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How is Michael Jordan worth 3.2 billion?    05/10/24  (33)
I worked with this black girl in a warehouse for like 2 days (gibberish)    05/10/24  (32)
Saying 100% objective things like AIPAC has too much influence = antisemitism?    05/10/24  (25)
I don’t get why people rag on public school so much    05/10/24  (22)
can you fix her? (pic)    05/10/24  (19)
TV in bedroom - prole?    05/10/24  (12)
Prole tell - thinking jewish people are smart    05/10/24  (11)
Finally getting around to watching sopranos this really is goat    05/10/24  (11)
All the wrongs will be righted from all past    05/10/24  (10)
I just put a couple silver dollars in my windowsill to see if they tone    05/10/24  (8)
How to summon the will to continue living once drained of your virility?    05/10/24  (7)
Who is the most famous basketball player of all time?    05/10/24  (7)
waifish girls with aryan guys    05/10/24  (7)
Why do jewish people love wars so much? seriously WTF?    05/10/24  (6)
do any non libs ask republican politicians wtf they're doing    05/10/24  (5)
Your fat jewess netflix gf asking u if you like her tits more than Abby Shapiros    05/10/24  (5)
What do you think the odds are that the Alaska Hawaiian acquisition will close    05/10/24  (5)
Liquid Swords by GZA is the most underrated rap album of all time    05/10/24  (5)
Im going to spend $70k to convert my pool into an "in-door" pool    05/10/24  (5)
Why are you doing this to yourselves? I'm all for you    05/10/24  (5)
Jamie Dimon: How is Michael Jordan worth $3.2 billion?    05/10/24  (5)
How are all these tech founders also good at running businesses    05/10/24  (5)
Has GC killed circuses yet?    05/10/24  (5)
Rate this incoming Colorado -Boulder freshman    05/10/24  (4)
Video chat with Candace Owens for only 5 grand a minute - link    05/10/24  (4)
doodikoff's ai dating concierge asking him how he feels about ruined orgasms    05/10/24  (4)
Will SOLANA go above 1000 in the next year?    05/10/24  (4)
cr to take up polo to impress chicks?    05/10/24  (4)
Planet Fitness losing subscribers over trans shaving in women's locker room    05/10/24  (4)
The Rivers Cuomo of Kathmandu tp    05/10/24  (3)
When 25% of your active poasters have Kiwi Farms threads, that's not a good sign    05/10/24  (3)
Jews (2% of population, 40% of elected officials) hissing about democracy    05/10/24  (3)
Why is TSINAH literally taking shits at Yale University?    05/10/24  (3)
Sopranos episode where Tony walks in on AJ posting on xo    05/10/24  (3)
One weird trick: Just hate Jews    05/10/24  (3)
Bussy Riot    05/10/24  (2)
Is 10/7 one of the most successful military ops in history    05/10/24  (2)
Rate the reading skills of this diploma presenter - link    05/10/24  (2)
"Japanese Business" guy on TikTok/YouTube is blowing up, its mostly abt WGWAG    05/10/24  (2)
Got a little physical with Adam Silver    05/10/24  (2)
I'm doing all good in this world..doing my part and it will all work out(Boom)    05/10/24  (2)
Bannon going to prison    05/10/24  (2)
libs are coming for the Magna Carta (literally)    05/10/24  (2)
Bowlcut test: Two Asians have a conversation amongst themselves not about whites    05/10/24  (2)
Finally getting around to reading Pensive poasts this really is goat    05/10/24  (2)
My thought process is infinite to most    05/10/24  (2)
The San Antonio Football team !    05/10/24  (2)
Question for all you silver owners: is windowsill toning natural toning?    05/10/24  (2)
The jewish billionaire will shriek if you make an antisemitism thought crime    05/10/24  (2)