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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Vance is the VP pick btw    07/15/24  (26)
Tucker approves JD for VP (link)    07/15/24  (4)
TDNW never posts about politics now because he knows Trump will abandon Ukraine    07/15/24  (36)
Trump assassination attempt has completely ended Hawk Tuah's 15 minutes    07/15/24  (2)
libs of tiktok is outting everyone who wished Trump was assassinated to death    07/15/24  (17)
enlisted Marine being VP must mean they’re really smart    07/15/24  (1)
NOT FLAME this biglaw partner is a swinger (link)    07/15/24  (25)
proud day for Cincinnati Scottish brothers    07/15/24  (1)
What does JD Vance bring to the table? bigger white trash vote?    07/15/24  (54)
“We must lower the temperature” Kasich after stuffing body in freezer    07/15/24  (1)
The Bikeriders was 180    07/15/24  (1)
Vance has no charisma or "presence"    07/15/24  (19)
Rate this video of based J.D. Vance    07/15/24  (9)
all of kenny's car accident business is from kenny's own car accidents    07/15/24  (40)
Pastor MA$E, dressed in 90s futurist attire, arriving at Trump Tower (link)    07/15/24  (10)
Why don’t professionals take Kenny seriously?    07/15/24  (8)
Why are thin pillows so hard to find    07/15/24  (2)
Shitlibs and neocons are going nuts over the JD Vance pick. He must be the guy    07/15/24  (3)
Just remember: As soon as widespread white nationalism takes    07/15/24  (27)
People who say Trump will lose in 2020--who could possibly beat him?    07/15/24  (85)
The signs were on the wall (link)    07/15/24  (3)
more damming evidence that shrewmo = twist/askav (benzo)    07/15/24  (304)
How do you delete your xo account?    07/15/24  (13)
Who else is still an Israelcuck besides MASE and two dozen pumos right now?    07/15/24  (27)
Remember 3-4 yrs ago askav was huge shitlib?    07/15/24  (23)
can't wait till Trump's back in power so we can deport Karlstack back 2 Canada    07/15/24  (3)
askav do you need a goebbels    07/15/24  (11)
Ben Shapiro just retweeted my joke about having an Asian wife    07/15/24  (17)
How many days of diarrhea before medical professionals involved    07/15/24  (23)
thousands of inactive xo accounts are like bitcoins lost in garbage dump    07/15/24  (1)
When was Trump's Pittsburgh rally announced?    07/15/24  (1)
How many peoples lives did these libs ruin over politich    07/15/24  (1)
NYT: Trump shooter had no parents or any other relatives and no neighbors    07/15/24  (3)
Trump still hasn't called the widow of the dead MAGA bystander    07/15/24  (4)
Live from Butler, PA it’s Saturday Night Goy!    07/15/24  (1)
Karlstack now sucking Trump cock on X    07/15/24  (11)
Guy who copyrights the word "Lawyer" is going to make a killing    07/15/24  (2)
Cliffs on the J.D. Vance/Askav meme? Thank    07/15/24  (6)
Shooter talking about his alleged penis size    07/15/24  (13)
lol at lawyers ("Lawyers")    07/15/24  (63)
JD Vance is a secret socialist    07/15/24  (1)
Tucker speech in WI gets .5M views in 3 hours lmao    07/15/24  (5)
Askav needs to give JD Vance a firm and vigorous spanking    07/15/24  (12)
Alex Jones I know you read autoadmit c'mere and give me a bear hug bro    07/15/24  (3)
Ruling on $7.2M fees motion dropping July 8 🤞🤞    07/15/24  (97)
Seal Team Six blames Paul Blart for Afghani raid's failure (link)    07/15/24  (3)
All true patriots now is the time to pee on the restroom floor    07/15/24  (7)
HD-DVD vs Blu Ray should be a presidential debate topic imo    07/15/24  (1)
Rate this Japanese girl's abs    07/15/24  (5)
BIRDSHITS: enjoy your last day on Earth with Vivek not the VP Nominee    07/15/24  (21)
The shooter used Discord, the same as Adam Lanza    07/15/24  (7)
Nick Fuentes BTFOs JD Vance    07/15/24  (11)
This is the most convincing video yet that assassination attempt was deep state    07/15/24  (45)
Josh Hawley crying, losing hoap    07/15/24  (3)
Longlegs is out but I'm not watching satanic stuff so this is a pass    07/15/24  (11)
Hey EPAH at least your kids still have a constitutional right to get married    07/15/24  (1)
Trump shooting will be discussed 1000 years from now    07/15/24  (6)
Does anyone have a photoshop of Trump as the white pharaoh slot machine guy    07/15/24  (1)
FBI can't unlock shooter's phone. Very odd case    07/15/24  (5)
If a Roman emperor acted like Trump after getting shot u wouldn't believe it    07/15/24  (2)
Shooter with clean background woke up and decided to be POTUS assassin    07/15/24  (3)
Vance and Gaetz are kind of the same guy    07/15/24  (1)
what time does trump speak?    07/15/24  (3)
JD Vance opposes the SALT deduction. Fuck this guy    07/15/24  (1)
lone wolf almost killed guy establishment has big problem w nothing to see here    07/15/24  (2)
It's ok guys. Trump will have zero allies in the FBI and DHS (EPAH)    07/15/24  (1)
Does the POTUS get a salary or is he going to have to keep eating pomegranate se    07/15/24  (1)
Dont worry guys FBI is working hard to determine shooter's motive.    07/15/24  (5)
ZURICH official "last day of biglaw" thread    07/15/24  (31)
Vance has been silent on Israel since May    07/15/24  (1)
So the crypto scam is done?    07/15/24  (10)
Soccer Fags: Who Cares About "The Euros." Sounds Like A Season AL East Tourney    07/15/24  (9)
Ricky and JD Vance play in the same Matishayu cover band    07/15/24  (5)
Reminder: Jews are the only winners here    07/15/24  (1)
Tim Scott looking regretfully at his fiance as Trump announces JD Vance as VP    07/15/24  (9)
Romney enters GOP convention to "Ruff Ryders' Anthem" by DMX.    07/15/24  (51)
Trumps first vp won’t endorse him and his next one called him a rapist    07/15/24  (30)
As G.O.P. Convention Begins, ‘the Vibe Is Grim’ for Democrats (NYT)    07/15/24  (12)
Are the aesthetics of the bloodied Trump photos too good    07/15/24  (12)
Bill Kristol fully approves JD Vance as VP (link)    07/15/24  (20)
Fetterman seen leaving Martha's Vineyard    07/15/24  (1)
trump's running mate called him "rapist hitler" & his last one wont endorse him    07/15/24  (1)
can't respect Vance b/c his wife is ugly as fuck    07/15/24  (11)
Israel has to wait until Trump takes office in in 6 mos. What's the plan?    07/15/24  (1)
TDNW how will Trump end the war in one day?    07/15/24  (20)
What Happens When Your Bank Isn’t Really a Bank and Your Money Disappears?    07/15/24  (15)
Israel trying hard as fuck to kiss Trump's ring. Bitches in heat    07/15/24  (1)
swapping with a couple soon where the wife is a biglaw partner lmao    07/15/24  (28)
Accidentally replying to a Reddit Ricky post is like being cornered by homeless    07/15/24  (2)
ljl so Vance's defense of Israel was always predicted on Christian fundy shit?    07/15/24  (1)
How the fuck did he dodge that bullet    07/15/24  (2)
Vance seems to have been the most pro-Russia guy in the Senate. Anyone else noti    07/15/24  (1)
"Yeah, but does a biglaw associate have one of THESE?" (SP, unzipping his pants)    07/15/24  (6)
Zappin & Cannon, LLP    07/15/24  (47)
Who gets Vances senate seat    07/15/24  (6)
your dear friend sussudio tp seeks a $200k WFH sinecure    07/15/24  (3)
JD Vance is a huge supporter of Israel    07/15/24  (30)
Vance a "naked authoritarian" according to Vox    07/15/24  (7)
they tried to kill Trump    07/15/24  (3)
Zionist Pumo, rate this Vance appearance    07/15/24  (9)
JD Vance has the "autoadmit" phenotype    07/15/24  (1)
EVERYBODY VANCE NOW    07/15/24  (9)
Brillo pad ass and a gut! Brillo pad ass and a gut! Brillo pad ass an    07/15/24  (5)
How pissed is Pete Buttigieg right now?    07/15/24  (7)
How is RationalWiki still around    07/15/24  (2)
Is Trump 1st Person To Be A Major Party POTUS Nominee 3x Consec Since FDR?    07/15/24  (4)
Divorce rates have possibly increased since the '80s    07/15/24  (17)
JD Vance's wife later 2nite: "WEST IS BEST WHITE IS RIGHT MY TURDPUSS IS SO TIGH    07/15/24  (1)
OMG Becky! His Accelerationism makes ME want to help Putin & Xi!    07/15/24  (10)
they did the Vance, they did the JD Vance, the JD Vance, it was a jewish dance    07/15/24  (1)
So a right-winger with an AR shoots Trump, and Trumpmos get mad at libs?    07/15/24  (33)
Any low cost of living areas with educated people...and jobs?    07/15/24  (27)
CONGRATS to the first Melungeon VP nominee in history, Jonald Dames Vance    07/15/24  (3)
Dorothy’s dress from Wizard of Oz, missing for 50 years, found in a shoebox    07/15/24  (5)
Trump doesn't need Thiel for shit anymore    07/15/24  (1)
Who will be Trump's chief retribution czar?    07/15/24  (5)
writing's on the wall Trumpmos: time for you to fucking leave OUR country    07/15/24  (5)
Judge Cannon sending Kavanaugh bikini shots signed "Can't Wait 2 B with U:)"    07/15/24  (9)
Here is a list of right-wing extremist accounts JD Vance follows on Twitter (nyt    07/15/24  (24)
Have they tightened security at the McCain funeral in response to the "shooter"    07/15/24  (1)
Wish I could go back in time to July 12, 2024    07/15/24  (1)
Is the Secret Service full of anti trump guys like the FBI is?    07/15/24  (13)
“Hey whatcha doin on that roof with that gun?” *beady eyes narrow* “Nothin    07/15/24  (1)
White House Press Secretary Alex Jones    07/15/24  (2)
“Judge Aieleen Cannon will be an American Hero! (If she makes the Right decisi    07/15/24  (3)
If gorgeous Vivek not named VP I will blow my head off in tinychat    07/15/24  (3)
Come Down To Marco Rubio Toyota For A Special Ad-Vance Sale    07/15/24  (2)
Alito sending Judge Cannon a "Constitution Coloring Book" as a pre-confirmation    07/15/24  (1)
ABC News: rooftop was staging facility for police (link)    07/15/24  (14)
Vivek Reveals GOP Elephant Logo Featuring Ganesha (PIC)    07/15/24  (11)
evan39 poast request: inside mind of birdbrain filming as Trump is shot    07/15/24  (1)
TSLA freaking out over workers stealing coffee mugs! (Link)    07/15/24  (1)
Alex Jones prayed for an angel to kill him today live on x.com    07/15/24  (1)
ALL our Prices are within the Outer Perimeter at Marco Rubio Toyota!    07/15/24  (4)
They're saying Alec Baldwin fled the rooftop moments after the shots were fired    07/15/24  (3)
*FBI Director peels out in Saudi-bought lambo, licence plate N0 M0T1V    07/15/24  (70)
Congrats, Vice President askav    07/15/24  (24)
How fucking mad is Crooks' handle right now lol    07/15/24  (1)
Trump doesn't look like he has 8 inches on Vance    07/15/24  (10)
Xo fitness bros: 135 max squat, 95 bench, what is the CR Olympic home gym setup    07/15/24  (3)
why did Autoadmit hate Vance back in the day?    07/15/24  (32)
Edison New Jersey renaming itself "Vanceirat" in honor of VP JD    07/15/24  (1)
How Is Vance's Wife A 12th Year Associate At Munger?    07/15/24  (12)
Vance: "...one nation, under Gods"    07/15/24  (3)
May or may not be fucking a new 37 yr old SHREW with C cups, taking ?s ITT    07/15/24  (1)
"Ok, you be Kamala, and I'll be me" (JD Vance debate prepping with his wife)    07/15/24  (19)
Melania calling plumber after seeing Usha's cooking for the first time    07/15/24  (1)

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