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what are good things to buy to improve quality of life    05/09/24  (33)
Delta Boeing 757 has declared an emergency - link    05/09/24  (26)
New CHINESE Aircraft Carrier is veddy Gorgeous    05/09/24  (22)
Let's name one thing we like about Jews    05/09/24  (19)
Anyone else know guys who turned super beta/lib after marriage and kids?    05/09/24  (16)
Holy shit, I forgot this happened in Afghanistan - video    05/09/24  (14)
Do you have any kooky provisions in your will/trust?    05/09/24  (13)
what sort of "vacation voucher" do you get from kars 4 kids    05/09/24  (11)
Remember that fucking moron Prince ?    05/09/24  (10)
Remember “world music?”    05/09/24  (10)
Perhaps there's more going on behind the scenes that we dont understand    05/09/24  (9)
Did Tsinah ever get paid on that great referral he expressly excluded me from?    05/09/24  (8)
i have to share this story about what benzos and depression have done to me    05/09/24  (8)
Saw two faggots holding hands today    05/09/24  (7)
LOL at NPR radio story on Georgia prosecution    05/09/24  (7)
Tsinah how much did you bill to change designed to designated?    05/09/24  (7)
TIL Vatican II was 100% Jewish    05/09/24  (7)
every time Tucker drops a new conspiracy like ''Lyme disease is a bioweapon''    05/09/24  (7)
Imagine being a stepdad holy shit wtf lolllll    05/09/24  (7)
is physio fraud?    05/09/24  (6)
Greta Thunberg Leading Pro-Hamas Protests In Sweden.    05/09/24  (6)
wait for next drawdown or put 100K into VOO now?    05/09/24  (5)
"Can I get the RSF?" *Bartender gives the tab to your dad*    05/09/24  (5)
I want a fat smelly bar slut to sit on my face    05/09/24  (4)
Look how easy it is to handle bobcats    05/09/24  (4)
I wonder how Kenny’s brilliant med mal case I told him not to take is progress    05/09/24  (4)
pretty incredible AI generated music    05/09/24  (4)
Russian refinery burning impressively tonight - link    05/09/24  (4)
If I posted 10 call outs on gunneratttt in how many would that tranny dude post?    05/09/24  (4)
Client's investment visa denied after she invested $1.5 million    05/09/24  (3)
Natalie Portman Toe Job    05/09/24  (3)
Lol imagine being some dolt fucking goy lmaaaaooo    05/09/24  (3)
Hey OYT you suck imho    05/09/24  (3)
San Diego Friends of Jung tp    05/09/24  (3)
need to buy some sexy lingerie for my chubby asian wife    05/09/24  (3)
lex friedman looks like he could take a dick    05/09/24  (3)
i am so deeply spiritually fucked its incomprehensible    05/09/24  (3)
there's only like 500k ppl in Japan yet massive film industry & porn    05/09/24  (3)
It all makes sense when you realize Jews blame America for Holocaust    05/09/24  (3)
Is there any recording of Barron Trump speaking?    05/09/24  (2)
Barack Obama was born in Nairobi Kenya    05/09/24  (2)
"Can I get the Benzo?" *Bartender gives you a gas hose to siphon*    05/09/24  (2)
Should I get fucked up on jimson weed tonight?    05/09/24  (2)
One Eighty plane landing    05/09/24  (2)
honestly jealous of the xo poas with off bort drama    05/09/24  (2)
Am is supposed to feel dumb as shit reading Freud Jung and Adler?    05/09/24  (2)
Amazing video from reporter with Ukrainian paratroopers - link    05/09/24  (2)
Always lmao when people ask me to keep something confidential    05/09/24  (2)
I'm polar opposite of how I was "growing up" I feel    05/09/24  (2)