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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Might be a multi-millionaire by the end of the year    05/26/24  (9)
who originally took the cookie from the cookie jar?    05/26/24  (1)
Rate my friend’s wife    05/26/24  (24)
Proposal: immigration system based solely on IQ points - 115 IQ minimum    05/26/24  (18)
Trump receives yuge cheers and applause at Libertarian Convention    05/26/24  (13)
Rate these FAT BIRDSHITS getting Obliterated by Alpha Thai Bouncers    05/26/24  (13)
Pizza is a round grilled cheese sandwich when you think about it    05/26/24  (3)
He's an easy bumper / He'll bump your shitty poast believe it    05/26/24  (9)
Is this graphic about single men accurate?    05/26/24  (10)
LJL@USA: COP called to help blind, DEAF dog. Shoots him instead.    05/26/24  (5)
Now they’re taunting her at the airport 🤣    05/26/24  (4)
Muscadine wine tp seems kind of dumb honestly    05/26/24  (24)
Women's panties made wet by hardened criminals (VID):    05/26/24  (1)
Poland and Baltics to defend Kiev - link    05/26/24  (1)
Is it stupid to pay for an elite prep school for kids if UMC?    05/26/24  (136)
Does anyone genuinely believe George Floyd wasn’t murdered?    05/26/24  (26)
New Russian armor column wrecked - link    05/26/24  (1)
ALL NIGGERS MUST DIE!!!    05/26/24  (4)
China business    05/26/24  (3)
Now that there are no white people left can we drop the DEI bullshit?    05/26/24  (17)
my son, aaron, puts alot of effort into posting about consoles on the internet.    05/26/24  (3)
drunk as fuck now    05/26/24  (8)
Even as Violent Crime Drops, Lawlessness Rises as an Election Issue    05/26/24  (6)
Buffett represented the very worst of boomer excess    05/26/24  (29)
Good mayonnaise is the most delicious food there is.    05/26/24  (64)
How are libertarians allowed to protest Trump like this?    05/26/24  (1)
if Isreal only targeted Hamas fighters and spared kids would ppl be less mad?    05/26/24  (9)
apparently ricky was right about the mcdonalds app. what else was he right about    05/26/24  (17)
feds: Hunter's laptop is real and it's spectacular. (i need more chore boy)    05/26/24  (41)
WHO'S UP?    05/26/24  (4)
As schools become less and less diverse, school shooting have declined (link)    05/26/24  (1)
I want to be railed fast and rough b a hungry man    05/26/24  (7)
How Iran Plans to Destroy Israel    05/26/24  (6)
"Help" "others" irl and you'll get fucked over viciously    05/26/24  (6)
Ricky was right about everything    05/26/24  (24)
If I were veep and my kid COULDNT sell access to me, whats the point    05/26/24  (5)
Ken Burns, at Brandeis, shitting on Trump. "the end is nigh"    05/26/24  (8)
Covid claims another 30 year old pro athlete    05/26/24  (4)
Indians Are About to Re-elect a Dangerous Islamophobe    05/26/24  (2)
Tennessee adults, kids brawl at kindergarten graduation - guess race?    05/26/24  (7)
NFL QB sex tape leak    05/26/24  (7)
Ausländer raus, Ausländer raus, Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus    05/26/24  (6)
Groups of indian men have ruined the nude beach    05/26/24  (24)
“Spa, Sushi, Posh Digs: The Bougiest Way to Climb Everest”    05/26/24  (3)
Xbox has lost the console wars    05/26/24  (13)
whokebe, please go back to Africa    05/26/24  (21)
So a 27-year-old Mexican influencer wants to be her city mayor, lmao    05/26/24  (22)
If you don’t have a strong father at home the world will swallow you up    05/26/24  (3)
i take acid late at night and make businesses online    05/26/24  (5)
Single mothers are narcissistic monsters who aim to destroy, not nurture    05/26/24  (6)
Everyone is saying summer '24 will be Pajeet Boy Summer    05/26/24  (29)
Told my wife's son and his little fuck nugget friends to respect the king    05/26/24  (10)
Biden’s Gaza pier cost $320 million Lmao    05/26/24  (27)
Curiously, he still sucked his dick: the story of an xo poaster    05/26/24  (1)
good morning    05/26/24  (1)
i think i drove someone insane irl, like real bad lol    05/26/24  (1)
Russia bombs Ukrainian Home Depot - video    05/26/24  (4)
Keep on cumming in the training twink    05/26/24  (2)
ayo abortion scars tp    05/26/24  (1)
If you give a fuck now or ever gave a fuck you=fucked    05/26/24  (4)
this place (night crew) is fucked isnt it?    05/26/24  (3)
it's over, its done its finished    05/26/24  (1)
i like your style strawberry shorty    05/26/24  (2)
I can't wait to be DOMINATED by CHINA. I demand a Girthy CCP Man now!    05/26/24  (1)
"That is a DISGUSTING ACT by Christopher Spinelli!!" (Joe Buck)    05/26/24  (4)
Birdshit Man randomly lit on FIRE in Beijing Subway!    05/26/24  (1)
black kid in Bronx discovers what a computer is    05/26/24  (7)
shape shifting trickster jewish specter charlatan giggilo fraud messiah tp    05/26/24  (1)
fucking high as shit jfc    05/26/24  (4)
Fact: INDIANS arrived in Australia THOUSANDS of years before BIRDSHITS!    05/26/24  (1)
hey maybe my wife is in this other place lol    05/26/24  (3)
Policy proposal - tax boomers and unmarried childless people more    05/26/24  (1)
i have a feeling im gonna keep sinnin until the devil cums    05/26/24  (1)
interesting to see disco fries have a racial awakening    05/26/24  (7)
neutrered libidinous faggot bitch tp    05/26/24  (1)
ive gotta feelin that im gonna be here for many years to cum    05/26/24  (3)
Prolly unlimited pussy on dating apps and irl/online if you go for it    05/26/24  (3)
Could've been easy and fun all along irl.. but the "internet"    05/26/24  (3)
Please please friends! Cleanse the mind& listen and enjoy life    05/26/24  (6)
Australian Prime Minister Gopalkrishna Vishwanath    05/26/24  (1)
Crooked criminal jew frauds monitoring u extracting every fraction of a penny    05/26/24  (7)
babe help    05/26/24  (1)
None of todays problems would be problems had Hitler won    05/26/24  (1)
India's Population projected to go to 1.7b from 1.4b by like 2060    05/26/24  (11)
reminder of why Mike Tyson was terrifying in his prime (video)    05/26/24  (5)
Oakland teen accepted to 122 universities with $5.3M in scholarships    05/26/24  (22)
long lost picture of UVT and ykms found, u mad xoxo dorks?    05/26/24  (5)
summon YKMS    05/26/24  (3)
Remember when Bradley Cooper killed himself in a drunken stupor    05/26/24  (3)
My country tis of thee, land of Punjabi insanity, for thee I pipe    05/26/24  (3)
...    05/26/24  (1)
GO PACK GO@)$*@)$*@)$%*)!@*$!@)    05/26/24  (5)
Steez where study of women moving liquids horizontally at    05/26/24  (3)
CCP PLA Robot Dog Soldier decimates Trannie BLM LGBT Brigade of US Army    05/26/24  (1)
Kept thinking about the Canada immigration thing tiday    05/26/24  (2)
Gorgeous VIVEK was sent by ALLAH to save BIRDSHITS and u REJECTED him    05/26/24  (7)
Actual photos from HR websites    05/26/24  (25)
nice perfume, what is that 'bitch ass nigga'?    05/26/24  (1)
Just finished BRUTAL timing belt job. 12 hours. Good for another 100k miles.    05/26/24  (3)
Birdshit Slut: Indian Men have ruined my NUDE Beach    05/26/24  (15)
Pajeets in LOVE with German Nazi girl Elisa Maria Kowollik    05/26/24  (3)
Birdshit Civilization being Destroyed. Birdshit "Men": Oh look @ that AZNgirl!!    05/26/24  (4)
Canadian Turd: Too Many Furking Indians Here, I'm Moving to USA    05/26/24  (7)
remember when some Indians drove a ship into Baltimore bridge & collapsed it    05/26/24  (5)
Turns out libs had an "American Dream", too: destroying America    05/26/24  (1)
askav here, back for one hour to dispute TBF's claims about kikes    05/26/24  (38)
would u watch a "young askav" tv sitcom?    05/26/24  (2)
Re: Your reading of “Camp of the Saints” in firm cafeteria    05/26/24  (12)
“It’s Camp Of The Saints meets Wag The Dog, but with giant nigger cocks”    05/26/24  (5)
You: "Brave New World, 1984, or Camp of the Saints?" Clown World: "Why choose?    05/26/24  (19)
hey libs Camp Of The Saints isn't supposed to be a "how to" guide    05/26/24  (18)
Husker and Chiefs! Huskers are back Baby Baseball&Football Raiola    05/26/24  (1)
fulano, we looked at the data and (benin artmos get itt)    05/26/24  (9)
so "ASMR" is just young women commodifying feminine nurturance behavior?    05/26/24  (51)
Funny libs are favoring whites now Luka/Joker/Swift/Kelce/Caitlin wow lol    05/26/24  (1)
Go to the casino and hit on some pussy cr?    05/26/24  (1)
steez whats your favorite part about being jewish and brown    05/26/24  (5)
who would you rather have between luka and antman edwards?    05/26/24  (4)
nic pizza (true detective) doing movie with xo vince vaughn and xo shane gillis    05/26/24  (2)
I'm sure it was easy all along not being a pussy    05/26/24  (2)
Go Nebraska baseball headed to the big 10 championship    05/26/24  (1)
Go huskers and Chiefs! Go Raiola Go Swift/Mahomes/Kelce    05/26/24  (2)
Do you guys know any Suburban Women irl? Are they coming around on Trump?    05/26/24  (20)
BUH BYE STUPID BITCH LOL    05/26/24  (1)
“Bye Hair” (a poem to XOers)    05/26/24  (5)
This don't feel like home anymore It's just wall, doors, and floors That only I    05/26/24  (4)
Little fucker is about to get a late nite visit from the Hamburglar    05/26/24  (2)
looks like i maed it    05/26/24  (1)
Explosion in homeschooling. 1/17 kids now homeschooled. 6% of all students.    05/26/24  (136)
Prole has 3 seizures on cruise, held hostage until he pays his medical bill    05/26/24  (48)
Made the little fuck nugget do extra laps tonight    05/26/24  (8)
when you post im gay at the perfect time and luis bumps it 6 seconds later    05/26/24  (7)
trump appointed judge gives 1/6 terrorist 12 year sentence    05/26/24  (1)
Is real maple syrup worth it?    05/26/24  (31)
SP cutting hole into happy meal box    05/26/24  (5)
i love it when nigs murder desi students fuck those turdskins    05/26/24  (1)
Ever done high dollar medical studies and sold plasma and other things?    05/26/24  (14)
im extremely stupid and dumb    05/26/24  (11)
Immigrants suck imo    05/26/24  (4)
Gunnerattt, I recalled you and I working together in Paris. (Mainlining)    05/26/24  (52)
US Citizens Pajeet Goldberg and Ramakrishnan Cohen....    05/26/24  (1)
Nonsensical bay area troon: "Muscadine R-SC sucks, it turns out!    05/26/24  (5)
Your grandfather dying on Normandy so a Sea of Smelly Turds cld enter USA    05/26/24  (1)
Condescending captcha telling you "please try again", fuck you, faggot    05/26/24  (4)
Boom, friend, how are you? My GF wants to know! Love you    05/26/24  (5)
why aren't we using SP's full name and outing the shit out of this pedo retard?    05/25/24  (5)
SNL - STATUS NETWORK LOOKS    05/25/24  (1)

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