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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Let’s a have a music thread: what are you listening to these days?    09/09/24  (6)
Tim Walz in his All-American living room reading PRAVDA circa 1989    09/09/24  (1)
"You can't relax at $1.5 mil" seems like flame    09/09/24  (45)
"MAGA is your weird cousin at Thanksgiving" Walz said from Lenin's mausoleum    09/09/24  (5)
Wife Complaining 3yo Son Is Biggest In His Class & Should Be w 4s    09/09/24  (14)
Rate Dave Bautista On & Off steroids (pic)    09/09/24  (2)
How do I tell my gf that I'm uncomfortable with her choices without seeming cont    09/09/24  (3)
Red lines of the counter-elite    09/09/24  (94)
Walz: like I always say to my players before a game, „Proletarier aller Lände    09/09/24  (2)
Tim Walz at ur Thanksgiving: 'And then I told Gorbachev, glasnost seems misguide    09/09/24  (2)
Tim Walz, as American as a Ural sidecar motorbike on an unpaved urban road    09/09/24  (2)
Seems completely obvious that Kamala will melt down in the debate    09/09/24  (18)
Remember when libs thought Kamala was going to win?    09/09/24  (11)
I’ve never had a dream with black or brown people in it    09/09/24  (1)
"sex nerd" pointing to her meat flaps, referring to them as pudenda    09/09/24  (7)
GunneraTTT getting bags of dogshit thrown at his car by vodka gf    09/09/24  (5)
JD Vance should be giving a speech in Springfield Ohio every single night    09/09/24  (3)
Oh look the 9/11 profiteer Jew is bragging about daddy's blood money again    09/09/24  (4)
HagglePeople seem to be very active today. Why(((?)))    09/09/24  (2)
Mouse utopia: the males turn gay, obsess on preening. Females kill kids    09/09/24  (7)
Driving Sysco truck like flying a B-25 for GC.    09/09/24  (20)
How are the Detroit Lions winning with a meathead head coach?    09/09/24  (4)
"Senator, I was there for surrealist poasting and bonhomie. I was unaware of the    09/09/24  (15)
Woke up absolutely LMAOING re MSU's $95 million man "Mel Tucker"    09/09/24  (4)
Nate Silver: The mistakes of 2019 could cost Harris the election    09/09/24  (51)
how would a talmudic scholar approach the trolley problem    09/09/24  (10)
I gave up my whole life to be miserable and surrounded by fighting screaming    09/09/24  (6)
My ex masturbated on me when I was asleep    09/09/24  (12)
All your energy goes to ME    09/09/24  (2)
ARISE WAGECUCKS! Another week of service to your ratfaced masters awaits!    09/09/24  (333)
*Sysco truck slowly driving up Amsterdam Av on Sunday, spraying Hollandaise hose    09/09/24  (63)
"American" Shot Dead By IDF. L'chaim!    09/09/24  (6)
don't worry libs - times poll gives you a 0.2% chance of winning    09/09/24  (5)
Kamalamentum posters have been decimated by the past few days    09/09/24  (1)
FYI, “MAN SCENT” is mostly just piss, shit, sweat, and yeast, HTH    09/09/24  (2)
Wrassler | Moardongz | JimmyPop    09/09/24  (19)
SouTTTheast Asia discussion thread with richard clock and Tommy Turd    09/09/24  (97)
Wife Is Low Energy & Thinks Im Woman bc I Assign Her Tasks & Don't Like Her Idle    09/09/24  (11)
MFH Bros: Identify This Jumbo Pizza Slice (PIC) #tennis    09/09/24  (4)
I'm worth 10000k    09/09/24  (1)
Reunited 2 Live Crew Takes Vulgar Aim at Kamala Harris (link)    09/09/24  (1)
work wife said she loves me    09/09/24  (145)
Amazing detail about the "teen" who tried to carjack Sotomayor    09/09/24  (1)
Max IQ to not have gotten a religious exemption to avoid getting fired for novax    09/09/24  (10)
Dupa, rate this redditors EDC haul    09/09/24  (16)
Wealthiest Poaster? CSLG? RSF? Epah?    09/09/24  (64)
How dumb do u have to be to STILL be getting covid booster shots    09/09/24  (9)
High Ashkenazi IQ: Worst all-time owners in NFL, NBA and MLB are Jews    09/09/24  (13)
When Trump wins JD will make sure no lib ever "votes" again    09/09/24  (1)
Beak squad lock in    09/09/24  (2)
Sinner will 100% win the US Open    09/09/24  (28)
🚨GJR important thread🚨    09/09/24  (5)
Kamala leading by 4 points nationally    09/09/24  (1)
harrison was actual irl tweaker trash I knew    09/09/24  (5)
Trump claims 20% of early votes so far in PA are fraudulent (there are none)    09/09/24  (4)
btw everyone does know that jag tp is indian right    09/09/24  (35)
AI was the last boom for millennials and you missed it    09/09/24  (2)
Disco Fries why is your wife such a raging shitlib    09/09/24  (1)
xo poasting strike until rach comes back and makes big changes    09/09/24  (1)
You can't teach Height, champ.    09/09/24  (6)
Working hard is flame    09/09/24  (4)
Remember when my Handle was “Joseph R Biden”    09/09/24  (1)
RSF in yarmulke next to Jewish mom in temple: "You are mistaking key details"    09/09/24  (9)
Don't think I'll get remarried till my son is grown.    09/09/24  (3)
You’re a short man, you come from short people    09/09/24  (5)
Conor Stalions doc on Netflix is pretty good    09/09/24  (1)
RSF what are you invested in rn    09/09/24  (13)
jcm here, rating poasters as characters from david lynch's universes    09/09/24  (62)
ITT: Tracking Trump's rise in PredictIt odds from 45% to 100%    09/09/24  (23)
I am a Liberal    09/09/24  (4)
Cernovich: Is Catholic charities destroying America, not Jews. Twitter anon:    09/09/24  (1)
The Tastes of Another Man!: SPY is up this morning!!!    09/09/24  (1)
Should I move to Fresno    09/09/24  (15)
NIU huskiedoods🐾 over ND week 2?    09/09/24  (24)
You’re a bad man, you come from bad people    09/09/24  (18)
Dying a slow painful death from obesity secondary to severe mental illness    09/09/24  (5)
“I’ll have the Sysco Slop, please. And the lady will have the Sysco Slop as    09/09/24  (8)
good morning    09/09/24  (3)
Light brown skinned women    09/09/24  (1)
Dying of liver failure. Anyone have questions before I go?    09/09/24  (63)
Hey libs gravity has been solved    09/09/24  (1)
How do you live without small talk with your black barber?    09/09/24  (1)
How do you tolerate small talk with your barber?    09/09/24  (59)
Tommy would you marry this turd freelance attorney?    09/09/24  (2)
🚨🚨🚨 HYMAN up 328% on OTCMKTS 🚨🚨🚨    09/09/24  (2)
Kuwait Is Awash in Oil Money. But It Can’t Keep the Power on.    09/09/24  (36)
how much does RSF spend per month?    09/09/24  (101)
Hyman, My Man    09/09/24  (5)
Consumer fans with bare/shiny metal blades went out of style at some point    09/09/24  (1)
Tucker Carlson’s next podcast guest is Sam Hyde    09/09/24  (35)
Birdshits post WW2 made HUGE mistake embracing the Welfare State    09/09/24  (13)
Evan hire me at your law grocery store    09/09/24  (18)
the muslims who worship a black cube in mecca are they worshiping saturn?    09/09/24  (3)
Bobby Birdshit is my name; climbing Teewinot is my game    09/09/24  (2)
I haven't gone outside all day in TTT JAKARTA    09/09/24  (129)
You are a Birdshit    09/09/24  (5)
The Sysco truck cries out in pain as it slops you    09/09/24  (8)
I got these off a dead Russian major    09/09/24  (3)
Life is incredibly difficult, even in the mundane    09/09/24  (2)
Restaurants with huge menu selections are just reheating frozen Sysco slop right    09/09/24  (6)
"Senator, my blank bump was clearly intended to indicate dissent against the poa    09/09/24  (33)
"OMG Becky! He snidely derides all restaurant food as Sysco Slop! so hot"    09/09/24  (24)
Get back to fucking work and make me more money    09/09/24  (2)
would you order an ironically named "sysco slop" dish?    09/09/24  (4)
Biz idea: GamePass but for Sysco slop    09/09/24  (3)
When the earth opens up and swallows your distant progeny, you'll still owe    09/09/24  (1)
Pepperoni and tilapia burrito w/ a flour tortilla sysco frozen meal is 180.    09/09/24  (29)
When your children's children are consumed into the ground, you'll still owe    09/09/24  (1)
When your bones are ground into dust, you'll still owe    09/09/24  (2)
I feel physically revolted knowing 99.99% of restaurants are Sysco slop    09/09/24  (36)
I'm owed and you're going to pay    09/09/24  (1)
Any1 else going to restaurant for some Sysco Goyslop tonight ?    09/09/24  (6)
Living in this fucking faggot country is worse than burning in hell    09/09/24  (3)
TT. Tell me about DaNang. Thoughts on its food, beach, safety, etc?    09/09/24  (5)
There are people in this world so ugly even god won't forgive    09/09/24  (9)
about to hit 40k X followers, surreal    09/09/24  (7)
The Spamming Hour    09/09/24  (1)
Your secrets are dying with you in the grave    09/09/24  (1)
Your mom's unconditional love is going to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your dad telling you he's proud of you once in your entire life is going to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Walking down the aisle and seeing your bride is going to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Watching your kids first steps is going to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your first kiss is going to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your first crush is going to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your memories of childhood sunshine go to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your dying breath in agony goes to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your whimpering in the dark alone goes to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your fish and chips go to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your milkshake and fries go to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your hopes and fears and dreams go to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your midnight prayers go to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your letters to Santa go to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your uncle diddling your cousin goes to ME    09/09/24  (1)
The crickets making love in your floorboards goes to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your mom getting dicked down by your faggot dad goes to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your kid sister's fantasy life goes to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Your tiny pink dick throbbing around in your girlfriend goes to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Every minute of your life, makes me rich    09/09/24  (1)
Every bead of sweat on your brow, belongs to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Every dollar you make, goes to ME    09/09/24  (1)
Press X to work hard for ME    09/09/24  (1)
Every single one    09/09/24  (1)
Every single thing    09/09/24  (1)
Every single thing you do, makes me money    09/09/24  (1)
All you faggots work for me    09/09/24  (1)
India $4 TRILLION GDP Waiting Room🦎    09/09/24  (1)
Jouncy, forgotten 80's pop music    09/09/24  (1)
In your sleep, in your dreams, while you're awake    09/09/24  (1)
Demon niggers crawling out of the walls sending you to hell    09/09/24  (1)

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