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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
gender studies degree diversity hire is very combative with me at work    03/20/25  (6)
Rate this Led Zeppelin cover    03/20/25  (1)
who tf came up with electrocution as a means of capital punishment    03/20/25  (1)
MARCH MADNESS THREAD    03/20/25  (1)
white collar work is such a shameful joke at this point tp    03/20/25  (1)
god gives condemned litigator time to edit appellate brief before execution    03/20/25  (1)
If you still own a Tesla your insurance is about to go up    03/20/25  (14)
Jon Bernthal is a 6'0 blue collar italian american    03/20/25  (1)
I literally compose legal briefs in my head while I’m doing other shit    03/20/25  (4)
Faggottini gave a double bump today    03/20/25  (2)
The Aeneid is not canon.. just expanded universe bullshit    03/20/25  (12)
Cons if you thought Summer of Floyd was bad we’re just getting started on Tesl    03/20/25  (10)
Trump is knowingly lying about the supposed Kursk encirclement - link    03/20/25  (1)
words are literally violence and firebombings are peaceful (lib)    03/20/25  (7)
700 applicants for 3 internships in my dept    03/20/25  (14)
If trump revokes john olivers ‘citizenship’ & deports him he can drop mic&re    03/20/25  (3)
man, some women really like sex. like really, really like sex.    03/20/25  (31)
Why is every politician in the "US" a complete crook and toady    03/20/25  (3)
Maybe Musk is just smarter than most posters?    03/20/25  (14)
Once you have Engineering awareness everything makes sense    03/20/25  (3)
Taco Bell employee spills Baja Blast on customer's penis, gets frost bite (link)    03/20/25  (12)
bringing a tape measure on a first date to measure her skull shape    03/20/25  (6)
fatal flaw in Better Call Saul - his name is not Saul or Goodman    03/20/25  (130)
A white woman's pussy DNA is detected on an Asian man's penis. Why?    03/20/25  (2)
Free NCAA March Madness protip for 2025: 9 seed CREIGHTON (great white hope)    03/20/25  (4)
den of rape and molestation autoadmit dot com    03/20/25  (1)
I kind of miss the old queen and Prince Phillip    03/20/25  (2)
Spiteful kike bitch and her nigger snake    03/20/25  (1)
Remember sealclubber likes shiner bock    03/20/25  (10)
"harry sisson" is a hilarious bit    03/20/25  (13)
ITT: We track vandalized Tesla cars, dealerships, and charging infrastructure    03/20/25  (411)
Tim Walz's daughter is a 10 (link)    03/20/25  (20)
Gen Xer hasn't found work in 9 years    03/20/25  (10)
Will I ever maek it? Or am I destined to fail. Am I spiritually a Gen Xer?    03/20/25  (9)
Do Elon haters just think he’s a Fake Idiot    03/20/25  (1)
Kelley Drye - Fordham Offer Dinner Recap    03/20/25  (6)
Rate this skanky kike coed who constantly eye fucks you    03/20/25  (4)
How normal is to have 10k+ cash in the bank as a millennial?    03/20/25  (2)
Hey libs how are your precious “egg prices” doing?    03/20/25  (2)
Indian Man Prof teaches course at UC Berkeley in bra and panties (pics)    03/20/25  (13)
Happy Thursday Niggers!    03/20/25  (175)
*Alex Jones voice* "Here's your problem" *pulls 6 inch golbin out of computer*    03/20/25  (99)
Jim Jordan introduces bill BANNING H1b Visas! #MAGA #USA #AdiosPajeet    03/20/25  (9)
I thought astronauts were typically young and healthy?    03/20/25  (1)
Trump & Putin Agree On Something Very Big, Not Flame    03/20/25  (23)
If you have a home with a smattering of tulips just killself    03/20/25  (21)
Massie should coup this Mike Johnson slimeball    03/20/25  (1)
you can find the Epstein files on autoadmit.com    03/20/25  (4)
A government run by erratic, attention-desperate narcissists... if you can keep    03/20/25  (2)
Oh good it’s time for Shitcons to get Yosemite Sam mad about Disney again    03/20/25  (1)
Mandy sorry I made fun of your hair that one day    03/20/25  (1)
Libs create online nationwide “sex offender registry” for Tesla owners    03/20/25  (30)
Doesn’t Tesla’s value shoot right back up if musk removed as CEO?    03/20/25  (8)
It’s 180 how boomers who lived through Vietnam War draft were like    03/20/25  (36)
your wife doing gain of frumption research    03/20/25  (1)
trump is a mossad plant doing anything possible to cover up epstein release    03/20/25  (5)
So Libs now actively cheering for Communist Chinks because Elon made them mad?    03/20/25  (5)
Richard Clock. Dick Clock. Dick Whitman. Don Draper. Don Diaper. Dick Diaper.    03/20/25  (20)
Rate this guy Trump sent to an El Salvador dungeon with no due process - link    03/20/25  (3)
Imagine selling the absolute market bottom at 5500    03/20/25  (1)
zoomer OF models react to J. Geils Band - Centerfold:    03/20/25  (1)
I don’t why Tesla attacks are still happening. Trump said it was terrorism    03/20/25  (1)
So Trump is not so much "conservative" as "erratic attention-hungry narcissist"?    03/20/25  (1)
Elon cooking the books to hide Tesla losses    03/20/25  (1)
Any sub-6’0 guys attempt to date since post-2020? Results?    03/20/25  (1)
Disco meet me at Winstar then the Dallas observatory(Boom)    03/20/25  (2)
a den of pedophilic mossad crooks looking to knock over the US    03/20/25  (1)
Drop-Off Due Diligence -- a short story by Scrivener's Error    03/20/25  (14)
Quit striving! Put how you feel as a higher priority!    03/20/25  (4)
IF I DIE YOUNG, BURY ME IN SEMEN    03/20/25  (8)
Perennial flowers are a cool thing to have    03/20/25  (5)
lol that China Joe was the final Democrat POTUS    03/20/25  (1)
this site is a churn and burn sacrificial den for the jewish mafia.    03/20/25  (3)
this site harbors rapists, perverts, other degenerates in employ of jewish mafia    03/20/25  (3)
Don Draper standing next to whiteboard: "Snow White, but she has back hair.”    03/20/25  (5)
FBI welcome here    03/20/25  (1)
Our culture treats “rape” as worse than murder truly modernistic hilarity    03/20/25  (4)
"Depends: the only Diaper." - Don Diaper    03/20/25  (2)
"Where do you see yourself at 35?" "bumping a dozen don diaper threads"    03/20/25  (13)
Don Diaper    03/20/25  (10)
don diaper    03/20/25  (8)
"Mad Men" spoof about character named "Don Diaper"    03/20/25  (12)
"It's diapered." - Don Diaper    03/20/25  (23)
Cowgod, what is your "EDC" handheld retro Gaming Console?    03/20/25  (1)
don diaper cant even afford west la    03/20/25  (8)
Don Diaper fired after criticizing immigrants for not wearing pampers    03/20/25  (6)
Don Diaper    03/20/25  (9)
I'm a modern day Don Diaper. Heh    03/20/25  (7)
this dump is habituated by crooks and pedophiles    03/20/25  (3)
I gave up the fast lane for a blacktop county road. Just burned out on all    03/20/25  (4)
level-headed center tp here. I've undergone another political epiphany    03/20/25  (2)
good morning    03/20/25  (3)
"holy shit" (putin watching trump on fox news)    03/20/25  (5)
this is a pedophilic human sacrifice den and the fbi needs to tear it to shreds    03/20/25  (1)
Cons please refute this claim    03/20/25  (2)
Don the Con- Inside the Cuckold Cult Leader's Gilded Soul    03/20/25  (1)
Hawaiian Lawyer files Suit on Behalf of Persian Man for "Wow" Infringement    03/20/25  (6)
SpaceX actually rescued those astronauts    03/20/25  (36)
Hang Kikelensky NOW    03/20/25  (5)
Trump, in nod to the past, promises to bring back 'Stagflation' (CNBC)    03/20/25  (5)
"driving back in silence from retirement home" is the most absurdly toxic monike    03/20/25  (10)
The people have come to long for the days of Ejaculatorio    03/20/25  (3)
Boasberg seems qualified for SCOTUS    03/20/25  (10)
Judges Fear for Their Safety as Threats Mount    03/20/25  (13)
If this is allowed in “your” country then you’re a cuck, not a dictator    03/20/25  (4)
Austin police looking to nail Joe Rogan for marijuana possession    03/20/25  (3)
BOOM you ever fucked another man?    03/20/25  (3)
drill rapper "perp capita"    03/20/25  (3)
can't think of a whinier POS on this bort than Paralegal Mohammad tp    03/20/25  (31)
Why are libs going crazy again this morning?    03/20/25  (2)
Why isn't Australia called "East Austria?"    03/20/25  (1)
Fetterman Meets Bibi In Israel, Gifted A SIlver Beeper (PIC)    03/20/25  (7)
Tesla's lawyers about to violently sodomize Mark Rober    03/20/25  (29)
Nothing wrong with a little consumer boycott. Why are cons going insane over it?    03/20/25  (1)
Do you have political conflicts with immediate family members    03/20/25  (11)
"Well, your honor, I'm not a gay bald fraud so I wouldn't know"    03/20/25  (11)
I love cum and cocks, brother (CSLG)    03/20/25  (97)
Wife and I have a play date with Bam Margera this weekend (CSLG)    03/20/25  (84)
Do you think Elon foresaw Tesla sales dropping 50% from him going Nazi?    03/20/25  (34)
Some of those that buy Teslas... are the same that crash Cessnas    03/20/25  (3)
Don Draper standing next to whiteboard: "Skull shape."    03/20/25  (9)
Sriram Krishnan is the most GORGEOUS American on Earth!    03/20/25  (1)
yeah i got that gas, and yeah i got that lean    03/20/25  (2)
"US" dem party has mutated into radicalized fascists?    03/20/25  (5)
Holy Shit- Trump was RIGHT!- Cruz's Dad really did kill JFK (link)    03/20/25  (5)
“All I did was lay off thousands of people, cut entitlements, do a nazi salute    03/20/25  (4)
the US military is a shitshow right now    03/20/25  (14)
what percentage of the (((Tucker Max))) stories are true - 0? 50%?    03/20/25  (42)
vibe cooter    03/20/25  (2)
gm who else here vibing rn    03/20/25  (4)
“🇮🇱 says we should deport Hamas Professors before Illegals”- Stephen M    03/20/25  (1)
Tesla doing so bad that the Trump admin is literally promoting the stock on TV    03/20/25  (3)
Ezra Klein wrote the shitlib version of Project 2025    03/20/25  (1)
Knut Hamsun of America    03/20/25  (4)
homosexual for pink pussy    03/20/25  (1)
I like my coffee the same way I hate my neighbors    03/20/25  (1)
Lex: I have to cancel our zoom meeting tomorrow, sorry    03/20/25  (14)
Tuned into rightwing radio yesterday- Holy Shit they Love this Tesla thing    03/20/25  (1)
Traitor lib FBI agent with TDS arrested    03/20/25  (2)
Is Chamath the most Gorgeous Turd in the World other than Modi Ji?    03/20/25  (7)
Stephen J. Gould applied to CockSize    03/20/25  (2)
"We oppose genital mutilation" *libs boo* "by muslim preachers" *libs cheer*    03/20/25  (1)
Famous people who stopped being famous once they died    03/20/25  (37)
DBG, have you heard this guy Shusterman from the Beverly Hills Chabad?    03/20/25  (6)
Would be 180 af if Kash Patel's FBI arrested this judge    03/20/25  (2)
FL real estate market is going to collapse horrendously    03/20/25  (23)
And the cameras on the Tesla let you watch the vandalism (used car salesman)    03/20/25  (1)
Charlie Munger praises Trump's decisiveness    03/20/25  (2)
The State of Film    03/20/25  (1)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)    03/20/25  (2)

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