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Guy in blue shirt at 0:08 is fucked for life career wise right?    05/03/24  (44)
Peloton Interactive in FREEFALL; CEO shitcanned + mass layoffs    05/03/24  (38)
Rating poasters as signs on the wall at my throwback barber    05/03/24  (35)
i really hate women right now jfc    05/03/24  (33)
My Golden Retriever is just about six months old, taking q's (TSINAH)    05/03/24  (31)
Beatles songs for bears: You Never Give Me Your Honey    05/03/24  (27)
I am smashed at some shitty brewery and can’t drive home    05/03/24  (22)
Thoughts on the ongoing Kendrick vs. Drake rap battle    05/03/24  (21)
LMAO the polls have entirely reversed now - Biden leading Trump by TEN POINTS    05/03/24  (18)
FSU Volleyball Girl Has Pussy Leaked on Internet    05/03/24  (17)
Are there any moral xo posters?    05/03/24  (16)
Asked wife's wealthy uncle advice on how to invest $100k he gave us for kid    05/03/24  (16)
Woman/bear threading is great illustration of INCEL rage    05/03/24  (15)
i realize some of you may be bored of bear meme but im really angry at women    05/03/24  (13)
i made like 70-80 threads about bears today    05/03/24  (13)
Britney Spears is dating her convict gardener    05/03/24  (13)
Rate this Texas shitlaw associate    05/03/24  (11)
So grateful not to be in biglaw/shitlaw working with jewish kikes    05/03/24  (10)
used to think dumb shit like "wtf why would anyone beat their own wife"    05/03/24  (8)
NYPD re campus shit: "There's somebody behind this movement" (link)    05/03/24  (8)
your wife's far away look as she bites into bearclaw    05/03/24  (8)
The whole “psychedelic” music scene was kinda weird imo    05/03/24  (8)
Hope Hicks testifies Trump did nothing wrong and Corey has a "horse cock" (link)    05/03/24  (8)
lol at 'realchrisbrunet' as tho someone would want to impersonate him    05/03/24  (7)
Found out I've been short listed for General Counsel of Misogyny    05/03/24  (7)
how BAD is it to finish a bottle of champagne in a few hours?    05/03/24  (7)
Libs fighting police in Portland (video)    05/03/24  (7)
"Jet Business" guy on TikTok/YouTube is blowing up, its mostly abt HEIGHT    05/03/24  (7)
I like that colon cancer guy changed his username to cancer treatment    05/03/24  (7)
White supremacists storm UChicago pro-Palestine protests (vid)    05/03/24  (7)
Bear holding vegan woman's head under water in salmon stream to shut her up    05/03/24  (6)
RSF serious Q why don't you buy a private plane?    05/03/24  (6)
https://i.imgur.com/C8mya21.png    05/03/24  (6)
"So how was work?" *contemplates telling wife about bear meme* "It was fine."    05/03/24  (6)
"Why don't you make more money?" the woman asks the bear, breaking the silence    05/03/24  (6)
This pic from LSU protests perfectly encapsulates America in 2024 (pic)    05/03/24  (6)
Columbia crackdown came from a faculty Mossad agent who runs an NYPD intel    05/03/24  (5)
Tara Reade replies to a Joe Biden tweet    05/03/24  (5)
Patriotic UNC frat bro explains why he defended Old Glory    05/03/24  (5)
The Berenstain Bears And The Home-Wrecking White Woman    05/03/24  (5)
Why does everyone on Reddit have ADHD    05/03/24  (5)
Polar Bear Tries To Drown Self After Hearing Vocal Fry For First Time (YouTube    05/03/24  (5)
Karlstack rabidly defending Ben Shapiro and shitting on Tucker and Candace on X    05/03/24  (5)
🇬🇧 Conservatives getting wiped out in British elections 🇬🇧    05/03/24  (5)
It is impressive that Karlstack is still able to become a worse person every day    05/03/24  (5)
AMERICA HAS GONE INSANE    05/03/24  (5)
Breaking: Texas GOP Congressman Indicted For $600,000 Corruption Scheme (WSJ)    05/03/24  (5)
Help me understand the Trump charge    05/03/24  (5)
How are Gaza campus protests compared to BLM protests?    05/03/24  (5)
Aella's birthday bear train    05/03/24  (4)