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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
TSINAH, my family would love to have you and fiancée at any Giants game    08/31/24  (3)
What movie should I watch tonight.    08/31/24  (4)
DBG can you explain the halakha here    08/31/24  (2)
Israeli soldiers wearing women's underwear in Rafah. Has DBG enlisted?    08/31/24  (6)
Just paid $7000 this month to a nanny for part time childcare    08/31/24  (29)
Who is "Creepy Weird Don"    08/31/24  (13)
grindr is killing my self esteem    08/31/24  (2)
My boyfriend wants me plugged 24/7/365    08/31/24  (2)
Stem the tide of lesbianism! Put your finger in a dyke    08/31/24  (1)
writing an about me page is the hardest thing i've ever done    08/31/24  (4)
just realized my name is literally Pradeep    08/31/24  (50)
Reminder: EPAH is a child molester who deserves to die in prison    08/31/24  (13)
Popyrin: I want the Djoker!    08/31/24  (2)
Could a naked human with nothing on him take down a wolf    08/31/24  (44)
Obamna    08/31/24  (2)
"Therapy" is made up bullshit where some reject tells you what to do    08/31/24  (13)
Every "Chris" on this web site is deranged. Odd case.    08/31/24  (12)
what does NSAM stand for    08/31/24  (9)
Trump describes his understanding of “gender affirming surgery”    08/31/24  (20)
Walked around all day plugged and wearing no underwear    08/31/24  (1)
πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€Notre Dame football 2024, Week 1: Texas A&MπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€    08/31/24  (5)
What if baboons had razor sharp claws? We'd have to exterminate them.    08/31/24  (9)
Predators always go for the liver. Orcas, african wild dogs, lions, hominids    08/31/24  (15)
Tsinah looks great in his new hairpiece    08/31/24  (5)
I'm a sociopath who scams insurance companies (CSLG)    08/31/24  (28)
It's depressing that Aryans conquered Turdistan+Central Asia but got outbred by    08/31/24  (1)
A therapist's "clients" are their only friends lmao    08/31/24  (5)
African kids can’t recognize themselves in the mirror    08/31/24  (4)
Saturday night Labor Day weekend WHY ARE YOU POASTING!?    08/31/24  (5)
Kamala' Kurry Kunt tp aka Fleshlight. Log off now or your wife will be emailed    08/31/24  (2)
Why is healthcare & education in Republican states worse than some 3rd worlds?    08/31/24  (8)
Telegram CEO arrested. X shut down in Brazil. UK arresting for memes. Mask off    08/31/24  (4)
Babboons are taking over Cape Town. Residents resigned to the intrusion.    08/31/24  (1)
"Therapists" are absolute scum and the sickest people in society    08/31/24  (13)
Violent or subtle theft of the body's inborn dispositive knowledge is punishable    08/31/24  (1)
Michigan looks like shit against Fresno    08/31/24  (1)
Why did Jesus do random miracles like turning water into wine?    08/31/24  (20)
Teasing my dog w a white foxtail I bought in Alaska right now.    08/31/24  (2)
how often do u smoke cigars    08/31/24  (18)
Overheating Series S    08/31/24  (4)
Baboon-bobcat crossbreeds unleashed on enemy troops in trenches    08/31/24  (2)
Chicago's mayor taps $95M in federal COVID-19 relief funds for migrant housing c    08/31/24  (6)
Hungry Hungry Fraudheads    08/31/24  (2)
what pants do people wear in winter? Flannel lined jeans?    08/31/24  (6)
I feel like a lot of these older people are just clinging to power to die w/ it    08/31/24  (3)
House Jan. 6 Committee Deleted Files Days Before GOP Majority in House: Report    08/31/24  (2)
Xo handymen/homeowners, is caulk a good temp step to fix this? (pics)    08/31/24  (28)
https TP - wat were humans doing for the first 150,000 fraud years?    08/31/24  (6)
49ers first round draft pick shot during armed robbery    08/31/24  (2)
JAPAN is using NIGGAS to patrol Shibuya to stop BIRDSHITS drinking....    08/31/24  (52)
AITAH for making my son live with his mother, step-dad and 3 step siblings after    08/31/24  (6)
French POTUS trying to stop Telegram idea: assasinate Telegram CEO and friends    08/31/24  (7)
if i write a book about my fraud parents can i become VP nominee    08/31/24  (1)
Thomas Jefferson: "Screw the fraud media"    08/31/24  (2)
Roll thru “tech support wired” videos on YouTube without being a judgy bitch    08/31/24  (2)
Reminder: Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides” of racist r    08/31/24  (3)
Don’t understand how I’m supposed to “heal” from trauma    08/31/24  (65)
Guy films Cybertruck - man gets plowed by SUV - guy keeps filming Cybertruck    08/31/24  (1)
80s LA was amazing    08/31/24  (5)
Gave half a pack of smokes to three Mexicans down at the river    08/31/24  (1)
Hey libs why does a German OS developer still have an "official" Telegram app?    08/31/24  (2)
Does anyone actually doubt that this ends with Musk in prison?    08/31/24  (10)
whenever I go to Santa Monica I end up flirting w Asian girls w sleeve tattoos    08/31/24  (12)
i invented the internet, email, and mrna technology.    08/31/24  (1)
Sub5 gets friendzoned after risking his life to save his crush, most brutal thin    08/31/24  (3)
MIT PhD (& inventor of EMAIL) provides statistical proof of election fraud (link    08/31/24  (109)
something is up with cucumbers lately    08/31/24  (1)
hey libs Matthew 18:6    08/31/24  (18)
What was Trump so happy about in the graveside photo at Arlington? (Pic)    08/31/24  (1)
Alice in Chains, "Rooster." Yacht rock version.    08/31/24  (4)
IDF celebrity rapist here to warn you about Telegram    08/31/24  (1)
pretty crazy jfk's sister got lobotomized    08/31/24  (2)
embla njerve nationalism    08/31/24  (1)
If US had 1% lower growth since 1980, wld be as poor as Mexico today.    08/31/24  (44)
silverback gorilla vs polar bear (both in prime, no territorial advantages)    08/31/24  (13)
POLL: How many of you own a chainsaw?    08/31/24  (9)
had to take a DRUG TEST today for the first time in my life (TSINAH)    08/31/24  (14)
spaceporn, please link the internet posts praising you as a sex god    08/31/24  (31)
I'm not "guarantor" for anything and I'm not "liquidating my assets"    08/31/24  (1)
NSAM, are you a flat earth guy?    08/31/24  (1)
No one is worth less than Peter Thiel at the moment. Think about it    08/31/24  (6)
Notice how RSF's alts only ironically endorse republicans, e.g. VoteRepublican    08/31/24  (1)
Haven't seen the head of a rich western government eat shit like Macron    08/31/24  (4)
Imagine if cons ran Romney two elections in a row    08/31/24  (7)
What’s the big deal about grand Tetons. I camped there with my family a couple    08/31/24  (7)
Mayan calendar. 260 days. Human conception calendar.    08/31/24  (1)
Every major tech company/entrepreneur is dug in with the USG for protection    08/31/24  (8)
Does anyone actually doubt this ends with a long dick in Whok's asshole?    08/31/24  (3)
realizing i'll be a millionaire in 2024, feel nothing (benzo)    08/31/24  (100)
randy newman - im dumb and gay.mp3    08/31/24  (24)
I am declaring a truce with Consuela and declaring war on NSAM    08/31/24  (4)
Former Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad discussing U Mich football on Twitter    08/31/24  (147)
If you turn up the volume you can hear the rabbit's bones snapping    08/31/24  (2)
Taliban dudes playing football in field to celebrate start of CFB (vid)    08/31/24  (3)
Has Karlstack taken a run at RFK yet? I haven't looked. I bet not    08/31/24  (13)
Rocky IV: “Burning Heart” but lyrics “It’s a Balding Man”    08/31/24  (5)
No one ever mentions Wrangell–St. Elias National Park in Alaska....shame    08/31/24  (2)
nirvanayoda logs in and the first leaves begin to change colour.    08/31/24  (4)
my failure at losing weight is defying known laws of physics    08/31/24  (28)
it's literally been a year since benzo's vax lawyer got paid. benzo? $0    08/31/24  (4)
disco fries ordering the Endless Jambalaya at the Teewinot Summit Bar & Grill    08/31/24  (7)
Teewinot's Trailhead Safety Sign: DO NOT ATTEMPT IF OVER 200 LBS    08/31/24  (4)
Hiker Is Found Dead in Grand Canyon National Park (NYT)    08/31/24  (1)
This diamond dealer had an incredibly Jewish name    08/31/24  (2)
Tim Walz clarifying that he deployed in the console wars    08/31/24  (15)
Took a tab of acid 2 hours ago. Taking ?s (CSLG)    08/31/24  (61)
Rate this 9/11 theory: it was supposed to be an anthrax attack but it got jacked    08/31/24  (5)
Mowed my entire lawn before sundown. Ready for Teewinot!    08/31/24  (6)
What is this weird "rush" in amerikkka?    08/31/24  (3)
What is your favourite USA airport and why ?    08/31/24  (43)
BIRDSHITS: why cant u compete with TURDS in ur own countries?    08/31/24  (42)
Is an ALS diagnosis still bad or is it chill these days? Asking for a friend.    08/31/24  (3)
Disco Fries died in a fiery minivan wreck on the way to Costco’s [sic].    08/31/24  (18)
Jogger steals cops gun and shoots her    08/31/24  (2)
Some good news: kids are not signing up for WW3    08/31/24  (6)
FREE MONEY: West Virginia +7.5 v. Penn State    08/31/24  (5)
How are the two political parties basically 50/50 in power sharing?    08/31/24  (1)
Coach Prime headed to the Huskers house    08/31/24  (1)
1968, 33 years before 9/11 - all of the following things happened:    08/31/24  (24)
Went to a wedding last weekend that made me think of XO    08/31/24  (32)
Trumptards, please explain how Trump is gonna give away FREE IVF's?    08/31/24  (47)
Google "laos heroin 1968" click first link    08/31/24  (1)
so the gays won the day huh    08/31/24  (1)
who's actually been running the country if it's not dementia Biden    08/31/24  (3)
Has anyone been confronted by a powerful demon force    08/31/24  (11)
Reddit: "Want to hike my first 14er but overweight and out of shape."    08/31/24  (4)
To summit Teewinot Mountain in Grand Teton NP, you'll need the following:    08/31/24  (7)
An ugly wife is probably the most valuable thing you can ever have in life    08/31/24  (16)
i am a small boat coasting on a dark sea    08/31/24  (3)
My brother sucked my mom's dick (Zurich)    08/31/24  (5)
What if you tried to obedience train a wolf the same way as a doberman or rottie    08/31/24  (1)
I am bagging Teewinot. With or without you.    08/31/24  (15)
Disco aside, I will be in the Teton's within next 3 weeks (Mainlining)    08/31/24  (11)
Should I "go out" this evening/tonight or slumber early and summit?    08/31/24  (1)
high income | big house | loving children | ugly wife | awful life    08/31/24  (8)
Hiker dies in fall on Teewinot - Jackson Hole News & Guide    08/31/24  (7)
Do you know what's waiting beyond that beach? Teewinot! Take it! It's yours!    08/31/24  (5)
Disco fries's 350 lbs falling on you during your Teewinott summit attempt    08/31/24  (2)
Training for Teewinot: Primordial Forests along Ohio’s Clear Fork River Gorge    08/31/24  (13)
disco fries, here's the hard truth: you'll never summit Teewinot @ 300+ lbs    08/31/24  (2)
"He's a great guy, Elon. He's going to summit Teewinot. Gorgeous mountain."    08/31/24  (13)
xoMiami huge win over TLSFlorida    08/31/24  (1)
hallucinating an Outback Steakhouse mirage at top of Teewinot Mountain    08/31/24  (4)
A Rude Awakening on Teewinot Mountain-Disco&others that may expedition plz read    08/31/24  (10)
Johnny Gaudreau (1993-2024)    08/31/24  (28)
07/17/2024: Jimmy summited Teewinot 2x this summer..& we finally beat Medicare    08/31/24  (2)
Poaster wakes from coma in 2027: “did disco summit Teewinot?”    08/31/24  (11)
Wow fuck this FBI scam    08/31/24  (6)
If I have to listen to faggy “Teewinot” shit on here for the next year I swe    08/31/24  (6)
You guys know Disco Fries isn't going to Teewinot, right?    08/31/24  (2)

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