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rate my 40 year old work wife    05/04/24  (39)
1.1 MM in assets in MFH, $200k left on mortgage, want to escape wagecucking    05/04/24  (15)
Jews never thanked us for supporting them all those years. Fuck 'em. Let em die    05/04/24  (10)
George Washington University students sentence faculty to death    05/04/24  (8)
Just don't understand why xo would support obese landbeast howling for Palestine    05/04/24  (6)
WaPo argues protestors should become "activist investors" to forment change    05/04/24  (6)
Possible to break your own neck without using hands or any instruments?    05/05/24  (5)
Emotionally + Physically Abusive Father poasts nudes + his driver's license why    05/05/24  (5)
Hypo: you’re a stupid fucking faggot    05/05/24  (5)
Ole Miss monkey guy *doubles down* posts 10 min YT Vid chirping out (link)    05/05/24  (5)
Sealclubber talks like a woman    05/05/24  (5)
All those people who told you Jews control everything were fucking morons    05/05/24  (4)
You are being watched.    05/05/24  (4)
The Economist: America’s fiscal outlook is disastrous, but forgotten    05/05/24  (4)
I have nicknames for all the women in the office: Dogbreath, Leatherface, Saggyt    05/05/24  (4)
Is this Hamas stuff true or bullshit?    05/05/24  (3)
Russian woman blames the Ukraine war on the Jews - video    05/04/24  (3)
This might be the ugliest baby    05/04/24  (3)
You'd be on top had you never given a fuck    05/05/24  (3)
US Army is probably going to kill a bunch of IDF and dare them to say something    05/05/24  (3)
The JP Staples Institute For Racial Studies    05/05/24  (3)
#ZionistsAreTerrorists is trending lmao    05/05/24  (3)
Hey Israelcucks, guess which YouTube channel is mine    05/05/24  (3)
Cons: Zionist puppet master George Soros is behind anti-Israel protests    05/04/24  (3)
Do I have permission to cum?    05/05/24  (3)
Ole Miss opens an investigation into monkey boy (link)    05/05/24  (3)
Ever gone to Walmart & a$ked your$elf how has this species "survived"?    05/05/24  (3)
JP Staples tp    05/05/24  (2)
JP Staples confirms he was just having a mini-seizure, not racist at all    05/05/24  (2)
$2.1 million for ONE DOES of a medication (link)    05/05/24  (2)
All these pumos pretending to hate jews will never condemn the genocide    05/05/24  (2)
Violent protests against Netanyahu in Tel Aviv, sorry To Be Fair    05/05/24  (2)
Ricky you will be wearing diapers if you keep it up.    05/04/24  (2)
Where can I legally fuck a 16 yr old girl asap?    05/04/24  (2)
Why would a famous wealthy rapper marry a dried up 43-yo azn shrew?    05/04/24  (2)
Women prefer: super buff high-T alpha 5'8 guy or 6'2, beta, low-T guy?    05/05/24  (2)
Timothy mcveigh was the quintessential Gen Xer    05/05/24  (2)
Estradiol cypionate tp    05/05/24  (2)
Is Israel going to invade Rafah or just talk about doing it while eating shit?    05/04/24  (2)
RATE This Indian Billionaire's $20M Wedding (DM PICS)    05/04/24  (2)
Leafs out in 1st round again    05/04/24  (2)
a transactional hellscape pretending to function as a society tp    05/05/24  (2)
Decapeptyl tp    05/05/24  (2)
monkey boy tp    05/05/24  (2)
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion tp    05/05/24  (1)
"Stop monkeying around and get all your back to school supplies at Staples" (JP)    05/05/24  (1)
CNN Fact Checker: JP Staple's movements more consistent with mating Ape    05/05/24  (1)
Jack Black is 58 years old. YOU are old.    05/05/24  (1)
Hypo: I'm a Fed who opposes genocide, and I'm not afraid of being outed    05/05/24  (1)
US Marines are gonna pop IDF heads with Barrett .50cals before this is ends    05/05/24  (1)