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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Guitar Bros - desperately need some perspective and opinion in a new axe    07/28/24  (38)
i put like $40k into NVDA, will i lose it all?    07/28/24  (11)
6'6 Dutch Named Van De Velde In Beach VBall Following 12yo Girl Rape Conviction    07/28/24  (14)
Uh oh Trumpmos    07/28/24  (2)
My wife: you can fuck me but I'm really tired and need to sleep    07/28/24  (11)
Any ideas on how to lower real estate prices?    07/28/24  (79)
ganguro girl dating sim music plays as MPA dons aviators, trench coat    07/28/24  (23)
Hi, You've Been Invited To Join PenIns, The Collaborative Penis Inspection Platf    07/28/24  (1)
Subj: ACTION REQUIRED--Create Employee Portal For Penis Inspection Day    07/28/24  (1)
UPS is totally useless, never use this outfit to send anything (zurich)    07/28/24  (2)
Am I crazy or is becoming multi-planetary species a fake impossible goal?    07/28/24  (49)
Karen, I need your twat sauce on my man rod    07/28/24  (6)
Legitimately gay people continue to poast here.    07/28/24  (6)
Elmo licking Kermit the Frog's green, hairless ballbag    07/28/24  (4)
Karlstack being heli-dropped into Gaza to fuck little kids' dead bodies    07/28/24  (5)
board full of jews/asians posting abt Dutch volleyball and Ms. Utah    07/28/24  (2)
Moving to new Mexico    07/28/24  (1)
rate this trad wife influencer, ballerina farm    07/28/24  (47)
guy behind anti-christ olympics is literally a gay jew    07/28/24  (7)
Biden and Obama endorsed Kamala and they’ve both been president before    07/28/24  (5)
Vance: "We follow USHA regulations in our house, hehe"    07/28/24  (4)
Do fish drink water?    07/28/24  (7)
LIBS now mad after discovering JD Vance's search history for "Yann Perrod"    07/28/24  (3)
RSF did you go to the Naadam festival in Mongolia?    07/28/24  (5)
Vance is roasting these SSRI-addled cat ladies, a one man shrew wrecking crew    07/28/24  (15)
They say that happiness begins to improve around age 45. I sure hope so.    07/28/24  (41)
hey jews knock it off    07/28/24  (1)
Legitimately smart people used to poast here.    07/28/24  (32)
Hegemon, my gut thinks Belal is gonna wrestlefuck Leon to a gay win    07/28/24  (9)
Does the Eiffel Tower still have that mural under it of blacks killing whites?    07/28/24  (6)
Satanic Olympic Opening Ceremony featured trannies mocking Jesus's Last Supper    07/28/24  (74)
Pajeets in India are crying their tech jobs are being outsourced to Vietnam    07/28/24  (5)
So everyone who thought Trump would win in 2020 thinks he will lose now?    07/28/24  (31)
JD Vance is a disaster    07/28/24  (69)
what do women do all day    07/28/24  (9)
jews, we're not fighting any wars for you, so just forget it.    07/28/24  (3)
"Walkable cities" was actually a good idea though    07/28/24  (56)
It's all flame and fraud..agreed?    07/28/24  (11)
Lawyer narrowly escaped death on Titanic sub due to "urgent client matter"    07/28/24  (77)
Name something most people barely even realize.    07/28/24  (132)
Libs need 60000 psi pressure water jets directly to the eyeball    07/28/24  (2)
Twister’s    07/28/24  (1)
One of my white friends is a black Christian. Blasting Kanye West gospel right n    07/28/24  (1)
Karlstein is a childless cat lady    07/28/24  (1)
20 minutes ago i was asleep. now i’m awake. just wow.    07/28/24  (7)
I hate my wife with the fire of 1,000 suns    07/28/24  (11)
NYT: Vance is an anti-Semite    07/28/24  (10)
Anyone else always failing upwards?    07/28/24  (2)
last work wife pic/update    07/28/24  (74)
RSF how much $ did you get for your Bar Mitzvah?    07/28/24  (2)
TT: you should buy a yak and explore the Mongolian landscape    07/28/24  (6)
Why did INDIANS become the biggest ASSHOLES on Planet?    07/28/24  (2)
100% based pipehitting right-wing bro here who HATES JD Vance, LOVES Jen Aniston    07/28/24  (1)
There's not really anywhere to run. As goes America, so goes the world    07/28/24  (7)
Israelis do not get to start a war and then blame us for it    07/28/24  (9)
Is RSF going to church this Sunday or will he be drinking and eating all day    07/28/24  (1)
Seems like drones keep getting more powerful - video    07/28/24  (1)
Russians getting slaughtered in Africa too (link)    07/28/24  (7)
Iranian saboteur squads federal and multi-state govt decapitation attack    07/28/24  (1)
Found a Mongolian Sushi place near me, crowdfunding donations    07/28/24  (18)
RATE Israeli Girl Who Won Bronze In Taekwondo In Tokyo (BIKINI PICS)    07/28/24  (4)
Olympics triathlon training CANCELLED b/c river is TOO POLLUTED    07/28/24  (2)
'I'm analyzing white people's 'cliques'!' *is a spiteful little rodent man*    07/28/24  (1)
Has Kamala ever given an effective speech?    07/28/24  (4)
Im an Accelerationist *sucks cock faster*    07/28/24  (16)
Kamala's Jew Husband at next XO meetup singing "My AZN wife*    07/28/24  (2)
Every traditionalist xoxoer is a caricature of JD Vance    07/28/24  (11)
the sum of all your past decisions leading you to n-thread on a sunday morning    07/28/24  (14)
Sugar baby on TikTok posts about her Sugar daddy lolyer and outs him    07/28/24  (117)
Biles Crushes Quals. Hmong AZNGirl Barely Passes WOC Childs For 2nd AA Spot    07/28/24  (1)
The Turd Reich    07/28/24  (4)
posting here is IRL instantiation of 'gradually i began to hate them' meme    07/28/24  (1)
good morning    07/28/24  (1)
i think my work is done here    07/28/24  (2)
Costco pizza or hot dog for lunch?    07/28/24  (8)
why do Thiel and Musk come across as legit retards?    07/28/24  (4)
Bbooom is a bald layabout, never worked, welfare cheat, basically a nig    07/28/24  (5)
whatever happened to that little gook faggot uspo?    07/28/24  (1)
Seymour Hersh: Obama threatened Biden with 25th amendment to get him to drop out    07/28/24  (13)
smashing boom head into pulp against slot machine    07/28/24  (1)
rise up against Bbooom, don't let him oppress you    07/28/24  (1)
enraged xoers beating bboom w/ pillowcase soap-bars, a la Full Metal Jacket    07/28/24  (1)
nutting in boom's butt and then pushing him into traffic    07/28/24  (1)
xo's golden age: deranged gook 'sonic youth' screeding abt raping white children    07/28/24  (4)
Western Euro Birdshits colonized world, now it's happening to them they BIG mad    07/28/24  (20)
punk rock girl, you look so wild, lets have a child, we'll name her Minnie Pearl    07/28/24  (1)
When the Hillbilly Began to Hate    07/28/24  (4)
i never want to hear this faggot 'Curtis Yarvin's' name again as long as i live    07/28/24  (1)
BOM’s shoes are always clean because he’s in a wheelchair    07/28/24  (1)
omg    07/28/24  (1)
Goebbels is Brät    07/28/24  (1)
Would *you* have sex with this non-profit lawyer woman?    07/28/24  (2)
"This is really shitty." -- the Devil shouting over 'Dead & Bloated' in Hell    07/28/24  (127)
Vote for the candidate who can most believably read the Independence Day speech    07/28/24  (5)
Bbooom has never worked a day in his life    07/28/24  (2)
All a bunch of low level small minded stuff    07/28/24  (1)
Everything is easy/simple..also stop buying scams lol@wanting "jobs"    07/28/24  (1)
Southern blacks' practice of eating dirt shows signs of waning (NYT, 1984)    07/28/24  (5)
Vance's MN speech was fire: 'pack your fucking bags, brown people. you're done.'    07/28/24  (3)
'Dark' JD Vance shooting his own brown kids like Keyser Soze in Usual Suspects    07/28/24  (1)
she hates her life, she hates her skin, she even hates her friends    07/28/24  (2)
Scientists are still studying the long-term health effects of smoke exposure.    07/28/24  (2)
So black people eat corn starch now? Libs?    07/28/24  (62)
*bzzz* xo text notification: new low-IQ jewish obfuscation just dropped    07/28/24  (1)
Harvard-grad Joy Reid's home smoke detector happily chirping away (video)    07/28/24  (5)
Do all biglawyers end up rich and happy?    07/28/24  (4)
JD Vance enters DNC to Diet Mountain Dew by Lana Del Rey    07/28/24  (1)
JD Vance pissing Mountain Dew down your hideous Gook Heeb faces    07/28/24  (3)
Will lawyers even exist in 50 years?    07/28/24  (15)
you guys are balls-out retarded    07/28/24  (3)
Imagine how different society would be if cum had a strong odor    07/28/24  (12)
when is scary smart EPAH gonna show up to drop another Rachel Maddow level take?    07/28/24  (3)
How do you Travel? Buy plane Tickets?    07/28/24  (1)
hold on babe, a 50y/o retarded gook made another 'no smart posters left' thread    07/28/24  (2)
Joanna, why are they mentally all-in on this?    07/28/24  (1)
From racism to Christian nationalism, how the right pivoted    07/28/24  (3)
Kamala hired 71 staffers in first year. All but 4 quit or fired.    07/28/24  (6)
Neighbor and baseballs (wiffle balls actually)    07/28/24  (15)
Latinos largest minority in US, nobody cares, no call for Latino POTUS/VP at all    07/28/24  (4)
reminder: white women in your life are just tentacles of jewish deep state clown    07/28/24  (16)
Any ideas on how to lower sex with men prices?    07/28/24  (6)
what was the EXACT moment that Rome peaked?    07/28/24  (7)
trump saying ima christian is the best thing ever    07/28/24  (2)
haha only extremely online weirdos are revolted by Jews shitting all over Christ    07/28/24  (4)
You wake up late for biglaw man you dont wanna go    07/28/24  (103)
Did too much cocaine. Can't sleep. Fml    07/28/24  (15)
Paris blackout: What if Christian AI had enough?    07/28/24  (2)
🚨 Costco is increasing membership fees 🚨    07/28/24  (23)
Mom sees son committing bestiality, sex acts with horse on camera; son charged:    07/28/24  (9)
Contards desperately spamming “Olympics” alarmist drivel, no one actually ca    07/28/24  (5)
Tonight, on America live: a woman overcomes her conscience & mores    07/28/24  (4)
having a wife is basically having a DNC handler at this point    07/28/24  (11)
XO The Waltons. “G’night Peeface...g’night AssFaggot...g’night Nigger Cu    07/28/24  (21)
incomprehensible scousers w/ huge DVD collections doing youtube movie reviews    07/28/24  (7)
Rate my $41 a night Mongolian Apartment    07/28/24  (98)
thoo dethperate    07/28/24  (1)
OceanGate CEO offered guy & son discount to join last minute, they said NO WAY    07/28/24  (16)
lugenpresse distorts 10 yrs of Vance statements in 48 hrs: 'VANCE IS STUMBLING!'    07/28/24  (1)
OFFICIAL UFC 304 THREAD    07/28/24  (18)
Gibberish has overtaken Drunkard as XO biggest lying alcoholic blowhard    07/28/24  (3)
Widespread power outages in Paris    07/28/24  (4)
So 2024 america u get to be powerr cop.with criminal record&DD? Wow    07/28/24  (2)
Clear it was all ours..u get powerful police positions after being criminal now?    07/28/24  (1)
William Shatner yelling "SPACEPORNNNNNNNNNNNN"
   07/28/24  (6)
Remember that submarine boomer? Lol    07/28/24  (1)
'put it in my hole(s)' (women)    07/28/24  (6)
Dubai real estate is super expensive    07/28/24  (24)
At least USA will finally have a beautiful woman to represent her    07/28/24  (2)
what was the EXACT moment that America peaked?    07/28/24  (135)

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