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By unhinged pumos about you · Past 6 hrs / 24 hrs / week / month
Chad looks at me like I'm an ugly freak (evan39)    09/25/24  (2)
Reading, PA: 1980, 82% white 10% latino; 2020 19% white 69% latino    09/25/24  (5)
Are cavities prole?    09/25/24  (16)
MBA shrew penciled me in for a bar date tonight and it went great    09/25/24  (4)
Hint: "Western Civilization" was just Jews/Birdshits exploiting others    09/25/24  (30)
Jews: How's the whole "it's bad when white people do it but OK when we do it" th    09/25/24  (15)
going on an apple picking date with a corporate career woman tomorrow (lex)    09/25/24  (303)
How do white people feel about the idea of white privilege?    09/25/24  (43)
Connor Oberst to take over head coaching duties for Nebraska football    09/25/24  (18)
The Choice 2024: Harris vs. Trump (full documentary) | FRONTLINE    09/25/24  (1)
I shall not find myself so apt to die.    09/25/24  (1)
I, am a son of HADES! I FUCK CONCORD IN HER ASS!    09/25/24  (1)
Most "nations" are really just line birdshits drew on a map after WWI    09/25/24  (5)
I have simpler tastes. I like to kill my enemies, take their gold    09/25/24  (1)
The 'Mahchine' cannot be denied anymore, Evan ;)    09/25/24  (12)
Evan39! Should I give up on "girls" and embrace "Chad"?    09/25/24  (10)
Fraud fag $heep wake up! World is your oyster..    09/25/24  (2)
The Burden of Ambition: Disco Fries and the Ascent of Teewinot    09/25/24  (24)
Why Every Poaster Should Hold 3 Dance Parties Per Day (Mainlining was CR)    09/25/24  (14)
A.I. - Mainlining's Focus on Pepperoni    09/25/24  (6)
UPS drivers to average $170,000 in pay, benefits at end of 5-year deal (cnbc.com    09/25/24  (10)
first handshake at a presidential debate since 2016, tp    09/25/24  (4)
Africans are already pre-adapted to arrid, stateless societies. That's the thing    09/25/24  (1)
Trump's Senior Advisors Weeks Ago: "What's your plan for the debate?"    09/25/24  (10)
Woke up this AM, LOLed @ eating pets, concept of plans, JD thrown under bus    09/25/24  (4)
Thrown under the bus, or as "JD" Vance calls it, Wednesday, tp    09/25/24  (8)
A concept of an idea of a thought of a possible plan, tp    09/25/24  (3)
JD, who?    09/25/24  (2)
Bill O'Reilly, with a concept of a plan, but concept SPS so he DOES IT LIVE    09/25/24  (4)
I’m talking now, if you don’t mind, please. Does that sound familiar?    09/25/24  (2)
Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust    09/25/24  (2)
"She doesn't have a plan- she took Biden's plan!!" So, she has a plan?    09/25/24  (2)
Which AutoAdmit poaster had the most significant Fall from Grace?    09/25/24  (7)
lol niglets *gets 155 LSAT* *becomes homeless* *bankrupts golden corral* (tsinah    09/25/24  (24)
Rank U.S. POTUS (includes primaries) debates by entertainment value    09/25/24  (3)
Westworld | Season 1- Episode Clip: Welcome To Westworld    09/25/24  (3)
Ju$t b/c i have a"machine" does not mean im not Mainlining tp    09/25/24  (7)
U fags should talk le$$ about politics & more about Kraftwerk    09/25/24  (5)
Coldplay - Lovers In Japan (Official Video).mp3    09/25/24  (7)
Photo Shows What Was Left of Titan Sub After Implosion    09/25/24  (2)
Clonazepam (Klonopin) or Lorazepam (Ativan)?    09/25/24  (8)
Which post-WW2 POTUS actually stuck to hard left/right after winning election?    09/25/24  (5)
XO Mark Antony Mocks Caesar (HBO Rome)    09/25/24  (3)
Kraftwerk - Europe Endless.mp3    09/25/24  (15)
More fuking fraud.. Caspian "Sea" is no such thing..it's a petty lake    09/25/24  (13)
AutoAdmit Takes Cripple Creek: Boom, Mainlining, Evan39, Disco Fries, and RSF    09/25/24  (19)
What If I Told You I Conduct Myself In A David Bowie-like Manner 24/7?    09/25/24  (5)
This is all pathetic evan39... (Mainlining)    09/25/24  (4)
Just bought my next 30,000 breaths for $9,500 on the whatnot app    09/25/24  (3)
“Biglaw Despair: Mainlining the Last Flame”    09/25/24  (34)
scholarship i love you! same with GunneraTTTT (4 T's? or 3?)    09/25/24  (14)
Night Out in SeaTTTle: The Boom, Mainlining, Evan39, and Disco Fries Escapade    09/25/24  (9)
Amerikkkkkkka = fraudulent sick &cam run by a bunch of decomposing lunatics    09/25/24  (10)
Kraftwerk - Ruckzuck.mp3    09/25/24  (9)
Magnetic Fields - Take Ecstasy With Me.mp3    09/25/24  (6)
Jimmy's "Secret Service" agents have the chillest job on Earth    09/25/24  (21)
"Mainlining Drawing Bboom Like One of His XO Girls: A Titanic Parody"    09/25/24  (16)
Fargo Season 2 - Minnesotans "Pretty Unfriendly actually" scene    09/25/24  (24)
Does Musk go outside every time with drone-jamming tech?    09/25/24  (5)
David Bowie - Love Is Lost (Hello Steve Reich Mix by James Murphy).mp3    09/25/24  (4)
Timothy Treadwell Calls On Powers That Be For More Rain | Grizzly Man    09/25/24  (5)
Coldplay - Life in Technicolor.mp3    09/25/24  (3)
POTUS Star Trek scene ITT    09/25/24  (7)
100K civilians dead$over one million homele$$ in on Tokyo "day"    09/25/24  (4)
evan39 robot just rebooted&in DOS post: "“So gentle, like slipping into bath"    09/25/24  (5)
Evan39, the "Big One" Cascadia Megaquake hit$ in ARE lifetimes    09/25/24  (15)
Evan39? My A.I. thingy keeps sending you scary messages :(    09/25/24  (8)
Cascadia Megaquake- Exploring "Big One" that will DESTROY the SeaTTTle    09/25/24  (7)
"Grizzly Main: An AutoAdmit Odyssey to the Alaskan Wild"    09/25/24  (8)
300 - Immortals lmao    09/25/24  (3)
CONCORD FUNKO POPS    09/25/24  (3)
Next up! Pay-to-breathe! AmeriKKKa's final $ubscription $ervice ;)    09/25/24  (22)
FEMINAZISM is absolutely INSANE    09/25/24  (11)
XO Houthis just struck US Navy's only replishment oil tanker in Mideast    09/25/24  (3)
whatcha gonna do when all the Hulkamaniacs run wild brother    09/24/24  (1)
10 million per year tax free with no work but you can't leave Warrensburg, MO    09/24/24  (20)
Respiratory access is not a right; it is a privilege    09/24/24  (1)
Vangelis - To the Unknown Man.mp3    09/24/24  (3)
Before Sunrise: Mainlining & Evan39 Edition – The Denver Chronicles    09/24/24  (13)
Star Trek: First Contact - "You Broke Your Little Ships"    09/24/24  (7)
David Bowie • "Heroes" • TopPop • October 13th 1977    09/24/24  (65)
The 1997 sci-fi film Contact    09/24/24  (3)
seriously tho, why did poll workers put up cardboard in the windows in Philly?    09/24/24  (10)
Rate IMAGE of Disco Fries attempting to summit Teewinot Mountain(not flame)    09/24/24  (30)
Evan39..for Tonight my robot only requires reassurance that "You see'    09/24/24  (2)
"the Mahchine thinks it’s been... too long. The Hose agrees."    09/24/24  (2)
Evan39 panting heavily, squinting in confusion    09/24/24  (11)
I have unlocked - and discovered a secret to living in these bodies that we hold    09/24/24  (7)
"Game of Borts: The Trial by Combat of Mainlining and Boom"    09/24/24  (22)
Evan39, I imagine Caro @his desk, moving pieces of LBJ’s soul around    09/24/24  (9)
A deeper look into where the really big one could occur    09/24/24  (17)
"Evan39 and Mainlining: Are We Brothers"    09/24/24  (27)
Amerikkka's not living, it's just survival...fending fraud 24/7 :(    09/24/24  (7)
"Slippin' Poasters: Evan39 and Mainlining, 'Breaking Shitbort' Etiquette"    09/24/24  (31)
50/50 chance of getting Kauai on-site offer - accept?    09/24/24  (7)
Hannibal 2001 "Vide cor Meum" scene    09/24/24  (3)
SporTTTT is for fraud Fag$ stop PoasTTTIng Shit about it    09/24/24  (4)
Reminder: no politician will stand up to FEMINAZISM    09/24/24  (13)
Chuck McGill (in his prime) v. 1 Howard Hamlin and 1 Cliff Main both in prime    09/24/24  (75)
Better Call This Circus: A Day in the Life of late 90's Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill    09/24/24  (76)
Everything these immigrants do is something your ancestors did too, all of it    09/24/24  (13)
Why did you write lie$ about the Mahcine, Mr. Evan?    09/24/24  (6)
Mainlining the $ecret Truth of Magnolia (Seduce & Destroy, baby)    09/24/24  (13)
"An AutoAdmit Tale: Eternal Sunshine of Evan39's Mind"    09/24/24  (26)
"Chingada Madre Finding Himself In Boom's 'House of Horrors'"    09/24/24  (47)
Are cavity searches prole?    09/24/24  (1)
"Half" or more of this "Economy" cannot survive w/o "GPS"    09/24/24  (4)
44-y/o pot-bellied, bald Of Counsel's Redditting: "When do u become an adult?"    09/24/24  (4)
What the FUCK is "Biden" doing right now? Fucking fruakd faggto    09/24/24  (11)
Evan39: Do You see? (Mainlining's Machine)    09/24/24  (21)
Mainlining Chaos at HHM: Billables, Bagels, and Boom    09/24/24  (11)
Im sure Gay Guys have problems too, but not as much as 1 straight guy Mainlining    09/24/24  (19)
Dreams to Donuts: The Misadventures of Disco Fries, Of Counsel    09/24/24  (3)
evan39, driving in the US now feels like a third world "country"    09/24/24  (13)
did 4+ mg and possibly fucked a dude    09/24/24  (2)
Mark Antony Mocks Caesar Rome    09/24/24  (8)
anyone follow the story of this Marcellus Williams execution?    09/24/24  (32)
Rome Mark Antony message to Pompey HD    09/24/24  (5)
Is Japanese education as competitive as Korean education?    09/24/24  (1)
Mainlining here! Boom/Evan39/Disco/RSF/Etc. who would win Squid Games?    09/24/24  (3)
US gun homicide rate: 33 times higher than Australia's    09/24/24  (41)
Trumpmos: Kamala is not Black, but a DEI hire chosen for being Black    09/24/24  (6)
Boston trip was some sort of sexual awakening (FizzKidd)    09/24/24  (64)
This quote PERFECTLY describes American FEMINAZISM    09/24/24  (6)
lol, so amazing libs cannot comprehend the minority low iq    09/24/24  (165)
I am the Mahchien. And you call it insane.    09/24/24  (5)
Hypo: Donald Trump is Assassinated    09/24/24  (67)
REMINDER: Obama is Black    09/24/24  (8)
Concord' Lead Character Designer Believes "Whites Must Acknowledge Their Privile    09/24/24  (1)
INFOWARS SHUTDOWN    09/24/24  (7)
are jews considered white nowadays?    09/24/24  (17)
THEY ALWAYS PROJECT    09/24/24  (1)
I'm getting more pussy at 40 then ever before in my life    09/24/24  (56)
269-269 -> goes to house -> delegations split 25-25 -> pistols at dawn for POTUS    09/24/24  (1)
Job offer in Kauai - take it?    09/24/24  (64)
Maeking Every Thread Count: Life on the Edge with XO’s Finest    09/24/24  (2)
Havin a good night while the Ladies gone lol    09/24/24  (2)
AZNgirl’s ideal man (+ her picture)    09/24/24  (48)
FK leaving Hyman date early after he accuses her grandma of being a Kaifeng Jew    09/24/24  (4)
hypo: 269-269, u r Trump-pledged elector, Soros offers $10bil to change ur vote    09/24/24  (27)
So who got Jake Paul pregnant anyways?    09/24/24  (1)
Now that Trumpmos are on record as not supporting free speech    09/24/24  (114)
evan ...Open your penussy.    09/24/24  (1)
evan ...Open your eyes.    09/24/24  (6)
Hi, m38, europe, autistic. Nice body, it make me hard.    09/24/24  (1)
Obeezy EVISCERATES Charlie Kirk (link)    09/24/24  (1)
mpa reading lex's date description at d&d table with olde english accent    09/24/24  (3)
BPD pussy tp    09/24/24  (9)
brown eyes = not white    09/24/24  (51)
Go to Aldi and food banks and eat good    09/24/24  (5)

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