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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
High-IQ Trumpmos: Is the right word “refutal” or “refuttal”? (Trump vid)    06/25/24  (5)
Elon Musk is fucked up    06/25/24  (8)
Vance and Trump stapling green cards to turdskin jr. college diplomas    06/25/24  (2)
just remember that women DEMAND abortions because they CAN'T STOP FUCKING CHAD    06/25/24  (5)
Call me Rachmiel.    06/25/24  (54)
Problem with right wing politics is and remains the same    06/25/24  (19)
Just how USELESS is law school in preparing for BIGLAW?    06/25/24  (6)
Opening Autoadmit’s choose your own adventure, u read: “Call me Rachmiel.”    06/25/24  (5)
Boarding flight to XO Beijing in 5 mins…sayonara birdshits!!!    06/25/24  (27)
My cousin and I used to have sex back in HS    06/25/24  (35)
Columbia first law school to top $80,000 in annual tuition ($81,888)    06/25/24  (32)
rate this child pedo sting (video)    06/25/24  (64)
Did humans think they were doing magic when they built Autoadmit.com? ✨    06/25/24  (3)
XO poasting ideas retention is the ultimate sacrifice    06/25/24  (2)
board is working really well tonight, super responsive, lightning fast    06/25/24  (4)
Eyes misread “Taylor’s BPD Era” instead of “TPD Era.” Should I be worr    06/25/24  (1)
do u use wet wipes to wipe your butt at home?    06/25/24  (2)
Would you live in this 3-bedroom apt with two friends?    06/25/24  (2)
His. Fucking. Name. Was. Seth. Rich. *Hillary cackles*    06/25/24  (2)
FBI wants 66 years to release Seth Rich info    06/25/24  (23)
karlstack: where r u living now? working on anything big?    06/25/24  (4)
FBI dumps Seth Rich documents today. Emails discuss assassination    06/25/24  (79)
*Hillary drunk in DC Bar* "Refill that glass before I Seth Rich you!" *cackles*    06/25/24  (4)
Emily Kaplan is a little minx.    06/25/24  (5)
globalize the enchilada (rsf)    06/25/24  (2)
His. Name. Was. Seth. Rich.    06/25/24  (1)
It’s insane how Costco’s just encourages you to consume more and more    06/25/24  (5)
Running list of US Govt TERRORIST attacks recently    06/25/24  (2)
World famous poster taking ?s    06/25/24  (10)
I asked AI to make a ''Karlstack wojak''    06/25/24  (2)
Will you believe *any* attack on U.S. soil is anything other than a false flag?    06/25/24  (16)
Reminder: nyuug isn't a Korean citizen, only has US Passport    06/25/24  (87)
Russian MIC building all burned up (link)    06/25/24  (3)
Is anyone talking abou the US attack on a russian beach    06/25/24  (3)
Why are HOMELESS people walking around with PIT BULLS unleashed?    06/25/24  (34)
are GC ad buyers still 'boycotting' twitter in any way?    06/25/24  (3)
record companies sue AI music generators    06/25/24  (10)
*spends years trying to prove POTUS from 16 years ago married a man*    06/25/24  (6)
rate Trump's rumored surprise VP pick    06/25/24  (4)
Aldi the king shit currently of something better?    06/25/24  (5)
!! Biden finally leads in polling average for an RCP swing state!!!!    06/25/24  (11)
devil's lettuce    06/25/24  (4)
Obama would remove his head @ night & float around the WH consorting with demons    06/25/24  (122)
Luxury horse breeder, any future for this profession?    06/25/24  (9)
Why didn't Aladdin wish to be immune from all laws made by men?    06/25/24  (5)
RealClearPolitics NO TOSSUPS map    06/25/24  (3)
here's why the US is becoming more Third World (pic)    06/25/24  (1)
Ali Baba and the 40 catty gay alts    06/25/24  (20)
It's going to be JD Vance isn't it    06/25/24  (11)
So is that lazy-eyed AIPAC crony gonna take out Jamaal Bowman tomorrow?    06/25/24  (1)
Nothing would be better than worst case scenario Al Gore-style global warming    06/25/24  (4)
*staples green card to a McDouble wrapper*    06/25/24  (1)
imagine the fun of a second trump term    06/25/24  (26)
Started The Pussy by Delicious Tacos. This must be Ricky, no way it isnt    06/25/24  (11)
here's the deal. libs vote for trump in 2024, cons vote for biden in 2028    06/25/24  (5)
Afaik an elephant has never been to the moon    06/25/24  (17)
Columbia first law school to fail to distinguish itself in any way ever    06/25/24  (1)
Unassuming Asian woman in flyover menaced by gang of walking testes (CNN)    06/25/24  (3)
"Tezcatlipoca could be here", he thought. "I've never been in this maize field b    06/25/24  (13)
"Hey did you hear Bill Clinton cheated on his wife AFTER he left office? On a je    06/25/24  (1)
the crazy thing is that insane schizo NSAM is one of D.C.'s most normal people    06/25/24  (2)
*gets excited over Epstein flight logs from before Worldcomm collapsed*    06/25/24  (1)
Assange to plead guilty to violation of the Espionage Act (felony)    06/25/24  (41)
"leaders" using violent minorities to justify social control (Demolition Man)    06/25/24  (2)
Putin going to North Korea was hilarious    06/25/24  (3)
"Why did Ulbricht get 100 yrs?" whined the faggot as darknet markets vanished    06/25/24  (1)
NSAM back from his latest MK-Ultra therapy session and ready to poast    06/25/24  (2)
brehs can we talk about the fact that nyuug = Chaebong Hyung/virgin/NOWAG?    06/25/24  (11)
What the literal point of "Dollar Tree" at this point=fraud    06/25/24  (14)
"phil giraldi" lol    06/25/24  (1)
MASE takes a break from harassing halal food cart vendor to yell at Bushnell    06/25/24  (12)
fucking HILARIOUS Cost Of Living Comparison Chart - LOL USA    06/25/24  (80)
posting is externalizing the internal through intersubjective assimilation    06/25/24  (4)
Canadian are laughing at America tuition&lack of universal healthcare etc    06/25/24  (2)
Public school ranking sites are 100% flame    06/24/24  (58)
If you're still in America...why?    06/24/24  (1)
At the five and dime in the summer of sixty nine? Boomer shit or older?    06/24/24  (1)
Will the economy improve during Biden's second term?    06/24/24  (1)
Tonight I totally failed at cooking—“Fiesta Steak”    06/24/24  (31)
i'm straight    06/24/24  (4)
Cheaper to eat out..Wendys biggie bag $5 more calories than you even need    06/24/24  (1)
Judge Napolitano    06/24/24  (1)
AI has now linked your moniker and phone number    06/24/24  (19)
Every year I buy a share of Costco stock - I’ve got 30sh now worth 25k    06/24/24  (1)
Captcha where you have to identify ideal patch of arm skin to fashion neopenis    06/24/24  (1)
*staples green card to a pile of street feces*    06/24/24  (2)
Lol if you own any stocks or crypto you’re about to be homeless lmaooo    06/24/24  (32)
How are the poor living with fraudflation..no more stimulus cash&no free phones?    06/24/24  (4)
Sergei Bobrovsky: "I give all the credit to God, without hi..." ESPN: CUT THE MI    06/24/24  (3)
Appropriate to ask grandparents to watch 2 kids on a weekday?    06/24/24  (28)
Assange accused of rape again    06/24/24  (1)
disco have you tried medically supervised water only fasting or psilocybin    06/24/24  (2)
cowshit what’s the latest update on the State of Gaming    06/24/24  (54)
Stanford's kicker is 6'2, handsome, and dates a mid azn chick    06/24/24  (37)
I think I want to have sex with a sheep    06/24/24  (1)
Tennessee wins the national title in Omaha    06/24/24  (1)
Shrek is the perfect Film    06/24/24  (5)
Is this a credited Costco Strategy?    06/24/24  (1)
The covid scam lie and Biden letting was sit at home was nail on coffin    06/24/24  (3)
Fuck around drop out get CC/Juco degree at 16 already easy 6 figs min starting    06/24/24  (1)
Fact: every government keeps shitty records at all times, total bullshit. Always    06/24/24  (1)
Is it chill to drink 4-6 busch lights a night or is that alcoholic territory?    06/24/24  (4)
hypo: you get $1 million but you have to live in gaza for a month and not die    06/24/24  (18)
DNA test shows “correction” tp is Walt Disney’s sole legitimate heir (link    06/24/24  (3)
For first 500 years we had writing, we didn't even record the names of kings    06/24/24  (1)
Screw Viagra, give me good old fashioned Spanish Fly    06/24/24  (3)
Penis Implant is best    06/24/24  (1)
My Canadian friends laugh at America    06/24/24  (8)
Lightning striking volcanoes is 180 - video    06/24/24  (1)
Always about sports fraud 🤥 huh? Veddy sad    06/24/24  (1)
Ever hear the phrase “they’re like puppies in combat”?    06/24/24  (1)
Tennessee Vs. Texas A&M for the national championship Omaha! omahaaa    06/24/24  (1)
autoadmit branded gas station viagra argument    06/24/24  (1)
Ukraine pink-misted columns of orcs sitting across the border    06/24/24  (1)
Bibi testing out "blood and soil" slogan    06/24/24  (1)
i think the transgender movement is over    06/24/24  (1)
Dora the Explorer comes out as trans in season 18 (link)    06/24/24  (2)
   06/24/24  (3)
the real orcs were the ones who posted dead orc videos on a dying lolyer forum    06/24/24  (10)
The poasters you meet in Heaven    06/24/24  (3)
Chances this isn't staged? - video    06/24/24  (1)
Seymour Hersh writing unsourced fantastic bullshit in hell    06/24/24  (1)
McDavid fails in the clutch, Canada loses yet again    06/24/24  (1)
Suburban women destroyed Trump in 2020; insane that he wouldn't have woman VEEP    06/24/24  (4)
Delicious Tacos meets Sam Hyde (link)    06/24/24  (19)
This is the worst empty net effort I've ever seen    06/24/24  (2)
i'm concerned    06/24/24  (1)
only downside to killing all russians would be the loss of a 180 hobby    06/24/24  (1)
a lion with wings    06/24/24  (2)
Surgery Tomorrow    06/24/24  (54)
Disco take your kids for in n out 2 happy meals and don't eat them hehe    06/24/24  (1)
"tuition" is a scam    06/24/24  (1)
business penis    06/24/24  (4)
A delivery charge is not a tip paid to your driver    06/24/24  (1)
Does anyone else feel detached from reality after losing a loved one    06/24/24  (5)
Rach pulling the plug: "Our revels now are ended"    06/24/24  (2)
lawyers tell us how you use LLM's in your day to day practice    06/24/24  (2)
Game 7 Stanley Cup final tonight - sorry libs    06/24/24  (22)
Do any real people watch or listen to Ben Shapiro    06/24/24  (1)
Upgrading my PC, giving up on Handsome (FizzKidd)    06/24/24  (62)
Where is cheapest & best to hire nanny— Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Panama    06/24/24  (4)
Fuck YES I cracked the shitlib algorithm    06/24/24  (4)
based German grandma    06/24/24  (13)
Harrowing comments on this youtube vid    06/24/24  (2)
“enjoy this caprisun, goy” 😹😹😹    06/24/24  (2)
Rate these female cops reacting to someone answering their own door    06/24/24  (9)
grimes: so without fratty tp we wouldn't have a handsome, shy aussie chad on xo?    06/24/24  (5)
what poast makes you irl lol whenever you think about it?    06/24/24  (317)
Where’s the original “IT’S RYAN EVERYBODY” poast?    06/24/24  (1)
It's all fucking fraud..you've been cheated B4 the beginning!    06/24/24  (1)

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