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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
RFK endorsing Trump would end the election    07/27/24  (6)
TRUMPMOS - ur mad because ur losing and deep down u know it    07/27/24  (8)
what was the EXACT moment that America peaked?    07/27/24  (79)
libs hate truth, reality, light and good    07/27/24  (6)
This is how I remember the Obama years    07/27/24  (5)
STICKY: JD Vance's couch    07/27/24  (8)
DonOLD Trump is TOO OLD to run for POTUS. He's be 82 in four years. Ghastly.    07/27/24  (2)
Demoralizing and killing native population to necessitate importation of 3rd wor    07/27/24  (1)
ive been torn up much worse by a bear (tsinah watching the revenant)    07/27/24  (38)
Provincetown bears all call tsinah “Leo”    07/27/24  (2)
"let's the dumb cocksucker spend money attacking a decoy opponent" (biden)    07/27/24  (3)
Jared from Subway: working out, watching CFB. U: Coordinating conference calls    07/27/24  (6)
BOARD TRUMPMOS suddenly stopped linking to polls, why?    07/27/24  (2)
Obama threatens to unleash Biden on daughters if they misbehave    07/27/24  (2)
Trump responds to contempt charges: Oh, please dear?    07/27/24  (3)
Trump putting Minnesota in play against Krazy Kamala!    07/27/24  (6)
Harris campaign sells out of "trump wasn't shot" t-shirts in 17 minutes (cnn)    07/27/24  (1)
Elephant hunter gets shit pushed in by ELEPHANT    07/27/24  (23)
The autoadmit renaissance is the seedbed for christian revival    07/27/24  (9)
The Trumpmos are MAF, that's how you know Trump is losing    07/27/24  (1)
top athletes in europe competing in august thats right FSU vs GaTech dublin 8/24    07/27/24  (1)
Tbf’s furher *unloads* on Kamala for not loving Jews enough (daily mail)    07/27/24  (3)
After Kamala wins the Trumpmos are gonna organize the Million Moron March    07/27/24  (5)
ITT Emilio will rate you as a C.S. Lewis character    07/27/24  (49)
i saw post-hardcore group Fucked Up last night    07/27/24  (6)
High school cheerleader falls asleep and gets decomposed by millipedes (time lap    07/27/24  (8)
Olympics Beef Ribs are on the Barbie!    07/27/24  (13)
The GOP is just a party of vapid retards with plastic surgery cheering on Israel    07/27/24  (1)
It's funny how libs and cons murmur differently about the election    07/27/24  (2)
Peter Thiel: NO MORE STUPID WARS! Also: Genocide OK (if Israel doing it)    07/26/24  (1)
Trump has got to be fucking pissed off at Vance.    07/26/24  (72)
Trumps numbers inflated due to assassination/convention. After DNC, she’ll lea    07/26/24  (1)
Trump appears in neck brace after nation forgets abt teleprompter shard    07/26/24  (10)
Nixon should have refused to resign; fought Congress    07/26/24  (2)
Harris has amassed a cult following called the "K-Hive" around her Obama-like pe    07/26/24  (3)
Lynn Conway tp here, taking Q's    07/26/24  (29)
Google unveils quantum gaming rig    07/26/24  (9)
They were calling JD Vance the future of the GOP -> autism, gayness, FAT    07/26/24  (2)
🚨🚨🚨Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Megathread🚨🚨🚨    07/26/24  (196)
It's utterly 180 that a guy named 'Barrack Hussein Obama' was elected president    07/26/24  (6)
We are a few weeks away from the big reveal that the vaccines are killing us    07/26/24  (67)
how can folks look out the window on a plane and *not* have a panic attack    07/26/24  (3)
I don’t understand what pencil dick pumo is trying to achieve here    07/26/24  (14)
We're not having fucking "Kamala Harris" as President    07/26/24  (2)
''Vance is assassination insurance,'' explained TSINAH to the JimmyJohn's clerk    07/26/24  (1)
Tucker Carlson MAF at CNN    07/26/24  (3)
Trumpmo politicians: "We hate 80% of the US population!"    07/26/24  (1)
*gets nicked by teleprompter glass* “im basically braveheart” (trump)    07/26/24  (6)
JD Vance going back and forth with Jennifer Anniston now    07/26/24  (18)
Mudshark dies after mud boyfriend feeds her drugs and watches her die    07/26/24  (24)
Biden is leading every poll in every state lol libs    07/26/24  (3)
Christopher Reeve grinning at your from a highway billboard: cure me    07/26/24  (2)
i think i had sex with a woman in her 30s once or twice    07/26/24  (1)
Why didn't Trumpmos pick a VP from PA or MI?    07/26/24  (1)
🚨 Scientists create hybrid chicken w/ 4x breast size using spliced RSF genes    07/26/24  (11)
If you had to live in Washington DC with spouse, 3 young kids, what neighborhood    07/26/24  (13)
How hard is it to pick a likable “leader” type VP?    07/26/24  (14)
In GTA V your character has to go to the bathroom sometimes    07/26/24  (13)
LIBS we have to admit, JD Vance was a good choice, hopefully he quiets down    07/26/24  (1)
Willie Brown: you're goddamn right I fucked Kamala's tight 34 year-old twat    07/26/24  (12)
Sugar baby on TikTok posts about her Sugar daddy lolyer and outs him    07/26/24  (116)
FRANK Biden used his brother's connections to land sweetheart gigs    07/26/24  (40)
Why can't we get multiple vaccines?    07/26/24  (11)
Which 40+ fatass will have a kid first: Tsinah or RSF?    07/26/24  (8)
I mean let’s face it Consuela is a weird mother fucker    07/26/24  (9)
Hunter Bidens fuct    07/26/24  (42)
Wait, David Houck demands no Josh (((Shapiro)))?    07/26/24  (1)
Christ is lord over this board    07/26/24  (1)
Kallmanelli's hairline slowly emerging into sight from end of bed is horrifying    07/26/24  (5)
The Mr Beast trans guy is getting a bit of a raw deal IMO    07/26/24  (11)
What exactly is boar's head deli meat?    07/26/24  (2)
What is your favorite style of TIRADE?    07/26/24  (1)
UH OH, the lunatic Trumpmos are getting triggered, polls bad again now!    07/26/24  (1)
US Doctors Stunned By Number Of Gaza Children With Headshot Wounds    07/26/24  (29)
Was reading up on Consuela. He’s a psychopath frfr isn’t he.    07/26/24  (20)
Xo unresponsive    07/26/24  (2)
big mike tp dont worry about the haters u are loved friend    07/26/24  (3)
1/3 of Dems poll admit to wishing assassin had succeeded    07/26/24  (11)
Found Emilio’s TikTok, not flame    07/26/24  (11)
TRUMPMOS you have nothing, Pencil Dick posted for the 50th time on hour 7 of pos    07/26/24  (22)
just a chill quotemo with a self described pencil dick spamming the bort 24/7    07/26/24  (3)
Cooking all night on the Weber Kettle is 180    07/26/24  (5)
Go outside! Breathe and live! Very few online are legit 1    07/26/24  (1)
Who was the last Loser (or part Loser) clique president/VP candidate?    07/26/24  (10)
Benzo, poop is gross. Explain how it turns you on.    07/26/24  (255)
any of you guys constantly tired? what do you do    07/26/24  (3)
anyone here have a hair transplant?    07/26/24  (3)
Remember when that felon Trump projected “Lock her Up!”    07/26/24  (5)
*Stephen King waking up in a sweat after nightmares about Kallmanelli*    07/26/24  (2)
“jfc getting shot didn’t hurt this bad” (trump shaving with dull prison ra    07/26/24  (4)
I see slob men with respectable nice looking women÷xo explain    07/26/24  (1)
JD Vance was the one GOP politician more disliked than Trump himself    07/26/24  (1)
I don't believe you rich lawyers can't score&enjoy pussy    07/26/24  (1)
Holy shit wait until they work over the “anti-child policies” bit from Vance    07/26/24  (2)
Blonde Russian skank KO'd by her Chechen pimp in Putin's Moscow:    07/26/24  (2)
Nothing is adding up..real life is nothing like online    07/26/24  (1)
Trump has make pretend government relations tea party with Israeli sociopaths!    07/26/24  (2)
Trumpmos, you should definitely have JD Vance continue to talk about abortion    07/26/24  (3)
can't impeach the big guy over a measly 10    07/26/24  (34)
Mr. Jinx IS Brat    07/26/24  (1)
Well I've been driven mad with grief    07/26/24  (6)
Israeli influence and money is just an extension of the Republican Party    07/26/24  (2)
You cannot even begin to understand Satan unless and until you know Christ    07/26/24  (1)
Google’s AI gets silver at International Math Olympiad.    07/26/24  (7)
Chart showing how FUCKED Trumpmos are, 180    07/26/24  (1)
how do people end up homeless    07/26/24  (10)
Crazy to think there are 100s of now 40-70 YO women who have slept with Trump    07/26/24  (7)
Jewish surgeon in Gaza says IDF deliberately sniping children (link)    07/26/24  (36)
I'm not very good at being a woman but I'm great at being an asshole    07/26/24  (1)
Father of Kamala's academic field was Althusser iirc    07/26/24  (4)
No limiters    07/26/24  (1)
what was the EXACT moment that Rome peaked?    07/26/24  (4)
TRUMP SAYS HE'S GOING BACK TO BUTLER, PA - clearly desperate for attention    07/26/24  (5)
kamala makes up for her low iq and nasty personality with poor work ethic    07/26/24  (1)
Trump should hold another rally in Butler. What are the odds of a SECOND shooter    07/26/24  (3)
What clique is Vance?    07/26/24  (21)
78 y/o rapist and 39 y/o couchfucker. The party of family values folks.    07/26/24  (13)
🚨 Israel being booed relentlessly by Olympics crowd every time they appear    07/26/24  (8)
Benzo, has poop ever just fallen out of yr ass while walking?    07/26/24  (333)
Lee Kuan Yew didn't learn to speak Chinese until he was 40+. u can MAEK it    07/26/24  (3)
Ghost of Ernst Junger begging consuela to get a job    07/26/24  (2)
Libs fixating on Kamala to distract from SUPER stinky cat litter situations    07/26/24  (1)
Lawyer loves the law so much he literally marries it, judge rules it's valid (li    07/26/24  (17)
Trump wasn't hit by a bullet (FBI)    07/26/24  (7)
Taking 15 HOUR+ Overnight Train Today thru Gobi Desert to UlanBaatar, Mongolia    07/26/24  (35)
kamala candidacy is literally nationwide enjoy dla piper    07/26/24  (1)
underrated parts of recent XO revival: no shitlib pumo, no bandwidth throttler    07/26/24  (12)
kamala sucking off 90 year old willie brown for old time's sake    07/26/24  (1)
There will come an admin whose board is never down.    07/26/24  (1)
the couch stuff is perfect example of lib humor    07/26/24  (20)
Lol at this weird Satanic "Olympics" shit    07/26/24  (3)
Trumpmos aren’t watching the Olympics anyway other than to root against USA    07/26/24  (1)
Spent whole week tracing the bloodline, John Lennox is lex’s great grandfather    07/26/24  (1)
How One California Lawyer Is Litigating Shortness--As a Sexual Death Penalty (NY    07/26/24  (2)
Getting food stuck uncomfortably between teeth and it ruins the whole meal    07/26/24  (1)
WHAAAAAAAH they mocked Muh Last Suppah!    07/26/24  (1)
Brother's sloth gf hogs the couch at family gatherings    07/26/24  (6)
Even with all of the blowback this week, Vance is obviously still    07/26/24  (8)
FischerKing posts here (link)    07/26/24  (14)
Golfmos rate my latest club purchase    07/26/24  (38)
Obamna    07/26/24  (4)
Elmo licking Kermit the Frog's green, hairless ballbag    07/26/24  (3)
Eisenhower knew damn well the planet is being visited by aliens    07/26/24  (6)
Ukraine war wasn't that expensive    07/26/24  (1)
Just bought myself some Allbirds, am I LGBTQ+ now? Can my kids claim on college    07/26/24  (9)
is it normal for over 90% of a vice president's staff to quit in one term?    07/26/24  (5)
Fact check: Kamala was Border Czar. FALSE. Never given title 'Czar'    07/26/24  (4)

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