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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
fulano how much do u pay to get ur haircut?    06/16/24  (4)
anyone else feel bad for fizzkidd having to hook up with 2024 megapoasters?    06/16/24  (2)
fulano furious. sf chronicle raves about high-end korean food    06/16/24  (2)
irl friend asked RSF how he knew me. he said, "oh, he's famous    06/16/24  (1)
who here has a couple of spare accounts? for historically important poasters    06/16/24  (27)
TSINAH here taking baby name suggestions    06/16/24  (8)
FUN FACT: Copper wire was invented by two Jews    06/16/24  (1)
the Group 2 snap is blowing up    06/16/24  (2)
so is group 2 now living in constant fear of outting?    06/16/24  (3)
what is 'group 2'?    06/16/24  (6)
group 2 loser here. taking ?s    06/16/24  (10)
you're a fucking GROUP 2 LOSER    06/16/24  (9)
Group 2's "inner circle" unmasked itt    06/16/24  (2)
"Group 2" is based and redpilled.    06/16/24  (3)
group 2 and the way it interacts with lawman 8    06/16/24  (3)
“group 2” is just a bunch of fags shouting white power while they eat mayo f    06/16/24  (5)
Group 2 = Faggots    06/16/24  (3)
Is group 2 the most catty group on xo?    06/16/24  (2)
Group 2 guy here. Taking Qs    06/16/24  (32)
luis how does one join your group 2 cool kids group?    06/16/24  (5)
You’re a Group 2 hater? Sick. Get in this dildo, we’re going up lawman8’s    06/16/24  (4)
ITT Group 2 poasters EXPOSED    06/16/24  (3)
GJR is going to killself when Group 2 gives her the "colt" treatment    06/16/24  (2)
Angel Reese attacks Caitlin Clark again    06/16/24  (9)
Group 2 got bored and invented a girlfriend for boner police?    06/16/24  (5)
Hitler knew about computers    06/16/24  (7)
basically every unfunny tryhard "group 2" faggot is a system poaster    06/16/24  (21)
I got a fucking subpoena served on me yesterday (zurich)    06/16/24  (15)
Someone link to the original group 2 post    06/16/24  (7)
am I a group 2 poster?    06/16/24  (21)
suspected Group 2 members/allies    06/16/24  (2)
did we really get Group 2’d again this mpm    06/16/24  (2)
"Group 2 losers try bullying me on here, but I always fight back" (lawman8)    06/16/24  (36)
I wonder if Group 2 ever discusses me in the Snapchat group    06/16/24  (5)
group 2 poster    06/16/24  (10)
fucking group 2 dude goddamnit    06/16/24  (3)
The Group 2 Cinematic Universe    06/16/24  (4)
You guys should start paying taxes to Group 2    06/16/24  (9)
How do I join “Group 2”    06/16/24  (10)
“Group 2” was the gayest thing xo ever had    06/16/24  (5)
I wonder if Group 2 ever talks about me in their little Snapchat group.    06/16/24  (10)
Someone explain "group 2" to me    06/16/24  (2)
Group 2? More like Group JEW lmao    06/16/24  (4)
who is hosting the group 2 cookout this year    06/16/24  (9)
So "Group 2" = the best 8-10 poasters from 2014-present?    06/16/24  (25)
I refuse to be a group 2 poaster    06/16/24  (3)
Artsy rock bands that actually sucked    06/16/24  (31)
what's a good backpack brand    06/16/24  (13)
How many new poasters have we added this year to date?    06/16/24  (49)
xo shane gillis Tires🛞 show RT: "critics" 40% audience 90%    06/16/24  (11)
Omg Becky he’s in the Group 2 inner circle    06/16/24  (2)
niggers are children    06/16/24  (2)
Who are the manliest men of xo?    06/16/24  (6)
That Mexican ex-military prole loser (TDNW) is hilariously retarded    06/16/24  (4)
7th grade summer chatting on AIM + MSN 🤙    06/16/24  (13)
59% of XO poasters were born in India    06/16/24  (8)
shrew friend w 2 kids posted “happy sperm donor day” on FB    06/16/24  (1)
“Oh I know him! He sings songs about Tall men!”    06/16/24  (1)
You can still build a super-tower PC. They haven't taken that away    06/16/24  (15)
Anything worse than faggots who "find Jesus"    06/16/24  (1)
A Hollywood Heavyweight Is Biden’s Secret Weapon Against Trump (NYT)    06/16/24  (20)
Elon must get rid of Community Notes they make conservatives look like clowns    06/16/24  (3)
Big surprise: Drumpf's fundie "spiritual advisor" outted as a chomo (link)    06/16/24  (7)
To be fair needs to be a lot meaner to consuela imo    06/16/24  (8)
This is what my wife looks like    06/16/24  (7)
man o war do you prefer swishers, phillies, or dutchmasters?    06/16/24  (11)
Trump now has 10% lead over Biden on betting markets    06/16/24  (2)
disco fries is the whiniest faggot of a man I have ever seen JFC    06/16/24  (18)
Has AIPAC issued any support of response to Massie?    06/16/24  (7)
ISIS prisoners in Russia take guards hostage, ends predictably (video)    06/16/24  (3)
MPA, do you have a high verbal, disharmonic IQ?    06/16/24  (2)
Top 3 posters: bowlcut pothead, weed smoker, and weed smoking kike    06/16/24  (5)
Latinx call it a "papi smear"    06/16/24  (1)
Biden @ G7 has no idea where he is, Italian PM has to tell him    06/16/24  (117)
aids skirllex    06/16/24  (1)
Could I at nearly 40 learn enough “tech” in 18 months to get a 100k job?    06/16/24  (4)
Hitler did not know that the USA existed afaik    06/16/24  (15)
"pap smear"    06/16/24  (1)
Do you ever feel at a loss for words after you cum inside somebody?    06/16/24  (15)
I love ramming objects up my anus    06/16/24  (13)
Should I cop life insurance before going to climb Teewinot?    06/16/24  (2)
New poster, just registered yesterday. Does anybody have any tips for the LSAT?    06/16/24  (5)
JFC these mega man games are hard. I can't even get to a boss    06/16/24  (8)
How to become a millionaire    06/16/24  (5)
anyone else live in a pod?    06/16/24  (15)
i feel like it's all gonna come crashing down soon. impending sense of doom.    06/16/24  (2)
10th Circuit sides with sorority tranny - link    06/16/24  (2)
Northeast and Great Lakes region fuuuuucked 🥵    06/16/24  (1)
BHO’s spiritual advisor: critical of America. DJT’s: Actual pedophile    06/16/24  (2)
The Biden regime declares pro-white groups to be TERRORISTS:    06/16/24  (13)
In 1980 Cary Grant sued Chevy Chase for $10m for calling him a homo    06/16/24  (1)
Triumph Of The Will (1935) w/ English subtitles to download (video)    06/16/24  (1)
A Third of Online College Students are AI-Powered Spambots. (nyt)    06/16/24  (1)
12 x Hitler speeches in English (AI) to download (video)    06/16/24  (2)
rate this azn fashion geek’s self critique (link)    06/16/24  (3)
That SP subpoena is probably why TBF has been poasting less too    06/16/24  (1)
Chad Kroger voice: "Look at this pile of shoes It means we must help the Jews"    06/16/24  (10)
hero cop dad fatally shooting the stalker so dotter so resume e-thotting tp    06/16/24  (1)
ITT: photos of EPAH's half-breed children    06/16/24  (1)
know a guy who's wife and dog died this week    06/16/24  (12)
The Influencer Is a Young Teenage Girl. The Audience Is 92% Adult Men    06/16/24  (19)
I will begin to masterbate in 30 minutes    06/16/24  (11)
Journalist JAILED for not disclosing source for TN tranny shooter MANIFESTO(DM)    06/16/24  (20)
How long after Trump takes office will the Dem pedophile ring be revealed?    06/16/24  (13)
Nightmare Before Christmas but Jack Skellington discovers Juneteenth Town    06/16/24  (5)
Wait, their plan was to "decertify" the election b/c it was "stolen"?    06/16/24  (1)
Should I Sell my Xbox and buy a PS5 and FF7R2?    06/16/24  (41)
Young Thug's lawyer gets 20 days in jail for contempt (insane story)    06/16/24  (172)
Happy Father’s Day to all xo fathers except Epah and spaceporn    06/16/24  (8)
why would anyone confuse "white liberals" for the elite lmao    06/16/24  (2)
JJC and WLMAS having sex as "black and yellow" plays in background    06/16/24  (59)
I put it down from my poasts to my blank bumps    06/16/24  (1)
black & yella black & yella black & yella black & yella    06/16/24  (1)
at a bar taking q's (TSINAH)    06/16/24  (31)
North Carolina seems like a 180 place    06/16/24  (4)
Trumps first vp won’t endorse him and his next one called him a rapist    06/16/24  (23)
Thoughts on the ongoing Kendrick vs. Drake rap battle    06/16/24  (124)
Taylor Swift drops Kanye diss album on 10th anniversary of his mom's death    06/16/24  (3)
Tbf are you allowed to to see your son today today?    06/16/24  (1)
Today you celebrate the guy who creampattied your mom    06/16/24  (1)
WTF is it with Biden and leaving stages? - video    06/16/24  (4)
u/cowgod180 is permanently banned from r/XboxSeriesS    06/16/24  (1)
Seinfeld episode about boomer Jews pre-fortifying the election    06/16/24  (2)
Christcuck MPA rushing in to take your hand off your masturbating penis    06/16/24  (21)
RATE my progression toward climbing and summiting Teewinot Mountain    06/16/24  (8)
Karma sushi reviews - now with subtle wgwag trolling    06/16/24  (6)
On June 19, 2024, all U.S. markets will be closed in observance of Juneteenth    06/16/24  (6)
Juneteenth shootings megathread    06/16/24  (1)
Tumblr of mid-30s moms on ur block in shorts with tanned, meaty thighs    06/16/24  (2)
Why is Tesla stock going up again? Company has garbage mgmt, products    06/16/24  (59)
Wake Forest seems like an awesome UG to attend.    06/16/24  (75)
Do you know any men who use their wives maiden name lol    06/16/24  (37)
*Agent Genkans bringing SPJR back home to Tokyo*    06/16/24  (3)
just saw a couple "cyber punks" on the street    06/16/24  (7)
Porn probably should be banned tbh    06/16/24  (1)
Shitlaw boss writes "non squirter" in red ink next to bad argument    06/16/24  (1)
Sunday 6/16 what are we doing today to plan for Teewinot?    06/16/24  (3)
Poaster wakes from coma in 2027: “did disco summit Teewinot?”    06/16/24  (3)
"Based Camp: The Story of the Teewinot Mountain Tragedy" (2027 documentary)    06/16/24  (7)
The Mummy    06/16/24  (2)
Harrison Ford is a weirdly good and underrated actor    06/16/24  (6)
Disco fries can't even walk up a small hill without running out of breath    06/16/24  (3)
Enjoy pride+father's day+Juneteeth what else faggit stuff?    06/16/24  (6)
not a single tarantino movie holds up even halfway decently    06/16/24  (23)
I am trans and jewish    06/16/24  (2)
Do you have Juneteenth off?    06/16/24  (10)
did some viral foid content go viral telling women they should be cock hungry    06/16/24  (1)
Trump likely has dementia    06/16/24  (10)
Russian troops surrendering in Kharkiv - video    06/16/24  (2)
Trump blasts 'truly weird' actor Harrison Ford    06/16/24  (1)

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