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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
So is xo blocked in Iran or is he dead?    05/11/24  (6)
Hot Israeli chick winning Eurovision    05/11/24  (2)
Update re Hypothetical Trip to country formerly known as PERSIAistan    05/11/24  (2)
Going to make margaritas. Libs, your response?    05/11/24  (1)
Why is there no ultra premium vodka brand?    05/11/24  (9)
Put a free Traeger on Craigslist, nobody wants it after 2 hours    05/11/24  (6)
Should I go to the titty bar?    05/11/24  (21)
Hahols and Palestinians dying like bugs    05/11/24  (1)
With each additional 100 dead Gazans, WSJ prints another “hostages” story    05/11/24  (4)
Siberian Husky writes the perfect jazz song (vid)    05/11/24  (21)
   05/11/24  (1)
Kansas City is a dangerous shithole    05/11/24  (1)
Shadow circa Homeward Bound counseling U on the “Golden Retriever Path” 🐶    05/11/24  (6)
Does God favor men?    05/11/24  (2)
why did baby boomers need to be abused by women so badly    05/11/24  (10)
But the rest are crying "Why'd I fall for that crap?"    05/11/24  (2)
Hey Chingada Madre wanna hit up an AMP together?    05/11/24  (6)
Finally getting around to watching sopranos this really is goat    05/11/24  (12)
Golf bros, any of you game with TSR2 or TSR1?    05/11/24  (13)
“Can u host?” The exhausted server hamster 🐹 asked, and rachmiel delivere    05/11/24  (13)
you were born close to Pearl Harbor than to today    05/11/24  (10)
"high speed rail" only makes sense in a few US cities    05/11/24  (42)
Blake Neff    05/11/24  (10)
orc decides to use a fortuitous grenade in an interesting way (video)    05/11/24  (2)
CNN: NPS proposing “women only” hiking season for Appalachian Trail (link)    05/11/24  (2)
Mumford and Sons banjoist rips Nancy Pelosi at Oxford debate    05/11/24  (6)
*clicks "Poasted in"* *sees completely purple page* "I really like it here"    05/11/24  (39)
Andrew Huberman doesn’t understand statistics (video)    05/11/24  (26)
"What? No, sorry babe. I'm just catching up with my friend gay scientist the poa    05/11/24  (9)
The Ali Khamenei of Autoadmit    05/11/24  (2)
Tip: Invest in flowers. Mothers day is near. Everyone will buy them    05/11/24  (4)
Max IQ to not realize that NATIONALISM is used by elites to manipulate masses?    05/11/24  (19)
The most prestigious JP Staples discussion board in the world    05/11/24  (1)
i read half of XO threads these days w/ a punjab accent in my head tp    05/11/24  (9)
tommy turdskin "has likely joined the morality police" sources familiar with his    05/11/24  (5)
sorry honey I have to spend today arguing w "blackpilled" "right wingers" online    05/11/24  (5)
JP Staples & JB Smoove buddy cop flick    05/11/24  (4)
where are people in the us driving all the time    05/11/24  (11)
"good morning, my friend" (cucumbers in tahini sauce tp)    05/11/24  (27)
Whom outted Blake Neff of Tucker Carlson?    05/11/24  (3)
5-1 Battlehawks @ 6-0 Birmingham Stallions (4pm EST Fox)    05/11/24  (2)
Rabbi explains our monetary policy (link)    05/11/24  (4)
Israeli Fish&Wildlife realizing they left out 't' when announcing rabbit season    05/11/24  (3)
*steps outside* "i really like it here" *phone pings: msg from XO* "get back in"    05/11/24  (31)
Told my wife she needed to get a state inspection on car like 3 months ago    05/11/24  (4)
Their noses are bigger than the boobs tp    05/11/24  (3)
Reminder: Jerry Sandusky fucked boys assholes and no one cared    05/11/24  (45)
I don’t get why people rag on public school so much    05/11/24  (24)
Weed posters, I bought some weed tincture for the first time    05/11/24  (15)
I bet Joe Paterno hates watching soccer all day in hell    05/11/24  (17)
When I say dude, you say weed    05/11/24  (10)
LJL @ non-silver havers    05/11/24  (26)
Possible to buy unused adjacent parcel of land from HOA?    05/11/24  (6)
You're sure happy to hand over billions to doped up criminal sport frauds    05/11/24  (7)
Libs are coming for Mt Rainier    05/11/24  (6)
LMAO @ this NYC-Dublin "portal" (pic)    05/11/24  (8)
U.S. is toxic    05/11/24  (3)
This place has messed you up and given you nada.. veddy sad    05/11/24  (3)
In July 2020, Blake Neff, the head writer for Tucker Carlson Tonight, resigned f    05/11/24  (1)
college asian pussy    05/11/24  (4)
HATP saving TDNW from Gunnerattt just in time like Blucher at Waterloo    05/11/24  (2)
Should I bill and then go to gym, or get drunk and poast?    05/11/24  (16)
Prole Tell: Preferring D&D 5E over Pathfinder 2E    05/11/24  (4)
I’m gonna bill myself    05/11/24  (3)
Turkish man outs TT as a LIAR regarding Pakistan (video)    05/11/24  (4)
just bought the domain for rafahresidences.com    05/11/24  (6)
Just bought the domain unusedadjacentparceloflandfromHO
   05/11/24  (2)
brokerage account: ETF or MF?    05/11/24  (1)
just bought the domain for bigtittiedjewesses.com    05/11/24  (1)
I am starting to decline. Presbyopia in early 40's    05/11/24  (2)
4yo just came to me IN TEARS asking why drumpf openly disparages Judge Engoron    05/11/24  (10)
billing it all tonite tp    05/11/24  (2)
hitting russian refineries and oil depots LOWERS global prices    05/11/24  (2)
son of Hamas leader on Dr Phil, hilarity ensues (video)    05/11/24  (11)
sudden onset presbyopia    05/11/24  (3)
When will the US gov't stop printing physical $1 bills?    05/11/24  (11)
Master Mason you can return now    05/11/24  (1)
"Do you like it Here?" "It's autistic and gay?" *trots forward like a robot**    05/11/24  (1)
new great interview between russell brand & mike benz    05/11/24  (1)
"My father was.. an interesting man" says Barron as stars stream by viewport    05/11/24  (128)
The gibberish alcoholic arc seems to be taking a dark turn...    05/11/24  (3)
Only 1 crew member died in this helicopter accident    05/11/24  (1)
*savors warm spring breeze & sunshine* *enters “Asian pussy” into xo search*    05/11/24  (2)
WAFFEN SS    05/11/24  (2)
Would you wife this blonde D1 runner no questions asked?    05/11/24  (10)
They control everything. Time to GBTI. Proof ITT    05/11/24  (3)
why are you here man you’re so fucking old where’s your wife go home to your    05/11/24  (3)
The "it doesn't feel like an election year" thing is for a specific reason imho    05/11/24  (6)
Do Consoles fit in with the midwit meme?    05/11/24  (1)
Is it weird to wear hoodies at work?    05/11/24  (4)
rate these big tittied jewesses (pic)    05/11/24  (66)
Why is Anthony Jeselnek so underrated?    05/11/24  (6)
A world without McDonald's breakfast is a world I don't want to live in    05/11/24  (7)
China zoo paints dogs black & white, calls them pandas (link)    05/11/24  (2)
"Senior Assassin" water gun trend has authorities, parents on edge    05/11/24  (1)
Snopes begrudgingly admits that Biden diddled his daughter    05/11/24  (9)
Strauss-Howe Archetype by Console Gen    05/11/24  (6)
Equivalent of 90s $1 millionaire = $20,000,000 now    05/11/24  (20)
Really sad. My wife is out of town with girls dance and I'm home alone with boys    05/11/24  (81)
Rate this chick I just fucked from the bar    05/11/24  (43)
Tucker: Loophole in U.S. Law Allows Illegals to Vote Without Penalty    05/11/24  (1)
"No, your honor, we COULD open the attachment, but it was a Goo Goo Dolls mp3."    05/11/24  (42)
Everyone who dislikes me is, or will be, a registered sex offender.    05/11/24  (2)
emilio: what is it like in the year 9092?    05/11/24  (3)
"hallmark christmas movie? there's a wholesome golden retriever lawforum..."    05/11/24  (28)
Barron screaming at Trump: "u were too cowardly to take the golden path!"    05/11/24  (12)
The Art of Racing in the Rain (vs. the XO server’s Majora’s Mask Countdown)    05/11/24  (29)
"Hello, I'm Mr. Amalek. Fine Tikkun Olam weather we're having today."    05/11/24  (9)
You could've had it all all along    05/11/24  (1)
Stars and Stripes soda $1.25 at dollar tree for 2.75L stop 🛑 🤥    05/11/24  (1)
Why are Americans obsessed with being millionaires?    05/11/24  (14)
Kevin Spacey masturbated to storming of Normandie beach during Saving Private Ry    05/11/24  (14)
It's all fake    05/11/24  (1)
what's your favorite psyop    05/11/24  (6)
Your disappointed father wadding up fufu at your wedding    05/11/24  (1)
silver is going to $1,000/ozt    05/11/24  (10)
Liquid Swords by GZA is the most underrated rap album of all time    05/11/24  (24)
The timelines where Tupac lived are better than ours    05/11/24  (1)
Is 10/7 one of the most successful military ops in history    05/11/24  (7)
gibberish totally off the rails without his drinkies    05/11/24  (22)
ARE Reptile's dream girl - video    05/11/24  (1)
Castro was POTUS of Cuba at 32. you use purell at ur desk    05/11/24  (153)
WLMAS birding with his father, searching for the common red-tailed quisling    05/11/24  (27)
Rate this extremely sexy woman going on a hunger strike for Gaza    05/11/24  (16)
Varoufakis: liberal elites hate poors, resort to identity politics to hide truth    05/11/24  (5)
Remember when cons were furious the military wouldn’t let Trump nuke the world    05/11/24  (7)
Trump The Golden Retriever vs. Biden The Shitpit    05/11/24  (6)
Are the solar flares gonna scramble any vaxxed idiots' nano-bots today?    05/11/24  (2)
Trump the Peaceful will return & finally close the Greenland Deal    05/11/24  (3)
"Barron Trump is Currently Hovering 400 feet above White House" (NBC)    05/11/24  (25)
Black preacher Kyrie Eleison    05/11/24  (11)
The DRUMPF thing could be a very effective dog whistle    05/11/24  (127)
Kyrie, the notion that a small group of people run the world is crazy    05/11/24  (3)
Trump I, The Benevolent vs. Biden The Impaler    05/11/24  (2)
Samson wiped out the Gaza area in Judges iirc    05/11/24  (1)
Elites are there to lovingly correct our wrong voting so be grateful    05/11/24  (4)
Trump was always critical of China & then China Joe "got elected"?    05/11/24  (4)
wow i never would have guessed China Joe was corrupt    05/11/24  (3)
"Barron Trump seen riding 'giant worm-like creature' around National Mall" (ABC)    05/11/24  (31)
What are the most unbreakable records in sports?    05/11/24  (203)
CNN "journalists" election night: "trust us Trump didnt win lawsuits being filed    05/11/24  (1)
AZNs as whites tear up at Secretariat: don't worry, we'll catch him by dinner    05/11/24  (1)
took a "heroic dose" of shrooms last night, finally about to go to bed    05/11/24  (1)
Maria Takeuchi - Plastic Love    05/11/24  (33)
If lameduck Trump wants to destroy the world who are we to tell him no?    05/11/24  (15)
hopefully elites will have 2024 hotline we can call from votingbooth if confused    05/11/24  (4)
after wuhan virus CCP needed an ally so a guy named China Joe "got elected"?    05/11/24  (3)
German doctor to perform "life affirming" surgery to sew gibberish & wife togeth    05/11/24  (4)

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