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I started age 30 with absolutely nothing, how am I doing financially?    05/11/24  (13)
I remember having my head held into the floor being told I was worthless    05/11/24  (10)
I own this fucking fraud hellhole..am seizing it..cleaning it up&perfecting it    05/11/24  (8)
Play lotto 😉 off fortune cookie "win" billions lol at it all    05/11/24  (6)
Kansas City Frauds and Taylor Fraud ruined my life    05/11/24  (5)
my WIFE is not the issue here    05/11/24  (5)
You can literally have infinite 🤑 &resources by using your noggin    05/11/24  (5)
son of Hamas leader on Dr Phil, hilarity ensues (video)    05/11/24  (5)
Kevin Spacey masturbated to storming of Normandie beach during Saving Private Ry    05/11/24  (5)
Todd Howard sucks and is a fraud imo    05/11/24  (4)
Sports fraud now is weird gambling 😭😞 fraud 😞🤥    05/11/24  (4)
Fraud keeps me up at night    05/11/24  (3)
Taylor Swift used to beat Scott Swift silly with gardening hoe    05/11/24  (3)
go back to beautiful Texas Oklahoma, Kansas, Georgia, Tennessee    05/11/24  (3)
It's all been fucking fraud since the beginning of "time" don't be had!    05/11/24  (3)
Go watch some doped up no name losers play base fraud for billions empty seats    05/11/24  (3)
The "it doesn't feel like an election year" thing is for a specific reason imho    05/11/24  (3)
Interesting summary of Jewish history by scholar E. Michael Jones (short clip)    05/11/24  (3)
Told my wife she needed to get a state inspection on car like 3 months ago    05/11/24  (3)
Snopes begrudgingly admits that Biden diddled his daughter    05/11/24  (3)
So we're supposed to believe rich Manhattan lawyers are cheering 4 the "Chiefs"    05/11/24  (3)
What is the point of Mother’s Day?    05/11/24  (3)
No one knows a damn thing&never has..go do as you please    05/11/24  (3)
Bbboom to Captain Titanic 2, serve 3rd class patrons stew & mash    05/11/24  (3)
its a miracle: half of gazan women, children rise from the dead    05/11/24  (3)
I have figured out PACER. Any interesting cases to stalk? (Karlstack)    05/11/24  (2)
America is simple fraud..pussy ass bitches aren't even awake lol    05/11/24  (2)
Your pervy uncle looks exactly like Michel Foucault    05/11/24  (2)
You're sure happy to hand over billions to doped up criminal sport frauds    05/11/24  (2)
German doctor to perform "life affirming" surgery to sew gibberish & wife togeth    05/11/24  (2)
Lynn Conway just killed gunnerattt. Rip:(    05/11/24  (2)
HMC80151UC    05/11/24  (1)
All this shit that the masses and proles worship low level fraud like football    05/11/24  (1)
Bob Seger’s Night Moves - great song or greatest song?    05/11/24  (1)
Turkish man outs TT as a LIAR regarding Pakistan (video)    05/11/24  (1)
orc decides to use a fortuitous grenade in an interesting way (video)    05/11/24  (1)
None of this stuff frauds get billions for in America is impressive die frauds    05/11/24  (1)
I had it from the beginning people lied to me I'm a machine can outlast them all    05/11/24  (1)
The masses bullshit is truly embarrassing    05/11/24  (1)
Go watch some more prole rigged sport fraud 🤥 garbage no one classy cares abo    05/11/24  (1)
just bought the domain for rafahresidences.com    05/11/24  (1)
good morning    05/11/24  (1)
When Todd realised Starfield didnt win a single award    05/11/24  (1)
Naked mud wrestling with Luis in front of grizzled bucktoothed drunk Asians    05/11/24  (1)
Pumping crypto prices on FTX as mousy glasses Luis states in awe and wonder    05/11/24  (1)
I’m like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and    05/11/24  (1)
The Grand Theft Auto video game series' development name was 'Race'n'Chase'    05/11/24  (1)
Texas’ Largest School District Sacking Star Teachers at Gov Abbott Direction    05/11/24  (1)
HMC80151UC    05/11/24  (1)
Isolated and Defiant, Israel Vows to ‘Stand Alone’ in War on Hamas    05/11/24  (1)