was my dad    09/20/24  (3)
Wendy's > McDonalds. Sad! ๐Ÿ’ง    09/20/24  (4)
Stalin closing a Jugashvili thread in disgust    09/20/24  (4)
Xbox thread    09/20/24  (4)
Matt Walsh on JRE. Interview going well...then Matt brings up the moon landing    09/20/24  (2)
Gotta hand it to Trump, he’s a savant at manipulating low IQ people    09/20/24  (7)
Kamala gave a speech to prison inmates bragging about being a black woman    09/20/24  (4)
Listening to Joe Rogan while watching Graham Hancock and reading Dennis McKenna    09/20/24  (2)
Disco how many beds have you broken from being too fat?    09/20/24  (3)
LMFAO - Mark Robinson deleted all his dirty Nude Africa posts today    09/20/24  (1)
Does disco only have cowgirl sex because he’s too fat for wife to do missionar    09/20/24  (1)
the Kamala support here is mostly flame right    09/20/24  (1)
Poll: is Handsome Truth a Fed, or no?    09/20/24  (4)
SHITLIB 2005: PEAK OIL OMG. SHITLIB 2013: *crickets*    09/20/24  (17)
Should I move to Visalia, CA?    09/20/24  (5)
visalia thread    09/20/24  (20)
Klaus Schwab announces plan to "make global economy run on AI for awhile" (link    09/20/24  (1)
yeah man, visalia    09/20/24  (7)
Browsing Visalia Zillow    09/20/24  (41)
GOP? more like JEW OP    09/20/24  (1)
Drove past Visalia. Smells like cow shit    09/20/24  (2)
wow visalia is affordable california town!    09/20/24  (1)
Border chief ordered to not report border crossers with ties to terrorism    09/20/24  (5)
How the Super-Rich Signal Their Wealth to Each Other Gauche display is out. The    09/20/24  (2)
ricky alt tp    09/20/24  (2)
Thiel: US voting is fraud    09/20/24  (59)
Accidentally order the spicy McChicken instead of the spicy McCrispy    09/20/24  (5)
It’s upsetting me that libs think Kamala will win    09/20/24  (3)
arms raised in a V    09/20/24  (6)

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