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I worked with this black girl in a warehouse for like 2 days (gibberish)    05/11/24  (42)
Really sad. My wife is out of town with girls dance and I'm home alone with boys    05/11/24  (39)
Liquid Swords by GZA is the most underrated rap album of all time    05/11/24  (21)
Quarterly taxes are buttfucking me this year    05/11/24  (15)
‘Broke Generation:’ 64% of Gen Xers have stopped saving for retirement.    05/11/24  (14)
Video chat with Candace Owens for only 5 grand a minute - link    05/11/24  (11)
Just pulled down my pants and found huge shit smears in underpants    05/10/24  (9)
Rate this chick I just fucked from the bar    05/11/24  (9)
why did tom brady do a "roast"    05/11/24  (9)
One tit, TWO nipples (pic)    05/10/24  (8)
Last time you got blackout drunk?    05/10/24  (8)
How big do your friends think your dick is?    05/11/24  (8)
Naked women    05/10/24  (7)
FizzKid and Karen are the only 2 females who still poast regularly    05/11/24  (7)
What do you think the odds are that the Alaska Hawaiian acquisition will close    05/11/24  (6)
I might jerk off to mid 1970s playboys    05/10/24  (6)
Gibberish did you listen to the red scare episode with Steve Sailer    05/11/24  (5)
White Americans who play tri-Ace games, explain yourselves    05/10/24  (5)
Jamie Dimon: How is Michael Jordan worth $3.2 billion?    05/10/24  (5)
How are all these tech founders also good at running businesses    05/10/24  (5)
I found the official xo music video    05/10/24  (5)
Rate the reading skills of this diploma presenter - link    05/10/24  (4)
What should I listen to next on audible    05/10/24  (4)
wish i had a wife to beat the ever living shit out of    05/10/24  (4)
WRPG gamers don’t acknowledge the existence of JRPGs    05/11/24  (4)
Now for my next project...*types "good morning" into search*    05/11/24  (4)
Trump reveals Barron is now his chief advisor    05/10/24  (4)
One penis, two glans (pic)    05/10/24  (4)
"Japanese Business" guy on TikTok/YouTube is blowing up, its mostly abt WGWAG    05/10/24  (3)
It's funny you can basically fuck people over for $100,00 with no reprucussion    05/11/24  (3)
How is Rachmiel not worth 3.2 billion?    05/11/24  (3)
Let's play guess what's currently inserted into my ass    05/11/24  (3)
rate these four bros playing ball on the beach    05/11/24  (3)
Welp I’m done for the night    05/10/24  (3)
Is 10/7 one of the most successful military ops in history    05/10/24  (2)
Hey guys, what’s going on in h—    05/10/24  (2)
Trump calls most of his kids “not Ivanka” when cameras aren’t around (nyt)    05/11/24  (2)
turns out now many wife-material women live in hostels in Latin America    05/11/24  (2)
where are people in the us driving all the time    05/11/24  (2)
Not a single "Kansas City" barbecue joint made the top 5 lol go San Antonio    05/10/24  (2)
Your lovely California has thrown 10s of billions+&made homelessness worse    05/11/24  (2)
"40" isn't out of diapers in "2024" everything will be able to be regrow soon    05/10/24  (2)
St. Peter hitting you with multiple fun Talmud hypos    05/10/24  (2)
*Expresses Anima through Persona* *Blows Brains Out*    05/10/24  (2)
appreciate it for what it is    05/11/24  (2)
Suuper drunk. Here are some naked vids of my wife    05/10/24  (2)
Trump’s defense secretary called him a madman    05/10/24  (2)
Do video gamers play slot machines when they turn old?    05/11/24  (2)
Why is Anthony Jeselnek so underrated?    05/11/24  (2)