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ITT: We list the posters who are the most "offputting"    05/14/24  (25)
Rate this map of test scores by county in the United States    05/14/24  (25)
Bill Burr completely destroys Bill Maher for supporting Israel    05/13/24  (22)
#1 irl hobby rn is rejecting women    05/13/24  (16)
why do blacks attack total strangers    05/13/24  (16)
The more I learn about the Trump trial the more I realize its all fraud and lies    05/14/24  (15)
Crazy that HS girls post things like this on Instagram    05/13/24  (15)
ITT post the knife you plan on carrying tomorrow.    05/13/24  (14)
Nick Fuentes seems pretty cr. Do you guys listen to his podcasts?    05/13/24  (13)
ITT I will rate you as a cat, a rat, a snake or a dog    05/13/24  (9)
Never seen a US ambassador make a campaign ad before - video    05/13/24  (9)
ITT: comprehensive list of anti-globohomo games    05/13/24  (8)
High Noons are a 180 jewscam    05/13/24  (8)
whats the difference between schizoid and aspergers?    05/14/24  (8)
The advertising industry in India seems a lot more intense than in the west:    05/14/24  (8)
What was the cultural impact of Soul Asylum - Runaway Train (1993)    05/13/24  (8)
How long until robotic AI women can bear my seed?    05/13/24  (6)
Evolutionary theorists: confirm that this is how you believe whales evolved    05/13/24  (6)
TikTok whore slimes gym equipment    05/13/24  (5)
Fuentes attacks Hamas    05/14/24  (5)
Are there any thread topics that don't cause nyuug to lollercaust hard?    05/13/24  (5)
Chingada Madre's body's calling for me    05/13/24  (5)
Rate the cultural impact of Highway to Heaven (1984-1989)    05/13/24  (5)
Average poster is: 43 yrs old, Bald, 5'8", Jewish, Ugly, Yellow Teeth, Recessed    05/13/24  (5)
Enormous herd of orcs take refuge in building. Thermobaric drone stops by    05/13/24  (5)
Biden accidentally (?) calls Ilhan Omar "my great friend Mullah Omar"    05/14/24  (4)
Trump has dementia and is experiencing rapid mental deterioration (daily mail)    05/13/24  (4)
white power | white collar | white monster    05/13/24  (4)
I get hard knowing all these shrews will die alone 18000000    05/14/24  (4)
Little fucker is about to chow down on some extra chunky homemade stew    05/14/24  (4)
Rate the cultural impact of Life is a Highway (1991)    05/13/24  (4)
Don Draper clicks to next slide: "Asian pussy - it's delicate but potent"    05/13/24  (4)
Should we drop Christianity and be like Romans and kill each other    05/13/24  (4)
why do most people prefer to buy non-organic milk?    05/14/24  (3)
Someone to lovingly grill your corpse after your death    05/13/24  (3)
We groypers now, right bros?    05/13/24  (3)
ITT post the console you plan on playing tomorrow.    05/13/24  (3)
Ceiling Fan: Separate Switch For Light & Fan -- CR Or Is Same Switch CR?    05/14/24  (3)
Don Draper standing next to whiteboard: "Skull shape."    05/13/24  (3)
Scott Steiner tears into Ric Flair on Monday Night Nitro    05/14/24  (3)
Cougars have made it to the midwest, Wisconsin, Michigan...    05/13/24  (3)
Not 1 but two of my enemies died gruesomely    05/13/24  (2)
U.N. Cuts "Gaza Health Ministry" Death Toll Figures by Half lmao    05/13/24  (2)
ricky sold his soul for two tabs of acid and a mcdouble    05/14/24  (2)
Has TDNW tp been formally diagnosed with autism?    05/14/24  (2)
IS OUR STRENGTH    05/14/24  (2)
40 years old, started railing ritalin nightly, rate my life    05/14/24  (2)
"On balance, in balance" I said to myself as I went back to law after dinner    05/13/24  (2)