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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Day 2 of 10 day fast    03/25/25  (53)
“Technically, doctor of *law*,” he said to a plane full of passengers, and t    03/25/25  (3)
First day on GLPI-1 - taking questions    03/25/25  (13)
MPA are you ever going to achieve artistic greatness or nah?    03/25/25  (25)
Is AGI really going to happen?    03/25/25  (4)
Tall men should be entitled to politely ass-smack any single woman.    03/25/25  (8)
Tesla's lawyers about to violently sodomize Mark Rober    03/25/25  (41)
Imagine reading the bible and siding with Amalek lmao    03/25/25  (4)
DoD texted its Houthi war plans to a reporter - link    03/25/25  (79)
Bioelectricity thieves will be drowned in a casket of camphor oil    03/25/25  (1)
CSLG / chandler -- What's a paralegal cost in LA these days?    03/25/25  (1)
I am the rightful King of the Israel    03/25/25  (1)
fuck this gay earth    03/25/25  (2)
GIVE ME SOMETHING TO BREAK    03/25/25  (11)
Dogs are playing chess online now    03/25/25  (3)
someone link that thred re: hysterical hippie lib shrieking AM I BEING DETAINED    03/25/25  (9)
Big, fat, gay, stupid, faggot lover    03/25/25  (2)
Is Indian pussy good?    03/25/25  (36)
Really feeling the weight of the wagecucking for Jews right now    03/25/25  (1)
"falling away from you" by korn plays as you demand your son wears his face pant    03/25/25  (3)
He spreads my cheeks, and he makes me scream, He's my number one daddy, gotta ma    03/25/25  (28)
Do as you please.. it never mattered and never will    03/25/25  (10)
Anyone STILL plan to send kids to college?    03/25/25  (44)
As a Series X user, did I pick the wrong console this gen?    03/25/25  (3)
Trump to America: "Get down!" *fires shotgun at Global Capitalism in hallway*    03/25/25  (259)
Good looking winner of Beast Games was a Jew obsessed with number 6    03/25/25  (1)
Go grill a non meat 🍖 lib soy burger on your George Foreman grill! 😋 good    03/25/25  (3)
Ur attracted to Current Thing b/c alternative is terrified contemplation of Void    03/25/25  (13)
Just came in my wife's vagina while squeezing her tits    03/25/25  (30)
Rate my new car (CSLG)    03/25/25  (53)
So you play a hulking black gay NIGGER in the new Assassin's Creed game?    03/25/25  (1)
George Foreman has been dead 5 days..no one mentioned it=all a joke    03/25/25  (7)
"But we know who's in here in the chat, sir. A Jewish neocon who hates Trump and    03/25/25  (2)
Palestine is nigger    03/25/25  (1)
stfu libs    03/25/25  (1)
Regardless of what the law says you are allowed to thrash a wicked woman right    03/25/25  (1)
"But this is a group text, there's nothing to see" "Then why is a Jewish journal    03/25/25  (1)
Are you willing to do what it takes    03/25/25  (1)
Rating poasters as indie bands    03/25/25  (10)
Tard Hegseth calls Houthi leak a "hoax" after admin already admitted it was real    03/25/25  (11)
"Hope I didn't accidentally text Jonah Goldberg our tapas plans haha"    03/25/25  (2)
Life couldn't get more 180 (CSLG)    03/25/25  (39)
Dick Van Dyke got married at 86 to a chick around 40 or younger wow    03/25/25  (3)
Tulsi Gabbard seems fine. RATcliff, fine. Hegseth? LOL what a mess.    03/25/25  (24)
amalek tp how much longer do you think we have left    03/25/25  (1)
"oh zurich is posting again? 100% odds its a drug-fueled zany lie"    03/25/25  (6)
Mormons you have my offer    03/25/25  (1)
About to hire a CTO, what’s industry profit sharing, equity and vesting in 202    03/25/25  (1)
Iceland’s minister for children has baby w/15yo boy, boy pays child support    03/25/25  (15)
lollercausting hard at how badly RSF has been humiliated by CSLG    03/25/25  (11)
US getting ready to bomb Iran? - link    03/25/25  (3)
In Warning Sign for Hollywood, Younger Consumers Are Choosing TikTok Over Film    03/25/25  (8)
Trump admin should be praised for their transparency and openness    03/25/25  (3)
Genesis GV80, Acura MDX, Volvo XC90, or Mercedes GLE 350?    03/25/25  (22)
Do some personality characteristics make a woman more like to be cheated on?    03/25/25  (9)
Biz Groups: each $1 spent on sex w men returns $1 trillion in economic activity    03/25/25  (2)
Most Americans think country headed in right direction under Trump (Rasmussen)    03/25/25  (3)
Hot sorority girl arrested for "prowling" - link    03/25/25  (4)
Seems like the cause of that war plan leak was DEI    03/25/25  (2)
Lol started Airfluent as a joke. We just got Series A. (CSLG)    03/25/25  (2)
you should be entitled to 1 polite spank after tipping waitresses    03/25/25  (1)
BTW while Hegseth is diddling on signal, Israel is hard at work starting WW3    03/25/25  (1)
USMAUG declining commission    03/25/25  (1)
BYUUG declining to go on mission trip    03/25/25  (2)
NSA Mike Waltz's brother in law is Scott Stapp    03/25/25  (3)
All the "golf" threads on xo are actually about shopping lmao    03/25/25  (7)
Has this board addressed how 95% of black people are retards?    03/25/25  (4)
When you have kids, every trip is an oblivacation    03/25/25  (13)
men who are gay    03/25/25  (5)
Paralegal Mohammad repeating a hoax parroted by "Jeffrey Goldberg" is just so    03/25/25  (3)
Switch 2 is the death of gaming - They fell for the increasing performance meme    03/25/25  (12)
Golf bros, just bought a Garmin S70. Will I stop being dogshit at golf now?    03/25/25  (18)
Trump orders Sec of Treas to Prison in GITMO after 2 days of Stock Gains    03/25/25  (4)
Luis who is the imposter    03/25/25  (1)
White people are completely fucking doomed    03/25/25  (8)
Do you believe the left is more violent than the right?    03/25/25  (6)
On the tyrrany of Blackrock's shareholder propsals    03/25/25  (49)
SAWRY?    03/25/25  (1)
"I Have No Hair And I'm A Fag" (Harlan Ellison story about Xo poasters)    03/25/25  (6)
ex straw-gnry    03/25/25  (1)
College and University Endowment money is used to enable political corruption    03/25/25  (9)
GJR DMing Felix Biederman: “So sorry about Matt, HMU if you wanna talk    03/25/25  (6)
"Lit-ritch-uhr"    03/25/25  (15)
tulsi btfo    03/25/25  (3)
The plot of Death Note but it’s u megaposting as an elected official    03/25/25  (7)
Twat Fur    03/25/25  (1)
On the similarity of American Progressive thought & Maoist "Constant Revolution"    03/25/25  (62)
Zurich was in a bad car accident (gunnerattt)    03/25/25  (19)
I really want a GILF lookalike for Kim Mulkey porn rn    03/25/25  (4)
On the similarity between the Keju and standardized tests in the United States    03/25/25  (20)
On the gradual corruption of Higher Education through Elite High Schools    03/25/25  (11)
Big Titty Baumeister ( * )( * )    03/25/25  (5)
58 year old RSF to his 5 year old mixed race baby:    03/25/25  (2)
Max IQ to believe that the Houthi Signal thing was an actual leak & not a flex?    03/25/25  (58)
I'm already liking White Lotus s3 better than s2.    03/25/25  (170)
When did it become common for speakers to say "right" constantly?    03/25/25  (9)
Starbucks barista: "Will that be iced or lukewarm?"    03/25/25  (10)
"Maddie" sounds like one of the most whorish names of this generation    03/25/25  (2)
Women love men who eat and drink to excess regularly    03/25/25  (2)
Libs are bragging about how good Severance is because of this scene (link)    03/25/25  (3)
Just lol @ you unprincipled turds downplaying the Houthi data breach    03/25/25  (28)
There is no culture. Music is dead. Film is dead. Literature is dead.    03/25/25  (14)
Neil Cavuto's audiobook reading of the Old Testament    03/25/25  (10)
Women are 180 (WSJ)    03/25/25  (128)
listening to Hobbes's unabridged Leviathan, narration by Gilbert Gottfried    03/25/25  (4)
Christian mccaffrey is a finely tuned fuck machine    03/25/25  (2)
Rate this Tennessee coed throwing absolute gas    03/25/25  (4)
Just bought The Beast recliner. Best purchase ever, I feel like a little kid    03/25/25  (2)
Has breastfeeding in public gone too far?    03/25/25  (116)
Starbucks lawyers citing 1993 McD's $3M verdict, arguing 'cockflation'    03/25/25  (4)
How much to donate to a President to be appointed an ambassador?    03/25/25  (27)
The dance scene from Snow White that's circulating on X is uncanny & demonic    03/25/25  (106)
are they still eating the pets    03/25/25  (7)
Nick Rowley podcast on the Starbucks Verdict    03/25/25  (21)
Lincoln had commissioned a massive catapult before the Fort Sumter insurrection    03/25/25  (3)
WaPo: Trump's crackdown on law firm preventing challenges to his actions - link    03/25/25  (15)
RSF and CSLG should bury the hatchet and go on a trip together    03/25/25  (3)
ITT: leaked screenshots of the super secret Xo Signal chat group    03/25/25  (1)
Help, I keep getting stuck in dancing Afghan boy frame    03/25/25  (3)
DUNYA or DEEN, dhimmi?    03/25/25  (8)
Trump's America: Kenworth W900 truck to be discontinued    03/25/25  (1)
got some coffee this morning and managed to not burn my dick completely off    03/25/25  (5)
Farting into Grandmoms Oxygen Machine 😂 (Video)    03/25/25  (2)
Grok absolutely SHITS on European pre-1500 AD history vis a vis China/India    03/25/25  (20)
There are basically 0 male Gen Z pop or rock stars    03/25/25  (9)
PROOF that the travel show thing DID happen ITT (RSF)    03/25/25  (109)
Is FNC saying the Signal story is fake, or ignoring it?    03/25/25  (18)
cslg absolutely putting rsf in the sunbear cage this year. any way he recovers?    03/25/25  (5)
What happened to Ben Simmons (NBA player) is truly mystifying    03/25/25  (14)
lol, Kash Patel is PISSED that they didn’t include him in the Signal chat (lin    03/25/25  (9)
millions of redditors think you can make money on trading "signals"    03/25/25  (16)
Hollywood now promoting gay incest as healthy and normal. How did we get here?    03/25/25  (8)
Chuck Schumer (D-Haifa): The Torah says it's our so it's ours, na na boo boo    03/25/25  (4)
NSAM gave the knife a good twist at 8pm EST    03/25/25  (10)
*begins eating Indian pussy*    03/25/25  (6)
Taylor Lorenz cheerfully cooking you pancakes    03/25/25  (43)
*Marco Rubio confusing Miami gay orgy group chat with Nat. Sec. Signal chat*    03/25/25  (2)
Goldberg was a brain fart. It was supposed to be the other wrestler Tyrus.    03/25/25  (2)
What if Trump administration is actually filled with retards who have no idea    03/25/25  (1)
Your mother loved you out of obligation despite all your misdeeds    03/25/25  (5)
Why was Reporter OOPS put on signal chat? is a cabinet person a LEAKER?    03/25/25  (3)
Better album: Big Willie Style or Willenium?    03/25/25  (1)
My God. He's cracking down on Lawyers.    03/25/25  (1)
Cucumbers is flat out pounding ooga booga puss rn    03/25/25  (8)
Disco fries is more handsome than RSF    03/25/25  (1)
i'd pay three or four guys to come over and just rail the shit out of me    03/25/25  (1)
End of The Shining but it's Jack Torrance's face in Snow White dance party    03/25/25  (2)
This country is going to be 40% Indian if h1b visa issue doesn't resolve    03/25/25  (1)
It seems like at some point Vance is going to move on Trump    03/25/25  (4)

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