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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
VP JD Vance’s 12-yo niece DENIED admission to school for not be covidvaxxed LO    02/12/25  (4)
Chunky, yellow penis pus    02/12/25  (1)
if I'm being honest I think dems' biggest problem is black people    02/12/25  (6)
"Bang my stinky yellow pussy, white math dork"    02/12/25  (114)
Finally, a funny left-wing edit of a conservative cartoon:    02/12/25  (29)
TBF these goyim need to learn when to stfu    02/12/25  (1)
i'm a gay nigger hooker    02/12/25  (3)
Tea Party Patriots Eager for Trump to Fulfill Balanced Budget Pledge (CNBC)    02/12/25  (4)
Hegseth taking sloppy seconds to Gaetz at Trump's Bunga Bunga Party (DailyMail)    02/12/25  (2)
Are all wheelchair users homosexuals?    02/12/25  (10)
nyuug’s boss needs to give him more work to do    02/12/25  (1)
Anyone here try Civ VII yet    02/12/25  (9)
Asians are completely fungible    02/12/25  (7)
'Asians are superior!,' he sweatily insisted, seeking approval from white people    02/12/25  (5)
Asians are physically weaker due to lack of selenium in soil (link)    02/12/25  (3)
azn girl complains asians are underrepresented in STEM, gets $140K from US gov't    02/12/25  (23)
asians are the most proficient piano players but have no heart or soul behind it    02/12/25  (7)
IRL Asian here, TONS of shitlib / neutral Asians are getting redpilled rn    02/12/25  (147)
Jade Helm III- Inside the Trump Admin's Plans to "Secure" the Border    02/12/25  (4)
Lab friend says Trump barking up wrong tree, chasing long-gone cat tail    02/12/25  (6)
indians and asians are known the world over for their comedic flair    02/12/25  (3)
Don Jr promises to "really drain the swamp" starting here (link)    02/12/25  (5)
Biggest forcememe on XO is that half-asians are physically attractive    02/12/25  (11)
Gaped Brown Asshole    02/12/25  (8)
Jews and Asians are privileged minorities    02/12/25  (2)
asians are stereotyped as quiet/introverted but it's only true around whites    02/12/25  (2)
Happy Wednesday Autists!    02/12/25  (106)
Lots of malevolent forces and unrecognizable monikers on XO    02/12/25  (4)
Henry Aaron face down on SpaceX landing zone: “Fuck Libs!”    02/12/25  (31)
Trump legalizes bribery of foreign officials    02/12/25  (53)
Feb. 10, 2025: Why is Drake Mallard/Voodoo Child going insane today?    02/12/25  (29)
Asians are 180    02/12/25  (3)
What if the Asians are meant to perfect white innovation    02/12/25  (4)
White guy who’s lived in Tokyo for 30 yrs: Asians are robotic bug people (link    02/12/25  (8)
i absolutely fucking hate being alive and cant believe i have to do this forever    02/12/25  (12)
Kanye to Kushner: “You call yourself a playa but I fucked your wife”    02/12/25  (35)
Oh no some freak incels and asians are talking shit about boss baby 2, saying it    02/12/25  (8)
walking through the diamond district blasting kanye on a boombox    02/12/25  (2)
one of my direct reports has TDS and i might be forced to fire him    02/12/25  (12)
Asians are the last people left in America that handle blacks properly    02/12/25  (2)
If covid is lab made, attacks against Asians are going to skyrocket.    02/12/25  (10)
I really only hate turds and blacks. East Asians are okay in my book    02/12/25  (3)
What are COVID stats by race? Seems Asians are least affected.    02/12/25  (13)
“Whose death ray is this?” *Barron & X perk up* “Size XS” *Barron scowls    02/12/25  (2)
JD Vance BITCH-SLAPS Euroweenie “leaders” at conference in Paris    02/12/25  (44)
I must admit the following asians are certainly capable of being prestigious...    02/12/25  (2)
So do East Asians think South Asians are "trashy"; Pacific Islanders "mischlings    02/12/25  (2)
as much as Asians are mocked they knew what was up w Trump vs faggy Europe    02/12/25  (2)
Oh no whites and Asians are going back to school but blacks aren’t!    02/12/25  (2)
Just realized asians are not YELLOW. They are WHITE.    02/12/25  (5)
oh wow a woman telling me demonic sexual shit she's into wow thank you lord    02/12/25  (4)
Board Asians are really mad that I'm "white passing"    02/12/25  (12)
I always find it odd that you can’t find Jewish bakery items in Germany    02/12/25  (10)
women are such sick vile disgusting fucking awful demons    02/12/25  (2)
My pubes are STINKIN tonight    02/12/25  (1)
Jews are welcome on AutoAdmit dot com    02/12/25  (2)
Get these 90 IQ libs out of here    02/12/25  (2)
Columbia review Boor    02/12/25  (4)
STICKY: Moist    02/12/25  (3)
Yzma and Jewish Kronk    02/12/25  (1)
Restrained homosexuals are welcome on AutoAdmit dot com    02/12/25  (1)
anyone ever fucked a coonpussy??    02/12/25  (1)
Cheifs cheated&never dominated eagles cr    02/12/25  (2)
No one cares about Mahomo/Kelce/Reid/Swift&the loser Chiefs    02/12/25  (13)
ICE agents DEMAND Utah cops arrest a guy who honked at them (vid)    02/12/25  (2)
Rate this Jewish joke from Joe Rogan (link)    02/12/25  (3)
Can we get rid of this Dem hired muscle making this forum reek like shit    02/12/25  (2)
i want to die slowly, suffocated to death til i'm dead by tulsi's thick thighs    02/12/25  (8)
Since 2018 if not earlier    02/12/25  (1)
Dem Rep: "manufacturing" is sexist, should be changed to "peoplefacturing" (link    02/12/25  (1)
Hairy vagina    02/12/25  (4)
powdered urine    02/12/25  (3)
ayo AZZ FEAST!    02/12/25  (2)
Jizz Rocket    02/12/25  (2)
dirty hooker    02/12/25  (2)
Anus Eater    02/12/25  (2)
Smells like teen bussy    02/12/25  (1)
Disgusting homosexuals crawling all over our great boart    02/12/25  (2)
recent pope drama shows why it's important for US to remain protestant    02/12/25  (1)
Moist    02/12/25  (3)
It’s official: Worcester is a ‘sanctuary city’ for transgender community (    02/12/25  (6)
I was called a "Twit" this weekend and didn't have a good comeback    02/12/25  (4)
so wlmas, internet guy, and nyuug are going to shit up the board daily?    02/12/25  (6)
do u think elon musk is bi-curious?    02/12/25  (2)
farted    02/12/25  (14)
St Diapering Day is coming up    02/12/25  (2)
BASED Scarlett Johansson REFUSES to associate with protest against antisemitis    02/12/25  (4)
trannys    02/12/25  (4)
Asians are fucked by biology but mostly by culture    02/12/25  (4)
Real talk: Asians are fucking retarded for coming to America    02/12/25  (12)
Asians are mad that Mexicans, who weren't enslaved here, get affirmative action    02/12/25  (12)
So the mods just refuse to do anything about the spammer?    02/12/25  (1)
Elon can’t be President, but little X can    02/12/25  (1)
Asians are pissed that CA is bringing back affirmative action    02/12/25  (29)
asians are an evolutionary dead end, like a blind alley in a duck's vagina    02/12/25  (7)
Lot of asians are getting redpilled by the recent lib nonsense    02/12/25  (5)
Asians are savvy. Positioning themselves as POC uber-class.    02/12/25  (3)
Asians are probably my favorite minority, except Chinese fucking suck    02/12/25  (6)
It's not PC to talk about how much better Asians are at COVID-19 tests    02/12/25  (3)
Kindve glad the boart is completely destroyed    02/12/25  (5)
Signal Hill by Intervals is the single greatest song of all time    02/12/25  (1)
Asians are afraid because they know whitey is waking up. The grift is over    02/12/25  (3)
Asians are easier to masturbate with for money than jews    02/12/25  (1)
Asians are easier to manipulate with money than jews    02/12/25  (4)
Does XO Know About This "Viral" "Dubai Chocolate Bar" Craze?    02/12/25  (5)
cons went from "no interventionism" to Greenland, Panama, Gaza very fast    02/12/25  (2)
Karen, I am begging you for access to your sweet holes    02/12/25  (3)
tulsi is such a fucking hot sultry chunky milf & probably gives awful blowjobs    02/12/25  (27)
Asians are going to emerge from this using "PoC" cred even stronger    02/12/25  (2)
this is gonna make people understand how much more filthy Asians are    02/12/25  (2)
this is gonna make people understand how much more stoic Asians are    02/12/25  (2)
Science PROVES Asians are more susceptible to Wuhan flu    02/12/25  (2)
"It Gets Better" campaign was complete fucking bullshit lies lmao    02/12/25  (4)
south korea somehow 100x smaller than us and still has slower internet    02/12/25  (1)
Aaron Marshall has a 180 musical IQ guitar melodic riff-wise    02/12/25  (1)
Worse life outcome: Elliot Rogers or nyuug? An xo symposium    02/12/25  (6)
i just had an epiphany why asians are so obsessed with school grades    02/12/25  (3)
xo Bernie Sanders: "Look, Asians are weird freaks. We all know that."    02/12/25  (4)
Controversial opinion: asians are 180    02/12/25  (54)
*spams white-genocidal psychosis 24/7* "Asians are 180 model minorities bro!"    02/12/25  (8)
asians are all filthy peasant dirt-farmers    02/12/25  (4)
"Asians are natural conservatives!" as turdskin/chink inva turns Viginia shitlib    02/12/25  (30)
Asians are doing well cuz they’re not anchored down by jews    02/12/25  (2)
e=mc^2–also, asians are a subhuman insect race btw    02/12/25  (3)
Oh shit a 40 yo gay felon who lives with his grandparents doesn't like Trump    02/12/25  (18)
Benzo's non RSF posts are all moronic NPC garbage    02/12/25  (1)
Elon wants to return $711 million in CFPB proceeds to the taxpayers!    02/12/25  (61)
On a long enough time line we're all going in the oven    02/12/25  (2)
Nutella, is it true Asians are way more racist than most whites?    02/12/25  (5)
Asians are 180. Is there anyone on this board that loves them as much as I do?    02/12/25  (10)
Asians are now the largest racial group in two Bay Area counties    02/12/25  (4)
"Asians are addicted to applying to prestige colleges"    02/12/25  (2)
Asians are the biggest group in Alameda and Santa Clara counties    02/12/25  (7)
Answer for why Asians are weak-chinned midgets discovered in Phillipines    02/12/25  (2)
Reminder: Asians are OBJECTIVELY the master race.    02/12/25  (7)
“We just want what’s worst for everybody who isn’t Jewish” (trump admini    02/12/25  (5)
oh wow a bunch of weird angry Indians and Asians are spamming again    02/12/25  (2)
Caucasians are greatly burdened by their over-developed consciences    02/12/25  (2)
Most Asians are HIKKORMORIs    02/12/25  (3)
Notice that when you walk in a room Asians are basically invisible.    02/12/25  (5)
hispanics and asians are insanely anti-black    02/12/25  (37)
All Asians are women and they have really big clits (Louis CK)    02/12/25  (3)
This is one of the few msg boards where Asians are significantly dumber than whi    02/12/25  (2)
rate this azn girl teacher who banged 11 and 12 yr old students (pic)    02/12/25  (20)
Trump considering pardoning Dylan Roof    02/12/25  (1)
Asians are insane    02/12/25  (4)
Leftists seem to be getting really excited about political violence    02/12/25  (19)
Wait. Asians are so beta they rename themselves to sound white?    02/12/25  (3)
Do you think Northeast Asians (orientals) or Southeast Asians are better looking    02/12/25  (18)
rural asians are done at Harvard    02/12/25  (113)

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