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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Looks like Elon Musk is going to be assassinated soon.    03/12/25  (46)
Holy fuck, XO sucks now    03/12/25  (2)
"Top Threads Last 24 Hours" = HAHA UR FUKKKKKT TRUMPKINS!!!!    03/12/25  (5)
cowshit what’s the latest update on the State of Gaming    03/12/25  (165)
Libs: "You can't pray near an abortion clinic." Libs: "We can torch Tesla dealer    03/12/25  (8)
Hey Trumpmos, just a friendly reminder that 2,000+ US abortions happened today    03/12/25  (1)
Just got banned from every Sega sub except r/32x    03/12/25  (26)
BONER POLICE please read    03/12/25  (6)
dangerous, violent seditious libs never not projecting about bogus 'Jan 6'    03/12/25  (8)
www.(TBF's IRL name).com - judge for yourself    03/12/25  (4)
You’re sitting in an aisle seat and a parent asks you to switch with their kid    03/12/25  (130)
Lol at Trump getting fucking worked by Canada    03/12/25  (22)
Trump: Cryin' Chuck Schumer's "bubby" buried in goy cemetery, maiden name Smith!    03/12/25  (1)
It's funny to think TBF went so insane in his litigation that he got disbarred    03/12/25  (1)
12 minute video of Anthony Zappin bitching.    03/12/25  (103)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/12/25  (293)
Trump: "Schumer is a Palestinian. Used to be Jewish. Now he's a Palestinian."    03/12/25  (4)
wwooooooOOOOHHH living on prayer wwooooooOOOOHHH we're never getting there    03/12/25  (1)
At his lowest, Anthony Zappin resorted to ghostwriting SubStacks for cash    03/12/25  (3)
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck    03/12/25  (1)
Just explained to boss and HR it's all rigged fraud and always was    03/12/25  (3)
Zap zap zappin' on the nuthouse door    03/12/25  (56)
Zappin: gets kicked off every anonymizing service, the FIRST TIME he uses a sto    03/12/25  (9)
Amazing stat about Ukrainian drone production - link    03/12/25  (2)
So zappin hid like a bitch for all the stock/crypto/elon talk but is back now?    03/12/25  (2)
Real Talk: I would trust TT with economic policy over Trump    03/12/25  (3)
Sim Glitch: Kramer was the only goy actor on Seinfeld    03/12/25  (32)
Zap zap zappin’ on the nuthouse door    03/12/25  (2)
Ted Boutroustp: Describe the FEELING of getting gaped by EPAH at CA9 today    03/12/25  (1)
Andrew "Andy" Zappin is a disgraced, disbarred attorney who lost his kids    03/12/25  (5)
TBF is Zappin and everyone knows it.    03/12/25  (71)
who is Zappin the Torah Brings Fulfillment threads?    03/12/25  (27)
Zionists Against Plagiarism, Plagiarism Is Niggardly (ZAPPIN)    03/12/25  (23)
WHOA!!!! WHO'S ZAPPIN TBF'S 401(K)?????    03/12/25  (5)
benzo wakes, sprawled on trash-strewn trailer floor, starts posting about Trump    03/12/25  (13)
do you think TBf/Anthony Zappin disbarred atty’s kids even talk to him?    03/12/25  (32)
Is Zappin a jewish surname?    03/12/25  (3)
Turns out that bullshit about George Soros was just Trumpmos projecting re Musk    03/12/25  (1)
its all over    03/12/25  (1)
Scarlett Johanssonn views you as a lower life form - link    03/12/25  (9)
I have schizophrenia    03/12/25  (14)
BONER POLICE come ITT for a HUG    03/12/25  (1)
its all over    03/12/25  (1)
im done for    03/12/25  (1)
Science: insertion of "language gene" caused mice to incessantly chirp "I'm gay"    03/12/25  (3)
Why have US stocks underperformed world markets in 2025?    03/12/25  (8)
Trumpmos, did it occur to you that you are all human feces?    03/12/25  (1)
Trump Voters: What do you think about Elon's involvement in the administration?    03/12/25  (1)
Today was VEDDY good for STOCKS    03/12/25  (10)
Cons: “attacking teslas is terrorism; attacking the capitol is okay”    03/12/25  (27)
is this Ai?    03/12/25  (1)
Musk even less popular than JD fucking Vance (link)    03/12/25  (1)
Elon Musk in soup kitchen: 'it was worth it to cut SS. Ayn Rand would be proud'    03/12/25  (1)
Bands whose hits were their worst songs.    03/12/25  (134)
psychotic raging all day about minor dip in STONKS is all that libs have anymore    03/12/25  (1)
Congratulations on Tesla for not dropping another 10% today!    03/12/25  (1)
Gwen Stefani releases "No Doubt (He's a Transphobic Fascist)" Trump protest song    03/12/25  (1)
'Because inside every kike is an aryan trying to get out!' <gunny sergeant voice    03/12/25  (2)
Vance polls worse than Trump - link    03/12/25  (12)
🚨🚨🚨 TSLA DOWNGRADED! New price target is “LOL at TBFs life”    03/12/25  (11)
Real time inflation index plummeting    03/12/25  (4)
It's totally ridiculous the DISTANCE between cities in "Australia"    03/12/25  (2)
itt we name famous men who made an honest go at marriage only to fail    03/12/25  (9)
I'm trying to stay focused, but I'm very impressed with the VP's socks    03/12/25  (2)
REMINDER: Trumpmos are too poor to afford Tesla's anyways    03/12/25  (1)
Literally nobody wants American made at 3x the price. Fuck Trump!    03/12/25  (29)
Chaos    03/12/25  (1)
If you post the siren emoji in a thread or thread title you should be banned    03/12/25  (1)
When do we start dumping cash into the stock market?    03/12/25  (6)
Can someone please get this spamming faggot ip banned?    03/12/25  (2)
180!!!! The WLMAS spammer (no job) going insane again today!!!!    03/12/25  (4)
Psycho Karen - get ITT and lets laugh at TSLA stock holders    03/12/25  (10)
Elon gives TBF assurances TSLA is gonna 10x by 2030    03/12/25  (10)
"you will be driven insane from the sight of your eyes that you will see."    03/12/25  (1)
BIGGER DROP: TSLA stock or the ski slope that is TBF's jewish schnoz?    03/12/25  (8)
TSLA stock crashing harder than a Tesla.    03/12/25  (48)
TSLA continues to crash. love to see it.    03/12/25  (28)
TSLA Fags are like Apple Fanbois except they worship a failed company    03/12/25  (14)
πŸ’© $TSLA πŸ’©    03/12/25  (7)
TSLA STOCK = 7 straight weeks of declines with no end in sight    03/12/25  (36)
LOL TSLA Maggots    03/12/25  (11)
MORE WORTHLESS: TSLA stock or TBF's law degree?    03/12/25  (20)
LOL TSLA RETARDS STILL AT IT πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚    03/12/25  (8)
Crashing harder: Russian demographics or TSLA stock?    03/12/25  (11)
TSLA's 50% drop ... "difficult fundamental conditions ahead" - TBF?    03/12/25  (11)
πŸ€” hey there, whatcha doin? πŸ§‘‍🦼 DURRRR INVESTING IN TSLA (TBF)    03/12/25  (12)
TSLA sub 250 watch party thread    03/12/25  (11)
Will TSLA crash below 200 in the next month or so?    03/12/25  (23)
So in Total I lost $7,000 in TSLA. Thanks Jews!    03/12/25  (3)
Rational pumos a month ago: SELL TSLA NOW! *drops 33% since then*    03/12/25  (13)
YOU must feel temporary pain, but I'm gonna bail out billionaires (Trump)    03/12/25  (22)
Trumpmos cheering as TSLA hits $148.80    03/12/25  (10)
TSLA stock = the ultimate Ponzi scheme    03/12/25  (19)
TSLA and TBF fucked (link)    03/12/25  (26)
"A woman, you will betroth, but another man will lie with her"    03/12/25  (1)
The Measles outbreak is getting out of hand in Texas, many hospitalized    03/12/25  (25)
Looks like a poaster's meds ran short today    03/12/25  (1)
Jason Isaacs is Jewish lmfao    03/12/25  (2)
LOL TSLA FAGS    03/12/25  (19)
TSLA has 95% upside says major board retard (link)    03/12/25  (5)
TBF - update on TSLA? Have you pwnd the libs yet?    03/12/25  (12)
πŸ’© $TSLA πŸ’©    03/12/25  (14)
Trumpmos in congress demand weaponization of FBI    03/12/25  (10)
TBF - any updates on ur TSLA investment?    03/12/25  (23)
why is TSLA stock down another 5% today? TBF assured us it's the best co. ever    03/12/25  (24)
animeboi tp - were you dropped on your head as a child?    03/12/25  (7)
πŸ’© $TSLA πŸ’©    03/12/25  (4)
TBF any updates on your TSLA holdings? r they more or less valuable than ur JD?    03/12/25  (4)
TBF how many shares of TSLA do you own? it would be 180 to document ur declinin    03/12/25  (2)
what do nhl players do with a day off on a roadtrip?    03/12/25  (5)
TSLA on 7 week losing streak so TBF now shitpoasting about politics?    03/12/25  (5)
"Only 33% have a favorable view of the Democrats" = Libs, is this a "problem"?    03/12/25  (36)
Can leftists stop chimping out & engage in the political process please    03/12/25  (1)
🚨 TBF's TSLA holdings assassinated by Trump 🚨    03/12/25  (7)
ITT: We predict what TSLA will be trading at in 2030.    03/12/25  (59)
πŸ’© $TSLA πŸ’©    03/12/25  (10)
JP Morgan Analyst Downgrades TSLA to: "LOL @ TBF's life"    03/12/25  (7)
TBF strangely absent from the board as TSLA and BTC crash    03/12/25  (10)
Trump tells Irish Prime Minister that "Irish Women are Ghastly"    03/12/25  (1)
Trump is saving the country    03/12/25  (1)
Bezos is the real richest person if you value TSLA & AMZN as businesses    03/12/25  (13)
🚨🚨🚨TSLA🚨🚨🚨    03/12/25  (8)
I thought jews were good with money, asking bc TBF doubling down on TSLA    03/12/25  (7)
SOLANA in the fight of its life to crash harder than TSLA    03/12/25  (13)
Have $$$ sitting in high yields savings - when to move to market?    03/12/25  (5)
πŸ’© $TSLA πŸ’©    03/12/25  (12)
Should I love to Tennessee? I’m a Jewish redneck basically    03/12/25  (5)
Getting “TSLA’d” enters the lexicon….    03/12/25  (9)
πŸ€” hey there, whatcha doin? πŸ§‘‍🦼 DURRRR HOLDING MY TSLA STOCK!    03/12/25  (26)
How come there haven't been any 7+ foot tall NFL receivers?    03/12/25  (8)
TSLA doing the 290 mambo, how low can it go?    03/12/25  (28)
πŸ’© $TSLA πŸ’©    03/12/25  (5)
REMINDER: TSLA is a car company that sells cars nobody wants to buy    03/12/25  (103)
*** WLMAS STALKER GOING INSANE TODAY, 18000000* ****    03/12/25  (3)
HOLY FUCK    03/12/25  (4)
Aliens are real and they are not our friends.    03/12/25  (5)
TSLA sub 200 watch thread    03/12/25  (2)
Hey TBF, here’s a nickel go buy a few TSLA stocks    03/12/25  (13)
more attracted to darker skin women but wanted white babies tp    03/12/25  (2)
TSLA suffers steepest 1 day drop in 5 years... odd bc TBF talked shit yesterday    03/12/25  (12)
Who looks like a bigger retard re TSLA stock price: Trump or TBF?    03/12/25  (2)
The Final Solution to the Teewinot Question    03/12/25  (2)
CNBC: Unusually high volume for NVDA, TSLA, black guy's radio on subway    03/12/25  (1)
TRUMP shld jointly attack Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania with The Czar PUTIN    03/12/25  (3)
Libs are weaponizing the new Grok feature on Twitter. Elon has to disable it.    03/12/25  (1)
so what's Vivek up to these days haha    03/12/25  (1)
Realistically, TSLA should be trading at $50 a share if that    03/12/25  (6)
Name ONE positive thing the US actually does better than CHINA anymore?    03/12/25  (12)

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