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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Trump going to win New York    07/12/24  (2)
Reminder, consuela mocked cancer treatment tp, said his fam deserved penury    07/12/24  (94)
Hard-working, Low Income Gen Xers    07/12/24  (8)
It's unreal how bad divorce effects you    07/12/24  (48)
Hot mom of kids’ friends just propositioned me- how to respond?    07/12/24  (7)
"Big Boy" press conference may go down as an all time campaign-ending joke    07/12/24  (7)
Gym Bros: Rubber Or Iron Plates?    07/12/24  (45)
guy playing music while golfing, skiing, hiking, etc    07/12/24  (5)
This board is mine! Yeeew hawww fsgs    07/12/24  (10)
10 held by H for the Big Boy    07/12/24  (1)
good morning    07/12/24  (6)
just kicked a chick out of my house for being on her period    07/12/24  (2)
I need some fucking Asian pussy STAT    07/12/24  (1)
RATE These XO Poasters (PIC):    07/12/24  (2)
Yeah hon gotta wake up early to work on my 'side hustle' *fires up xo*    07/12/24  (4)
Pics of 180 GORGEOUS XO CHINA 🐼    07/12/24  (4)
🚨 Holy Shit 🚨 New Eminem album is 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Culture shifting art Li    07/12/24  (12)
i cant take being alive anymore, i want out    07/12/24  (1)
had a 30 yr old chick tell me she 'only' fucked ~40 dudes the other day lol    07/12/24  (50)
'LOL, these REDDITORS are PROLE as SHIT,' he snarled, his greasy payot jiggling    07/12/24  (5)
AZNman Circus Clown caught selling BOIPUSSY to undercover cop for $100    07/12/24  (4)
Milk truck jus arrive: Alexandria Daddario pregnant    07/12/24  (1)
mass literacy is evil    07/12/24  (17)
See ur ass on the pelaestra, faggot    07/12/24  (3)
Some people just live their lives, some engage in blackmail-control schemes    07/12/24  (2)
so piecing together the "Bbooom" situation, he is legit disabled on welfare?    07/12/24  (13)
Based take (based in Tel Aviv)    07/12/24  (4)
"Stab in the back legend" "blood libel"    07/12/24  (2)
Elaborate scapegoat procurement and preparation    07/12/24  (5)
"relationships take wor-" "no thanks"    07/12/24  (20)
Explain the resurgence of Italians in men's tennis    07/12/24  (2)
Xo fucking sucks    07/12/24  (3)
where is your life going    07/12/24  (3)
XO Modi to start selling artillery shells to Russia    07/12/24  (1)
We WANT them to come in LEGALLY -- like USHA Vance! Ooh-SHA *over-enunciates*    07/12/24  (9)
guten tag    07/12/24  (3)
None of this is fucking funny    07/12/24  (7)
Why does nyuug use words like fucktarded and lollercausting from middle school    07/12/24  (26)
girlboss grindset    07/12/24  (10)
comment with your favorite food and subscribe for more    07/12/24  (1)
CFB 25 will put Xbox back in the lead, possibly win it the gen    07/12/24  (1)
I feel ripped off, thought evan39 was a working man, stacking cash    07/12/24  (3)
40yo trucker regrets quitting job to get NYU political science degree    07/12/24  (28)
Jewish sorcery human chattel shitstate    07/12/24  (1)
Jen Psaki saying "you can do more" while you go down on her    07/12/24  (34)
Chiefs are fraud pieces of shit..fraud Reid walks away from fraud Kermit Mahomo    07/12/24  (1)
Doobs putting a "Virgin General's Warning" on packs of condoms    07/12/24  (1)
🚨🚨🚨 MARKETS CRASHING 🚨🚨🚨    07/12/24  (18)
are you a boy or a girl today?    07/12/24  (1)
strap on you’re diaper, it’s Friday    07/12/24  (4)
what is GOY Superstar's current moniker and T-cell count?    07/12/24  (1)
virtually all Black-on-white crime is justified    07/12/24  (1)
Hope every single kike freak on this shithole winds up in a shallow grave    07/12/24  (4)
CNN: top dems think Biden's withdrawal is inevitable - link    07/12/24  (10)
"No, log them out after nine seconds" (rach)    07/12/24  (173)
luis’s soiled panties    07/12/24  (1)
evan39 and Bbooom have engaged in crossover diaper posting, strong evidence    07/12/24  (2)
Boom don't forget we're the "same" poaster    07/12/24  (2)
I'm going on on the very top! I'm getting last laugh on all FRAUDS(Boom)    07/12/24  (1)
Why should I care what a bunch of internet frauds think? After being cheated?    07/12/24  (1)
We all agree that there was a multiverse time rip after 9/11, right?    07/12/24  (27)
i dont get why benzo of all people is so pro israel/jews    07/12/24  (11)
It's ok to be named swift with no education steal billions with jew father=fuck    07/12/24  (1)
Xo is either flame 🔥 or clueless or a bit of both..but it's cute    07/12/24  (1)
Cuming up on 16 years unemployed hehe f    07/12/24  (8)
it’s weird that spaceporn, a generational genius, is so reliably pwned here    07/12/24  (7)
ITT you describe the best and worst sex you ever had    07/12/24  (5)
No one here ljl    07/12/24  (11)
Lol at paying 4k mo for roach infest studio/1bd in cold hellhole coastal shithol    07/12/24  (1)
   07/12/24  (1)
You can talk to yoir fraud self here..the world 🌎 is all fraud dieeee    07/12/24  (3)
evan39 even this fraud will make the NFL like his fraud brother and Kermit    07/12/24  (5)
evan39 u can have this beautiful place in Bilox=lost to do of suffer like these    07/12/24  (3)
Wake the fuck up you lying 🤥 scumbag frauds! All frauds stealing trillions    07/12/24  (5)
🚨 Costco is increasing membership fees 🚨    07/12/24  (20)
How is Monte Kiffin still employed?    07/12/24  (3)
You're getting ripped off the south is 180000&you can still live the dream    07/12/24  (4)
3:30am, a Seattle grocery PA system. "Chapter 1 The industrial revolution and it    07/12/24  (158)
Reading Mein Kampf is pretty shocking for the already redpilled    07/12/24  (186)
Nicholas Cage is on his 3rd Asian wife    07/12/24  (1)
Lol    07/12/24  (1)
Haga    07/12/24  (1)
People only care about fraud shit that doesn't matter anyway    07/12/24  (1)
Fag    07/12/24  (1)
Video of Trump just putting some candy on a trick or treat kid's head    07/12/24  (33)
The numbers are a lie..it's all fake..they just steal all of your shit    07/12/24  (1)
Rock n roll peaked in the 1960s    07/12/24  (3)
1 upright man among 1000 have I found; but a woman among all those I found not 1    07/12/24  (8)
Yids calling Palestinians a "death cult" because their subjectified slave state    07/12/24  (16)
Older incelmos- do you eventually just get over loneliness/desire for intimacy?    07/12/24  (6)
Mine clearing, mechanized assault, dismount, trench assault. On video.    07/12/24  (3)
One more pull on the HellHorn    07/12/24  (1)
   07/12/24  (1)
This is obviously all rigged&a lie..gas prices down everything manipulated    07/12/24  (3)
Chiefs are a joke evan39..beat Kermit had to "face" is Purdy fraud    07/12/24  (1)
evan39 NFL&college football a joke..here's Purdys bro blowing the season    07/12/24  (1)
Sickening..and it's all fraud evan39    07/12/24  (3)
NFL thooooo hard 2 maek..best Kermit had to face was Purdy scrub?    07/12/24  (1)
NFL thoroughly hard Kermit fraud faced no one beat was Purdy scurb    07/12/24  (1)
Purdys fraud brother blowing season at Nebraska..college&NFL RIGGED    07/12/24  (1)
Lib Friend Went Hiking In The Him/Herlayas    07/12/24  (7)
if you had to live off one <$10 fast food combo meal daily what would it be?    07/12/24  (8)
Revealed my NW to my wife, and I feel bad    07/12/24  (16)
Toxic tampons..why not more threads?    07/12/24  (5)
Divorce rates amongst interracial couples    07/12/24  (42)
reminder: ignore nyuug    07/12/24  (8)
can we renew our commitment to entirely ignore nyuug?    07/12/24  (27)
ITT we enter into a NEW COMPACT to completely IGNORE nyuug    07/12/24  (7)
In your prime, could you run a 4.6 40 yard dash?    07/12/24  (7)
You don't know who you're truly talking to;)    07/12/24  (4)
Do you not agree that women are the root of all evil?    07/12/24  (27)
rate these Gen Z girl bosses (pic)    07/12/24  (9)
why won’t nyuug poast video of him having sex with a “girl”    07/12/24  (5)
6yo niglet only worried about his phone after seeing uncle shot to death (video)    07/12/24  (4)
A bunch of shit is rigged&u know it..the actual "best" are a threat    07/12/24  (4)
Bbooom and OYT got laughed out of Turkey for being bald beyond salvageability    07/12/24  (2)
Why are you continuing to give into this fraud? Ahhhh    07/12/24  (3)
"Generations" don't exist "gen z"=fraud    07/12/24  (1)
Recommend a good Windows laptop for work/business    07/12/24  (60)
*sips coffee* 'so, i see here on your resume you 'pwned spaceporn', 2017-2023?'    07/12/24  (1)
Any even avg girl can put on tights get millions of viewers subscribers    07/12/24  (4)
OYT is hairless    07/12/24  (6)
...    07/12/24  (1)
Holy shit nyuug “speaks Korean at a 1st grade level”    07/12/24  (350)
Top 5 countries with the hottest women    07/12/24  (34)
Krassenstein Bros ran Ponzi schemes, assets seized by Feds    07/12/24  (2)
brehs can we talk about the fact that nyuug = Chaebong Hyung/virgin/NOWAG?    07/12/24  (13)
Philly man sought by police after woman claims "he nutted on my leg" (video)    07/12/24  (3)
whok: u in Perth?    07/12/24  (1)
Ogre Battle    07/12/24  (1)
something about nyuug's repetitive posting makes me lose my fucking mind    07/12/24  (21)
Korean Constitutional Court just upheld Petition to Ignore NYUUG    07/12/24  (5)
Any theories why Kamala torpedo'd her own POTUS bid?    07/12/24  (10)
omg Becky the way he ranted abt Rome and white replacement for 7 hrs    07/12/24  (1)
CHAEBONG HYUNG    07/12/24  (2)
<><><> LOL fucktarded chaebong hyung gookbot NOWAG <><><>    07/12/24  (2)
gookcel    07/12/24  (1)
Greeks are not white! hth    07/12/24  (36)
CHINAboy TEEN on motorbike yelled at me "Furk You!" today    07/12/24  (18)
Nazi troll rats!    07/12/24  (14)
can we enter a COMPACT to entirely IGNORE nyuug?    07/12/24  (335)
I would respect NYUUG if he would just admit to being a virgin    07/12/24  (28)
You're supposed to ignore Nyuug idiots    07/12/24  (13)
XO Home Gym Bros: Barbells And Plates Advice    07/12/24  (6)
Any reason to strive if you can bang hot girls w/o $$$??    07/12/24  (21)

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