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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Kevin Spacey masturbated to storming of Normandie beach during Saving Private Ry    05/13/24  (42)
possible to do a "hard reset" via business school?    05/13/24  (10)
Update re Hypothetical Trip to country formerly known as PERSIAistan    05/13/24  (32)
Finally getting around to watching sopranos this really is goat    05/13/24  (17)
Fun fact: Conseula would JUMP to sell silver to Germanus for 3 nomismata    05/13/24  (65)
How Britain sold Trump on aid to Ukraine - link    05/13/24  (6)
Christopher Nolan reveals his all-time greatest scene: It's what you think it is    05/13/24  (11)
You know who we are! / You know what we do! / We're comin' to defile / Defile yo    05/13/24  (4)
READ | THE | ROOM    05/13/24  (1)
Is podcasting a uniquely Anglo-American phenomenon?    05/13/24  (33)
Why did Obama hide the fact that he's a Homosexual?    05/13/24  (11)
damn didnt know Usyk Fury was this wknd 180    05/13/24  (1)
Lab diamonds go from $1 billion in 2016 to $12 billion in 2022    05/13/24  (4)
XO loves pro-muslims now    05/13/24  (42)
Rate this tattoo on Next Top Model contestant (pic)    05/13/24  (17)
The obesity in America is appalling    05/13/24  (20)
NYT: Housing Boom Goes Bust in Los Angeles    05/13/24  (9)
It’s gross that Fat people feel comfortable at the Beach now    05/13/24  (1)
Consuela, silver is still under $30/ounce    05/13/24  (1)
Bros who like Evanescence, come the fuck ITT    05/13/24  (2)
Costa Rica is nicer than Nicaragua or El Salvador but it's also twice as expeniv    05/13/24  (12)
Jennifer Lawrence implies Mike Pence is a homosexual    05/13/24  (1)
huge billboard collapse kills 8 in India (video)    05/13/24  (2)
Both of my kids had great soccer weekends.    05/13/24  (11)
Markets should have big swings every day, these flat days are BORING    05/13/24  (11)
Sorry cons, Trump doesnt have the stomach to murder Americans on a mass scale    05/13/24  (3)
Demon or Deman: You choose    05/13/24  (2)
Are "lab diamonds" prole    05/13/24  (15)
Russia’s biggest weakness is not caring if its soldiers die    05/13/24  (3)
Benzo which relative of yours is this?    05/13/24  (1)
"Sup Brady! It's great hearing from you. Hope chi-town is treating you well. But    05/13/24  (154)
Lindsey Graham: Israel should be allowed to use nukes on Gaza    05/13/24  (5)
Why don’t libs understand that Trump is alpha and entitled to special treatmen    05/13/24  (2)
True or False: EV Infrastructure will be good enough in 2030 to justify an EV    05/13/24  (21)
Cancer treatment update- 2 more radiation sessions to go    05/13/24  (8)
Which poaster is the best at chess?    05/13/24  (6)
I fucking hate my wife. If you’re single don’t bother with marriage    05/13/24  (30)
New ChatGPT seamlessly combines multimodal capabilities    05/13/24  (9)
Shat in Persian tour guides house then got offered opium by his mom    05/13/24  (1)
So the (((STOCK MARKET))) is gonna go up EVERY day in May?    05/13/24  (1)
Rehab "It Don't Matter" 2000 rock/rap song    05/13/24  (2)
Afroman's "Hunter Got High" song reaches #8 on Billboard charts (link)    05/13/24  (2)
Most consequential casting decision in history    05/13/24  (41)
rate these big tittied jewesses (pic)    05/13/24  (70)
Found CSLG's next purchase    05/13/24  (2)
imagine going to UCLA    05/13/24  (3)
could we bring back the Holy Roman Empire    05/13/24  (1)
Ukrainian soldier 1v4s attacking Russians - link    05/13/24  (6)
Bboooom you ever dine at the Heifer House fine steakhouse in Kansas?    05/13/24  (1)
i imagine Nurgle tp to look like the squirtle squad leader    05/13/24  (11)
It’s crazy that we’re friends with Japan after we nuked them    05/13/24  (5)
Feeding instructions into ChatGPT to create TBF poasts    05/13/24  (40)
whole IG page filled with marmots being 180    05/13/24  (2)
My plant based diet ruined my life    05/13/24  (10)
Cliffs on Novi Sad, Serbia?    05/13/24  (7)
Breaking Point: white libs DONE with Mayor Bowser    05/13/24  (8)
Shut the fuck up Upset Jew    05/13/24  (1)
KC Star: Housing Bbooom goes bust in Council Bluffs, IA    05/13/24  (1)
This is the shit future of cars: new Polestar has NO rear view mirror    05/13/24  (6)
Should I put 50k into SPY right now? Or DCA?    05/13/24  (2)
just replaced my cabin air filter, don't forget to change yours out    05/13/24  (1)
Sony to Lose exclusives (link)    05/13/24  (7)
Canada now has to pay 66% Capital Gains tax on anything over $250,000    05/13/24  (2)
culture is dead, wtf is going on    05/13/24  (1)
Watchmen tp was by far one of the funniest shticks xo ever had    05/13/24  (22)
Jeff Zients: Biden will confirm alien contact in Emergency 9PM speech    05/13/24  (1)
"They've got tunnels for God knows what, Jews crawling out of sewers" -- trump    05/13/24  (11)
I love being alone, literally my favorite thing    05/13/24  (8)
I love being alone, literally my favorite thing    05/13/24  (4)
ur missing the next GameStop pump, next stop $1000.    05/13/24  (3)
who is that pumo gaping people out of nowhere    05/13/24  (1)
Responding to old parody threads divorced from their context    05/13/24  (1)
Most consequential poasting decision in history    05/13/24  (5)
if you're not a completely deranged lunatic you're an irrelevant nobody    05/13/24  (7)
Two ChatGPT4 apps on iPhones interact w each other...is this the future?    05/13/24  (4)
Attorney-client privilege (1215 - 2018)    05/13/24  (205)
Lost all my irl friends now it’s xo all the way or bust    05/13/24  (24)
Square Enix layoffs in US and Europe    05/13/24  (2)
Biden needs to openly support Palestine and back channel support 4 Israel    05/13/24  (9)
Cons who is going to be your Hitler now that Trump and Putin both failed?    05/13/24  (2)
wgwag dailymail wgwag dailymail shanghai kiss the dvd    05/13/24  (2)
"Japanese Business" guy on TikTok/YouTube is blowing up, its mostly abt WGWAG    05/13/24  (4)
LonelyFans -- for timid introverted girls with one or zero subscribers    05/13/24  (8)
How much is your PITI (mortgage)?    05/13/24  (7)
I connect more with TBF's insane vitriol against me than I do with normies irl    05/13/24  (6)
Are "lab doodles" prole    05/13/24  (2)
I hate fucking my wife. If you’re single don’t bother with marriage    05/13/24  (3)
Who is the last person in your life you’d want to catch you jerking off?    05/13/24  (2)
"I really like it here" (in a barrel of hydrochloric acid)    05/13/24  (1)
Homosexual experimentation device    05/13/24  (3)
Had my buddy take a container of my weekend spooge over to my dad    05/13/24  (7)
painted on Russian tank's sides
   05/13/24  (1)
Almost deleted all my data trying to restore from backup w robocopy /mir /move    05/13/24  (2)
Wrecked Russian armored column #2453 - video    05/13/24  (4)
Rate me as a chewing gum brand goddammit    05/13/24  (8)
Biden just sank a halfcourt three pointer    05/13/24  (2)
Please find attached a container of my weekend stew    05/13/24  (6)
South Korea: Many People are dying poor; National Pension unfunded    05/13/24  (34)
wife has 75IQ, kids are cowed by me, minivan in shop, taking Qs (paralegal moham    05/13/24  (5)
Had my son take a container of my weekend stew over to my buddy    05/13/24  (50)
Okay, so you're a 50 year old mentally retarded Jewish pedophile    05/13/24  (8)
baseball fan tp what do you make of this trans baseball romance novel    05/13/24  (4)
Will housing prices ever go down?    05/13/24  (36)
reminder: Consuela went all in on physical silver    05/13/24  (3)
All these people testifying under oath that Trump cheated on his wife    05/13/24  (18)
TDNW wiping drool off chin, "Me ready to poast now!"    05/13/24  (3)
TIL that Taiwan consists of islands right on China’s coast jfc    05/13/24  (11)
Proletards using AI is making it dumber    05/13/24  (3)
XOers hate Pickleball because they don’t have at least 3 friends    05/13/24  (7)
Orc uses outhouse, drone blows out floor, orc drowns in liquid shit (vid)    05/13/24  (10)
What is anyone complaining about exactly    05/13/24  (1)
the suburban lib religion    05/13/24  (1)
MAGA voter discovers he's an illegal immigrant (link)    05/13/24  (34)
That boomer idiot couple you know with 1.5 million dollar House    05/13/24  (22)
Massive drone explosion kills a bunch of Russians - video    05/13/24  (10)
it's appalling what's been done to this country    05/13/24  (1)
Russian soldier from the Kerch "Anime" Squad has been awarded 2 'Order of Courag    05/13/24  (3)
just signed up for Duolicious, the dating app for 4channers, femcels, and feds    05/13/24  (5)
Lost my desire to be with *random* chicks yesterday    05/13/24  (23)
Golf bros, are "HL" irons the new secret cheat code?    05/13/24  (17)
Muslim Pro League    05/13/24  (1)
Declining fertility is 180. Should be 40-50x lower    05/13/24  (8)
So are goth girls ever coming back or what    05/13/24  (13)
Put these foolish ambitions to rest, the appslut crowed as doodikoff leaned in    05/13/24  (5)
EA Sports College Football 25 Heisman Edition will cost $150.    05/13/24  (3)
New app released by Meta that has an AI vote on your behalf to save time (link)    05/13/24  (1)
There is no reasonably probable news about Trump thatll make a MAGA voter switch    05/13/24  (10)
My goyslop based diet ruined my life    05/13/24  (2)
Your therapist's intricate geometric doodles around letters G-A-Y    05/13/24  (1)
Why not just develop a fetish for bitchy teen girls’ feet?    05/13/24  (2)
Why not sleep from 12-1pm every day    05/13/24  (3)
Just txted my father "rate me as a mouthwash"    05/13/24  (39)
Russian air defense shoots down ATACMS - video    05/13/24  (2)
Why do bathrooms at grocery chain Publix always smell like a hot turd?    05/13/24  (7)
Playroom hotdog. Weekend stew. Stinky red baboon bottoms.    05/13/24  (3)
WTF is ''Engel & Volkers'' law firm? Is it prestigious?    05/13/24  (7)
BEHOLD THE ATTACHMENT    05/13/24  (53)
Do u think the average adult male cango 30 days without MASTURBATION or orgasm?    05/13/24  (10)
Western game developers are retarded and suck at making games atm    05/13/24  (27)
Trump has like 10x more open support than he did in 2016 and 2020    05/13/24  (53)
XO feels like it has been somewhat reconstituted after a long decline    05/13/24  (34)
Nice marital sodomy, man    05/13/24  (1)
Video of me getting a BJ from a Russian whore    05/13/24  (25)
How do you explain men who marry women like this (pic)    05/13/24  (49)
XO Djoker BTFO By Noob After Getting Hit In Head With Water Bottle    05/13/24  (8)
Watched all of curb your enthusiasm season 11    05/13/24  (6)
I think I have changed my mind on apple fritters. Too fucking sweet.    05/13/24  (5)
Golf brands by clique?    05/13/24  (6)
Internet Jew put your demoralization post in the queue at 8:32 AM.    05/13/24  (3)

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