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Trump has like 10x more open support than he did in 2016 and 2020    05/13/24  (56)
XO loves pro-muslims now    05/13/24  (55)
Will housing prices ever go down?    05/13/24  (46)
Most consequential casting decision in history    05/13/24  (41)
I emailed Mark Cuban to confirm it was really his Substack account who replied    05/13/24  (38)
Is podcasting a uniquely Anglo-American phenomenon?    05/13/24  (36)
Lost all my irl friends now it’s xo all the way or bust    05/13/24  (35)
When did Jewish high IQ emerge?    05/13/24  (30)
1950s families had SFH but they were like 1000 square feet max    05/13/24  (25)
I get at least 10 messages a day on Grindr from dudes begging to suck my dick    05/13/24  (25)
Cancer treatment update- 2 more radiation sessions to go    05/13/24  (23)
True or False: EV Infrastructure will be good enough in 2030 to justify an EV    05/13/24  (22)
Markets should have big swings every day, these flat days are BORING    05/13/24  (22)
That boomer idiot couple you know with 1.5 million dollar House    05/13/24  (22)
Why did Obama hide the fact that he's a Homosexual?    05/13/24  (21)
The obesity in America is appalling    05/13/24  (21)
Finishing up my cross-country road trip, taking q's (TSINAH)    05/13/24  (21)
Bill Burr completely destroys Bill Maher for supporting Israel    05/13/24  (21)
All you need to know: gunneratttt owns a Tesla    05/13/24  (19)
All these people testifying under oath that Trump cheated on his wife    05/13/24  (18)
Only legit movie stars under 30 are Timothee and Zendaya    05/13/24  (17)
Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-Closet) says he supports Israel dropping Nuke on Gaza    05/13/24  (16)
#1 irl hobby rn is rejecting women    05/13/24  (16)
Sony to Lose exclusives (link)    05/13/24  (16)
what prole chicken sandwich or chicken fingers should i get    05/13/24  (16)
Good News - Hollywood Writers are suffering    05/13/24  (15)
Trump trial predictions: conviction or no?    05/13/24  (15)
ITT: We list the posters who are the most "offputting"    05/13/24  (15)
Do u think the average adult male cango 30 days without MASTURBATION or orgasm?    05/13/24  (14)
I’m looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. 6’5”. Blue eyes.    05/13/24  (14)
got my 37 yr old wife pregnant on first attempt. age is flame    05/13/24  (14)
I connect more with TBF's insane vitriol against me than I do with normies irl    05/13/24  (14)
why do blacks attack total strangers    05/13/24  (14)
Massive drone explosion kills a bunch of Russians - video    05/13/24  (13)
The situation in Kharkiv seems to have stabilized - link    05/13/24  (13)
So are goth girls ever coming back or what    05/13/24  (13)
Sega Saturn outsold Xbox Series X Life-to-date    05/13/24  (13)
Costa Rica is nicer than Nicaragua or El Salvador but it's also twice as expeniv    05/13/24  (12)
Global population will probably start shrinking soon    05/13/24  (12)
Russia’s biggest weakness is not caring if its soldiers die    05/13/24  (12)
Crazy that HS girls post things like this on Instagram    05/13/24  (12)
China just won the next war with the US - link    05/13/24  (11)
Christopher Nolan reveals his all-time greatest scene: It's what you think it is    05/13/24  (11)
Trump enthusiasm ebbing, hardly any truck parades or boat parades this time.    05/13/24  (11)
Anybody here get shingles as an adult    05/13/24  (11)
TIL that Taiwan consists of islands right on China’s coast jfc    05/13/24  (11)
these chicks are thermonuclearly hot    05/13/24  (10)
OYT are you too Poor to afford a Hair Transplant?    05/13/24  (10)
There is no reasonably probable news about Trump thatll make a MAGA voter switch    05/13/24  (10)
if you're not a completely deranged lunatic you're an irrelevant nobody    05/13/24  (10)