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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Board genius HATP: "I never liked twins. On a good day he was mid."    06/13/24  (3)
COORDINATES: 41.251535, -108.285593    06/13/24  (5)
Long day at the email factory    06/13/24  (7)
My neighbor's dog just got taken by the gestapo    06/13/24  (1)
Getting electrocuted in a pool seems like one of the worst ways to go    06/13/24  (1)
always goon    06/13/24  (2)
Sitting in cash the last year and a half. LMAO    06/13/24  (15)
Evan39!!! Adobe Town in Red Desert WY for our cabin ?    06/13/24  (1)
Biden @ G7 has no idea where he is, Italian PM has to tell him    06/13/24  (27)
The S-500 is apparently a fraud like the S-400 - link    06/13/24  (1)
Americans Are TAPPED OUT of Their COVID Era Savings    06/13/24  (12)
Rate this NIGGA getting blasted by Birdshit Nazi Cop    06/13/24  (4)
Red Desert Wyoming last place without any fraud in Continental US    06/13/24  (1)
NYT interview with JD Vance. He explains how he became MAGA.    06/13/24  (62)
tow driver are thieves and will pay    06/13/24  (2)
"Food" is fraud and scam designed to make shithealth.. and then go to healthcare    06/13/24  (4)
New Taco Bell item is a massive Cheez It with taco stuff on top    06/13/24  (33)
Leopold Aschenbrenner essay on the AI arms race that will change world by 2027    06/13/24  (16)
🐑 thinks he clever!.. implements Fraud Avoidance via "education"    06/13/24  (1)
Kamala is furking sitting pretty right now    06/13/24  (4)
Karen, I want to slide my balls over your fat rolls and fart in ur face    06/13/24  (1)
Mainlining tp on another meth binge, spamming the bort again    06/13/24  (2)
Everything is Fraud in Amerikkka &it's exhausting    06/13/24  (3)
I will use my 50 caliber on you Fraud tow driver or just a close range shotgun b    06/13/24  (70)
stupid fraud embracing "consumers".. embrace hatred mankind. I'm battle ready    06/13/24  (2)
Complete fraud..over 99% or everything is outright fake fraud and pure lies    06/13/24  (9)
Amerikkkan dream is just that..no "life" "society"    06/13/24  (2)
Uber is prime exampleee of Fraud here's a story    06/13/24  (5)
"Existence" is a scam and a fraud and then top it off with Amerikkkkkla    06/13/24  (4)
Allied Mastercomputer ignoring last humans to pen elaborate anti NYUUG screeds    06/13/24  (9)
Stop the fraud in its tracks. You stupid sheep. Do something about it. Wake up    06/13/24  (1)
is there a sign outside that says "dead nigger storage"?    06/13/24  (3)
Should I go to sweetgreen today. Haven’t been in 4-5 years    06/13/24  (8)
Ricky and I are at a local hip suburban coffee shop pastrymaxxing right now    06/13/24  (39)
John Rocker hammered at an Applebee's yelling abt deer training    06/13/24  (76)
ND Cal jury trial against “K&L Gates” in two weeks. Anyone have exp with the    06/13/24  (7)
Guy who I thought was my friend just beat the shit out of me for no reason.    06/13/24  (4)
You can hire girls to play video games with you now - video    06/13/24  (5)
Fraud example another...law school "textbooks"    06/13/24  (1)
It's like that total recall scene but she has three dicks    06/13/24  (4)
Life as rodentine scurry for Mason Paper and Breeding Hole    06/13/24  (2)
Tow truck frauds and rent a cops need beatings also truckers and cabbies    06/13/24  (13)
Since I was baby I saw Fraud for wat it is....has maed life very difficult    06/13/24  (2)
LMAO they built another floating pier in Gaza    06/13/24  (3)
just saw a couple "cyber trucks" on the road    06/13/24  (4)
Earned $4,190.67 last month in Interest/Dividends    06/13/24  (140)
Tow driver frauds are sick    06/13/24  (10)
I sound like Matthew McConaughey, decadent or shrewd?    06/13/24  (14)
Tow driver fraud.. you want to be dissolved in acid or fed to pigs?    06/13/24  (57)
Why is a black mayor allowed to speak to Trump like this?    06/13/24  (1)
Supreme Court upholds broad access to key abortion pill mifepristone    06/13/24  (2)
there is nothing outside but car in the us    06/13/24  (3)
Fraud Avoidance & fending off scams is 100% of Amerikkkanns "lives"    06/13/24  (1)
The hottest American women/girls were not even passable not long ago ljl    06/13/24  (4)
Common Sense. Look around, think for yourself not for "society"    06/13/24  (1)
The “Stunning” Job Losses in Hollywood (LA Times)    06/13/24  (36)
Don't despair If you are not 🐑..... You know what must be done. Let's chat    06/13/24  (1)
rate this whore im about to fuck imminently    06/13/24  (7)
TT what are you doing to celebrate amerikkkan flag day tomorrow?    06/13/24  (2)
Mr Jinx wearing bluetooth leading Bangkok seminar: “Sell me this buttplug”    06/13/24  (8)
99.99% psychologically condition to approve of Fraud and smile    06/13/24  (2)
#1 dating priority for girls: that you appear dangerous to other men    06/13/24  (6)
Not sure how to describe this video ... link    06/13/24  (3)
Got TEAR GASSED last night in Lyon    06/13/24  (52)
Amerikkka is 100% fraud and scam from medicine to insurance to food    06/13/24  (4)
"911? My Asian friend can't breathe. Yes, it was milk."    06/13/24  (101)
FDA recalls Korean ramen for being too spicy (DM)    06/13/24  (4)
Noticed something at the gym — white people smell like shit    06/13/24  (7)
Has this season exposed Shohei Ohtani as the biggest fraud in sports history?    06/13/24  (4)
34-y.o. Tyson Foods CFO seems like a chill, fratty bro    06/13/24  (2)
If men 100 years ago got a time machine to see modern women they wld instant die    06/13/24  (1)
tightest pussy to ever poast on autoadmit?    06/13/24  (1)
There's NOTHING good abt the US anymore, just propped up by USD    06/13/24  (55)
has luis been making gay threads about camping    06/13/24  (5)
Fraud    06/13/24  (6)
Everything is a scam, and they want you to do this for the next 40 plus years?    06/13/24  (3)
G7 taking $50 billion in russian assets and giving it to Ukraine lmao    06/13/24  (7)
Disco..this "work" is not helping..everything looks like shit    06/13/24  (20)
"Sell me this poast"    06/13/24  (5)
Most Americans are truly pathetic&accepting this fraud shit with no resistance    06/13/24  (13)
My long, hard, smooth, hairy penis    06/13/24  (1)
Why did/are you wasting life on pure fraud?    06/13/24  (9)
The "homeless" in America are given phone&food card which is traded 4 drugs    06/13/24  (15)
Zemmour expels Marion Maréchal from the party for disloyalty    06/13/24  (1)
Disco many places you can rent for much less than $1000    06/13/24  (10)
So low level fraud shit like this is newsworthy?    06/13/24  (4)
Young Thug's lawyer gets 20 days in jail for contempt (insane story)    06/13/24  (163)
What were the two best years of your life?    06/13/24  (4)
Joe Biden’s Campaign caught paying people to attend his rallies    06/13/24  (33)
should casket be open or closed for a viewing?    06/13/24  (1)
I think about the Roman Empire at least daily    06/13/24  (3)
WY Officials Euthanize First Grizz to Wander into Bighorn Mountains in century    06/13/24  (1)
kulturkampf has ruined public drinking    06/13/24  (1)
just saw lisa rowe doing hoodrat shit in spokane, wa. wtf?    06/13/24  (1)
Seinfeld Star Trek is an entire fanfic genre that I was unaware of    06/13/24  (4)
Biden just sent a submarine to Guantanamo Bay to fuck with the Russians    06/13/24  (2)
just took a shot of ACV, now I have a lot of pain in my stomach area    06/13/24  (7)
Teens do burn outs on homosexual colored street in WA. Now facing 10 years priso    06/13/24  (66)
Wyoming is basically Paradise    06/13/24  (21)
PS5 Fans Beg Sony for a More Fulfilling Livestream in the Aftermath of Xbox Show    06/13/24  (5)
This whole thing seems fraudulent except Wyoming    06/13/24  (1)
Crimea turning into a desert after dam destroyed - link    06/13/24  (4)
Bought Walther PDP yesterday    06/13/24  (1)
A MIND MELD WITH THE LAW    06/13/24  (4)
What replaces the GOP in 15 years?    06/13/24  (7)
Me & ACP in my Dodge Durango listening to 3 Doors Down    06/13/24  (4)
Basically everything is "played out" to live?    06/13/24  (3)
Libs if you keep calling Donald Trump a felon we’re going to get really angry    06/13/24  (1)
I still think Durango could be nice. I don't care if it's played out    06/13/24  (1)
"Interstates" freeways are disgusting...Buc-ee's is the interstate Disneyworld    06/13/24  (2)
Faulkner's 'Their Eyes Were Watching Screens'    06/13/24  (8)
What's the most likely scenario for the implosion of Chandler/kenny/CSLG lawfirm    06/13/24  (17)
Japan to give Ukraine $4.5 billion this year - link    06/13/24  (24)
What companies won't be around in 15 years?    06/13/24  (27)
Evan39... Let's build a cabin in WY Res Desert for peace&isolation    06/13/24  (1)
Living off "Interstate" freeways is disastrous for your health    06/13/24  (8)
Is Phil Jackson the undisputed GOAT coach of any team sport?    06/13/24  (36)
When you die it's just lights out forever LMAO    06/13/24  (3)
Big Russian attack - link    06/13/24  (4)
Scratch all of it, Sheridan Wyoming, and it's grizzly free    06/13/24  (2)
Cons won’t like this    06/13/24  (4)
Prissy XO'er scared of Paradise Wyoming because of "wind" lolooololll    06/13/24  (7)
Ur daughter curiously wrapping her hand around the thickest part of her forearm    06/13/24  (45)
Evan39 look up the Red Desert WY.. I think it would make a great place for us    06/13/24  (1)
how much would a virgin bride be worth in USD?    06/13/24  (1)
Libs just do you know this will be illegal during Trump’s second term    06/13/24  (1)
Wyoming, just enjoy driving around in your truck free from scum    06/13/24  (2)
Oh, I'm afraid the 1997 forum software will be quite operational when your    06/13/24  (7)
LSD tp is a dark skinned Brazilian guy? But also a white nationalist? Lmao, 180    06/13/24  (23)
Everyone is making $150k/yr now. Look at this    06/13/24  (2)
Hamas maed Noan wash dishes. That was the worst she encountered    06/13/24  (5)
More I look into it, I think Cody Wyoming is the answer    06/13/24  (1)
As a faggy kike, this white nationalist stuff gives me the ick. (Consuela)    06/13/24  (14)
Told IT guy that internet was down.He said try a site besides XO    06/13/24  (10)
Just hit entire swisher sweet blunt...str8 2 the dome, ?s (wesl    06/13/24  (7)
Evan39 maybe middle or Eastern Washington state is best?    06/13/24  (5)
found a link for House Of Cards (UK) (1990) - one of the GOAT shows ever    06/13/24  (10)
I'm going to the top of Teewinot Mountain within 30 fortnights    06/13/24  (3)
"Big 12" will rename itself "Dr. Pepper 12" (link)    06/13/24  (5)
Epah update - where school    06/13/24  (7)
Rate Meriwether Lewis' 1805 descriptions of encounters with Grizz    06/13/24  (36)
The feds would rather protect a Grizz than a human from homele$$ scum    06/13/24  (1)
EPAH do you think you're smart? Lonely, no friends, kids neutered, what gives?    06/13/24  (5)
TT and nyuug's argument is that white culture sucks because of brown people    06/13/24  (12)
Interstates and freeways are gross, they are loud, attract, generates, poor air    06/13/24  (2)
I'm debating talking to my therapist about XO    06/13/24  (122)
Are Trumpmos planning a big protest for Trump’s July 11th prison sentencing?    06/13/24  (1)

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