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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Who was the most anti turd US President    02/13/25  (10)
"READ MY LIPS, NO NEW TURDS"    02/13/25  (6)
Rate this German extreme right girl - video    02/13/25  (7)
ricky is a pickup artist who sarges for money working for Mystery    02/13/25  (1)
lets pool our XO funds and do a hostile takeover of Jumia ($JMIA)    02/13/25  (1)
Ricky is high again on the tutu & furiously megaposting, help    02/13/25  (3)
Kash Patel BHANGRA dancing over photo of Robert Mueller (vid)    02/13/25  (4)
ricky = justin baldoni    02/13/25  (1)
“US” libs = IRL human garbage who should be shoveled into incinerators    02/13/25  (51)
Hippo Eaten Alive By Obese NJ Birdshit Lady On Bush Walk In Zambia (Link)    02/13/25  (3)
Just quit a $200k tenured professor position    02/13/25  (8)
Wow this place is nigger as fuck    02/13/25  (2)
USA will be 90% Indian by next year    02/13/25  (1)
NJ Boomer Eaten Alive By Hippo On Bush Walk In Zambia (Link)    02/13/25  (79)
Hegseth giving Press Conf as SecDef is furking EMBARASSING    02/13/25  (50)
sigh, finally sold my Xbox and bought a PS5 (OYT)    02/13/25  (17)
Rodgers to the Raiders seems 180    02/13/25  (8)
“Let’s get them riled up about pronouns so they ignore our incompetence” (    02/13/25  (13)
FBI will be 90% Indian by next year    02/13/25  (26)
Men who are 50+ and have kids under age 10. Let's bash these TTTs.    02/13/25  (80)
Male height scholarship coming out in droves right now    02/13/25  (13)
Hegseth thinks Russia has a stronger navy than we do - link    02/13/25  (2)
I'm thinking of getting a cornicello tattoo    02/13/25  (4)
jai ho.mp3 playing as ginerauttt “passes for white”    02/13/25  (3)
Kanye and Bianca are getting a divorce    02/13/25  (19)
I just listened a lecture by professor "Kogan"=Cohen    02/13/25  (1)
why do libs hate "Hegseth" so much    02/13/25  (4)
"Yea, I'm 4.7% Italian" Gunneratt to HelloSirGirl who replied "I'm 2.1% Spanish"    02/13/25  (7)
bros we’re famous again    02/13/25  (21)
"yeah I anchored my family of illegals with birthright citizenry MAGA!" (gunner)    02/13/25  (1)
"Yay Cons won!" gunneratttt screeches as he's deported back to India    02/13/25  (14)
who keeps ruining gunner's threads? it's impolite, he has a lot of retarded tho    02/13/25  (1)
7 y/o expelled from Massachusetts school for saying "jungle gym" (link)    02/13/25  (31)
I may have overestimated Hegseth's intellectual capabilities - link    02/13/25  (3)
which lib megaposting faggot pumo just registered 3-4 new alts?    02/13/25  (160)
Inle Lake, Myanmar Photo Dump    02/13/25  (22)
After these agencies get axed, are we looking at deflation?    02/13/25  (4)
Have you ever received a penny from those class action suits?    02/13/25  (34)
even after abandoning all ur friends & family, Motel 6 keeps the light on for u    02/13/25  (1)
Join the xo Twitter group chat if you haven't already. Ignore the spammers here    02/13/25  (5)
First Lady Cheryl Hines | Sec of State Susie Green | SecDef Leon Black    02/13/25  (39)
Reminder to libs who seem to forget this often: You will never beat Trump.    02/13/25  (38)
Wow, libs are really going crazy on xo today    02/13/25  (3)
Kash Patel can stay.    02/13/25  (3)
Kash Patel orders FBI Agents to only stay at Motel 6s when traveling    02/13/25  (5)
Peter Strozk: This is Kash-a-strophic!    02/13/25  (2)
TBF: explain how Israel is "America's #1 Ally"    02/13/25  (1)
State Department will order $400 million in CYBERTRUCKS from TESLA. Hehe.    02/13/25  (32)
Watching Top Gun 2: want to get nood with Jenn Connelly    02/13/25  (9)
Kash Patel seen wearing "Female Body Inspector" t-shirt today (pic)    02/13/25  (6)
Libs have their first anti-Trump heroine- Danielle Sassoon - link    02/13/25  (6)
Kash Patel stealing Pens from FBI Director Office, selling them in bulk on Ebay    02/13/25  (2)
Kash Patel changing DOJ "Lady Justice" Statute so she has 18 arms    02/13/25  (1)
No Kash? No credit? No Problem! Only at Marco Rubio Toyota!    02/13/25  (6)
Zionists killed their own people on Oct 7    02/13/25  (10)
ZIONIST POASTERS: explain how Israel is "America's #1 Ally"    02/13/25  (38)
Proud Jewish Zionist here, taking Qs    02/13/25  (18)
Modi takes a cue from Boebert- does the needful for Elon (pic)    02/13/25  (7)
ICE agents DEMAND Utah cops arrest a guy who honked at them (vid)    02/13/25  (3)
the last few years have really exposed the depravity of the Zionist mindset    02/13/25  (6)
Rubio setting US aid trucks on fire to get some FOAM from fire extinguishers    02/13/25  (4)
never seen two fullbore kikes code-switch as much as TBF and Consuela    02/13/25  (2)
Nancy Mace: my fiance videotaped a train being run on me    02/13/25  (131)
Rubio in epic foam for this party:    02/13/25  (4)
Donald Trump DECIMATES BigLaw White Collar Crime Practices    02/13/25  (4)
Firm removed bathroom stall doors because attys were taking too long (pic    02/13/25  (1)
Clarence Thomas, filling up his RV at Chevron, chuckling to himself    02/13/25  (5)
Fuck, this might end up being the scandal libs have been praying for (link)    02/13/25  (2)
Golf bros, any of you gaming Srixon Q-Star balls?    02/13/25  (4)
some insane quotemo thinks I'm "gunneratttt"    02/13/25  (7)
wtf is going on w the lib pumo spam    02/13/25  (6)
Remember 2020 when people were’t allowed to see their dying parents?    02/13/25  (27)
Remember Rumsfeld’s snowflakes? Hegseth memos called “Crayola turd dumps”    02/13/25  (1)
Libs literally crying, losing hoap    02/13/25  (1)
Stock Market 2025: Here we go to TT $1.5m Net Worth!!    02/13/25  (38)
the lib evil of the 2020s was really insane, I'll never forget    02/13/25  (45)
rate this artwork: Trump vs the Establishment    02/13/25  (126)
Poll: 14% support invading Greenland - link    02/13/25  (1)
QQQ $539.15 All Time High Waiting Room    02/13/25  (7)
“We ain’t rape her”    02/13/25  (3)
Trump still calling Trudeau "Governor" - link    02/13/25  (1)
Biglaw associate tagging Voynich manuscript 'non-responsive'    02/13/25  (13)
MPA losing hope is the Seventh Seal, pray for humanity    02/13/25  (41)
Done pretending that low level “sociopathy” is a “bad” thing tp    02/13/25  (3)
Zoomers: keep my goddamn name out yo goddamn mouth! (WSJ)    02/13/25  (4)
Dem woman pol: the word "manufacture" sounds like a guy    02/13/25  (1)
stop bitching about spam faggots, only gunner + internet guy threads spammed    02/13/25  (23)
Male Height Scholarship tp    02/13/25  (1)
Chancellor Scholz declares state of emergency - link    02/13/25  (10)
"Like OMG, they Made this Handsome FBI Director, he's so Gorgeous Becky, he li    02/13/25  (2)
lmao at libs! Trump's popularity is soaring among gen-Z    02/13/25  (27)
Indians are literally subhuman deep fried shit every single one    02/13/25  (10)
Never once in my life met a ‘cool’ Indian - all tryhard faggots    02/13/25  (3)
Ricky and XO are getting a divorce    02/13/25  (1)
Winner of Beast Games ($10M prize) is a white sales chad w/ an asian wife    02/13/25  (2)
Big corporations continue to flee Twitter your thoughts cons?    02/13/25  (2)
Trumps EO's lead to energy bills INCREASING by $100 in Illinois    02/13/25  (7)
TSINAH jobless    02/13/25  (2)
Indians hate Christ because he is the redeemer    02/13/25  (4)
Kanye getting divorced    02/13/25  (1)
Sticky: I’ve decided to wind this place down and delete the board    02/13/25  (42)
The Immutable Kike    02/13/25  (2)
Why are libs going so crazy today?    02/13/25  (1)
Ozempic websites waving in anorexics like a third base coach (link)    02/13/25  (7)
Ozempic makes you shit out of your mouth    02/13/25  (54)
Children have good instincts about which men are worthy of respect    02/13/25  (1)
Rate Wyoming Mom Who Shot Her 4 Kids & Herself (PICS)    02/13/25  (17)
Freaky Friday but it's Caitlin Clark and Clarence Thomas    02/13/25  (3)
Despite Campaign Promises, Chaos Remains at the US Southern Border    02/13/25  (1)
MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA Has Negotiated A CEASE FIRE On All DOWN PAYMENTS    02/13/25  (48)
beady-eyed / foamy smile / you'll marry a trucker man    02/13/25  (10)
Had eggs for lunch. I have arrived.    02/13/25  (1)
Why does Tom Brady’s face look so weird now?    02/13/25  (89)
Catherine Austin Fitts: prepare to get FUCKED by Blormf    02/13/25  (1)
Would Danish California be bad for business? Would Oregon?    02/13/25  (1)
"BEEP! Check that pager, it's alerting you to the EXPLOSIVE DEALS at Marco Rubio    02/13/25  (23)
this place is done    02/13/25  (4)
"but I voted Trump?" gunneratttt says as new India repatriation law enforced    02/13/25  (2)
"Vivek Special" @ Marco Rubio Toyota, just commit for 2 months then u are FREE!    02/13/25  (8)
Marco Rubio is almost bankrupt (Story)    02/13/25  (45)
At Marco Rubio Toyota, prices falling faster than Aleppo! Everything must go!    02/13/25  (7)
"is that foam or cool whip on your mouth?' *adjusts toupee* tsinah: "both."    02/13/25  (18)
New film Rubio 54 to explore the rise and fall the South Beach foam scene    02/13/25  (7)
NEVER FORGET: Little Marco Rubio (pic)    02/13/25  (8)
German Woman apologizes to Afghan Migrant for running into his Speeding Car (vid    02/13/25  (2)
"I'll take a Roast Beef Combo with curly fries and...say arent you Marco Rubio?"    02/13/25  (44)
What percent "White" is Lil Marco Rubio?    02/13/25  (18)
You Can't Stump the Trump (Volume 19) - The Foolish Foam Boi    02/13/25  (16)
GREENLAND might not be for sale but over 500 cars are at MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA    02/13/25  (17)
There's a MASS DEPORTATION of hot priced cars off the lot at MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA    02/13/25  (12)
"Damn, what a slut!" said Donald Trump as he left Marco Rubio's FOAMPARTY    02/13/25  (24)
Rubio: "We must dispel this notion...hold on..." *farts foam* "OK.We must dispel    02/13/25  (13)
99 out of 100 Senators confirm that MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA has the hottest deals    02/13/25  (5)
I can’t believe how gay this website has become    02/13/25  (1)
"And folks, Little Marco--he had foam coming out of his mouth, out of his whatev    02/13/25  (3)
"Not Just LA is on Fire, so are the Hot Deals at Marco Rubio Toyota!"    02/13/25  (4)
At MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA, the only coupe is the one you'll drive away in!    02/13/25  (12)
You Won't Have to Give Up Territory to Make a Deal With Us @ Marco Rubio Toyota!    02/13/25  (1)
No Confirmation Needed @ Marco Rubio Toyota! You're Preapproved for No Money Dow    02/13/25  (4)
You don't have to put any GREEN down to LAND a 3.9% APR at MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA    02/13/25  (32)
The only DEI you'll get is the best Deals Ever Imagined at MARCO RUBIO TOYOTA    02/13/25  (2)
Linda McMahon details her plans to claw back pslf forgiven loans    02/13/25  (5)
🚨🚨🚨DOGE.gov is live! 🚨🚨🚨    02/13/25  (36)
fucking hate indians    02/13/25  (5)
Farting so loud Rubio emerges from the foam    02/13/25  (19)

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