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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
How many xo users had their first relationship before the age of 20    06/29/24  (1)
bitter woman arrested for kicking ex-hubby's Amazon packages (video)    06/29/24  (4)
I quit drinking a month ago. Extraordinary improvement in my turds    06/29/24  (2)
Normies Didn't Believe CNN's Q That $100 Groceries Now $120    06/29/24  (16)
Protip: BIDEN isn't going to withdraw    06/29/24  (1)
where is the best post debate analysis    06/29/24  (9)
“Money” doesn’t exist    06/29/24  (7)
Biden's total inability to respond to Trump's points substantively killed him    06/29/24  (30)
Alcohol abuse is gay    06/29/24  (4)
married female CO fucking inmate in his cell (video)    06/29/24  (8)
TICK TOCK Trumpmos, Bannon's going to jail    06/29/24  (1)
NYT quietly removing all "Biden must drop out" stories    06/29/24  (72)
Rate this migrant    06/29/24  (17)
dems building pillow fort oval office to let biden serve ‘second term’ (link    06/29/24  (3)
cute blonde chick ok w/ $40k HHI for family of three (video)    06/29/24  (15)
Solo lawyers did u set up 401,000ks?    06/29/24  (7)
I bought 24 beers two days ago, only have 6 left    06/29/24  (12)
pls vote on MSM/Elite/Dem's double-pivot on Biden. just a ploy?    06/29/24  (10)
satan has won, i am wholly separated from god and the light    06/29/24  (89)
One of ya'll need to step up, marry disco fries' wife, raise his kids    06/29/24  (1)
Tropical storm “Beryl” (Barry + Darrel) to gape Florida. First day, new stor    06/29/24  (2)
Does anyone even poast here at night anymore    06/29/24  (8)
"Race realists": Why are so many of the top checkers players in the world black?    06/29/24  (144)
post your voting history in presidential elections itt    06/29/24  (99)
Why does no one note how Trump actually held back on Biden at debate?    06/29/24  (10)
Got up at 4am and started drinking    06/29/24  (22)
Cannabinoids are satanic    06/29/24  (1)
best part of Hillbilly Elegy was Vance's impassioned defense of payday loan biz    06/29/24  (9)
Wife got a beach house for the week. Asked me to come. I said no.    06/29/24  (17)
China and India signed an Agreement on Intercourse in 1954    06/29/24  (1)
Nicotine is flame btw    06/29/24  (20)
Is Star Wars acolyte good?    06/29/24  (7)
Biden team had brainstorm session to say he had a cold (link)    06/29/24  (8)
Not flame: I have begun having sex with my feminist gf as a "bottom"    06/29/24  (90)
when was the last time you listened to music without headphones    06/29/24  (8)
lob friend make a fucking mess struggling to get free before boiling    06/29/24  (1)
How the vodka soda became 'gay water' (NBC)    06/29/24  (1)
wife made a fucking mess snapping spaghetti noodles in half before boiling    06/29/24  (26)
I legit don’t believe Delaware is a place on earth    06/29/24  (72)
Voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. But that was before I was this close to PSLF    06/29/24  (2)
Put me back in the womb    06/29/24  (3)
Dr Jill Biden behind u telling u did a great job on latest legal assignment    06/29/24  (14)
We finally beat Medicare    06/29/24  (12)
any point to try ayahuasca if you've done lsd and mushrooms?    06/29/24  (13)
Taylor Swift calling Biden: “Sorry Joe, I’ve done all I can do.” *click*    06/29/24  (2)
There will be a woman pope in the next 10 years    06/29/24  (12)
taking q's on my recent suicide, moutaintop ayahuasca retreat, psychotropic meds    06/29/24  (38)
do you enjoy being CONQUERED, DOMINATED, and HUMILIATED by other men?    06/29/24  (6)
cowgod how can I get into "product management"? I'm a 0.6x Engineer    06/29/24  (1)
me and MPA pitching low-budget porn parody to DBG, “A Sybian Film”    06/29/24  (3)
just got out of an overnight Ayahuasca ceremony    06/29/24  (3)
What Happened at the Debate: Biden developed a late tolerance to a drug cocktail    06/29/24  (42)
Qyburn reanimating Biden in his lab after debate    06/29/24  (2)
shut up mig. We get it, you’re a philofag turned fake christian now    06/29/24  (5)
Ayahuasca    06/29/24  (1)
Patriarchal religions are wrong    06/29/24  (2)
"Life" is spent denying life    06/29/24  (2)
Another unwanted immigrant rapes a 12 year old girl    06/29/24  (1)
Ricky, you need to “take care” of mig. Get the job done bro    06/29/24  (12)
That lady Governor from Michigan is kind of hot and could probably win    06/29/24  (4)
Libs need to be bigger angry that Biden is a self cunt    06/29/24  (1)
The pope is a bride of christ and his priests are his gay lovers lol    06/29/24  (2)
How many "must do" public appearances does Biden have before the election?    06/29/24  (2)
theology is gay/MiG should be banned    06/29/24  (6)
Imagine waking up each morning, looking in the mirror, and seeing SHIT    06/29/24  (5)
Trump is a lion and deserves your vote even if his actual presidency sucked    06/29/24  (12)
Myrmidons! My brothers of the sword! I would rather fight beside you than any ar    06/29/24  (1)
Biden team: As long as nothing happens between 10am-4pm, everything’s ok    06/29/24  (4)
*WH phone rings at 4am* *Trump answers fully dressed in suit and tie*    06/29/24  (267)
The coping about the debate hurting Biden is peak delusion.    06/29/24  (101)
companies cut 800,000k jobs. only OCI mastermen & pretty girls have jobs now hth    06/29/24  (4)
We are the United States of amnesia.. No one will remember the debate in a few d    06/29/24  (3)
No flying in atmosphere | No land vehicles | FPS view | 1000k Planets |No Games    06/29/24  (5)
The purpose of Christianity is to make men into girls    06/29/24  (1)
Baldur's Gate cost $320,000,000k to develop    06/29/24  (4)
Do libs still pretend 6 million Venezuelans walked 3,000k miles to get here    06/29/24  (4)
This is downtown Seattle at night:    06/29/24  (4)
Protestantism is the only possible religion    06/29/24  (1)
Tow driver fraud.. you want to be dissolved in acid or fed to pigs?    06/29/24  (59)
Tow truck fag come at me & enjoy skull shatter via wrench fag    06/29/24  (12)
Fuck sports fraud you black dildo suckers everyone involved In all is fraudloser    06/29/24  (4)
Anything else acceptable other than dress shirt&tie for Olive Garden dinner?    06/29/24  (1)
So it's Vance v Bugger now    06/29/24  (1)
Smash patriarchy    06/29/24  (1)
its impossible not to gain 3-5 lbs/year after 35 forever    06/29/24  (32)
Why do we let Old People have everything    06/29/24  (12)
Plz rate this GORGEOUS Trump-themed RING spotted at a recent RALLY    06/29/24  (1)
Reminder: Obeezy was tongue tied for 17 hours after Biden Trump debate    06/29/24  (17)
INDIAN Army Battle Tank vs. RIVER (5 Pajeets DET)    06/29/24  (1)
It's all fraud shit done in a stupid fucking way must change the fraud dieeeee    06/29/24  (2)
Everything is literally rigged fraud 🤥    06/29/24  (6)
Amerikkka is completely fraudulently ran..lol    06/29/24  (12)
Scotus is nothing but a bunch of fraud unelected welfare recipients    06/29/24  (2)
Just ordered $1,000 worth of soccer uniforms for 2 kids. Youth sports is a $cam.    06/29/24  (47)
I need an emergency conversion to Catholicism    06/29/24  (15)
Why don't we open the doors to European refugees    06/29/24  (5)
2003 article "Why Nerds Are Unpopular" by Paul Graham is still the GOAT classic    06/29/24  (3)
74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot    06/29/24  (38)
Rate this Indian club in Pattaya    06/29/24  (43)
Answered all the questions. Knew all the facts. And beat Medicare to death    06/29/24  (1)
Do you think Jill is still regularly milking Joe's dick?    06/29/24  (2)
TDNW how will Trump end the war in one day?    06/29/24  (17)
Social security and Medicare is all America has&both are fraudulent shit    06/29/24  (2)
I think I need Jesus in my life    06/29/24  (2)
Vigor, which is appealing (video)    06/29/24  (3)
China Joe reverses stance on TikTok after meeting with ByteDance donor    06/29/24  (18)
Cons do you think this time Donald will follow through on any promises?    06/29/24  (3)
GC who hated TRUMP is now voting for TRUMP    06/29/24  (9)
Who is actually Commander in Chief right now?    06/29/24  (11)
What medical condition(s) does Biden have?    06/29/24  (9)
When will they add a stripe for DIAPER to the Pride Flag?    06/29/24  (5)
Which hole today daddy    06/29/24  (1)
Fall in love with Donald Trump all over again    06/29/24  (6)
NY Times editorial board calls on Biden to exit race - link    06/29/24  (68)
Luis Voltton    06/29/24  (2)
Rep. Massie defies Israel; his wife dies suddenly    06/29/24  (3)
holy fuck i might get laid off from my holy fuck i hate managing coders job    06/29/24  (22)
Holy shit lmaooo @ Jill Biden's assessment of Joe's performance    06/29/24  (39)
Who is actually the President right now?    06/29/24  (8)
Motorcycles and Mayhem in Ukraine’s East (NYT)    06/29/24  (3)
Richard Carrier is at a strangers house right now, preparing for a talk    06/29/24  (1)
Lib muttering "fact check?" over and over in padded room    06/29/24  (5)
Biden blew the cover of America's secret 1000 trillionaires    06/29/24  (5)
The Wired magazine archives discuss the 90's internet a lot    06/29/24  (13)
the western front war in 60 seconds (video)    06/29/24  (1)
Me and my girl won Trivia Night on Wednesday    06/29/24  (41)
You will never regret liking this photo.    06/29/24  (1)
ted kaczynski, tim mcveigh, anders breivik, johnny ray    06/29/24  (7)
Chevron is DEAD    06/29/24  (117)
Fag fraud 🤥 thugs    06/29/24  (4)
Wake up!    06/29/24  (2)
It was once possible to be religious    06/29/24  (1)
Rate this Duke basketball players' former babysitter turned GF/groomer    06/29/24  (38)
TRUMP releases POST-DEBATE AD (link)    06/29/24  (13)
do you personally own a printer    06/29/24  (45)
TommyT, I’m in Singapore right now. Tons of AGWIG but no IGWAG    06/29/24  (6)
Israeli jew duped American boomer jew    06/29/24  (1)
Sex with females makes you weak and pliable    06/29/24  (11)
99999999999999999% of Christians never met Jesus
   06/29/24  (11)
One way Nazis tortured Jews is by making them charge each other interest    06/29/24  (3)
No one cares about psychedelics or will take them    06/29/24  (9)
Reminder: xoxo mega-autist, near-White JiÅ™í Procházka fights tonight.    06/29/24  (7)
These are the only people who will influence Biden to quit    06/29/24  (1)
Deal Team Six tapping "Will Do" sign for good luck as they move out    06/29/24  (3)
Packed Russian APC attack wiped out - video    06/29/24  (3)
What even happened    06/29/24  (3)
Pajeet Team Six jumping from Copter into Pakistani Lizard Farm    06/29/24  (1)
Am I dreaming or did Biden accuse Trump of being 6’5” and 224lbs?    06/29/24  (4)
Why the Democrats & the Media lied about Joe Biden’s frailty (Spiked)    06/29/24  (2)

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