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so gunneratttt gets hopped up on Adderall & Xanax and talks to trannies all day?    05/08/24  (48)
Ask Pensive stuff    05/08/24  (28)
gunneratttt taking Qs for 31 minutes    05/08/24  (28)
Thailand to recriminalize marijuana by year end    05/08/24  (25)
Is having a trans kid kinda embarrassing?    05/08/24  (24)
i like gunner, but his problem is trying to appeal to the middle    05/08/24  (17)
Name an instrument more 180 sounding and difficult to play than French horn    05/08/24  (13)
Israel Travel Shrew Dies From 15 Foot Jump Escaping Robbery In Rio Favela    05/08/24  (12)
Is this the first time the US has stood up to Israel?    05/08/24  (12)
Who is getting rich off of daycare?    05/08/24  (12)
People have been telling me since age 15 that this dood isn't on coke here    05/08/24  (11)
emilio leading you're last diaper down a subthread wasteland to heaven    05/08/24  (10)
LOL at the last 10 seconds of this Ann Coulter interview - link    05/09/24  (10)
where tf did all of the attention whores go?? (julia, the box, blue smoke, etc)    05/08/24  (8)
any way to anonymously make adult content?    05/08/24  (6)
Living in Amerikkka surrounded by processed foods is horrific    05/08/24  (6)
Rate Herbie Hancock's response to Milton Berle calling his band "headhunters"    05/08/24  (6)
LOL UK is locking up COFFEE to keep NIGGAS from stealing    05/08/24  (5)
You are all a bunch of worthless faggots with no value    05/08/24  (5)
This Lynn tranny is hitting all the themes of my pedophile emailer    05/08/24  (5)
Unspoken truth: jazz ensembles thrive on emotional abuse    05/09/24  (5)
Golf bros, are "HL" irons the new secret cheat code?    05/08/24  (5)
just signed up for Duolicious, the dating app for 4channers, femcels, and feds    05/08/24  (4)
NBC is releasing an all Black "The Office" reboot    05/08/24  (4)
Gay bro does a parasite cleanse, is promptly cured of homosexuality    05/08/24  (4)
Prole tell: being from low socioeconomic background and behaving as such    05/08/24  (4)
Manipulating women is 180 and necessary    05/08/24  (4)
Spaceporn suffers from the equivalent of being on puberty blockers since birth    05/08/24  (4)
The entire human race is incredibly retarded and spineless to boot    05/08/24  (4)
This place sucks since geno tp left    05/08/24  (4)
fuck im high as giraffe pussy    05/08/24  (4)
MC Hammer retweeted this    05/08/24  (3)
"Shabbat shalom!" (ur assigned Jewish handler after u get back from tranny docto    05/09/24  (3)
What is the rational behind the government hiring mercenaries for mundane work?    05/08/24  (3)
Caitlyn's Hairy Amazonian Snatch tp    05/08/24  (3)
I did butt stuff with Mr. Shoop tp … taking Qs    05/08/24  (3)
Need someone to bump the "stream of consciousness inside a woman's head" post    05/08/24  (3)
quotemo, you can make 1000 more alts, ISRAEL STILL FUCKING SUCKS    05/08/24  (3)
Steve Sailer went on the Red Scare podcast lmao    05/08/24  (3)
Naz Reid    05/08/24  (3)
CBS Rather, ABC Jennings, NBC Brokaw. Can u name 1 today?    05/08/24  (3)
New York sports are so back. xo Yankees and xo Rangers. Sorry libs.    05/08/24  (3)
"i really go here and i'm not jewish!" (rsf at columbia free palestine encampmen    05/08/24  (3)
Spaceporn spazzing out for 71 minutes    05/08/24  (3)
was Steve Albini death drug related?    05/08/24  (3)
180 vid of a lib getting trampled by xo Barbaro    05/08/24  (3)
low-value faggot tp    05/08/24  (3)
These board trannies are just dudes who are pedophiles, hth.    05/08/24  (3)
lol @spaceporn trolling the greatbort    05/08/24  (3)
Catatonically and idly listening to podcasts with vacant stare at the ceiling tp    05/08/24  (3)