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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Trumpmo’s spicy Latina wife thrown in ICE detention center by Trump    03/17/25  (8)
List biggest NHL Hall of Fame snubs    03/17/25  (15)
NYT: We Were Badly Misled About COVID    03/17/25  (105)
Proof the Jews are not God’s chosen people    03/17/25  (1)
i really want to get a tesla now.    03/17/25  (40)
ITT: "Sealclubber" explains what 'technical analysis' is (LINK)    03/17/25  (26)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/17/25  (360)
Libs / Jews, vote ITT: In 2030, we will look back at holding TSLA as "smart"?    03/17/25  (21)
"I just lost another 5% on TSLA stocks today, haha, u mad libs?" (TBF)    03/17/25  (5)
TBF losing his life savings on TSLA πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚    03/17/25  (5)
Trump fixes inflation, TSLA prices crashing (also TSLA stock, and TSLA cars)    03/17/25  (2)
TSLA tossing turning at nite over pumo jokes about TSLA, not about his 401k loss    03/17/25  (2)
LOL tsla    03/17/25  (18)
Max IQ not to buy TSLA and BTC with every last free cent you have?    03/17/25  (5)
Know any former wiggers in biglaw?    03/17/25  (12)
I'm just laughing at how fucktarded Cons are that they think they're winning    03/17/25  (8)
Lindsey Graham: "I really want to disrobe some of these liberal judges." (FNC)    03/17/25  (20)
Cowgod, Any thoughts on the Mystery of Doodikoffs Age? Is he 49? 52?    03/17/25  (6)
WE GOT ANY TSLA BITCHES ON? TBF?    03/17/25  (3)
I'm gonna pwn the libs by holding TSLA stock as it continues to decline! (TBF)    03/17/25  (4)
TSLA support level = 278, if it bottoms below that TBF's gonna be bottoming too    03/17/25  (2)
Am considering buying more $TSLA    03/17/25  (8)
Libs are just evil and treasonous    03/17/25  (2)
What's up with the Trump's El Salvador prison video? Libs are melting down    03/17/25  (5)
fuck. white house bends the knee on deportations    03/17/25  (1)
LOL at this Tesla headline - link    03/17/25  (1)
Trump to replace Code of Federal Regulations with Ferengi Rules of Acquisition    03/17/25  (10)
I used to be neutral on "judges" but they are killing democracy and must go    03/17/25  (5)
I'm already liking White Lotus s3 better than s2.    03/17/25  (97)
TSLA $300+ Waiting Room    03/17/25  (2)
this is a pedophilic rape den and the users should be arrested    03/17/25  (1)
TBF: wrong re Trump, wrong re TSLA, wrong re Torah bringing fulfillment    03/17/25  (4)
REMINDER: TSLA is crashing and there's nothing you can do about it    03/17/25  (2)
TBF - u losing more on your shitcoins or TSLA stock? (shitcoins down 10%)    03/17/25  (2)
Lolling @ some lib judge declaring illegals have to be flown back to the US    03/17/25  (4)
This place fucking sucks    03/17/25  (6)
WaPo: AI destroying millions of programming jobs - link    03/17/25  (19)
Most "Americans" are real pieces of shit! Need a reality check now    03/17/25  (2)
You better turn that plane full of illegals around! I'll sue you!    03/17/25  (4)
Rating poasters as poasters gunneratttt has met irl    03/17/25  (1)
remember during covid when you could actually drive    03/17/25  (1)
Trump policies are fueling Amazon hiring boom (Bezos)    03/17/25  (1)
Tommy now is a good time to buy puts    03/17/25  (2)
Just texted Zoomer chick pure math is the ultimate liberal art    03/17/25  (3)
TSLA down another 7 after hours!! 180    03/17/25  (9)
TBF signing "to be fair, ari," after debt collectors seize his vocal cords    03/17/25  (7)
LMFAO - TSLA down another 13% today    03/17/25  (5)
Morgan Stanley: "$190 Target Price for TSLA -- 'Sell now, or get ready.'" (LINK)    03/17/25  (20)
Gunner/TBF TSLA talking points getting eviscerated. Everyone point and laugh!    03/17/25  (5)
JP Morgan Analyst Downgrades TSLA to: "LOL @ TBF's life"    03/17/25  (8)
braising meat is the cheapest, easiest, most delicious way to cook by a mile    03/17/25  (3)
🚨🚨🚨Trump says Biden's pardons are NULL AND VOID 🚨🚨🚨 (link)    03/17/25  (90)
did a federal judge actually order a midair plane to turn around?    03/17/25  (21)
slow roasted tilapia (a white fish) falling off the bone    03/17/25  (141)
was the constitution ever notarized?    03/17/25  (7)
🚨 TBF's TSLA holdings assassinated by Trump 🚨    03/17/25  (8)
πŸ’© $TSLA πŸ’©    03/17/25  (5)
Magic Money Computer    03/17/25  (1)
So in Total I lost $7,000 in TSLA. Thanks Jews!    03/17/25  (4)
TSLA on 7 week losing streak so TBF now shitpoasting about politics?    03/17/25  (6)
why is TSLA stock down another 5% today? TBF assured us it's the best co. ever    03/17/25  (25)
TBF any updates on your TSLA holdings? r they more or less valuable than ur JD?    03/17/25  (5)
Should I move to Austin, TX    03/17/25  (63)
poor trump can't weaponize the gov. like he wanted :-(    03/17/25  (2)
TSLA has 95% upside says major board retard (link)    03/17/25  (6)
Trump nullifying Hunter pardon by writing “accepted for value” on it with Sh    03/17/25  (6)
JCM and Fulano comparing slime pits in a Ross fitting room    03/17/25  (3)
How tall is Zelensky?    03/17/25  (1)
Spaceporn asking for the menu @ Center for Missing & Exploited Children    03/17/25  (237)
The time has come to talk about imprisoning libs like Neurotic Comptroller tp    03/17/25  (13)
Spaceporn terrified as wife downloads “pedometer” app on his phone    03/17/25  (78)
Wow, Spaceporn really got blown out for being a sterile eunuch    03/17/25  (293)
Racism is a reflection of poor character and bad upbringing. Sorry, truth hurts.    03/17/25  (46)
Bezos announces Turner Diaries & Mein Kampf back on sale @ Amazon    03/17/25  (7)
🚨🚨🚨Elon rescues stranded NASA astronauts in space 🚨🚨🚨    03/17/25  (20)
Tesla cars slam into painted road on a wall, lmao at their "self-driving"    03/17/25  (2)
Prediction: Taylor Swift goes mudshark for next bf, makes awful “rap” album    03/17/25  (2)
Everyone who opposes Trump belongs in an extermination camp    03/17/25  (9)
LOL TSLA FAGS    03/17/25  (20)
TSLA sub 250 watch party thread    03/17/25  (12)
TSLA's 50% drop ... "difficult fundamental conditions ahead" - TBF?    03/17/25  (12)
Deranged Penguin WLMAS Meaty Penis neurotic comptroller libpumo    03/17/25  (10)
TSLA stock crashing harder than a Tesla.    03/17/25  (49)
TSLA continues to crash. love to see it.    03/17/25  (29)
This is heading into the dumpiest sort of reality now    03/17/25  (1)
BIGGER DROP: TSLA stock or the ski slope that is TBF's jewish schnoz?    03/17/25  (9)
Psycho Karen - get ITT and lets laugh at TSLA stock holders    03/17/25  (11)
πŸ’© $TSLA πŸ’©    03/17/25  (8)
TSLA back down lol    03/17/25  (9)
Never agreed with the Seinfeld "Show About Nothing" meme    03/17/25  (1)
neurotic comptroller tp (a New Poaster) doesn't think about you at all    03/17/25  (3)
REMINDER: if TSLA drops below ~150 Musk needs to sell off and LOL @ TBF    03/17/25  (2)
SUMMARY OF TODAYS FINDINGS: DrakeMallard runs the Voodoo Child account    03/17/25  (44)
THE PLAYERS discussion thread    03/17/25  (9)
Now that RW dissident sphere is in power, everyone is realizing they're freaks    03/17/25  (10)
The spammer hates when ur mean to Voodoo Child, interesting.    03/17/25  (22)
EPAH imagine ur MPM ranking if you sued Voodoo IRL    03/17/25  (59)
EPAH just fucking do it, u have grounds to sue Voodoo, discovery = 180    03/17/25  (10)
why is Drake Mallard currently going insane on his Voodoo Child alt?    03/17/25  (20)
DrakeMallard/Voodoo Child's mental illness is breathtaking, he's been talking to    03/17/25  (37)
dissident right here. Had conversion experience. Am dirtbag left now    03/17/25  (4)
high likelihood "DrakeMallard/animeboi"
; is also "Henry Aaron/Voodoo Child"
   03/17/25  (48)
did neurotic comptroller tp say something mean to drakemallard?    03/17/25  (1)
Golf swing getting better and better    03/17/25  (4)
Genius Gen-X Single-Mo Reveals His World Class Retirement Plan (link)    03/17/25  (1)
Trumpmo insider trading    03/17/25  (1)
neurotic comptroller tp— Who the fuck is this idiot?    03/17/25  (15)
neurotic comptroller tp— you're an alcoholic, and your family doesn't love you    03/17/25  (3)
Model Y will be flying out of factories from pent up demand to become the best    03/17/25  (1)
I hate how disco fries whines every day about boring shit no one cares about    03/17/25  (4)
should fdr be on the mt rushmore of biggest fags in us history?    03/17/25  (1)
Trump's Tariffs have LOWERED the price of Beef already! #MAGA    03/17/25  (2)
LOL TSLA FAGS (3/17 update)    03/17/25  (1)
TBF outted:    03/17/25  (2)
Most beach bums have a salary of $80k/yr minimum now    03/17/25  (3)
no one could pack a court like FDR    03/17/25  (1)
This is a sacrificial hell-den of criminals and pedophiles    03/17/25  (1)
Elon flying to Tel Aviv to conduct auditions for Baby Momma number 38:    03/17/25  (1)
Ms. Trunchbull from Maltilda was based on the average German nun.    03/17/25  (1)
this forum is a front for the jewish mob    03/17/25  (1)
They used to have a bar car on metro north. Another thing they took from us    03/17/25  (10)
Just how retarded is this shitlib masturbatory lawfare wet dream?    03/17/25  (6)
JD Vance just openly BERATING Usha's Parents, wow!    03/17/25  (3)
It's all a shame nothing like you were told    03/17/25  (2)
Should I move to 10 acres of land and grow my own food?    03/17/25  (1)
disco fries is evil as sin    03/17/25  (15)
Do you understand what a legend Alex Jones is    03/17/25  (1)
The FBI needs to shut down this dumpster fire of a “website,” seize all data    03/17/25  (50)
Chart to Determine if you are ARYAN    03/17/25  (26)
Trump needs to order the govt to buy Tesla shares to prop up the price    03/17/25  (8)
SEC "restoring" its national championship after one of the other 60 teams wins    03/17/25  (1)
Put this bumb out of his misery    03/17/25  (1)
Bank robbers    03/17/25  (2)
SEC "restoring" earlier Tesla stock prices to counteract illegal lib boycotts    03/17/25  (3)
ur old: benjamin button the musical has been running for 6 years    03/17/25  (1)
2026: Blacks putting rims on used Teslas they bought at firesale prices    03/17/25  (7)
unc cinderella run to the final four    03/17/25  (1)
bloodacre have u tried the new rice krispie treat ice-cream sandwiches?    03/17/25  (1)
Tesla canceling Cybertruck due 2 plummeting demand will be libs spiking the ball    03/17/25  (2)
Pretty insane that all our boomer dads were routinely beat with sticks at school    03/17/25  (31)
In Christ alone, my hope is found (disco fries)    03/17/25  (8)
Trumpmos do U cringe when Trump tweets dumb shit like “pardons are invalid”?    03/17/25  (8)
For some reason I thought actor John Cusack was a Trumpmo    03/17/25  (2)
Trump: every Houthi attack will be regarded as an Iranian attack - link    03/17/25  (1)
France now DEMANDING US "give back the Statue of Liberty" (link)    03/17/25  (2)
CIA under Trump is so retarded it can’t even hack heads of state correctly    03/17/25  (1)
XO Chefs: What Else Do You Use Cast Iron Skillets For Besides Steaks?    03/17/25  (22)
Need more pro-tariff takes from Batya Ungar-Sargon, Howard Lutnick, David Sacks,    03/17/25  (8)

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