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How the hell was Moby considered a sex symbol in the 90s and 2000s?    05/14/24  (42)
Being a lawn guy beats grilling, golfing, or snobby beer tasting.    05/14/24  (33)
ITT we list people who did nothing wrong    05/14/24  (25)
An exploration of gnosticism    05/14/24  (16)
Cons all this humiliation of Trump is payback for Clinton/Lewinsky    05/14/24  (14)
“I, Donald J. Trump, make this payment for the purpose of committing fraud”    05/14/24  (10)
Cons, remember hunting for bamboo and watermarked ballots?    05/14/24  (9)
Just making Trump sit in a room he doesn’t want to be in every day is 180    05/14/24  (9)
Orcs get destroyed by Mark Cuban email response (link    05/14/24  (8)
Would germophobe Trump really have fucked a pornstar raw? Idk    05/14/24  (7)
I went to Petco today and there was a naked lady walking around    05/14/24  (6)
3 cops shot dead in France; bus passenger films the gunmen:    05/14/24  (5)
They don’t have Trump on tape specifically admitting every element of the crim    05/14/24  (5)
you getting in on GME pt 2?    05/14/24  (5)
We haven't heard from TommyT in a while 😬    05/14/24  (4)
NY Appeals court GRANTS Trump’s gag order appeal    05/14/24  (4)
Being a law guy beats selling, accounting, or snobby consulting    05/14/24  (4)
The word “audit” has been eliminated from cons’ “brains”    05/14/24  (4)
The Beatles escaped boomer band status    05/14/24  (3)
Been awhile, here's some normal russians becoming good russians    05/14/24  (3)
Bye Benjamin, HOLA MATEO (US2024)    05/14/24  (3)
good morning    05/14/24  (2)
Every industry short on workers, hiring anybody off the street. No litigators    05/14/24  (2)
So Trump not being able to campaign & say stupid shit -> up 8 on Biden?    05/14/24  (2)
Does Tom Cruise have ab implants?    05/14/24  (2)
Rach Cuts "Unique Active XO Poasters" Figures by Half lmao    05/14/24  (2)
Crows will memorize your credit card number and fuck you up    05/14/24  (2)
WKRP by Clique    05/14/24  (2)
Libs if you let Trump get away with crimes we will complain on the internet    05/14/24  (2)
SPWR - your welcome    05/14/24  (2)
Mark my words, POTUS Gavin will round up and execute cons and get away with it    05/14/24  (2)
Is Trump going to testify?    05/14/24  (2)
It's even worse than you think tp    05/14/24  (1)
Cons remember your “audits”?    05/14/24  (1)
Just realized that the chances of me being dead in 35-45 years are really high    05/14/24  (1)
more accessible than most due to his baldness tp    05/14/24  (1)
Blacks are subhuman, knuckle dragging pieces of shit    05/14/24  (1)
Heywood Jahostme    05/14/24  (1)
I didn't realize that Trump denies even sleeping with Stormy Daniels.    05/14/24  (1)
"just throw an 'r' on the end" (the British)    05/14/24  (1)
Jewmia    05/14/24  (1)
How was Harvey Weinstein convicted if they didn’t have his admission on tape?    05/14/24  (1)
Reminder: Trump has no path with PA and there’s an abortion ref on the ballot    05/14/24  (1)
Is SIMPLISAFE Useful?    05/14/24  (1)
White self-determination and existence runs through Israel (Consuela substack)    05/14/24  (1)
“Poaster? What part of the bort are your people from?”    05/14/24  (1)
Home prices now falling toward record lows    05/14/24  (1)
Found dirte tp’s twitter. He’s doing great    05/14/24  (1)
They are meme stocking you out of cheap bitcoin    05/14/24  (1)
demiurge here. I've got it in for ricky, personally and specifically    05/14/24  (1)