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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
This is a surreal moment re:Dems admitting Biden is senile    06/27/24  (10)
****** GAVIN SEXY currently on MSNBC ******    06/27/24  (1)
John King showing on magic wall what parts of Biden's brain still work    06/27/24  (13)
Dems abandoning Biden tonight was planned for months it seems    06/27/24  (3)
*** DNC announces they are subbing in more youthful Nancy Pelosi ***    06/27/24  (6)
Is Biden dropping out good or bad for RFK Jr?    06/27/24  (6)
"Look, Jack, of course I'm gonna get my beak wet! Grease the wheels, man!"    06/27/24  (68)
Reminder: As soon as Biden debates Trump people will realize he isn't senile    06/27/24  (41)
I'm usually a Nothing Ever Happens guy but we're witnessing a historic moment    06/27/24  (1)
Globohomo likely ordered Dementia Joe out: who's the replacement?    06/27/24  (66)
michael jackson's personal doctor breaking down biden's performance on cnn rn    06/27/24  (1)
Why Did Shitlibs Even Run "Biden"? Did They Think They Could Drug Him Up?    06/27/24  (1)
Drone warfare is a dystopian nightmare, Ukraine seems to be putting flammable    06/27/24  (4)
Zany Dem personalities vying for Biden replacement like Wacky Races    06/27/24  (10)
******* OFFICIAL DEBATE THREAD *******    06/27/24  (565)
Theory: if Dems subbed a candidate right now they'd win    06/27/24  (24)
Lmao Biden has no idea how fuct he is    06/27/24  (8)
Dan Quayle: "Ho-lee-shit."    06/27/24  (9)
Damn...there goes PSLF    06/27/24  (3)
Trump, lib mind: Pinochet, Hitler|Trump, reality: moderate NY Republican    06/27/24  (8)
"yeah hon, you better come visit. idk if he's gonna make to thanksgiving"    06/27/24  (1)
Trump did too well, won’t get Biden    06/27/24  (6)
reminder: old senile people are depressives    06/27/24  (1)
great night on xo, reminds me of 2015/16    06/27/24  (9)
Hillary Clinton cackles, arches her back, and spiderwalks into Dem convention    06/27/24  (73)
I'm a Loyola grad    06/27/24  (2)
Gordon Ramsay dead at 57 in motorcycle accident (link)    06/27/24  (2)
CNN: There is a deep and immediate panic in the Democratic party    06/27/24  (25)
Need dirte to explain these “Alaskans”    06/27/24  (2)
POTUS Newsom    06/27/24  (1)
Friend does closed captioning at major network. Gordon Ramsay just died bros (li    06/27/24  (3)
Friend does closed captioning at major network. Newsom will be announced soon    06/27/24  (6)
When IS Trump going to prison?    06/27/24  (6)
RFK Jr. credits his "Golden Retriever Mindset" to landing Cheryl Hines (link)    06/27/24  (16)
UR Keanu Reeves; Cheryl Hines, Nicole Shanahan at your front door. Answer?    06/27/24  (1)
So who is wielding POTUS powers rn?    06/27/24  (5)
"see you at the next debate," the cnn exec lied to biden, fighting back tears    06/27/24  (7)
Did Biden do worse than Fetterman's debate performance?    06/27/24  (1)
Hey. Don't fuck up today.    06/27/24  (8)
*Kamala asking Biden if he wants to hear about the rabbits one more time*    06/27/24  (1)
Rate these leaked nude photos of Karen Read    06/27/24  (1)
Trump looked 20 years younger wtf    06/27/24  (1)
remind me why Trump agreed to this format?    06/27/24  (6)
Biden seems completely different at his after debate rally - wtf is going on?    06/27/24  (1)
*Joe Scarborough beating another intern to death in a blind rage at Drumpf*    06/27/24  (1)
Biden just has a cold guys    06/27/24  (1)
CNN reporter on Dem panic - video    06/27/24  (1)
Huge lib here just realized democrats are on meth and mdma    06/27/24  (2)
Guy in first world country, president hasn't been impeached, sup    06/27/24  (59)
Did Trump announce VP?    06/27/24  (3)
Sleepy Geno here. What's up fam    06/27/24  (4)
Every fucking midwit is trying to concoct a slightly unique “take” right now    06/27/24  (7)
"Ok, you be Kamala, and I'll be me" (JD Vance debate prepping with his wife)    06/27/24  (8)
Sleepy geno tp here. New poster, first day. This is my story    06/27/24  (2)
Admiral Stockdale watching debate from heaven: "Haha, wow..."    06/27/24  (8)
gavin is free money on predictit at 10c.    06/27/24  (3)
Okay guys I gave in & had sex with a trans. It was incredible (gunnerattt)    06/27/24  (3)
Hopefully this redpills some normies    06/27/24  (1)
* Uvalde Cops CHARGED *    06/27/24  (1)
Within 10 years no one will admit they voted for Biden lmao    06/27/24  (7)
look at the shifting predictit odds    06/27/24  (6)
Biden team had brainstorm session to say he had a cold (link)    06/27/24  (5)
CNN says Kamala Harris is "coming up" - will she actually show?    06/27/24  (1)
A day in the life of Joe Biden's America.    06/27/24  (228)
So who tells Biden what to do? Jews?    06/27/24  (2)
Pssst - Dems: sub in RFK Jr. You will win.    06/27/24  (2)
libs the debate was pretty bad but remember u also lost the supreme court    06/27/24  (5)
EPAH keep defending Dementia Joe's debate performance please    06/27/24  (2)
Wow what the fuck    06/27/24  (3)
"Senator... you're no AssFaggot."    06/27/24  (57)
trump, builder of worlds    06/27/24  (1)
What's the conversation in Biden's car like right now?    06/27/24  (1)
Jeez watched Biden clips for 1st time in a while - it’s like a horror movie    06/27/24  (71)
which Dem Nigger will they rig it for?    06/27/24  (2)
"you're a pants shitting memory care patient? sick, get in the car"    06/27/24  (3)
the poaster earlier today who said this was gonna feel like 2016 was actually cr    06/27/24  (8)
Did the Dems schedule this early debate to make Biden drop out?    06/27/24  (1)
lmao libs ur all going to die    06/27/24  (186)
Theory: MiG = Metal is Gear = Hideo Kojima MGSVI performance art    06/27/24  (1)
Whatever Dems say, don't lose sight of the fact that Biden is ACTIVELY POTUS    06/27/24  (2)
Jews didn’t like Biden’s wavering on Israel loyalty    06/27/24  (1)
Trump probably took a back door deal with Dems for new candidate    06/27/24  (4)
CNN headline: “Aggressive Panic” “Dems Saying ‘We Have a Problem”    06/27/24  (3)
If your in-laws try to rape you take control and rape back    06/27/24  (3)
So how does a brokered convention work?    06/27/24  (1)
Big new healthcare fraud bust. Let's do the racial breakdown.    06/27/24  (7)
Drop the cr Panda Express order on me gogogogo    06/27/24  (39)
idc    06/27/24  (1)
"Sneedpilled rapists are....raping their in-laws....raped by their sisters..."    06/27/24  (1)
lol lib media is in full panic mode , wanting Biden to step aside    06/27/24  (2)
Polymarket: Trump 67%, Biden 23%    06/27/24  (2)
Luis have you tried a Panda Express burrito yet? Had one and was thinking of you    06/27/24  (2)
If a real dictator walked out on debate stage now US would embrace him    06/27/24  (4)
*Jeeps slowly pulling away from debate venue*    06/27/24  (13)
πŸͺ Kamala Time πŸͺ    06/27/24  (1)
Rate this Democratic Underground debate analysis - link    06/27/24  (4)
Biden makes a good point about incest rape    06/27/24  (8)
RFK Jr. watching the debate: "this guy sounds like shit."    06/27/24  (4)
Hillary getting up off the shitter and waddles toward an unmarked SUV    06/27/24  (6)
Van Jones is talking about Biden like it's an old dog you're going to put down    06/27/24  (3)
we are fucked    06/27/24  (2)
I kinda have a crush on Kate Bedingfield now    06/27/24  (1)
HuffPo tweet: Inlaw rape is like real and widespread    06/27/24  (3)
Cue the libs "they're both terrible," cope tweets.    06/27/24  (1)
libs on twitter are really mad cnn didn't do Biden's job for him, rill mad    06/27/24  (1)
where is the best post debate analysis    06/27/24  (7)
RSF please explain why you and your Jewish family donated to much to Biden    06/27/24  (1)
All media having consensus that Biden needs to be replaced means it’s happenin    06/27/24  (4)
Van Jones: it’s time for party to figure out a different way forward if Biden    06/27/24  (1)
Dems should be ashamed for abusing dementia Joe    06/27/24  (3)
Reminder: this debate is meaningless because of ballot harvesting    06/27/24  (19)
do you think Gruesome Newsom will beat Orange Retard?    06/27/24  (1)
25th Amendment    06/27/24  (1)
Okay Biden you won. Don’t fuck it up.    06/27/24  (4)
Lib media in a complete meltdown calling for Biden to be replaced holy shit    06/27/24  (1)
Turns out that libs? They're not liberal at all    06/27/24  (5)
Worried libs are going to pull some dirty shit with the upcoming candidate swap    06/27/24  (1)
"He's a 20 cap, folks. And that's forward tees and picking up inside the leather    06/27/24  (1)
America is now in the *Weekend at Bernies* stage    06/27/24  (71)
What can I expect POST Debate?    06/27/24  (1)
CNN: Dump Biden movement has started - link    06/27/24  (1)
they're definitely swapping him out for newsom right?    06/27/24  (4)
This changes nothing.    06/27/24  (7)
Things just haven’t been the same online since panda expression retired    06/27/24  (2)
πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ Univision chat oficial de 27 de junio debate πŸ‡²πŸ‡½    06/27/24  (5)
Bark Association says Labradors bill “Homeward Bound viewing” to client    06/27/24  (6)
to be fair, biden only had 10 days to prep for the debate    06/27/24  (1)
What can I expect POST Autoadmit?    06/27/24  (2)
Ok, I'm officially tired of winning    06/27/24  (71)
What can I expect POST Divorce?    06/27/24  (64)
libs in complete meltdown mode lmaaaaaao    06/27/24  (1)
“Sorry, he has a cold” lmfao    06/27/24  (4)
A Certain Dog appearing on Mt. Rushmore in photo from the future as President Tr    06/27/24  (8)
Obeezy get out here and wiggle your ass skyward    06/27/24  (1)
MSNBC: Dem powerbrokers discussing whether Biden should remain nominee    06/27/24  (1)
*****OFFICIAL 6/27/2024 TRUMP BIDEN DEBATE THREAD*****    06/27/24  (154)
It's made for finches, but humans can drink it too.    06/27/24  (2)
not sure what you're worse at joe golf or looting this country for foreign jews    06/27/24  (1)
Tucker Carlson just MURDERED an AZNgirl on Live TV    06/27/24  (117)
Drudge: "Debate catastrophe, operation replace Biden"    06/27/24  (1)
🚨Biden will be dropping out in the next two weeks 🚨    06/27/24  (12)
FCC fining CNN for broadcasting live anal rape of an elderly man    06/27/24  (1)
Iron pipes    06/27/24  (1)
*** TONITE'S DEBATE WINNER: AIPAC ***    06/27/24  (2)
I think it’s safe to say Biden took the win on this debate.    06/27/24  (8)
"He takes a mulligan on every hole, folks. He calls it a malarkey..."    06/27/24  (2)
Trump: Biden made 1000x Charlottesvilles. xo conflicted.    06/27/24  (1)
MSNBC: "Biden seemed nervous, knowing the stakes of this election."    06/27/24  (2)
Good night we're going to win    06/27/24  (1)

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