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The US is massively overpopulated - a 200M US would be far better    05/06/24  (22)
Is there any reason to care about money aside from attracting/supporting women?    05/06/24  (22)
only five (5) posters have ascended out of wagecuckerery since 2017    05/06/24  (18)
Sam Hyde just annihilated Fizzkidd on his podcast    05/06/24  (18)
"U made a powerful enemy" Rat-faced man hissed to 8yr old girl making peace sign    05/06/24  (15)
Why did Columbia become center of protest? And not Harvard/Yale?    05/06/24  (12)
This Fizzkid shit is pathetic    05/06/24  (12)
BAML associate dies from overwork    05/06/24  (11)
🚨🚨🚨 TRUMP IS GOING TO RIKERS 🚨🚨🚨    05/06/24  (10)
new Leni Klum push up bra video just dropped (link)    05/06/24  (8)
Can't stop thinking about the tits on Ben Shapiro's sister.    05/06/24  (8)
If you mock, defame, or threaten frat boys who make monkey movements ur trash    05/06/24  (7)
👋    05/06/24  (7)
Is buying an apartment in Chicago cr    05/06/24  (7)
why brioche burger buns    05/06/24  (7)
is tehre a list of most legendary poasts of all time somewhere    05/06/24  (7)
Little orange & black bird keeps changing radio station when guy puts on jazz (v    05/06/24  (7)
"Meet the perkiest cheerleaders in the Pacific" (KHON)    05/06/24  (6)
MAGA roofer says he charges liberals more (link)    05/06/24  (6)
How does Tom Selleck not have more money?    05/06/24  (6)
was talking w guy about how insane "Covid" was esp at our old employers    05/06/24  (6)
That brief dip in stress between leaving work and walking in the front door    05/06/24  (6)
finished reading the new Delicious Tacos book after XO recommended it    05/06/24  (6)
13 federal judge join pledge refusing hire any Columbia graduates    05/06/24  (6)
Paralegal Mohammed tp should fight RSF    05/06/24  (5)
still no Czech shells for Ukraine. "Maybe" in June, they say.    05/06/24  (5)
Just live life on the Appalachian Walking Trail for free. You can forage & fish    05/06/24  (5)
Why do many of my friends here seem to be angry?    05/06/24  (5)
Rafah about to disappear    05/06/24  (5)
political midget porn parody starring kristi gnome (vid)    05/06/24  (4)
Sounds like Israel is going into Rafah - link    05/06/24  (4)
life imitates art, that's why they look like rats    05/06/24  (4)
Berenstein Bear books accused of “bearsplaining” (link)    05/06/24  (4)
It was all over before it begun..your choice to flip 🙃 the script    05/06/24  (4)
Tom Brady's dumb. Why would Jeffrey Ross "say that shit again"?    05/06/24  (3)
Things feel off..very confusing what's going on..seem to be going backwards    05/06/24  (3)
IDF have a cool new strategy in their battle with terrorists    05/06/24  (3)
two weeks to flatten the curve    05/06/24  (3)
which twitter account is twins? he posts there prolifically    05/06/24  (3)
Assassination attempt against Saudi prince - link    05/06/24  (3)
German's next chancellor says fuck Putin, he won't work with AfD- link    05/06/24  (3)
Tsinah is an obese fraud.    05/06/24  (3)
I am a Filipino twink    05/06/24  (3)
ISRAEL IS TRASH    05/06/24  (3)
Anyone really want the Knicks to lose?    05/06/24  (2)
Every bad aspect of your life is result of things designed to benefit BOOMERS    05/06/24  (2)
Kristi Noem now threatening to murder Biden's dog    05/06/24  (2)
Media experts condemn Israel’s move against Al Jazeera.    05/06/24  (2)
Every single fucking dog in my neighborhood is some kind of "doodle"    05/06/24  (2)