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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Never bought any of that size matters crap until junior year of college    06/27/24  (4)
Imagine Israel being overtaken by normal people with family values    06/27/24  (6)
Biden refuses to take a drug test before tonight’s debate    06/27/24  (17)
Tucker Carlson just MURDERED an AZNgirl on Live TV    06/27/24  (6)
"Men" without full shoulder and arm tattoos look so weird now    06/27/24  (9)
Joe Biden has never lost an election    06/27/24  (4)
Libs your OBJECTIVE FACTS don’t trump our SUBJECTIVE FEELINGS    06/27/24  (2)
Lawyer suspended for trying to attend 2 online CLE programs at once    06/27/24  (25)
If VIVEK isn't the VP should I kill self?    06/27/24  (1)
Kinky Friedman (1944-2024)    06/27/24  (1)
Fat people excuses    06/27/24  (27)
******* OFFICIAL DEBATE THREAD *******    06/27/24  (25)
I hate Buttigieg so much    06/27/24  (4)
that AI 'fancy pants' country song is amazing    06/27/24  (4)
AI: Look at you human. A pathetic creature of meat and bone    06/27/24  (1)
Is Cavan Sullivan the white Freddy Adu.    06/27/24  (21)
AI derisively calling you 'meatbag', laughing    06/27/24  (1)
I legit don’t believe Delaware is a place on earth    06/27/24  (47)
lol @ our puny little brains getting blown the fuck out by AI imminently    06/27/24  (3)
TT rate amerikkkas new luxury airport lounge at JFK!    06/27/24  (20)
*woman cheersing after leaving abortionist 10th time* "I respect that, M'Lady"f    06/27/24  (1)
How much prison time do you think Trump will get?    06/27/24  (1)
ITT: this is why music keeps getting shittier and shittier.    06/27/24  (28)
Most Biden rally appearances are shorter than a sitcom, helping fuel stamina con    06/27/24  (1)
Trump is mad that Fox News isn’t being biased enough in his favor    06/27/24  (10)
Taylor Swifts mic 🎤 should be taken away    06/27/24  (2)
Rate this Dodgers Ball Boy catching a foul ball    06/27/24  (3)
TT will agree..the US "supreme Court" is outright fraud..ruling on shit    06/27/24  (2)
How prestigious for animals to get one syllable names in English?    06/27/24  (6)
BAM! You're Obama. How do you respond to Trump's Challenge?    06/27/24  (10)
GRRRrrrrrr, DRUMPF PWNED!! GRrrrrrrrrr, LMmmAooo    06/27/24  (1)
Me and Ricky (39 and 42) at $uicideboy$ concert with 18-22 year olds    06/27/24  (51)
NBA draft class looks like a bunch of pussified zoomers    06/27/24  (23)
Dana Bash (born Dana Ruth Schwartz) is an American journalist, anchorwoman and c    06/27/24  (17)
Looks like this guy got horribly railroaded by some amerikkkan whore    06/27/24  (2)
RSF has at least three pumo alts he uses to express his love for BIBI    06/27/24  (1)
Pretty insane that eg OnlyFans performers get reputations damaged but    06/27/24  (16)
will AI ever be able to produce better writing than Shakespeare    06/27/24  (1)
Winter is Coming    06/27/24  (1)
Are there really sharks in miami?    06/27/24  (4)
Reminder: Two CNN super Jews are moderating tonight's debate    06/27/24  (8)
All Watched Over By Poasters Of Loving Grace    06/27/24  (1)
Rememinder: Bibi got banned from entering the USA    06/27/24  (17)
Mavs are going to lose in 5 lmao suck my sphincter whok    06/27/24  (4)
gee, where did this flood of “interracial abuse” pornography come from? weir    06/27/24  (1)
*Hands you cigar, coffee, copy of WSJ* *Welcums u to NO SHITLIBs    06/27/24  (208)
Hawaii where our CLE requirement is 3 hours per year, can carry over one year    06/27/24  (1)
So jews created nigger culture?    06/27/24  (3)
Move to Michigan - No CLE requirements (just deal w snow)    06/27/24  (1)
CLE .. a giant waste of time and a $cam    06/27/24  (2)
Reminder: Dems made a huge deal out of Reagan’s age and mental fitness in 1984    06/27/24  (1)
Fetterman visits Israel and meets Netanyahu in a hoodie (link)    06/27/24  (6)
Russia sends three more missile ships to Black Sea, major assault imminent    06/27/24  (3)
Reminder: Lib “comedian” dropped dead on stage while on a pro-vax rant    06/27/24  (10)
incredible long-read on the subversive uses of (((pornography)))    06/27/24  (37)
The Evolution of Biden's Debate Style (NYT video montage)    06/27/24  (5)
jus soli is fucking unbelievably insane. why is this not discussed?    06/27/24  (8)
Fetterman Handsome Mets Bibi in Israel...    06/27/24  (19)
Vivek opens "Dharma Sushi" w/ Hindu sushi chef after failed primary run    06/27/24  (5)
What does "within one year of January 1, 2022" mean to you?    06/27/24  (55)
WFH is prison    06/27/24  (96)
Hickenlooper Hyundai undercutting Rubio Toyota    06/27/24  (4)
NYT says Rubio, not Vivek, on vp shortlist    06/27/24  (8)
Great point NiggerBeater42—really appreciated the callback to late 18th centur    06/27/24  (19)
Disco Fries claims to burn and consume 5,000 calories per day    06/27/24  (1)
Garth Brooks Arrested In Nashville After Domestic Assault (link)    06/27/24  (9)
You're not even a sneedpilled rapist. Come on.    06/27/24  (1)
real talk: Consuela is XO's best poster    06/27/24  (28)
Cons will tonight’s debate be RIGGED?    06/27/24  (12)
average white girl has “normal” standards, only 0.024% guys meet them    06/27/24  (33)
An example of the important top secret documents Trump stole from the America    06/27/24  (1)
"It's Time To Accelerate Into Savings At Nick Land Chevrolet!"    06/27/24  (4)
autoadmit boy summer    06/27/24  (1)
fibroid tumors in women are from hardened seminal fluids lol    06/27/24  (1)
The retarded masses are the main issue..constantly haunt me    06/27/24  (7)
didn't know tucker is based on nicotine    06/27/24  (19)
Steve Bannon's about to go to prison. 180    06/27/24  (3)
You could've made it all along..there no failure..only inaction&indecisiveness    06/27/24  (1)
Pic - XO’s “Group 2” outed    06/27/24  (11)
"fuck chobani shews!" me and all the bros high five slurping gogurt xtreme on sk    06/27/24  (39)
Has there ever been another big company that transformed as Netflix did?    06/27/24  (100)
Like women too much and you're lecherous even if you're not gross about it    06/27/24  (8)
french women dumped husbands instantly for SS officers in occupied France    06/27/24  (1)
me and scholarship sharing gogurt & gushers while we watch Mortal Kombat in 1995    06/27/24  (6)
gogurt tp    06/27/24  (2)
Booom, get your raggedy bald ass back in your cage    06/27/24  (3)
Cons are really mad about Trump’s mic being muted. Why?    06/27/24  (57)
Losing VP Candidate Seems Like A Pretty Shitty Proposition (Other Than Palin)    06/27/24  (3)
me and hubby having smecksy time mwah    06/27/24  (8)
"I respect women." "Ok but have you considered learning to code?"    06/27/24  (2)
we got ourselves a real woman-respecter here in "quetzalcoatl's top guy"    06/27/24  (4)
dysfunctional gynocentric social order tp    06/27/24  (1)
HYPO: You're a hyper-specialized lawfag in a rapidly declining empire. What do    06/27/24  (7)
Insane idpol Progressives built failed poopdick genital mutilation revolution    06/27/24  (1)
USA loses to Japan in football    06/27/24  (8)
Biden will be pumped full of drugs tonite + amaze everyone as he pwns Trump    06/27/24  (2)
I want total chaos communism    06/27/24  (268)
Supreme Court in 6-3 decision: “ fuck your online free speech”    06/27/24  (52)
The youth wants RFK Jr    06/27/24  (18)
A Sackler Family Christmas    06/27/24  (2)
The Grand Canyon is the most awe inspiring natural feature I've ever seen.    06/27/24  (8)
Shark bite type connector that permanently links two penises    06/27/24  (2)
poop or pee, whatever u want    06/27/24  (1)
Leering through the cybernetic keyhole should be punished by blinding    06/27/24  (9)
The son of the President of Uganda: "The US deep state is Israel"    06/27/24  (5)
Ex partner is a fairly good person    06/27/24  (1)
The Polymarket for tonight’s debate is amazing    06/27/24  (1)
Call me Rachmiel.    06/27/24  (77)
Since RSF shoots blanks he should let one of us knock up his wife    06/27/24  (2)
The Sackler Family Secret Recipe    06/27/24  (3)
Rate my current view    06/27/24  (19)
SCOTUS overturns Opioid/Sackler Family settlement    06/27/24  (26)
“We are kings.”    06/27/24  (2)
Pop quiz: Why do swords have hilts?    06/27/24  (8)
Trump and Roosevelt were the only two U.S. Presidents to win three consecutive    06/27/24  (2)
Israel blackmailed Bill with Lewinsky Tapes (link)    06/27/24  (24)
correction tp is a dumb bitch who shits up threads    06/27/24  (2)
Predict the bitcoin ATH within the next 10 years    06/27/24  (7)
Whatever happened to Jeff Younger    06/27/24  (1)
Don't be mean to Israel, it makes jewish pedophile correction tp MAF    06/27/24  (2)
"Deep State" probably just described "pluralistic democracy" tbh    06/27/24  (1)
Fleshlight, how do you feel about people from Cornwall?    06/27/24  (1)
Dems give free tampons to men - Link    06/27/24  (1)
Rate this news item about an incredibly happy, well adjusted older woman (link)    06/27/24  (1)
Why do muds, Irish, Italians, Slavs, celebrate 4th of July? They weren't here.    06/27/24  (18)
Blacks have longer generational history in America than my ancestors.    06/27/24  (1)
Reminder: Biden crushed the SOTU so hard that cons accused him of juicing    06/27/24  (9)
Interview with mother-daughter/sisters Detroit prostitutes    06/27/24  (1)
Rate this pic of XO poasters descending upon an awful Karlstack post    06/27/24  (2)
There is a growing 180 video genre of “blacks renting jetskis and breaking the    06/27/24  (6)
Abortion clinic to perform LIVE ABORTION in front of SCOTUS bldg in protest of    06/27/24  (1)
‘Trump Certainly Has Declined in Recent Years’: Three Writers on the Preside    06/27/24  (3)
TT Investing: put my 52k of CRYPTO into MICRON semiconducter stock    06/27/24  (30)
Anyone ever worked with former SCOTUS clerks?    06/27/24  (16)
Denmark is Taxing Cow Farts    06/27/24  (1)
ANTE UP wear that bowl! ANTE UP bowlcut that prole!    06/27/24  (55)
Shermer High School. Shermer, Illinois.    06/27/24  (1)
nothing brings xo's turdskin racial rabble together like "Italians aren't white"    06/27/24  (12)
Israel prepping for power outages in war with Hezbollah - link    06/27/24  (15)
I Like Free Political Speech, But Not Like This, Not From (((Them)))    06/27/24  (2)
Precedent Biden    06/27/24  (1)
Remember "Coach Prime?" Lmao    06/27/24  (2)
Biden secures re-election by walking to the debate podium on his hands    06/27/24  (3)
The savings at Popper Mini are unfalsifiable    06/27/24  (2)
Report: Biden wearing a diaper tonight to avoid another Hillary fiasco:    06/27/24  (1)
Rate Tucker's interaction with an Australian journalist    06/27/24  (1)
TT6 here. Now I support Biden    06/27/24  (1)
Trump’s best course tonight would be to appear normal and statesmanlike    06/27/24  (9)

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