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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
i found out im 23% body fat...is that good or bad?    07/10/24  (9)
Opening Statements in Alec Baldwin involuntary manslaughter trial    07/10/24  (13)
Why is Bald Old Man Boom obsessed with Taylor Swift?    07/10/24  (2)
They did not live    07/10/24  (2)
Only bipartisan consensus these days is that Trump is definitely a rapist    07/10/24  (4)
Poast ITT and I'll genuinely appraise you as a poaster    07/10/24  (86)
1.6 Americans living in Mexico    07/10/24  (15)
Jill refusing to abort nuke launch b/c General didn’t call her “doctor”    07/10/24  (10)
What have been your lawn goals/accomplishments this year?    07/10/24  (9)
Who drugged and assraped Jani Lane of Warrant?    07/10/24  (22)
What's the best sandwich you ever ate?    07/10/24  (62)
The Census is a Jewish scam.    07/10/24  (2)
Look at Swifts mom πŸ‘© πŸ‘Œ    07/10/24  (2)
CA Fast Food Workers Enjoy Middle-Class Lifestyle as $20/hr Wage Begins (nyt)    07/10/24  (17)
If Biden ain't out by the end of the week he's in it to the end.    07/10/24  (38)
What kind of Poasting Chairs are you guys using    07/10/24  (2)
Taylor swift has like 18 months to go of relevance.    07/10/24  (20)
pop music has declined so much recently it's insane    07/10/24  (3)
Katy Perry is John Bennet Ramsey    07/10/24  (2)
Swift is fake..you can do anything..make it happen    07/10/24  (1)
Anyone use a 27" monitor in PORTRAIT MODE?    07/10/24  (14)
has an ex ever sent you a bday present or card after breaking up?    07/10/24  (22)
65 out of 119 species of pigs went extinct because of homo sapiens    07/10/24  (9)
lol niglets *gets 155 LSAT* *becomes homeless* *bankrupts golden corral* (tsinah    07/10/24  (19)
Home Gym Bros: Recs For Power Cage / What To Look For    07/10/24  (71)
Cum ITT to rate my cover of Olivia Rodrigo's Love is Embarrassing (dat snoot)    07/10/24  (17)
AutoAdmit, California. “The city of homosexuals.”    07/10/24  (12)
I need to know if I can avoid California tax as 1099 llc?    07/10/24  (15)
Rating poasters as fictitious linkedin updates    07/10/24  (236)
Some might even call me a Chad    07/10/24  (1)
Jewish pleroma-cracking    07/10/24  (1)
htf is Danny McBride famous playing the same asshole in every part he ever has?    07/10/24  (15)
Just presented myself to Church of Scientology    07/10/24  (19)
“Daddy, are we going to make it?” *50 y/o man swivels 180 in his gaming chai    07/10/24  (8)
Trumps first vp won’t endorse him and his next one called him a rapist    07/10/24  (25)
🚨Biden will drop out after the RNC🚨    07/10/24  (32)
credited pre-built gaming computer?    07/10/24  (127)
Why is shitlib Biden deporting MORE illegals than Trump?    07/10/24  (1)
lol, Biden to do one-on-one with Lester Holt.    07/10/24  (8)
wagecuckery should be a deadly sin at this point    07/10/24  (13)
If Marcus Aurelius was so 180 then why was his son such a shit head?    07/10/24  (4)
Today on Training for Teewinot: McRae Peak, Grandfather Mtn, Linville NC    07/10/24  (9)
White House phone rings at 3 am. Kamala's stilleto foot knocks it over.    07/10/24  (8)
wore me out and left me ate up    07/10/24  (1)
how much do you tip your wife's bull?    07/10/24  (2)
Trumpmo federal judge resigns after sexually harassing multiple law clerks    07/10/24  (65)
what are the best arguments IN FAVOR of globalism?    07/10/24  (62)
Is this forcing swift and other fraud shit just turning u away?    07/10/24  (1)
Swift is a joke and in no way popular except with retards..music is dead    07/10/24  (3)
Nothing but a bunch of small minded low level thinking this has became very sad    07/10/24  (3)
mr. kirk, your son is online    07/10/24  (1)
Disco..America is regressive fraud but people rush life&act like they're in a hu    07/10/24  (3)
Nothing but lies..shit talk..bullshit fraud used to f u up all along f it    07/10/24  (1)
Gladiator II trailer just dropped. The movie looks terrible    07/10/24  (47)
man, what ever happened to Rampart tp    07/10/24  (12)
Completely neutral arbiter here: To be fair won and xo Jews lost    07/10/24  (14)
A mere 2.7 miiiiillllion customers without power πŸ”‹ in an amerikkkan metro    07/10/24  (9)
George Clooney: Biden is a retard in private too - link    07/10/24  (33)
Done with it all! Do not accept any bullshit    07/10/24  (1)
deagel 2025    07/10/24  (6)
The quiet growth of white nationalism in the Church of Scientology (NYT 2028)    07/10/24  (1)
is it normal to be "too tired" every day to fuck ur wife/strange?    07/10/24  (21)
hey scholarship did u know that im gay    07/10/24  (5)
Who cares what anyone says? It's all fucking lies and fraud    07/10/24  (1)
KAMALA officially a yes for Kavanaugh impeach πŸ‘ lolol whiteboys    07/10/24  (2)
180 that Emilio (24 year old zoomer) posts with us 40-49 year old lawyers    07/10/24  (6)
The new Lord of the Rings is such an obvious humiliation ritual    07/10/24  (2)
Shut the f up    07/10/24  (1)
$SPY: Damn son, where'd you find this?    07/10/24  (1)
Trump's silence is so unexpected and so 180. Biden dominates the news.    07/10/24  (5)
All the people being celebrated 🍾 are prole losers proles losers&proles ident    07/10/24  (1)
I'm stirring the pot what's the appeal of talentless swift?    07/10/24  (1)
Discovered: Frasier spec script written by John Updike    07/10/24  (6)
Fuck it from here on in only wearing "Dip" Kroger brand clothing    07/10/24  (3)
rating posters as olivia rodrigo songs    07/10/24  (33)
I have 3 AMEX Platinum cards now    07/10/24  (13)
Swift went away then rich men singer styled on her then she blew up shit tour    07/10/24  (1)
Amerikkka is a fraud delusion    07/10/24  (11)
What's the draw of a white spoiled girl(swift) to the retarded masses? Proles?    07/10/24  (1)
Rate these and their car wiping out ljl    07/10/24  (1)
Sept, Oct, Nov poasting KPIs aren’t humanly possible    07/10/24  (1)
gen z are taking pics of millennials with laptops at coffee shops    07/10/24  (8)
Russian troops execute Ukrainian hostages at point blank range.    07/10/24  (2)
Zelensky: 50 F-16s is "nothing" - link    07/10/24  (12)
Pretty sure most of the high end restaurants around me are Albanian mob    07/10/24  (7)
tswift mumbling "and they say shes so lucky. shes a star" as her manager shoves    07/10/24  (1)
Is Taylor Swift more popular today than Britney Spears was in her prime?    07/10/24  (6)
Tubi is amazing. Has GC been defeated?    07/10/24  (12)
Damn amerikkka is now 3rd world hell hole? Is anyone really jealous?    07/10/24  (5)
fuck shitlibs but the montana senate candidate not having a wiki page is a bit m    07/10/24  (1)
Congratulations to Huma Abedin on her engagement    07/10/24  (11)
I do "real work" *moves mouse*    07/10/24  (2)
Trump is going to drop a video with Bryson tomorrow. I know the result    07/10/24  (19)
Prole tell: asking if the measurement is bone pressed    07/10/24  (2)
What is going on in Naperville, IL?    07/10/24  (10)
if ben affleck and jlo didnt make it what chance does any of us have    07/10/24  (5)
the years between 2003 - 2014 don't even feel like they really happened    07/10/24  (14)
How does KJP live with herself and live this down? πŸ˜‚    07/10/24  (11)
Celebrities that could beat Trump if DNC nominated them right now    07/10/24  (2)
one of ben affleck's kids is a Karen and the other is a tranny    07/10/24  (8)
the fuck is everyone working out and training for in a service economy lolll    07/10/24  (26)
Boomers planning to freeze themselves and their $$ for future revival    07/10/24  (10)
KJP is the perfect tool of the regime to lie to the public    07/10/24  (2)
Video of a muman-like creature getting kicked in the fucking head    07/10/24  (1)
"Nursing" seems like an easy cash cow for children to get..what else?    07/10/24  (3)
Did TSINAH ever clear up what he was doing at those gay leatherdaddy bars??    07/10/24  (15)
ChatGPT Battle Hymn of the Republic except about Biden dementia    07/10/24  (1)
budweiser frogs: "blown out" "roast beef" "disaster."    07/10/24  (6)
So Dem party elites are do Biden now but Hollywood celebs open revolt?    07/10/24  (2)
Getting really good @ this game about being an androgynous demon conquering Hell    07/10/24  (3)
Do the Lord of the Rings movies hold up?    07/10/24  (28)
proles cannot grasp the concept that middle class != middle income    07/10/24  (13)
just saw tedbeckersted doing hoodrat shit in bk with the lox    07/10/24  (2)
perfect little asian slut tp    07/10/24  (4)
Cut the crap and quit making excuses..I only want to do more&prove em wrong    07/10/24  (1)
America died in 1959    07/10/24  (1)
Djokovic tells Centre Court crowd to eat shit #GOAT #wimbledon    07/10/24  (1)
Eveything past the "50's" is a lie in amerikkka    07/10/24  (1)
The persecution of Gamers has to stop. This is a Genocide.    07/10/24  (3)
Baby be a simple kind of fag    07/10/24  (5)
Police kill pro-Trump terrorist at Yellowstone National Park    07/10/24  (3)
Cut the crap..America and much of the world is a lie    07/10/24  (1)
You aren't stuck..even stuck in law..you can do anything    07/10/24  (5)
When you listen to negativity you're being lied to&eliminated as competition    07/10/24  (1)
Kinda weird that the Hercule Poirot character had mass appeal    07/10/24  (10)
Josh Hawley I know you post here    07/10/24  (4)
You’ve been… BOINAPPED    07/10/24  (19)
Srs Q: Are people in the Midwest happy?    07/10/24  (13)
TO THE POASTER FLESHLIGHT: Come in this thread    07/10/24  (32)
NBC interviews Parkinson's expert who BURIES Biden. lol.    07/10/24  (33)
looking back at it Vice City was the most fun game of all time    07/10/24  (32)
What exactly is wrong with Biden?    07/10/24  (2)
Will hit 40 million NW by year end (CSLG)    07/10/24  (39)
If you kill 10,000 Ukrainians will anybody even notice?    07/10/24  (1)
Naperville, IL isn't safe    07/10/24  (4)
tell me all about Naperville, Illinois    07/10/24  (8)
is Naperville a credited Chicago suburb?    07/10/24  (11)
Describe Naperville, IL.    07/10/24  (3)
Doing horror-fiction themed male burlesque as "Surely Jacksoff"    07/10/24  (1)
Dying in front of a screen tp    07/10/24  (8)
Lance Bass going through your phone. "Who's Ricky Martin?"    07/10/24  (10)
Ocean’s 14 plot to steal 2024 election for dementia patient    07/10/24  (1)
"thanks for downloading adblocker! if u want us to actually block them its $40"    07/10/24  (1)
the internet is too dangerous to use    07/10/24  (7)
rate the current Earl of Sandwich    07/10/24  (15)
Fizzkidd have you ever had a tentacle up your hoo-hah?    07/10/24  (7)
Rate Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) at 44 in a TANKINI (pics)    07/10/24  (119)
Paid for tinder gold to see who liked me. They’re all men. I’m straight.    07/10/24  (3)

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