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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
I have gas and feel unwell.    02/28/25  (24)
A suburban shopping mall parking lot on a crisp autumn dusk in the 90s    02/28/25  (17)
seriously, when did zelensky get a second y?    02/28/25  (3)
"Ukraine gets too much aid" hissed the red state Trumpmo who gets blue state aid    02/28/25  (1)
My Ass Swallows Everything (MASE)    02/28/25  (16)
If Zelenskyy had just worn a suit it would changed everything    02/28/25  (6)
Finally an objective report on the Trump Zelensky meeting - link    02/28/25  (3)
Zelensky is like 5'3" in heels. Just a little dwarf of a man and can't grow a be    02/28/25  (6)
mister homosexual here i would like to be homosexual tonight    02/28/25  (4)
Elon should now rez Rhodesia and push SA for statehood    02/28/25  (3)
πŸ’© gunneratttt has a lot of thoughts on white American culture, only one probl    02/28/25  (1)
gunnerattt's dad owns a gas station and calls people "chief" and "boss"    02/28/25  (1)
When gunneratttt runs his mouth on here just remember he's dark skin IndianπŸ’©    02/28/25  (1)
Declaration: MASE is the biggest slut to ever exist    02/28/25  (3)
TDNW -- after reviewing the press conference today, do you think Trump did    02/28/25  (3)
Tomorrow we start correctly spelling it “Kiev” again    02/28/25  (5)
Why doesn't Zelensky sell Ukraine-branded clothing and accessories online?    02/28/25  (1)
The Last Liberal taking q's.    02/28/25  (16)
We need to talk about my homosexuality, and yours    02/28/25  (1)
hello gentlemen. mister homosexual here. i would like to kiss men.    02/28/25  (1)
9500 Washington Post comments, like 99.5% express shame    02/28/25  (18)
Trump’s already seeing the negative media and blames JD Vance    02/28/25  (18)
Muscular Autists Sucking Everyone (MASE)    02/28/25  (6)
Why didn't Zelensky realize he should de-escalate?    02/28/25  (60)
DrakeMallard/Voodoo Child's mental illness is breathtaking, he's been talking to    02/28/25  (30)
If you werent on medicaid the faggot fake fraud "doctor" would have to sign u up    02/28/25  (1)
"OOPS" Russian state media was in Oval Office during Zelensky meeting?    02/28/25  (7)
Any good podcasts to help enjoy drifting in a dark cloud of despair?    02/28/25  (8)
What if we just "turned off" medicaid and medicare tomorrow    02/28/25  (1)
ok, sometimes redditors really get some shit right    02/28/25  (4)
Putin offers to mediate peace deal between Trump and Zelensky    02/28/25  (5)
If the MAHA movement is right, 80% of Americans qualify as "disabled" now    02/28/25  (4)
TRANSPARENTHY!    02/28/25  (1)
Lindsey Graham: Hey, don't take any bait in the Oval Off- Zelensky: LEEEROY JENK    02/28/25  (3)
*BTC goes down* Pumos: "LOL TIME TO MOCK TBF!!!" Not Pumos:    02/28/25  (15)
Trump closing Oklahoma Air Force base (2nd largest employer in the state)    02/28/25  (3)
Now HERE’S a fed money tax grift I think XO will be a-OK with    02/28/25  (12)
rachmiel declares martial law as pumo poasts reach levels not seen since 2008    02/28/25  (3)
Trump probably put a giant bag of cocaine in Zelensky's airport limo    02/28/25  (1)
DOGE should blanket fire all disabled veterans, fuck these frauds    02/28/25  (27)
I bet Reddit is extremely upset    02/28/25  (1)
Some of you seem more loyal to the Ukraine than this country    02/28/25  (25)
Farmer Stalin, plowing butt and planting seed.    02/28/25  (1)
Zelenskyy had a great argument Trump wouldn't let him raise    02/28/25  (2)
Video of JD Vance playing a piano with his dick    02/28/25  (1)
Zelenskyy killed by snipers while trying to scale White House fence    02/28/25  (1)
Zelenskyy says Trump did nothing wrong    02/28/25  (9)
Would Trump have fled or stayed and fought if he were Ukraine’s POTUS in 2022?    02/28/25  (8)
Redguard had previously been jailed for Skooma possession    02/28/25  (24)
Why would Trump allow cameras in on the Zelensky meeting    02/28/25  (35)
32X boys grew up hard and fast    02/28/25  (5)
Hey, would it be "chill" if I insulted the people guaranteeing my country's exis    02/28/25  (9)
I would make a better vice president than JD Vance    02/28/25  (2)
Xo Rasmussen: Trump approval up 7 points since inauguration    02/28/25  (12)
Trumpmo teacher posts pic of her doing nazi salute. Guess what happened next    02/28/25  (3)
*Jewish Pumo who has predicted 10 of the last 2 recessions*: "HAHA UR FUKT"    02/28/25  (2)
US Air Force is painting a crop duster gray and calling it an attack aircraft    02/28/25  (1)
Zelensky signs agreement changing currency to "Lira" in honor of "Coach RedPill"    02/28/25  (2)
Blue states should cut off aid to red states and send it to Ukraine    02/28/25  (4)
Spammer(s) what do you want? Let's negotiate a cease fire.    02/28/25  (5)
"Pee in his butt, bro."    02/28/25  (3)
WLMAS if you bump or create one more thread about me I'm going to lose it    02/28/25  (1)
*Zelensky grabs mic* "Earl you faggot lol"    02/28/25  (1)
These pussy deodorant commercials are getting a little aggressive    02/28/25  (6)
REMINDER: NATO expansion into E. Euro has been retarded and caused Ukraine war    02/28/25  (8)
GunneraTTT gives off intense angry-loser vibes    02/28/25  (117)
Zelensky: "I called him JD because he's a Juris Doctor, the most prestigious    02/28/25  (1)
Multiple Anal Steamworks Encounters (MASE)    02/28/25  (3)
Magnificent Anal Semen Eruption (MASE)    02/28/25  (2)
Motivated AIDS Spreader Extraordinaire (MASE)    02/28/25  (4)
MASE: "We're abandoning the Truvada lol"    02/28/25  (7)
Maladjusted Antichrist Spamming Endlessly (MASE)    02/28/25  (3)
Many Acronyms Suggest Eroticism (MASE)    02/28/25  (4)
Marvelous Ability to Swallow Eggplants (MASE)    02/28/25  (2)
Male Anus Servicer Extraordinaire (MASE)    02/28/25  (7)
Men's Asses Stupendously Edible (MASE)    02/28/25  (4)
Mastering Anal Sex Euphoria (MASE)    02/28/25  (1)
"I DIDN'T HEAR THANK YOU ONCE" "yeah but I said thanl several times"    02/28/25  (2)
My Anus Seeps Effluvium (MASE)    02/28/25  (5)
Men. Anus. Sex. Everyday. (MASE)    02/28/25  (3)
*baba yetu plays as damn daddy removes peterman's romper*    02/28/25  (51)
Men Are Sucked Enthusiastically (MASE)    02/28/25  (24)
LOL @ that horrible miscalculation    02/28/25  (2)
Madly Attracted to Semen & Excrement (MASE)    02/28/25  (12)
My Ass Says Enter (MASE)    02/28/25  (18)
How comes board Trumpmos have no response to JD Vance being a tranny?    02/28/25  (8)
Mad As Shit Eternally (MASE)    02/28/25  (1)
Remember when Reddit used to “lock” threads?    02/28/25  (2)
Musky Anal Suction Equipment (MASE)    02/28/25  (3)
My Ass Serves Eagerly (MASE)    02/28/25  (10)
Magnanimously Accepts Sexualization Equity (MASE)    02/28/25  (2)
Milking All Semen Eagerly (MASE)    02/28/25  (2)
Vance and Zelensky just got into a fist fight in the Oval Office    02/28/25  (160)
Men Always Sucked Enthusiastically (MASE)    02/28/25  (6)
Stop spamming these “MASE” threads    02/28/25  (17)
I AM WLMAS! NO, I AM WLMAS! I TOO AM WLMAS!    02/28/25  (6)
I can't believe some posters side with Zelensky    02/28/25  (5)
"WELL I GUESS ELON ISN'T RICH NOW" TBF mockingly said as his life savings tanked    02/28/25  (2)
πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©Big Trumpmo here (gunneratttt) πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©    02/28/25  (4)
Major Anal Slut Energy (MASE)    02/28/25  (25)
Trumpmos, should men dress in drag? Do you support JD Vance being a tranny?    02/28/25  (3)
Most underrated classic rock band of all time?    02/28/25  (104)
“I DIDNT HEAR THANK YOU ONCE” - JD Vance to his turd kids at dinner table    02/28/25  (12)
Good, no apology from Zelensky on Foxnews    02/28/25  (6)
Zelinsky is 5' 3"    02/28/25  (5)
"Heh I got SO many reddit upvotes for that" (Zelensky while his country freezes    02/28/25  (1)
The thin wrist emerging was darker than the "black" suit in gunner's thread    02/28/25  (3)
JD Vance's son: I'm going as JD Vance for halloween *puts on tranny wig*    02/28/25  (1)
POLL: Is this this a black suit?    02/28/25  (48)
Zelensky doing Wolf's "A please would be nice" Pulp Fiction retort in shower    02/28/25  (1)
πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’© gunneratttt explaining white culture to you πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’©    02/28/25  (4)
TDNW: "LOL enjoy arguing about 'politith' on the internet, fags."    02/28/25  (1)
Why is MASE opining on politics, he's just a gay whore who has anal sex    02/28/25  (3)
SUMMON: TDNW, LFOD.    02/28/25  (17)
Cucumbers is, at this moment, having nude monkey sex with a woman    02/28/25  (3)
Someone needs to drop the “machine elf” bomb in serious discourse    02/28/25  (4)
Can't believe Zelensky did that lmao    02/28/25  (12)
developers developers developers (4 cucumbers)    02/28/25  (25)
Been periodically blinding myself with a flashlight recreationally    02/28/25  (1)
i pay hung hot black guys to pound my butt.    02/28/25  (7)
Lexis Rep just successfully extorted me (IRL story)    02/28/25  (2)
Holy shit, Trump and Vance just told Netanyahu “You’re Next” (link)    02/28/25  (17)
balancing ones disgust for Zelensky against that for Are Reptile    02/28/25  (1)
Vance set Trump on Zelensky like Little Carmine sent his Dad on Tony Soprano    02/28/25  (1)
Every time GOP in power it spurns other countries to get nukes    02/28/25  (1)
Trump BACKS DOWN: “Military Aid to continue in exchange for mineral rights”    02/28/25  (7)
peanut faked death to ensure trump victory    02/28/25  (8)
Epstein files release is just giving binders to "DC Draino", "Libs of TikTok" an    02/28/25  (60)
Describe life for former military officer bros working at USAA    02/28/25  (3)
Zelenskyy: "We have renamed Ukraine 'Israel.'" Trump: "Bring the Brinks truck    02/28/25  (2)
Redacted Misconduct -- a poem by Scrivener's Error    02/28/25  (10)
The actual "ambush" was by Zelensky and he failed    02/28/25  (3)
“A city — full of diaper. Diapered. Diaper City.”    02/28/25  (1)
Carpet is pretty gross in general    02/28/25  (7)
Former Russian President Medvedev declares victory    02/28/25  (1)
Zelenskyy: unemployed father of 3 should balk at first offer    02/28/25  (2)
Trump: Let me make this clear. Listen closely. I’m against Ukraine.    02/28/25  (10)
Video of an xo poaster getting corrected at Applebee's    02/28/25  (1)
Board Trumpmos: Trump ruined my life savings but at least he was mean to Zelensk    02/28/25  (1)
Carpeted walls at the TMF mansion    02/28/25  (1)
Zelensky called Vance a bitch (video)    02/28/25  (12)
"Thats right, I said closed-concept with a carpeted bathroom    02/28/25  (2)
Mexican Amigos So Alluring (MASE)    02/28/25  (1)
“He said what’s it stand for? Male Anal Sex Expert? I tell ya, I get no resp    02/28/25  (6)

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