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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
i smell so good    03/13/25  (28)
Kurt Angle Theme but “Tall men! Fine Wine! Delicious meals! Great times!    03/13/25  (7)
Everyone I know who is “really into whiskey” is a midwit NPC faggot    03/13/25  (10)
Swipe apps are basically dead    03/13/25  (88)
Ted Boutroustp: Describe the FEELING of getting gaped by EPAH at CA9 today    03/13/25  (86)
Deep Stater Tom Cotton has BLOCKED release of JFK files (link)    03/13/25  (9)
do any irl chinks poast here?    03/13/25  (7)
Rate The Most Prole/Prestigious CATEGORIES Of Sports Team Names    03/13/25  (125)
We’re getting rugpulled on the Epstein list aren’t we    03/13/25  (38)
Trump: Stock market declines should only last two weeks, trust me (link)    03/13/25  (1)
Jobs don't require work anymore unless ur lower class    03/13/25  (10)
that was a NASTY 50% tariff on are whiskey    03/13/25  (13)
180 imagining saving $500 billion in USAID spending over 10 years    03/13/25  (9)
wtf trumps speech killed a dem congressman. So dark    03/13/25  (9)
Rise, Shitheels    03/13/25  (2)
Mormon Utah Senator Mike Lee's great grandpa massacred 120 white children &women    03/13/25  (15)
People really like to work all day in & office then come home & watch shows set    03/13/25  (1)
Youth Sports Q: weaker player on elite team VS top player on very good team?    03/13/25  (7)
'based conservative' starter kit: black adopted kids, Israel flag in office, gay    03/13/25  (6)
How the fuck is it actually called BangCock in Thailand    03/13/25  (3)
American neocon politicians now spinning up new Bosnia conflict ljl    03/13/25  (1)
Shoot my retarded body with a javelin missile    03/13/25  (1)
Massive layoffs at VA starting in June    03/13/25  (33)
resigning from my firm in a minute, AMA    03/13/25  (17)
So only talk to the ugliest fat chicks and you're golden?    03/13/25  (4)
Name one non-Liberal position of Paralegal Muhammad tp    03/13/25  (5)
Sounds like no income tax below 150k is a done deal - link    03/13/25  (23)
Explain someone in rural Dallas decked out in tOSU gear    03/13/25  (14)
Don't follow your dream. You'll fail. Subscribe to dominant ideology and subser    03/13/25  (6)
It's funny how MAD AS FUCK poors get when you say tattoos = prole tell    03/13/25  (16)
GOPoyim- cut tax collection budget to fund Israel & borrow the $ from Jews!    03/13/25  (8)
"they need a TALL MAN" i unironically just screamed at the UNC basketball team    03/13/25  (41)
Imagine being s biglaw partner posing as a grocery manager! That's me!(evan39)    03/13/25  (4)
DOGE Report: Banning Eating Beef will Save Environment & Karma!    03/13/25  (2)
Video games look& play worse than they did a decade ago 🥱    03/13/25  (2)
Imagine being a federal worker forced into retirement during this stock market    03/13/25  (8)
chick wants me to pick her up at airport. can i just send uber?    03/13/25  (20)
THE Australian National University    03/13/25  (1)
Kash Patel 23andme results coming back '74% feces'    03/13/25  (6)
Trump economy: High prices for eggs, low prices for stocks and crypto.    03/13/25  (1)
When will Usha and her brown anchor babies be deported?    03/13/25  (3)
Tommy T are you coming down with a bad case of March Madness yet?    03/13/25  (2)
"Defendant's Faggotry is well-documented" See www.xoxohth.com (2012-2025)    03/13/25  (4)
Trump issues new sanctions on Russia - link    03/13/25  (7)
Bands whose hits were their worst songs.    03/13/25  (142)
2026: Blacks putting rims on used Teslas they bought at firesale prices    03/13/25  (5)
I can't. Clintons still have power.    03/13/25  (1)
Jewish NeoCons sent US to Iraq- Jewish Billionaires now sending US to Gaza    03/13/25  (13)
Vivek robocalling Toledo suburbs to warn about expiring 'extended warranties'    03/13/25  (2)
CDC: 94% of measles patients in TX and NM outbreak were vaxxed.    03/13/25  (1)
Why does Kash Patel look like that?    03/13/25  (16)
Don't follow your dream. You'll fail. Subscribe to Karlstack.substack.com    03/13/25  (3)
Trump "I did that!" sticker on your Ruined 401(k)    03/13/25  (13)
libs are actually cool with bureaucrats blocking release of Epstein files    03/13/25  (17)
Jews have a farm system where they find sociopaths like Mike Johnson, Tom Cotton    03/13/25  (8)
The Right Arm of the Free World    03/13/25  (11)
Why are hairless animals hideous and terrifying if humans are mostly hairless    03/13/25  (1)
My most controversial opinion is that Russia is 180 and we should be allies    03/13/25  (6)
is Elon really 'on that shit'?    03/13/25  (5)
Want to know the BIGGEST DECEPTION and conspiracy of ALL TIME??? (ITT)    03/13/25  (1)
Portugal cancels F-35 orders, will buy European instead - link    03/13/25  (4)
Rick Scott's car has Star of David flag paint job like Dukes of Hazzard    03/13/25  (3)
Any attempt to purchase food must be brokered by 10 obese mystery meats    03/13/25  (6)
Rate my new restaurant / investment idea (CSLG)    03/13/25  (20)
So is KASH PATEL WORTHLESS?    03/13/25  (10)
i think this needs to be over    03/13/25  (1)
would you accept a cabinet position in Ye's administration    03/13/25  (3)
Started tutu gelcaps in lieu of coffee. 180 so far.    03/13/25  (2)
Had Bondi arrested the SDNY criminals who stopped her releasing Epstein files ye    03/13/25  (11)
Victoria Secret models fucking Belicheck hard like a sewing machine    03/13/25  (2)
Now forgotten but formerly force memed pornography categories    03/13/25  (1)
Teams is 180. Ur alerted if someone already started the call and U can hop rt on    03/13/25  (4)
paroled nigger working at CVS for $12 who acts like he owns the store    03/13/25  (1)
This is why Taiwan is fucked - link    03/13/25  (32)
My job just unveiled new CFNM dress code    03/13/25  (14)
retail nigger power play tp    03/13/25  (1)
I am the most powerful politician in my 1BR apartment    03/13/25  (1)
NY Times: the world rushes to buy US gas to placate Trump - link    03/13/25  (1)
So much winning in this populist administration run by an autistic billionaire    03/13/25  (1)
Imagine giving a shit that TSLA charging stations are getting vandalized    03/13/25  (1)
Should I see Glengarry Glen Ross on Broadway    03/13/25  (60)
80IQ nigger at 7-11 pretending to stock shelves, making you wait 5 minutes    03/13/25  (2)
cowshit being banned from all Sega subreddits feels like the End of an Era    03/13/25  (10)
Ted Boutrous-Boutrous Gaped    03/13/25  (1)
full moon on Friday what's gonna happen    03/13/25  (9)
The IoT and other (((big tech))) "improvements" have gotten out of hand    03/13/25  (2)
Poll: Majority of Greenlanders want to join the USA    03/13/25  (5)
Chinese fans remind NBA players to wear their knee guards    03/13/25  (6)
I've started buying imported Chinese sunflower seeds    03/13/25  (2)
2 Types Of Prole Workmen: Half-Assed Rush Jobs Or Careful In No Hurry    03/13/25  (1)
this isn't even a 'country' or a culture anymore, it has disintegrated into shit    03/13/25  (1)
*** Official March College Basketball Thread ***    03/13/25  (10)
I had fun too ;) a friend is taking me to some place called Pound Town that nigh    03/13/25  (11)
anyone short TSLA?    03/13/25  (1)
*laughs right in TBF's jewface re TSLA*    03/13/25  (1)
LOL TSLA    03/13/25  (1)
Millions of Americans are about to lose their GLP-1s (Ozempic)    03/13/25  (5)
Mike Johnson’s “haha our bill doesn’t even SAY Medicaid” lie is hilariou    03/13/25  (3)
Rate my New X Profile: China Numba One Country in World    03/13/25  (3)
Started caffeine gelcaps in lieu of coffee. 180 so far.    03/13/25  (9)
Jet fuel only burns at 1500 F    03/13/25  (3)
stimulant facilitated computer time    03/13/25  (3)
Obese MAGA boomers on Rascalz buying Cybertrucks to boost Tesla stock    03/13/25  (2)
*Burisma tapes released to Gary Busey for analysis*    03/13/25  (4)
Bigger spineless creepy faggot: Mike Johnson or Denny Hastert?    03/13/25  (1)
Rank the following Hair Metal Bands: Tuff, Trixter, Tiger Tailz, Dangerous Toys    03/13/25  (24)
S&P 500 closes in correction territory Thursday as stocks tumble again on Trump    03/13/25  (5)
If Trump thinks America needs stagflation to be great again, then so be it!    03/13/25  (1)
Gabi, do you want to fuck around and find out?    03/13/25  (1)
Spamming about stock fluctuations is just dumb    03/13/25  (15)
Dem 2026 platform should be “SAVE SOCIAL SECURITY”    03/13/25  (5)
DCA over 3 weeks once SP500 @ 5200    03/13/25  (1)
a racially-embittered, deracinated foreign turd    03/13/25  (6)
Since I lost the Gen, should I buy a PS5 or wait for the PS6 (OYT)    03/13/25  (14)
Japan vs India GDP: 1993 vs 2023    03/13/25  (1)
Grok predicts SP500 bottom at 4,800 by end of month    03/13/25  (1)
Cons on down day:“Market corrections are good” On up day:”180 eat a dick l    03/13/25  (2)
A Tesla is the Fabergé Egg of cars, the team pours their heart & soul into maki    03/13/25  (1)
Dinesh D’Souza’s dotter is a smokeshow with a 6’4” white chad congressma    03/13/25  (37)
S&P closes -1.39%    03/13/25  (1)
Peter's Luger is the worst steakhouse in the country    03/13/25  (111)
He Drove A Convoy To Kyiv. Now He's Transporting The Epstein Files (NYT    03/13/25  (4)
Was Biden too senile to do a stock market correction? Trump is correcting it.    03/13/25  (1)
2025 culture in America will be remembered as truly ascendent    03/13/25  (1)
ITT we post pictures of dumbfounded CHINGCHONGS staring at STOCK CHARTS    03/13/25  (328)
need evan's review of EPAH's most recent "oral argument"    03/13/25  (2)
I put the concept in "quotation marks", thereby invalidating your concerns    03/13/25  (1)
Hehe how cute;) rate this chick shooting pool stick    03/13/25  (2)
Biglaw fired dood foodstamps will feed your kids from Aldi so no worries cop ebt    03/13/25  (2)
old skool: Logan & Hatch Acts. new skool: Alien Enemies Act.    03/13/25  (1)
came up with another 180 new restaurant idea (CSLG)    03/13/25  (15)
who was the more prestigious GDC Ted, Boutros or Olson?    03/13/25  (4)
Tesla to Trump: tariffs hurt us - link    03/13/25  (2)
So stock prices are going down, but mortgage rates and homes are barely moving?    03/13/25  (2)
My most controversial opinion is that xo is still 180    03/13/25  (5)
American 2025    03/13/25  (1)
Creepy equity partner describes office as a "CFCM" environment    03/13/25  (16)
never ask a white supremacist the race of his girlfriend    03/13/25  (2)
Elon wants to return $711 million in CFPB proceeds to the taxpayers!    03/13/25  (67)
List five things Elon accomplished last week.    03/13/25  (5)
Slender resting bitchface career women who delight in CFNM    03/13/25  (4)
The most preftigious lefthand batting MLBer born 11/21 in Donora PA?    03/13/25  (1)
Anyone here have experience with southern Oklahoma women? Worth is?    03/13/25  (3)
Utah judge and fire chief shared kiddie porn and molestation fantasies    03/13/25  (11)
Dupa, Rutgers SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS    03/13/25  (5)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/13/25  (302)

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