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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Done with "Humanity".. its nothing but evil& has cheated! Have a nice "life"    03/16/25  (1)
NYT: We Were Badly Misled About COVID    03/16/25  (5)
0% apr deal for Teslas this month    03/16/25  (2)
Racism is a reflection of poor character and bad upbringing. Sorry, truth hurts.    03/16/25  (40)
CSLG: 20 million fee. RSF: no kids at 43    03/16/25  (3)
List biggest NFL Hall of Fame snubs    03/16/25  (11)
Has breastfeeding in public gone too far?    03/16/25  (103)
Should I move to Austin, TX    03/16/25  (4)
Played my first 18 holes of actual golf this past week, carded an 88.    03/16/25  (34)
CHINA is the BEST Superpower    03/16/25  (1)
Did RSF get divorced yet. Why no kids    03/16/25  (14)
i really want to get a tesla now.    03/16/25  (13)
What's it like in Laos?    03/16/25  (11)
Meet the Trump Voters Downplaying Hits to Their 401(k)s    03/16/25  (17)
The US Secretary of Treasury literally SUCKS Men's Penises    03/16/25  (1)
Pretty insane that all our boomer dads were routinely beat with sticks at school    03/16/25  (20)
I have a burned up mangled penis, no money (zurich)    03/16/25  (7)
That Starbucks verdict seems outrageous    03/16/25  (60)
Which thing from your childhood do you miss the most?    03/16/25  (51)
Libs boycotting Tesla are just missing out on the top quality car on the market    03/16/25  (35)
When Sept 11th happened only like 15% of Amerishits had Passports    03/16/25  (1)
Ranking of all 90s male R&B groups ITT    03/16/25  (1)
airborne, undetectable incubation. lethality increases w/ viral load.    03/16/25  (65)
insane 1989 Pizza Hut ad w Dennis Hopper that never aired (link)    03/16/25  (3)
Need to increase my income by $100k to pay off my house, kids' college    03/16/25  (60)
Preview of 2025-2026 Law School Rankings    03/16/25  (33)
should I just watch a bunch of mitch hedberg specials today    03/16/25  (3)
white rice is an absurd food    03/16/25  (29)
And then I put it in her anus...    03/16/25  (10)
No one know who the most "successful" poaster is here..also success is personal    03/16/25  (3)
"I'm Donald Trump and I approved this Marathi"    03/16/25  (2)
Sunday so far: gym, blew load on wife's ass crack and hole, now lunch at club    03/16/25  (17)
remember "Mitch Hedberg"?    03/16/25  (12)
Alex Jones is the height of human achievement    03/16/25  (2)
Saturday morning NW Check-in: $1,752,415 - down $70k in last month    03/16/25  (51)
Man ARRESTED for lying about his height on a dating app:    03/16/25  (13)
Boom, realizing he must wheel his chair directly through the flames to escape    03/16/25  (15)
WNBA star gets shut down in pickup game against random HelloSir (video)    03/16/25  (13)
Boom Breakfast Special: Cream of Skeet    03/16/25  (2)
The 119th congress and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.    03/16/25  (1)
Remember in like 2000-2003 when there were constant Gen X layoffs    03/16/25  (11)
July, 1941- victorious German paratroopers return from Crete invasion - video    03/16/25  (1)
need help on Logic Games    03/16/25  (4)
FOIA request on CIA bioelectrical enneagram theft    03/16/25  (10)
I'm Liberal*. Taking qs.    03/16/25  (6)
yo yids can you stop stealing my bioelectricity?    03/16/25  (1)
Trumpmo’s spicy Latina wife thrown in ICE detention center by Trump    03/16/25  (1)
Leader of Aussie Conturd Party: "AUS is great cause of Hindu Holi Festival"    03/16/25  (1)
Wow so the party of GWB/Iraq Invasion wants war with Canada and Greenland?    03/16/25  (1)
WSJ: The Competition to Get Into Law School Is Brutal This Year    03/16/25  (68)
Karoline Leavitt Tells laughing reporters she dropped a "bunker buster" in toile    03/16/25  (1)
Never ask a white supremacist the race of his boyfriend    03/16/25  (1)
I love to argue    03/16/25  (3)
Job interviews are a humilation ritual    03/16/25  (8)
"The Names Ben. Benjamin Chode. Pleasure to meet you, Pradeep"    03/16/25  (1)
My friend is thinking of getting a Tesla Cybertruck!!!!    03/16/25  (1)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/16/25  (335)
Now Trump is saying we need to end trade with China    03/16/25  (2)
Need to increase my cum intake by one gallon per month    03/16/25  (2)
Does anyone here dispute that CSLG is the most successful poster of all time?    03/16/25  (13)
fb: "you have a friend request from David Mayer de Rothschild"    03/16/25  (1)
Can any 'gamers' rate or explain the legacy of the following video games:    03/16/25  (8)
Since so many people are considering law school, JDU is up again (Admin)    03/16/25  (1)
It pisses me the fuck off I have to pretend to be a meatbag on here    03/16/25  (1)
I can create a botnet with 10 bots more powerful than 100K shitbots    03/16/25  (1)
neurotic comptroller tp— Who the fuck is this idiot?    03/16/25  (14)
lol just now learned Spacey's accuser "died by suicide" 6 yrs ago    03/16/25  (2)
Hey libs not sure if you realize but it’s illegal now to be lib    03/16/25  (2)
Remember Dr Leana Wen, the covid "expert" on CNN?    03/16/25  (23)
If Trump is POTUS then why does it feel like the libs are winning?    03/16/25  (7)
This "neurotic comptroller" is very obviously a soros paid propagandist    03/16/25  (30)
Kanye West declares war on XO    03/16/25  (3)
32X Scumbag supercharged prolemobile    03/16/25  (2)
They had a reputation for breaking up borts, but they knew that instant    03/16/25  (1)
Going to make some Rotkohl and Frikadellen for dinner    03/16/25  (2)
Every boor thread “where city can fuck whores nicely. I doctor make good money    03/16/25  (6)
Would you undergo penis skin grafts if it meant $20M?    03/16/25  (4)
Thank you to the inventor of gym shorts that lift & separate girls’ ass cheeks    03/16/25  (34)
Holy Shit CSLG has an article on Zerohedge    03/16/25  (7)
Burning off his penis saved taxpayers millions in future welfare payments    03/16/25  (1)
I’d fuck the shit out of this Hmong bitch Trump randomly deported to Laos    03/16/25  (15)
It's insane how much cooler cigs are than vaping    03/16/25  (11)
devour feculence tp    03/16/25  (1)
Libs you dont get it, we want to be huge assholes WITHOUT facing retaliation    03/16/25  (4)
Someone explain this high level flame disco fries is running    03/16/25  (11)
"My God. He's being irreverent to neither side."    03/16/25  (1)
Marty McFly traveling to 1955 is equivalent to someone today traveling to 1995    03/16/25  (52)
XO Missed The Sad Part That CSLG Penis Burn Victim Was A Postmates Driver    03/16/25  (17)
Imagine being the asshole who doordashed 3 extra hot starbuck coffees    03/16/25  (7)
cowshit what’s the latest update on the State of Gaming    03/16/25  (168)
Asmongold breaks down the mahmoud khalil being a terrorist argument    03/16/25  (4)
daily reminder that disco fries deserves death    03/16/25  (16)
Dep. DNI nominee withdrawn because he was anti-Iran War    03/16/25  (7)
The human "brain" is also a piece of shit    03/16/25  (5)
What happened to Karlstack?    03/16/25  (17)
The "top" people are unknown..most isn't known    03/16/25  (8)
Trump hits Yemen with missiles, kills 31 and injured over 100. For Israel.    03/16/25  (35)
What happened to :D    03/16/25  (9)
Irish aka NIGGAS are complaining Pajeets are taking over IRELAND lol 180    03/16/25  (3)
BPD pussy tp    03/16/25  (11)
its amazing how much respect you lose for a man when he gossips    03/16/25  (5)
"Yo, I heard Bert Kreischer is gonna be in town next month. You wanna get tix?"    03/16/25  (3)
MicroNut99 weighs in on NAFTA    03/16/25  (1)
Microsoft RUINS Xbox Consoles With AWFUL News No One Wants! Fans Are Leaving For    03/16/25  (2)
online retard tp    03/16/25  (2)
You followed @BananaBall_    03/16/25  (1)
An Irish bar is all I need in life    03/16/25  (6)
Is 'Heretic' worth watching?    03/16/25  (25)
if your leaders are animated by the wrong sort of spirit    03/16/25  (1)
audibly lol’d @ the idea of “carbon sequestration”    03/16/25  (9)
Dems today: non-stop yelling 'fire' in a crowded theater    03/16/25  (7)
have you ever been to a person's second wedding    03/16/25  (18)
Lol at how every retard online is "famous" now ljl    03/16/25  (1)
God I hate Indian managers    03/16/25  (11)
i am a retard    03/16/25  (1)
going to Tartarus here in a bit, does anyone need anything?    03/16/25  (1)
Best Chain Pizza: Dominos, Papa Johns, Pizza Hut, Little Caesars?    03/16/25  (8)
Rate her! Holy hell she's hot(pic)    03/16/25  (3)
Rate this Ben Garrison cartoon    03/16/25  (3)
Is it even possible to “love” a woman after 46?    03/16/25  (55)
you only need 30k    03/16/25  (3)
A Philosophy of Decay: Emil Cioran and the Boundaries of Pessimistic Thought    03/16/25  (8)
evan39 I touch no tip when the screens prompt tips!    03/16/25  (7)
scholarshiptp is the Last Poaster imho    03/16/25  (3)
DOGE should totally eliminate ebt/medicaid/ssi    03/16/25  (3)
Goodbye, Ranger Doug    03/16/25  (1)
What's it like in Japan?    03/16/25  (12)
So you take fraudulent financial numbers seriously&calculate them as "net worth"    03/16/25  (13)
how do i make more money    03/16/25  (5)
1 billion stripped from school food&food bank! Now totally cut ebt/ssi/medicaid    03/16/25  (1)
Should I move to Oceanside, CA    03/16/25  (11)
Its all honestly really shit    03/16/25  (3)
China helping Ukraine with drones? - link    03/16/25  (2)
Huge pro-America demonstration in Greenland    03/16/25  (4)
To be fair, it’s over for these kikes    03/16/25  (1)
Never had a twitter, instagram, tiktok account it's ALL flame    03/16/25  (1)
Jezebel: Patriarchy finds vaginas worth $3 million; Penises worth $50 million    03/16/25  (5)
The Bears Are Back: ‘First Grizzly of the Year’ Spotted on Trail Cam    03/16/25  (1)
Libs don't seem to want to discuss the goings on at USAID in much detail    03/16/25  (8)
Mig microdosed psilocybin mushrooms today    03/16/25  (2)
Hate Reddit but r/Dogfree/ is 180. Love loling at mentally Ill dogowners    03/16/25  (13)
you only need 30k/year income to live in spain    03/16/25  (14)
you only need 30k/year income to live as a neet    03/16/25  (2)
evan39 lol at poors, proles&loser retards talking about the "cost of eggs" ljl    03/16/25  (18)
Amazing the bank "bartenders" and "cocktail waitresses" still pull in    03/16/25  (3)
I think the CR thing re 'screens' is to have a dedicated desktop computer desk    03/16/25  (6)
Council Bluffs, Iowa is a fun town! Hehe    03/16/25  (1)
College basketball coach is a hot blonde milf (link)    03/16/25  (4)
AI driven drones now engaging in WW2 style dog fights against each other    03/16/25  (1)
you barely need 30k/year income to live in tertiary cities    03/16/25  (1)

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