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Libs completely fucked up their pro-Palestine movement by going too far    05/04/24  (60)
Tucker Carlson interviews Tucker Max (link)    05/04/24  (48)
Replace One Name In A Movie Title With 'Rupinder'    05/04/24  (44)
Woman burns the Koran in Malmo Sweden - video    05/04/24  (38)
Libs have IDed the monkey guy at Ole Miss    05/04/24  (38)
why again does US middle class have to bankroll israel/gaza & ukraine/ussr    05/04/24  (38)
Ever fucked a woman significantly taller than you?    05/04/24  (33)
Started lifting — is the StrongLifts app any good?    05/04/24  (32)
Fit guys with obese women. How does this happen?    05/04/24  (32)
Half of boomers have less than 250k to their name (link)    05/04/24  (25)
Men who don’t get married and start families + gays should be be taxed more    05/04/24  (25)
Sad how lonely and sad everyone is with all of the people in america    05/04/24  (22)
One of the dads at the dinner party said I looked like Jared Fogle.    05/04/24  (21)
Underrated 50 Cent song: "Many Men"    05/04/24  (20)
The video of Danny Glover defending Mel Gibson completely wiped    05/04/24  (19)
women love wasting time    05/04/24  (19)
Bros with wives the same age, do you plan to jerk off a lot in your 50s and 60s?    05/04/24  (17)
69 is a stupid sex position    05/04/24  (17)
Muslims + LGBTQs for Palestine gives an image reminiscent of old zombie movies    05/04/24  (16)
have we talked about the 24yo female teacher who made out with 5th grader?    05/04/24  (16)
Women really like aging horribly and having tons of debt    05/04/24  (15)
steroid bros - best online vendor for EPO?    05/04/24  (15)
Eating out isn’t even worth it anymore. All the food tastes bad    05/04/24  (14)
Asked wife what was worse: fall of Constantinople or Library of Alexandria    05/04/24  (14)
Who was the most prestigious Jewish mobster of all time?    05/04/24  (14)
vote ITT: is disco fries real or flame    05/04/24  (14)
Dare I say….tp?    05/04/24  (13)
Started ghosting women *before* sex. They rage in novel length text screeds    05/04/24  (13)
rate this gorgeous Indian UAV bomber (pic)    05/04/24  (13)
Do Jews know they are sinful?    05/04/24  (13)
DESCRIBE your go to self-harm method    05/04/24  (13)
Lex Fridman sucks imo    05/04/24  (12)
Attractive 30 year old with gray hair is really into me. Can’t afford hair dye    05/04/24  (12)
Marlon Brando loved cats    05/04/24  (12)
NYT: UCLA counter protesters who attacked encampment were ex-IDF    05/04/24  (11)
Taking PREGAME Qs before going OUT (RSF)    05/04/24  (11)
Dinner party was a huge success. Everyone has a good time.    05/04/24  (11)
Which cities have a SHIT problem?    05/04/24  (11)
flaccid cock shoved in dry pussy    05/04/24  (11)
is civil war worth seeing? thinking of going to see it tonight    05/04/24  (11)
I do most of the maintenance on my car. How prole/prestigious?    05/04/24  (10)
Breaking: Biden shits his pants again (video)    05/04/24  (10)
Rate my luck in this poker hand vs Kenny TP (Chandler)    05/04/24  (10)
Enormous herd of orcs wiped out with four missiles    05/04/24  (10)
Chris Cuomo: Covid vax has permanently fucked my health up    05/04/24  (9)
Today is my MBA Commencement. I'm wearing a Cap and Gown (cowgod)    05/04/24  (9)
All H1B should be sent immediately home    05/04/24  (9)
How to defrost 7.5 pork butt?    05/04/24  (9)
South Carolina Cheerleader's Mediocre Nude Body Leaked    05/04/24  (9)
I’m sick of being treated like subhuman because penis isn’t a pornstar 8 inc    05/04/24  (8)