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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Trump is a lion and deserves your vote even if his actual presidency sucked    06/29/24  (3)
My greatest ambition is to match the description on my coffee: "Rich & Fragrant"    06/29/24  (1)
What are some 180 expensive toys I should by my kids?    06/29/24  (5)
Amex Platinum Biz has 250k ioffer again bros    06/29/24  (1)
Why the Democrats & the Media lied about Joe Biden’s frailty (Spiked)    06/29/24  (1)
Does anyone even poast here at night anymore    06/29/24  (2)
China Mocks U.S. Presidential Debate: 'Very Entertaining'    06/29/24  (2)
do you personally own a printer    06/29/24  (44)
Biden blew the cover of America's secret 1000 trillionaires    06/29/24  (2)
Make America Fun Again as well    06/29/24  (6)
Shitlib XO IRAN just elected a furking Azeri Kurd nigga as POTUS    06/29/24  (4)
fatal flaw in Wedding Crashers: Cleary breakfast spread with GC slop maple syrup    06/29/24  (1)
Me and Ricky (39 and 42) at $uicideboy$ concert with 18-22 year olds    06/29/24  (63)
When will they add a stripe for DIAPER to the Pride Flag?    06/29/24  (4)
If CHINA had just hired a Jewish Marketing Agency it rep in West wld be 10000x    06/29/24  (1)
Kim Jung Un pancakes guy w/ the printing press used to print his scathing op-ed    06/29/24  (1)
Must be HORRIFIC being a PAJEET    06/29/24  (7)
Went to driving range for first time in 30 years today    06/29/24  (8)
Holy shit bros, took my first golf lesson ever today    06/29/24  (10)
Tons of Jews not involved in any of these scams perpetuated by their elite    06/29/24  (1)
NYT quietly removing all "Biden must drop out" stories    06/29/24  (63)
Honduran skank I'm trolling on Twitter has had a very sad life    06/29/24  (2)
ladies and gentleman, 2 time POTUS, 2 time club champion, Donald J. Trump    06/29/24  (4)
its impossible not to gain 3-5 lbs/year after 35 forever    06/29/24  (27)
Do you think Jill is still regularly milking Joe's dick?    06/29/24  (1)
Holy shit lmaooo @ Jill Biden's assessment of Joe's performance    06/29/24  (28)
There's a MAJOR reason the DNC has no choice but to pick KAMALA    06/29/24  (60)
so NYT says Biden is incompetent to debate for 60 mins, but ok to remain potus?    06/29/24  (2)
(((Dem Boyz))) are here!    06/29/24  (1)
how many club championships have you won?    06/29/24  (1)
Just ordered $1,000 worth of soccer uniforms for 2 kids. Youth sports is a $cam.    06/29/24  (41)
I legit don’t believe Delaware is a place on earth    06/29/24  (63)
If you got robbed of your life would you flee america or just killself?    06/29/24  (3)
Some poop in the morning. I poop at my desk, out my mouth. Thats the difference.    06/29/24  (9)
Amerikkka is completely fraudulently ran..lol    06/29/24  (9)
Boom is this whole "system" a fraud?    06/29/24  (1)
Earl drives to work, I drive my home. That's the difference.    06/29/24  (30)
End Road Work was an excellent moniker    06/29/24  (4)
LOL Biden isn't gonna drop out despite EVERYONE wanting it    06/29/24  (1)
Biden to retire, become official Spokesman for major Diaper company    06/29/24  (1)
Just find fentanyl person&take a massive dose?    06/29/24  (1)
Vegas is only place in america that's survivable..don't get asked retarded quest    06/29/24  (1)
Rating poasters as excerpts from briefs that Tommy T has filed.    06/29/24  (231)
Boston.com: "What’s a ‘Diaper Spa,’ and why is it raising eyebrows?"    06/29/24  (35)
askav taking ?s and answering them using WMTP's newish shtick    06/29/24  (82)
Rate this Indian club in Pattaya    06/29/24  (40)
"I'm Gay" - Joe Biden    06/29/24  (1)
Pig is not a great animal to eat    06/29/24  (32)
CNN: Biden's poor showing and Trump's repeated falsehoods    06/29/24  (7)
You see a maximum security prison. I see a brothel. That's the difference.    06/29/24  (70)
Earl aids developers. I developed AIDS. That's the difference. (wmtp)    06/29/24  (14)
“father id like to give money to Biden even after he drops out” “get ur jd    06/29/24  (1)
Anyone feel like when you have to drive somewhere new, it’s always a disaster    06/29/24  (10)
Don’t let them memoryhole that the 2020 election was blatantly stolen    06/29/24  (17)
TT Investing: put my 52k of CRYPTO into MICRON semiconducter stock    06/29/24  (38)
I love women's bodies    06/29/24  (9)
Why the long face?    06/29/24  (14)
Rate this Duke basketball players' former babysitter turned GF/groomer    06/29/24  (37)
Libs don't seem to care that it was exposed tha a dementia patient is POTUS rn    06/29/24  (8)
JD Vance answering Senate phone "Thank you for calling American Congress..."    06/29/24  (9)
Lib muttering "fact check?" over and over in padded room    06/29/24  (3)
planning a sex tour of asia    06/29/24  (4)
Can someone post the text of this NY Times article about Kaplan?    06/29/24  (5)
Conspiracy (HBO 2001)    06/29/24  (2)
Petro you take over    06/29/24  (1)
Sotomayor recuses self from Chipotle financing case    06/29/24  (40)
Sleepy Joe "playin' possum"    06/29/24  (1)
Truly amazing how much shittier women get with age    06/29/24  (29)
Rhonda Massie's cause of death is currently unknown    06/29/24  (4)
post your voting history in presidential elections itt    06/29/24  (78)
Libs cannot explain anything they don't like about Trump on policy    06/29/24  (14)
quetzalcoatl aren't debates kind of silly now?    06/29/24  (3)
God has removed his Hedge of Protection from the entirety of the Firmament    06/29/24  (5)
The coping about the debate hurting Biden is peak delusion.    06/29/24  (89)
Lib after getting diagnosed with schizophrenia: "someone gonna fact check him?"    06/29/24  (2)
TRUMP releases POST-DEBATE AD (link)    06/29/24  (8)
2030 lakers: just lebron james and his mediocre nigger offspring    06/29/24  (1)
one of the best NOLA rap songs of all time    06/29/24  (8)
"U've got a tiny dick & I fucked your best friend!" "Lol someone fact check that    06/29/24  (2)
Poor, hungry Appalachian teen trading family cow for dog that sniffs out fentany    06/29/24  (1)
Howling mob of Jews and libs pointing at Jesus: "FACT CHECK HIM!!!"    06/29/24  (1)
Meanwhile, in South Africa...    06/29/24  (3)
Will Trump win a Reagan-level landslide?    06/29/24  (14)
Biden's total inability to respond to Trump's points substantively killed him    06/29/24  (26)
I've seen your swing. I know your swing. Let's not act like children.    06/29/24  (6)
Dr Jill Biden behind u telling u did a great job on latest legal assignment    06/29/24  (13)
Elie Mystal apparently thinks we didn't have a democracy before 1984 - link    06/29/24  (3)
just do follow your dreams bro    06/29/24  (1)
Bigger flame: "dinosaurs" or "black holes in space?"    06/29/24  (6)
Chevron is DEAD    06/29/24  (104)
girls look like they got beard but it mask    06/29/24  (3)
"blood on my knife or shit on my dick -- YOU PICK" (bloodacre talking to his dad    06/29/24  (3)
Biden Water (link)    06/29/24  (8)
what Aion comes after this Christian one dies?    06/29/24  (7)
Even if aspects of a soul could be mapped to electrical states in the body    06/29/24  (1)
tbf, how could dems have known 80yo man talking abt leg hair had a screw loose?    06/29/24  (3)
Brazilians, explain this video from Rio:    06/29/24  (1)
enjoy this moment when a Trump win seems possible    06/29/24  (2)
NY Times editorial board calls on Biden to exit race - link    06/29/24  (58)
The "world" knows that the USA doesn't have a POTUS right now.    06/29/24  (3)
I really wish the golf debate would've continued for like 10 minutes    06/29/24  (31)
So basically some bitter Jew leering at me+ex partner ruined it for everyone    06/28/24  (8)
you can have a real good punch    06/28/24  (2)
trump’s supreme court is about to do california a huge favor:    06/28/24  (9)
imagine the fun of a second trump term    06/28/24  (29)
No one cares about psychedelics or will take them    06/28/24  (7)
Shareblue download is out. They're ridin' with Biden.    06/28/24  (10)
to be fair, biden only had 10 days to prep for the debate    06/28/24  (2)
oh you have a 6 handicap ha!?    06/28/24  (1)
I am for some Jews    06/28/24  (21)
Pillar of the Christian World, Megachurch Pastor Molested Some Girls    06/28/24  (4)
Muslim African bitch keeps fucking white guys "by accident" (NYT)    06/28/24  (3)
YouTube pedo chaser calls black dude a chomo, hilarity ensues    06/28/24  (3)
My roof subscription is going up 11% next year    06/28/24  (4)
What's a good soundtrack to Jinx fucking whok's asshole?    06/28/24  (3)
i smoke easily $500 worth of weed a month    06/28/24  (7)
99999999999999999% of Christians never met Jesus
   06/28/24  (10)
Every Product Is A System. Roof = Roofing System. Mattress = Sleeping System    06/28/24  (10)
lol @ "mountain climbers" - K2 has never been ascended in winter    06/28/24  (19)
OldHLSDude just texted me. He has a serious infection. Pls pray for him    06/28/24  (5)
Correction TP is whokebe having a mental breakdown (link)    06/28/24  (36)
Dr Jill Biden telling u what a good job you did after u jizz on her high heels    06/28/24  (2)
Convert to Russian Orthodoxy now    06/28/24  (1)
Klay thompson to the Mavs, thats gay as fuck    06/28/24  (3)
How many of you are genuinely in love?    06/28/24  (14)
lol holy shit jfc, MSM is going to ignore the reality we all witnessed.    06/28/24  (19)
This country feels so hollowed out rn    06/28/24  (2)
Coke is 180    06/28/24  (4)
Drunk Conn. man mad at police lures cops & kills em (video)    06/28/24  (1)
Printer is one of several output devices for computer    06/28/24  (7)
wouldnt it be cool if Elites one day let us have a voice somehow picking leaders    06/28/24  (5)
BAM! your boss offers you a “sex review” in lieu of a normal performance rev    06/28/24  (16)
maybe they should keep and count the votes. idk    06/28/24  (1)
your own. personal. email girl.    06/28/24  (31)
your mom's 67yo divorced friend stating "my generation was so awesome"    06/28/24  (1)
Disco! Friend! Hiking a 15'er tomorrow! You game?    06/28/24  (3)
I have identity confusion due to being mixed religion    06/28/24  (1)
watch Kamala say "what can be, unburdened by what has been" 100 times    06/28/24  (3)
Will tucker have Charles on the pod?    06/28/24  (1)
Liking a guy a lot isn't the basis of anything    06/28/24  (1)
Something about sucking girldick    06/28/24  (2)
OK good printer thread, guys.    06/28/24  (1)
Bill Ackman comes out as full Trumpmo    06/28/24  (25)
I was nearly killed btw    06/28/24  (2)
describe your one that got away    06/28/24  (26)
You only need 1 drink to start to like tucker    06/28/24  (1)
V8 juice is consumed exclusively by pedophiles    06/28/24  (1)
5 Places to Visit for Pride in New York    06/28/24  (1)
Women Are Paying for Birth Control Even Though It's Free by Law    06/28/24  (1)
Jesus Christ is famous as fuck    06/28/24  (1)

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